"Sorry, it seems that there is a little trouble at the Aobanuma Research Institute!

"The ringing of the alarm bell probably means that some outsiders are trying to break into the institute.

"What?!" Laisu and Kitano looked at each other, looking at each other, after a long time, they finally understood the meaning of this sentence.

Fang Jing's current mood is pretty good. Some key information obtained from Budai Shikou has been decisively assisted.He first took back his "knife", then looked for a car parked on the side of the road in a big way.The owner of the car should have been attacked to death by a corpse dog, and he found the remote key from a male corpse.Only a small number of people in this offline party escaped alive. They fled the place by car, and more people died on the scene of the party.

"The newly sold mobile phone was lost in Suda's hands, and I don't know where he is now...

Forget it, there is no other information on that phone anyway.Fang Jing casually rummaged through the car, and accidentally found an old city map.

"Look at the picture to know the way! I hope I can get to Aoba smoothly... The trunk door makes a "boom boom" sound from time to time. It seems that something is pouring inside. If you look carefully, there are some blood stains coming from the trunk door. It flowed out from the gap in the lid... It was the unlucky corpse dog he stuffed in, it was beaten into a ball of rotten meat, and it was still desperately regenerating in the trunk.

That was one of the previous trio, and also belonged to the "Baini"-department's lower-rank corpse dog, and according to him, he was an ordinary person three months ago, and was found by the Baixian department through a secret webpage. The higher-level corpse dogs were screened out and transformed into lower-level corpse dogs. I don't know why, during this period of time, all sub-lines have been frantically transforming lower-level corpse dogs.Baixian was originally a small offspring with a quantity of no more than 9 horses. In just [-] months, the number has more than doubled. Expand your power.

"Isn't this a headache for me?" Fang Jing clearly knew what his goal was. He turned the car key, pressed the steering wheel, stepped on the steering wheel, and started the car directly.The next target is Aoba Numa, according to the method Bu Daishi told himself.

There are actually two ways to get rid of the marks on the neck, that is, the "marks of teeth and jaws".

"The corpse dog Demar didn't lie to me, as long as he finds the eldest son of the Phantom Jaw line, grabs the opponent's heart, and after swallowing it, he can directly break the mark.

This is also the most convenient method, as long as you kill the most powerful eldest son of the phantom jaw-family among the three major corpse dog departments, you can completely solve this trouble.From a practical point of view, it is also the most difficult way

The "Eldest Son" can be the future king's family, and its combat power surpasses ordinary elder-level corpse dogs. Needless to say, it is difficult to hunt and kill such existences.Most teeth will not consider this method.

The "Phantom Jaw Seal" is rare in the Phantom Jaw series. Among the three major series of curse marks against enemies, only the "Phantom Jaw" will use this method. It has been at least forty years, and it has never been used. Anyone unlucky to have encountered such a thing.Bu Daishi naturally didn't expect that there was such a hapless guy in front of him, so he continued to speak without interest: "The Yashou who has been marked by this kind of curse is mostly targeted by the phantom jaw, and has a deep hatred with Yasuo. It can be said that the two sides have formed a deep blood feud, even if the phantom jaw is extremely crazy, they will not easily deal with the curse of F on ordinary teeth. The second method Bu Daishi told him is simpler than the other methods This is the inside of the Kibakari Agency, a secret that only the older Kibakari knows.

"The second method can't completely expel this curse mark" can only alleviate the effect of "the seal of teeth and jaws" by nearly half. This method is more cruel, and currently only the internal organs

The second method is called "Bai Xi's method". To use this secret method, one must kill a psychic and take his heart for the ceremony. As long as the ceremony is successful, the "curse seal" will naturally be released

"The second way is to deal with the Yabusame family inside the Yashou Agency. This is the secret method of using rituals, and only the people of this family know all the rituals. To me, it's a bit numb. I didn't think too much about it. I went to the Aobama Research Institute first. Judging from the information revealed by the other party, the corpse dogs seem to have decided to do it today. From the perspective of time, it is also said that Demar Shilu has time If you are close, if you are lucky, you may just meet it.

He glanced at the skill block of the secret seal Shelob's Hand.

A sign appeared there: every time you kill a different species of life form, you will get 0.01 energy development feedback.

"Speaking of it, the more dead dogs kill, the energy value will also increase, but it's too stingy to only lose 0.01 of the energy attribute."

Chapter 184 Mist

In the deep summer, the originally sparse mountain forest also becomes green, and the sunlight leaks in through the gaps in the leaves.The unique humid air in the dense forest in the early morning.There are also fine dewdrops on the branches and grass, giving people a fresh and cool feeling.When we drove to the "Aoba-numa Research Institute", the sky had already dawned, and Fang Jing finally came to this mountain forest swallowed by the emerald green of fir trees after tossing around in the middle of the night.

There are several famous mountains in this area, and it is also a well-known area among mountaineering enthusiasts.Before I came here, I learned from previous information that this is a forest with a relatively large scale that people who are not veterans may die if they enter.However, the premise is that you go straight to the dangerous peaks of Ruuo, as long as you leave the main road and walk along the main route if Ruuo has repaired it, generally speaking, there will be no problem of getting lost.

"Building the research institute in such a place is really an unthinkable move.

However, due to the consideration of concealment, this approach is not unacceptable, but it is more difficult in terms of transportation.After driving the car into the woods away from the road, Fang Jing also got out of the car, and he picked up the map to identify it.

"Let's not talk about that, according to the memory in my mind and the map, it will take a lot of time to enter the mountain. To reach the location of Aoba Marsh, there is still a long detour.

Aoba-numa is a place name, and according to the information fed back from the Okamoto Information House, there is no official correction that it is "Aoba-numa Research Institute", and there is only one large building in the information given

.A pure white building that occupies a large area. Its purpose is unknown. There should be professional security personnel inside, so it is impossible to directly disclose related information.The Okamoto Intelligence Agency tried to investigate the origin of this building more progressively, but quickly hit a "wall" during the investigation process, which also made them realize that there was a very tricky background hidden behind this building, so they Reluctantly chose to give up.After Fang Jing got the news, he identified this area as the most suspicious.The chirping of cicadas makes people feel restless, and occasionally there are bursts of birds chirping.

From time to time, there was the sound of grass being plucked in the fir forest, and two figures - front and back, walked through the winding forest road.Tall trees-strains- stand upright, the crowns of the trees are straight and towering, and the shortest ones are [-] to [-] meters long. Like straight sticks, they grow out of the ground.There are large gaps between trees.The ground is full of dense yellow-green weeds and complicated vegetation. Some bare protruding green rocks are covered with mottled moss. A gray-backed grass lizard jumped on the rock. It moved its eyes flexibly and looked around. At that time. It heard something, and got into a crack in the rock in surprise.

In the next second, a foot wearing hiking shoes landed on the rock and easily jumped over it. ζ reference ↑ Ba ↑ read ↑ book ζ

"We've already walked more than ten kilometers, and there are still three kilometers left before we can reach Aoba Marsh." He took out the map and checked it, and compared the terrain. Tianzhu Moyin, who knows what he is doing, also knows what kind of situation he is in. Location. This is a mountain located on the west side of Gunma County, where it meets Niigata. It is called Mt. Kugawa, and it is very close to the National Park of Shangshin. To the west of the forest bordering the city, there are continuous mountain peaks. Its altitude is close to more than [-] meters above sea level. After entering the mountainous area, the climate in the area is changeable, and mountain disasters often occur. Tianzhu Moyin is more accustomed to life in the mountains than ordinary people. In order to practice hunting cats, she also stayed in the mountains. It takes a lot of time. Only in the remote mountains and forests are the most suitable for learning the art of Kangcang and Yashou's secret skills. For this purpose, each Ya must avoid human habitation, carry out long-term painstaking training, and in order to exercise physical fitness, rock climbing and mountain climbing Training for survival in the wild.

Tianzhu Moyin has no childhood memories, but when she recalls her past, there is probably only a tall and dark cliff.

"The executive department was completely indifferent, and the upper management didn't know what kind of considerations they were taking... She also entrusted a familiar friend to convey the information on the note to the director of the executive department, but it's a pity, until now There is no news at all. The situation in the mobile room has been rather abrupt in the past half month. The internal personnel are being "replaced" bit by bit, and familiar faces have been reassigned to the departments below.

She also heard that the struggle between the two upper-level factions was intensifying, but she didn't expect it to be so chaotic.

"There are still three kilometers...It sounds like a long way.

Qiao Jian Fu Yushi behind her was panting heavily, most of her physical strength was exhausted, and she was constantly replenishing water.

She obtained the "Xi Ming" in three days, and has officially obtained the "Teng Jian" among the twelve weapons. This is also the countermeasure of the upper echelons.

At this stage, the two swords of Xiongqi and Jiangliang should be seized by the corpse dog for the time being.

However, the Twelve Weapons are not ordinary blades. After the master of the weapon dies abnormally, the spirit of the weapon will be broken and transferred by itself, returning from the original "vessel" of the blade to the heart metal and iron managed by the Shenshen Room. It can be restored again after casting.

Even if Wu Zang and Liu Hai Tou Wu die, they will not cause the permanent loss of the Twelve Weapons.However, in order to replace the combat power, it is also an expedient strategy for Qiaojian Buyushi, who is still in the training period, to get the title of "Fazheluo".

Considering that this newly promoted "Master of Instruments" is too young and not mature enough in experience, Tianzhu Mo Yin was also arranged to be her mentor.Because she was also one of the insiders of the "note incident", she connected, but it was a pity that the phone could not be connected.

"The signal in the mountain area is very poor. If the two of them enter the forest where Aoba Marsh is located, the mobile phone will naturally be unable to connect. After realizing this, she set off at night and rushed to the nearby area as fast as possible. area. After arriving at the surrounding area, she also found a series of difficult difficulties, especially that she could not reach the Aobama Research Institute quickly. In terms of route planning, the only shortcut that is most feasible now is to turn over a big mountain. To be able to get close to the destination. Although there is a highway for traffic on the main line, but because the area was listed as a "special scenic spot and supernatural monument" five years ago, the exit of private cars is restricted based on the special environmental law .On this main road, only a small amount of tourist buses and bus lines are allowed to pass through it every day, but there are only a few shifts a day.

Laisu and his assistant, Kitano, greeted Kankamuro from the very beginning. First, they spent the whole night in a hot spring hotel prepared for climbers a few kilometers away from the mountainous area where Aoba-numa was located, and then borrowed it from the hotel staff. The car arrives at Aoba-numa Research Institute.

But now Tianzhu Moyin and Wu Jianbu Youshi probably don't have the time to spare.They can only climb over the mountains and go to the research institute at the fastest speed.

Taking out the compass to confirm the direction, Tianzhu Moyin decided to move on, they were already very close to the target location.Only at this time, an abnormal situation appeared. On the way to continue on the road, some very light smoke-like mist gradually appeared in the air.

Tens of minutes later, the fog began to get thicker and thicker, like strands of translucent threads floating in the dense forest. At the end, the fog was white, covering all the surrounding scenery, and the thick fog turned into a torrent, several meters away. The shape of the scene cannot be discerned.Tianzhu Moyin felt the abrupt and unnatural nature of the dense fog in the shortest time.

"Yeyan, Yeyao, the name of this place is really wonderful, and there is a burst of fog. Even if this is Kuchuanyue, the changes in the surrounding environment are too weird, right?"

Walking in the woods with deep vegetation, he jumped and took small steps, and a young girl was always following the boy named "Yeyan".The height of the young girl only reaches Yeyan's waist. Her skin is fair and delicate, she wears a white dress, with flat bangs on her forehead, and long straight and smooth black hair hanging down. -Han's big eyes fluttered Gang, who maintains a strong curiosity, is reminiscent of a young cat.

"I always feel that there is something uncomfortable and abnormal in this fog.

Her voice is clear and gentle, like a camping horse.

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