"I want to continue to maintain the Illusory Fog. I can't leave... Yuba, I remember that the Shuangju Zongzi has already gone to Aoba Marsh ahead of time. For safety reasons, you should go there too. So as not to obscure Huanzhai's side What troublesome dark chess. "Yes.

"Also, Tonggui, the work of guarding the perimeter is left to your bad horse army'. You have to do your best to prevent any hidden foreign aid from Yakari from intervening in the Hazama phantom mist'..

Dressed in a very old-fashioned way, the "child ghost" who looked like a little old man hesitated for a moment before sighing: "I'm sorry, everyone... It seems that someone broke in just now, my bad dog army is " The mutated corpse dogs carefully bred by "Tonggui", each of which is close to the superior species, in order to cultivate these mutant corpse dogs, Tonggui has spent painstaking efforts. Specially select pregnant women who are pregnant in October, and when they give birth. When it comes time to give birth, pregnant women can't completely transform, they will only have dystocia at birth and give birth—the stillborn babies in their womb after death are the embryonic bodies of the bad horse army, their potential Its ability is extremely strong, and it can form a considerable combat power within a few months after its birth.

Come on, you are a master in tooth hunting. "The few people here are not too surprised, let's not talk about the combat power of the bad horse army, just in this narrow phantom fog, the old people will even move abnormally, not to mention fighting against the powerful corpse dog Only a few strong men in Yahun can do this.

....It’s because our thinking was too simple. It’s strange that Yakari has been able to stand for many years without a few powerful figures!” The woman in black gauze continued: “Master Tsugumi, I think the power of the eldest son , There is no need to worry at all, it can be said that it is effortless to take the head of the Obscure Huanzhai in the Shenshenshi, it is better to let me, Mr. Yulai Laixitong, solve this little trouble.After hearing these words, Tong Gui just snorted coldly.

"No, Yuxie, let me take care of the east side, and you will continue to be responsible for the outer defenses...

As soon as the voice fell, a group of ghostly figures near the fire rose into the air with a "smell", and moved like apes on the treetops. Like a gust of wind blowing down a few fallen leaves, they disappeared into the distance in the blink of an eye. in the white mist.

"Master Yueyu

Kong, the girl in black gauze, let out a long cry, but the movement of that figure was so fast that she didn't hear her voice at all.

"Master Thrush, is this really good? If there is no one guarding this formation."

"It doesn't matter, you still go to help Shuangju Zongzi according to the original plan" - 2. Strength... There are me and Zhang Gui here in this formation, so the defense problem will not be too big.

Understood.The woman in black gauze stepped back respectfully.Although there were some small twists and turns and obstacles, the journey was smooth.After hammering the green monkey-colored dwarf to death, Fang Jing continued to stride forward, nothing could hinder his steps.He didn't know how long he had walked, and found that the fog in front of him was starting to lighten a little.

"The damned fog has finally subsided!"

Fang Jing let out a long breath, and if the fog kept blocking the front, he would probably lose his way all the time.When he got out of the fog, he found that there was a main road ahead.Fang Jing felt a lot of emotion: "Great, now we are back on the right track.

The sound of humming spread to the ears from a distance.Bang bang bang! There was another continuous explosion sound.It didn't sound like fireworks at all, it was clearly the sound of gunfire.When Fang Jing heard the gunshots, he sped up and ran, his whole body galloping on the road like a flash of internal electricity.

He arrived at the scene quickly, only to see a corpse attacked by several deformed monsters.The corpse was still holding a firearm, and a knife was inserted vertically into the ground a few steps away from him.It's just a pity that these people can't teach him his fate.His abdominal voice Lu Gu Zhebo was dragged, and was crazily chewed by a group of monsters.

"These ... are inferior species. Fang Jing is not interested in corpses and dead humans. He only noticed that the "corpse dog" attacking men was very similar to the inferior species he had seen. He remembered Fujiwara, who was in the same class. It was transformed into this kind of inferior corpse dog. It only has a part of the power of the real corpse dog, and its vitality is also very weak. Now there are a large group of them here.

"Strange! There are still living humans here."

At this moment, Fang Jing heard a woman's voice behind him.He turned his head and found a girl with long light blonde hair. She was wearing a fashionable dress, a one-sided mushroom-shoulder top, and denim shorts. class.

Finding Fang Jing turned to look at her, she couldn't help opening her eyes wide, revealing a bright smile.

"Hello, my name is Odette', can we be friends!"

"Sorry, maybe this statement is a bit abrupt, but may I ask your name?"

"Well, since you don't speak. I'll give you a name. How about you call me Smith?"

She clapped her hands and said seriously: "But Smith, - I have always had a secret, that is, there is no way to make friends with humans. In order to make friends with me, Smith, may I ask you to die once.

Before the words fell, a huge shadow appeared behind Fang Jing, and a huge sharp claw fell down with a terrifying momentum, as if to tear his body into pieces.

Chapter 186

The sharp shadow of the claw swung down, the claw was glowing red, and the power contained in it was even more astonishingly ferocious, it seemed to tear the air when it was swung out. "Boom!"

A large amount of dust and gravel was splashed on the ground.

It's just that the giant claws on the back didn't tear anything apart, they just swept the ground, tearing apart three claw marks like ditch ink on the ground where the square mirror should have been standing.If a living person is swept, the body will naturally be divided into bloody "three sections".The fair-haired girl tilted her head. She moved her eyes and saw the square mirror standing quietly four or five meters away. She said thoughtfully: "So you also brought a knife, it seems that you are also here Yashou for support?" Only then did Fang Jing think of the insignificant "knife" of Bie Ruo on his waist.

Yes. I seem to have been pretending to be "Ibakari".After thinking for a while, he pulled out the "sword" and held the knife in the posture of "Fudozhishenmiaoliu".

This time, he had two enemies in front of him.

- One is a girl with light blonde hair. She doesn't have the slightest murderous intent on her body, but she behaves strangely and strangely. I don't know why.The other one is a dead dog who is going to pretend to be from behind him. This dead dog is tall and strong like a bear, and it has unusually thick black hair. When the hair is dragged down,

The long-haired corpse dog has the breath of a superior species, and in terms of feeling, it should be close to the "bone" level.

(It feels like they are all porridge-level corpse dogs, the eldest son of the three major departments will also be garbage to this extent! )

"What is your origin?" Fang Jing pretended to be a member of "Yahou". He held the knife in both hands and asked loudly: "If you dare to attack the Aobanuma Research Institute wantonly, the Yashou organization will never let you go." Such atrocities!"

"Smith . . . you are the foreign aid sent here by the dental agency.

The blond girl put her finger to her lips.

"It seems that you still don't know what happened. The research institute under the Kanshenshi has been destroyed, and Yu Huanzhai himself is dead."

Seeing Wan Jing's "Wufu" face, she couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Smith, you're really interesting, so what do you think of my proposal?"

"Stop talking nonsense, I know that you guys sent phantoms this time...

He opened his mouth and hadn't finished speaking. Suddenly, there was a series of intensive gunshots, and countless bullets were aimed at Odette, a girl with light blond long hair, and a tall corpse dog with thick long hair all over her body. ÷san∫ bar ∫ read ∫ book ÷

The huge black bear-like crotch of a dead dog stepped forward in front of the girl Odette. It let out a low growl, and the muscles all over its body swelled up fiercely. The dog's body exploded with little sparks, the golden sparks were fleeting, and the tinkling sound like hitting the surface of the golden exhibition was endless.

"Damn it, I've used modified single-heads, but I still can't pierce this guy's skin... Following the sound of this wave of gunshots, a large group of gunmen with shotguns and submachine guns rushed out. They were wearing tight combat uniforms , the whole body was loaded with live ammunition, and some of them also pulled out the magic knife from their waists.

"Don't stop shooting.

The leader of the crowd is a woman with long black hair tied into a ponytail. She has a complexion as white as porcelain, and her words and deeds exude a majestic temperament.

She raised her head and chest, directing everyone's actions.

The densely packed bullets were like raindrops, attacking from all directions in the direction of the black giant beast and the girl.连 嘭!!!!! Continuous and continuous fierce guns continued to say hello to the two people, but unfortunately there was no use at all. The extremely strong corpse dog was strong as a wall that turned into steel. The sputtering golden sparks.However, it can only exert this level of destructive power, Chengong Marai soon realized that the enemy she met this time was by no means an ordinary character.

"You are a newcomer who came here to support, have the follow-up troops arrived yet?"

Fang Jing said vaguely: "No, I don't know, I just received a notice from above...

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