"Hey hey hey hey!"

The beast's mouth let out a wild laugh

"No! No! It's getting slower and slower, woman, I'm going to eat you woman

The hoarse and weird old man's voice replaced Cang Yong's original voice, as if this body had gained another will, and replaced it bit by bit.

Cang Yong's physical body is still changing, and the turbid yellow animal eyes emit a strange light from her blood-stained face.

Something that was conceived in her body in the past is completely breaking out of the cocoon, and a more powerful, twisted and weird force is about to move.

"Attack rhythm, faster and faster!"

A burst of lightning-fast attacks struck her from the top of Qiao Jian's head, Cang Yong, no. Now it's just a pure corpse dog, and its movements are getting faster and faster.

Coincidentally, Bu Youshi also felt heavy blows coming from his sword blade that he had never endured before, squeezed like mountains and seas.

At this moment, there was a bang, as if something fell from the sky.

It was a figure, he should have jumped from the second floor, walking in this direction silently.

"Who is it? Could it be an ordinary person who accidentally bumped in." AWW C

Coincidentally glanced anxiously, she quickly realized that the visitor was not simple, and the other party's attire was also surprising.

It should be a man, with his whole body wrapped in a black overcoat. A magic headband and scarf are placed on his head, covering his entire face. He even wears leather gloves on his hands.

"Who is he?"

Coincidentally, Buyushi didn't know who it was, but just by the breath, he could feel that the other party was not the companion of the corpse dog, but an ordinary human being here.

"Get out of here... quick!

She shouted as loudly as she could, wanting to fight corpse dogs while protecting ordinary people at the same time, which she couldn't do now.

As if he didn't hear her words. The man quickened his pace, and in the next second, he was sprinting like a sensitive leopard.

What's even more frightening is that his body releases a strong "air pressure", which makes his body bigger and bigger in the eyes of outsiders, full of overwhelming power, sweeping in all directions.So fast! The man galloped forward with one leg as hard as he could, which was almost the same speed as when the corpse dog broke out.

A violent breath that could not be felt, formed a wind pressure, and rushed towards Ruo's dead dog.And the man-eating monster who turned into a corpse dog also felt a chill from freezing his back at this moment.

It was like a truck rushing towards him. The violent impact turned into a fierce fist and hit him.

Not to be outdone, "Corpse Dog" raised its fur-covered paws to block the blow, and at the same time, the whip-like bone blade was ready to strike like the tail of a poisonous scorpion.

It's just that "it" made a wrong judgment here, and it chose to block the blow with its claws

The moment the fist and the paw came into contact, it realized how stupid its intentions were.Fists and claws trembled slightly in the air, and in the next second, a force like a flash flood erupted directly along the Ruoshou melon, and it was like a wave, spreading along the contact surface of Ruoshou's claws as points. of the whole body.Amidst a series of clicking sounds, the hand was twisted, tilted, and broken.At the same time, another fist swung up in the next second, with the sound of wind and thunder, as if there was a mountain on his arm.

Room! Only the dull sound of beating was heard, and the incomparable fist force directly hit Cang Yong's lower abdomen.The dead dog's body flew out like a meteor, and directly hit the wall ten meters away, like a puddle of orchid mud, its huge body was limp and paralyzed.

The fist strength that contains the power of vibration seems to cut it off at the middle, and penetrates the power into the lower abdomen, and the intestines and organs are crushed into blood and flesh under this force.

Chapter 109

Fang Jing didn't hold back when he shot, he punched out with the "torrent" concussion force method, the punch has the power to destroy the dead, and his first punch is as powerful as a dragon. ζRefer to ↑ Ba ↑ Reading ↑ Book ζ is a blow that condenses physical fitness, energy, and will into one breath and strikes with all its strength

If "Corpse Dog" knew this, he would avoid the truth and pretend to be false. If he avoided this move, his attack would be eased, and most of his energy would be exhausted. Who would have thought that the first punch would break the arm of the corpse dog.As soon as the breath was cut off, and before the fresh air was inhaled, he threw out his first punch brazenly.

His body didn't move. The muscles and bones of his whole body were pulled, but the waist was used as the axis, and the strength was instantly exerted.

With a bang, the second punch hit the opponent's lower abdomen, and the terrifying force exploded from this "point", causing the corpse dog to be severely injured.

That's right, this is an absolutely fatal injury for ordinary people, but a corpse dog can also heal itself through abnormal regenerative power.

It is said that even if the head is cut off, or the heart is dug out, the corpse dog will not die.

It is said that the Yahuns tried to process the dead dog with a log crusher, but even if it was turned into minced meat, the flesh and blood wriggled like worms, desperately trying to stick together.That is a regenerative power that is different from conventional ones. Severed limbs can be regenerated, and damaged organs can also grow back.

"This kind of ability is really troublesome in duels, and the abnormal physical fitness alone has an overwhelming advantage over humans. Fang Jing completely changed his outfit and "picked up" a coat, scarf, and turban from the balcony of someone else's house Afterwards, he carried out a simple disguise. He did this mainly because he did not want to be noticed by the "Ibakari".His head was tightly packed, if he was not an acquaintance, he would naturally not be able to recognize his true face.In front of him, the dead dog that had been beaten into a mass of mud stood up unsteadily.The corpse dog's mouth opened suddenly. It spat out a puddle of minced meat, and it was unclear whether it was broken organs or blood clots.call out!

The ossified whip blade rushed towards Ruo Ruo's direction, it had a terrifying penetrating force, and the blow pierced through the ground.

Jing- jumped up, trying to step on the part of the guest on the ground with his feet, the corpse dog whipped quickly. The whip blade retracted with a snap, and the ground under his feet cracked and cracked. into countless fine lines.The bone whip is like a flexible poisonous snake, shrinking like a body, rushing forward again, rushing to his face, Fang Jing backhanded - Ji back fist to bend the attack direction.

Coincidentally, Buyushi didn't just stand still and watch the show. As a famous Yakari, she also had to complete her task of killing a dog with a cat.At this moment, her feet seemed to swell-down suddenly, and the ground made a loud noise, and she also rushed up from the side, jumping twice in a row, and killed the corpse dog in front of it.The little Tai Dao that happened to be very sharp, the corpse dog hurriedly used the ossified whip-blade grid to hold the Exorcism Knife.

"Hmph! Overwhelmed!"

What an enemy full of flaws!

With Yun Longliu's skills, he stepped on his feet and chased after him.This is an incomplete "sickle foot", he has not yet fully learned the gait that is as fast as a ghost and can sneak into the blind spot of others' sight, as if disappearing for a short time.

But even so, his movements were swift and violent like a flash of lightning, and now, the corpse dog had to deal with two enemies, one left and one right at the same time.

Wuwuwu let out a mournful howl from the corpse dog's throat.It took a full leap and flew to incredible heights.Not good! Fang Jing did not expect that the disadvantaged corpse dog would behave like a trapped beast.Coincidentally, seeing that Bu Youshi was inexperienced after all, the ossified whip blade curled up, and was pulled away at a tricky angle, knocking away the little Taidao in her hand.

And Fang Jing also clearly saw that the direction of the corpse dog jumping was in front of him, just like the wind and thunder, the speed of the pounce was far beyond what the naked eye could see.

In fact, even Fang Jing himself couldn't dodge it.

That thing rushed forward overwhelmingly with great impact.

Seeing the huge beast's mouth biting towards him, Fang Jing could only block it with both hands.

And his right forearm was bitten by the beast's mouth full of sharp teeth.

I was careless! I thought I was driving the other party to a desperate situation, but now it is me who has turned into a desperate situation.This guy is a corpse dog, an extraordinary monster.

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