Human flesh and blood are full of fragrance to the "Blood Binder". And Linda loves to cruelly kill human beings.

Suddenly, her expression changed slightly, and her beautiful eyebrows also raised.

"What's the matter... Ms. Linda?

She slowly stretched out her long red tongue, and licked her lips seductively.

Chapter 273 Ruling

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - screams came from behind the side door leading to the basement, followed by a series of curses.

"Bitch! Die 7...Kill me! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Tortured, the whole person was beyond recognition. His hair was shaved, half of his face was disfigured by sulfuric acid, and it was hideously distorted, while the other half of his face was covered with scars.

His whole body was covered with signs of being tortured from head to bottom, and his whole body was dripping with blood. Most of the teeth in his mouth were smashed out, and one third of his tongue was scorched. This also made him Speak vaguely.His toes and toes were pulled out, and he suffered unspeakable pain every moment.

For the past three days, he didn't eat anything, just drank a little water, and his throat felt as if it had been burned.

"You trash, why didn't you kill me? His voice was as hoarse as an old man's. The past three days were like hell. He suffered all kinds of tortures, endured the pain unceasingly, and finally didn't have any hope for life. In response to his hoarse voice was the bad laugh of "Card and Whistle". Standing behind the iron chair restraining his body was a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl with a slender figure.

She has shoulder-length brown hair, pale and sickly white skin, and the shape of a one-eyed bandage gives people a sense of yin.Her eyeballs were spinning around as if they were out of focus, she was holding a needle in her hand, and she was drawing out the medicine from the dark blue medicine bottle.

"Don't worry too much, brother, just enjoy it slowly! Your body is really interesting. I want to try this toxin extracted from the Guatemalan bead monster and poison dart frog. What will happen to my brother is interesting She has never seen such an interesting experimental subject. Originally, she would not pay much attention to an ordinary person who was captured, but this man can withstand all kinds of torture from the "beast ghosts". Breathing, there is still a way to hold on and survive.

This is not normal, at least it is impossible for normal human beings to have such a strong vitality.She used all kinds of poisonous cables to test him from the beginning. She completely used Daigoro Sukimizu's body as an "experimental animal" for her own drug experiments. Plant toxins, neurotoxins, compound toxins, viruses, and germs, the girl was surprised to find Daigoro Sukimizu With astonishing vitality, the closer his body is to death, the vitality becomes. With this characteristic, he just produced a powerful immune function to counteract the toxins he made.

"Hehehe, this is really a wonderful real dangerous product, so let's give it another shot!" She plunged the poisonous syringe into his body with bloodshot eyes glaring at him, injected the poisonous thread into him, and then In a short time, the toxicity started to attack, and the man rolled his eyes and began to howl unconsciously.This kind of emotion ignited the magnetic field seeds in the body. Under the original state, even with the help of the magnetic field seeds, Daigoro Sukimizu could not live until now.

However, for him now, repeated torture and torture made him pass the test of life and death. He reached the limit, and was stimulated by the virus in the limit, which made the latent spiritual will evolve. , This further progress makes it resonate with its own magnetic field seeds in the anger of monk hatred.This is a very strange thing, because the forced water has not been exercised, but because the magnetic field has changed, which strengthens its own attributes.

Because he was injected with magnetic field seeds before, his own speed development has been greatly improved, but now because he was tortured and tortured, he was injected with a large number of viruses, and his physical fitness was also stimulated, and the forced water was even more unconscious. This kind of torture pushed his own magnetic field fluctuations to the first intermediate level.Seeing the distorted expression of forced water being devastated, the girl felt her legs trembling. There was a trace of sick redness on her face. She clearly felt that because of being too excited, her lower body began to get wet

"This is really high!!"

For a sadist like her, only from the pain of others can she experience the more wonderful feeling of sexual pleasure, especially after becoming the blood servant of the blood binder, her body has gradually lost the human body. Most sensory abilities, such as pain and taste, tend to be blunted.Although the body is so strong that no matter how much high-purity heroin is injected, it will not die even if it is high, but it becomes more and more difficult to find stronger thorns.

But soon she learned how to use other people's bodies to make up for her own shortcomings.Poison is an interesting game.As long as she is familiar with chemistry, pharmacology and simple methods of making poison, even a woman with no strength can kill a strong man.But she prefers to deliver hot cocoa containing aconitine to homeless people on the street. Seeing the faces of men who drank the drink and died of pain made her extremely happy.

Killing women with hydride poisons will also appreciate their ugly faces before they die.

You can use purified castor to poison the elderly. It is also very interesting to see those wrinkled elderly garbage vomit, have diarrhea, procrastinate for a few days, and finally die miserably. It is also very interesting to kill annoying children or Human cubs that are hated by villains are also interesting.She really loves this "game" . She has been enjoying it for many years, and over the years, she has devoted her energy to this hobby.

For this reason, "sister" Linda also praised her taste and elegance, and provided her with various occasions to sharpen her skills and conduct experiments.She grinned softly, even her shoulders couldn't help shaking slightly.At this moment, a hand clapped on her shoulder, and a cold hand made her back become cold at this moment.

"What is so funny, do you want to tell me!"

She turned her head suddenly, and saw a man with an indifferent face appearing behind her.She couldn't help but let out an exclamation, like a cat whose tail was caught.At this point, her body bounced and jumped, jumped from the spot to the table, and then stuck to the wall. Like an eight-legged spider, it stuck to the corner of the wall.

"No way! How did you get in, those gatekeepers'

Her eyes kept moving up and down, and her eyes were full of fear.The man just stood there quietly, giving her a naked sense of threat.It was only for a moment, but she still clearly felt the feeling of fear.It's like standing on the extremely cold ice field without wearing any clothes in the winter, the body is blown by the icy cold wind, and the skin seems to be pierced by countless blades.

"You said the "beast ghosts" guarding the gate. Could it be that they pretend to be human on the surface? After the outer human skin is torn off, they look like hairless monkeys?" Fang Jing looked up. A glance at this strangely dressed woman.

"The group of bastards was too weak, and it took a few seconds of my time, but they have now turned into what the bastards should be.


There was an unbelievable expression in her eyes, and a trace of fear was born in her heart.Groups of beasts and ghosts are even more terrifying, not to mention that these groups of beasts and ghosts all use guns and weapons invented by humans.And "Blood Binder" Linda even used her racial talent to transform these beasts and ghosts into "Blood Servants"

"Blood Servant" is equivalent to the lower family members developed by the Blood Binder. After becoming a Blood Servant, they will get part of the talents of the Blood Binder. There is a large group of Beasts stationed above, even if another Bloodbinder attacks alone, it is impossible to be dealt with so easily.Whether what this man said is true or false.

-In an instant, Fang Jing noticed Chashui who was tortured all over his body, he turned his head and glanced at this and that girl.Panic. Fear instantly weighed on her heart. This is an instinctive reaction of a creature when it encounters a higher-ranking individual. It is a sense of crisis.She couldn't help making a strange cry, turned around and slid along the ceiling, and went through the door like a spider.

Fang Jing didn't care about her, but put his hands in front of the water, and resonated his own magnetic field fluctuations with the magnetic field seeds chasing water. In this way, he can heal some not serious diseases. , Lishui Mingming was treated harshly and cruelly, but the vitality in his body is still quite strong, but this is a kind of vitality that overdraws life. The principle and the method of ghosts

, is desperately squeezing the limit of oneself.Under Fang Jing's treatment, Qian Shui regained some physical strength. When he woke up, he realized that it was Fang Jing who came to save him.

"Xijia, kill that bitch for me! And those monsters! That woman! Kill them all for me!"

He was tortured so badly that he was inhumanly tortured, but the power of the powerful resonant magnetic field kept him alive, which made him suffer even more inhuman torture.

"Okay! It's all right! You're all right now, Fang Jing had no choice but to comfort him, and at the same time loosen all the restraints on him.

"You don't have to worry, I'll have someone come over and take you back, now, take a little rest.

He pressed his fingertips on the acupuncture points on the body of the forced water, and the latter closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.Fang Jing took out his mobile phone and sent an email to Osumi, asking him to come and take him away.After doing this, a deep and cold light appeared in his eyes.Suddenly, he accelerated, and his entire figure disappeared in the basement.Run! Run fast! Don't let that man catch up.Otherwise...the only thing waiting for me is a dead end.

She could feel the look that the other party gave her for the last time, it was the look that decided to kill herself and treat her as a prey.She is too familiar with that look, it is the look she looks at those people who she regards as targets and are poisoned to death.The reason why the other party let him go is because in his eyes, he is the prey that must be dealt with.She sprinted towards the top of the floor. She knew that she wanted to survive, so she could only escape to sister Linda as fast as possible. Only the powerful "Blood Binder" could fight against that man.

Three minutes and twenty-one seconds! She rushed up all the way, and finally arrived at the top floor of the Murakami Club headquarters.

"Sir. At the same time she arrived at the floor of the building, Linda walked out of the conference room accompanied by the new president of the Wakamurakai, Tokiwaromiya.

"What happened?

There was a trace of surprise on Linda's beautiful face. She couldn't imagine why her blood servant would show such a panicked look. She raised her beautiful chin and asked the girl Yan, "Didn't I say that I would let you Are you working hard? The clues in that man may be.

She opened her mouth to say something, suddenly, at this moment. The man's voice came from behind her, like a chill blowing in her heart.

"I, sentence you to death.

A hand came through the hole in her back, pierced through the front of her chest, and grabbed her still beating heart in the student's heart. With five fingers, they squeezed the heart to pieces.


Da, Chang Yu, and the little boy Qiao Yi all took a breath, like frightened animals, their hairs standing on end.

There was cold sweat on Chang Pan's forehead. He, the big boss in the underworld, felt the fear of his name for the first time, as if he had encountered a terrible existence. The way the other party looked at him, Linda's face also became serious. , She didn't do anything else. Instead, she tensed up all her muscles, not daring to move at will.The only exception was the little boy Joey. He quickly recovered his innocent childlike appearance.

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