Before, Yanzhong Xuanzhai also said that after the master returned to his hometown, he would hand over the "Jingjiatang" antique shop to him.

On the other hand, Fang Jing also sent people to look for the old man who went to live in seclusion in an extremely remote village, but he sent people to find out that the old man had gone abroad, so Fang Jing continued to send people to look for him abroad. I just sent people to find out that it was just a fake address... The actual situation is that the whereabouts of Mr. Kanno has long been a mystery!

"It's really a strange person like a wild crane. He also has a lot of feelings about this. It's a pity to lose friendship with this old man.

On this trip, Fang Jing came to the Museum of Literature and History in the Fubian area, and met a disciple of an old book Taoist whose surname was Yuye.This student is named Yosuke Ruyama, a middle-aged man with slender hands and feet.He has slender eyes, black hair mixed with white hair, a pair of silver-rimmed glasses, a kind of polymath demeanor, and a smile on his mouth.

"You are Mr. Nishiba!"

His demeanor is very elegant, and he also has the tone of a classical scholar.

"I heard that you and Brother Xuanzhai are old acquaintances.

"Don't dare, Mr. Yanzhong has taken care of me a lot. The two first asked each other politely before getting to the point.

"I heard that Mr. Kanno and Master Yuye have collaborated to compile relevant materials on the Fubian area. Because we need to produce a paper on the local climate report, I have to take the liberty of coming here to disturb you."

"Brother Xuanzhai greeted me in advance.

"There are very few people visiting the Museum of Literature and History, and I welcome guests here.

"That's really troublesome.

"No no no."

"This place is a bit far from the city, and it's a rural place. Its work and rest habits are different from those of the outside world. There are no extra entertainment facilities in this rural area. Most of the people in the vicinity will go home early to rest, and the night is around nine o'clock. The shops in the shopping street will be closed, and the nearest 24-hour convenience store is 18 kilometers away from the Museum of Literature and History....

It seems that this place is very inconvenient to travel. ζ reference ↑ Ba ↑ read ↑ book ζ

"Hahaha, that's true. This kind of small place is not good. The public transportation is not very good. Fortunately, the local residents have cars. If you really need it, you can ask the workers who live nearby to help. Liushan Before leaving, Yosuke handed over a bunch of keys to Fang Jing.

"The Museum of Literature and History will be closed at around seven o'clock. Most of the rooms in the museum will be locked. The biggest black key is the key of the gate, and the other keys also have numbers.

"That is to say, all the rooms will be locked except the gate." Yosuke Ruyama smiled bitterly: "This mansion of the Cultural and Historical Archives was funded and supervised by my family teacher Yu Ye. Although the house is very large, it is honest and honest. They said that there were no valuables inside. In addition, there was no strict anti-theft measures installed in the house. There was only a camera at the main entrance. There was originally an old guard, but he was not feeling well recently and hadn't come for a few days After going to work, Yosuke Liushan continued to explain. He said that the local security is not bad, and there are few thefts. The security work of the Cultural and Historical Archives is indeed relatively negligent.

"By the way, Mr. Liushan, do you have the liberty to ask me something?" Fang Jing took advantage of this time and took the time to ask - Xia Liushan Yosuke about the situation of "Nao Shou Shen".

"Have you heard of the place 'Zhishou Town'?"


"Zhishou Town is not far from here#, the surrounding scenery of that small town is very nice, and the land was still very valuable during the peak of the economic bubble... In the past period of time, that is, the golden time of national economic revitalization, That place is the original development zone of this city.

In the early days, because of the local environment, the place attracted capital as much as possible. Many factories were built.The town has become lonely. Residents have also moved away, and even the factory area built along the river has now ceased production.Of course, not everyone has left. Some townspeople who mainly work in agriculture still live in the town.

"Well, it's getting late, I should go too

Yosuke Liushan lived in the urban area. He bowed, turned around and walked to the opposite side of the street, and waved goodbye to Fang Jing. Then he got into a blue beetle car and drove away from this ancient European-style building. establish

"Okay, no one will disturb you this time, let's first use the documents stored in this cultural and historical archive to investigate- - information related to Naomori Shin.

Fang Jing did not advance to "Zhishou Town".The reason why he chose to come to this cultural and historical archive instead of going to "Zhishou Town" for adjustment is also very simple.Because before him, Tang Shimingjie, as well as the old woman Sano who was the "son of the god", probably had already conducted an investigation on "Zhishou Town".Those psychics and psychics are not only highly experienced, but also have special abilities such as spiritual vision.

A group of psychics rushed to "Zhishou Town" but couldn't find out why. Fang Jing didn't think he had surpassed their reasoning ability to find the key point of the problem.According to the news revealed by Karazawa Akisuke,

They also have little contact with outsiders.

As for the psychic mediums, they kept a distance from the clan and rarely approached this group.That is the source of distortion, and it is also suitable for a strong and strange sense of foreboding.

There is a long time gap between the ban and the events happening today, and the details are lost.There are some specious things with the current "Shouzimo" incident. The old lady Sano and Tang Shimingsuke who intervened in this incident naturally couldn't find out many clues.

"I'm afraid, we need to turn the current chessboard around and think about the problem from another angle?" The local cultural and historical archives in Fubian probably have a lot of information far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.Fang Jing thought about his actions, maybe there would be other gains.

If there is no gain, it is not too late to go to "Zhishou Town". The blue moonlight falls from the glass on the roof of the house. It is a very high skylight, forming a cathedral-like structure with the surrounding building domes. The shape of the arch.

Beautiful, clear, with beautiful light that glides across the stained glass adorned with floral motifs.

"It's really a big enough room. The inside of the Museum of Literature and History is really spacious, but it's also very empty, without even decent chairs and stools. It's not built here to welcome guests.

Yosuke Ruyama also readily handed over the key to himself.

Thanks to him, Fang Jing can also investigate the information here.Fang Jing walked to the "Architectural Schematic" attached to the wooden porch pillars in the middle of the entrance, and identified the layout of this museum of literature and history.There are six reference rooms each. There is a reception desk on the right side of the building, several utility rooms, and a lounge on the left side with a sofa, where I can sleep overnight.

It is summer at this time, a thin blanket and a soft sofa are enough to pass the night.He walked up the steps slowly and came to the reference room on the second floor. There was no accident here, and it was also very clean and tidy. Except for the materials and documents placed on the bookshelf, there was basically nothing else. There was a desk next to the bookshelf. There are some books piled up on it. Fang Jing glanced at them and found that they were all materials that had not been returned to the bookshelf after they were borrowed.

However, this does not seem to be some kind of information?

He reached out and pulled out a book with a colorful cover from the table. After looking carefully, he found that it was a picture book.

"The Secret of the Baron in the Red Cloak... Is this something left by the staff? Fang Jing turned it over suspiciously.

Inside is a picture book in the style of fairy tales composed of pictures one after another, and Xiang's readers are naturally not adults like him.

I have to admit that the painting style of the author of this picture book is sweet, glamorous, rich in color and full of vitality.Just looking at the screen, you will feel the attraction brought by the bright brush.He flipped through the picture book page by page, his eyes staring at the picture, and his mind was in a trance, as if he was sucked into the picture.

-A long time ago, there was a Baron in the red cloak, and he had a secret.This is a secret that cannot be told, once his secret is known, it will cause great consequences;

Also because of this secret, the Baron in the red cloak had to live alone in a valley.He was very lonely and had a very deserted life.One day, the red cloaked boy Li's family was really in trouble. He left the valley and captured the little girl in the town.He was so lonely and wished he could be friends with this little girl.So he told his story to the little girl.The little girl was scared, but she was also calm, and after listening to it, she decided to be friends with the Baron in the red cloak.

However, she has one condition, that is, Baron Red Cloak must tell her his secret.The baron agreed to her request, and told her the secret in her ear.

Later, the little girl also became a friend of the Baron in the red cloak.

Fang Jing, who was concentrating on it, suddenly opened his eyes.And when he was distracted, something invaded the Museum of Literature and History.

"What's going on here? Why did I lose my mind, and... at this point in time, what else will invade the Museum of Literature and History?"

In the history museum, there was a dark and inexplicable atmosphere.If it is a human being, Fang Jing's amazing five senses can hear voices, steps and even subtle breathing.But now there is nothing! This is really strange.

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