"Outsiders belong to the special category of 'evil years'. They were more active in ancient times, but in modern times their number is very small.And in Japan, they also existed for a while, at that time, they were called rare people' by the world, on the other hand, they were also considered as visitors', other', alien neighbor', in occult and ancient religious literature It is not considered an entity in the physical world, but something extraordinary in the non-physical realm.

"To put it simply, outsiders are real images of the concept similar to 'demons'. It is likely that half of the names of demons formed from Sumer to the European Middle Ages are related to 'outsiders'.

As the leader of the CC.S.D organization, Yacheng naturally has a deep understanding of this, and Fang Jing can't know this information just by relying on Shiwen Yinzhi's memory.

The reason is also very simple. Even if you hold an encyclopedia, you cannot intuitively understand the comprehensive knowledge of a certain subject.Fortunately, Fang Jing himself has a source of information in this regard. After comparing the two aspects, he can be inspired more directly.The concept and saying of aliens are by no means unique to foreign countries. Japan also has the term "rare people". Rare people are a custom that also exists in the concept of Japanese folklore. It is said that some villages and The settlements have the custom of welcoming visitors from other worlds, for which they will hold ceremonies and ceremonies. If they are not treated properly, they may also bring disasters. The origins of the rare people are also diverse, and some come from the deep mountains to the bottom of the mountains. There is also another saying that the rare people are villages approaching the sea from the sea. ζSee ↑ Ba ↑ Reading ↑ Book ζIn foreign countries, aliens are called "ravens", that is to say, they are believed to have migrated from other worlds and appeared in this world. Some religious scholars believe that they are hell There are also some native ancient religions that regard them as goblins, gods or demons

"The source of outsiders is related to other outside worlds. Most of them cannot directly appear in our world, and some of them have no entity. Therefore, certain conditions must be met in order to exist in this world. Most outsiders It is considered to be a category of evil species, which is very different from nocturnal species. There are three types of existence that directly threaten the human world, nocturnal species, evil age species, and the third category of weirdness.

Nocturnal species are heterogeneous life forms that appeared on the earth earlier than humans.For example, the group of blood-binders, the blood-binders proudly believe that the history of their race is much earlier than that of human beings. When human beings were still full of hair and blood, the earliest blood-binders born from their ancestral land were Established a circle of pre-ancient civilizations developed on its own.At that time, ancient humans were just their playthings, food, and domesticated animals. Judging from some incomplete research and some hidden archaeological discoveries, the Semitic ancestors of humans did suffer from blood-binding The enslavement experience of the slaves can be seen from ancient inscriptions and murals.

It was only at that time that the "ancient king" from another world came to this world for the first time. The bloodbinders, the electric beast tribe and a large number of ancient monsters at that time also strongly resisted the ancient king and him after suffering great losses. Families rule the world.

After the failure of the first advent, the bloodbinders were seriously injured, and the entire group fell asleep for thousands of years, and experienced several "advent battles" intermittently, and the entire group fell into a decadent trend. The super bloodbinder has not been fully resurrected, and the strength on the table is also very limited.In the middle of the War of Advent, even the Bloodbinders joined the Old Kings.

-Until now, the bloodbinders have many high-ranking existences, proud of their ancient history, and tend to despise the young race of humans.

"From the mouth of the dead Viridian, the title of "Evil Fallen King" is in his mouth.

"That's all right. Hahn may be a member of the Evil Fallen King. The ancient king has not come to the world for thousands of years, so he may be the descendant of one of the five God-chosen apostles of the Evil Fallen King. This identity and background are not simple... Crow City exhaled with a headache.

"I was investigating a certain case recently, which involved a mysterious website called "The Gate of the False God". It was found that the Tokiwa Palace may have also logged on to this website.

"The details are still under investigation, and the water in this matter may be a bit deep.

When Crow City thought of the relevant information about "The Gate of the False God", he only felt that he had two heads. It was precisely because of some of the clues that he came here to inform Fang Jing.

"False God's Gate is a strange website. If you trace it from P, you will find that it is a Quling website. The existence of this website itself is like a ghost lurking in the Internet. There is no way to get straight...

After CCS.D got the news, it sent people to straighten up the incident. As a result, the two members sent in the early stage accidentally disappeared.

You must know that the members of CS.D are not ordinary people, but special people who know about weird events. These two members have psychic qualities, and they have a keen sense of danger. Disappeared silently.After arriving at the homes of the two members, the adjusters unexpectedly found that the homes of the two members were not only empty, but the most puzzling and frightening factor was that one of them had a laptop in their room. On the chair by the desk, there is only a pool of collapsed and scattered sand.

"In addition, the personal computer used by the two for the investigation is also missing, and Tune is also in a state of nowhere..

CCSD's investigation was almost at a loss, and two tuning members disappeared inexplicably. This also made CCS D raise the hazard index of this incident to A1 level abnormal disorder danger. Hierarchical, this kind of grading can define events. In this grading system, the lowest events are caused by spirit bodies and hybrids, which are generally defined as C-level and D-level; Conflicts between races, outsiders, and humans are classified as B-level domains; the third type of abnormal phenomena caused by weirdness is the most dangerous to society, and will be classified as A-level or 5 categories. , which are A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, and then the S-class with higher specifications.

The division of the hazard level of abnormal disorder is mainly for the convenience of CCS D and the government to understand the seriousness of the situation, which is also convenient for forming a set of effective preventive measures. , detailed details,

"Originally, the straightening staff almost gave up on the more advanced investigation of the 'Gate of the False God', because at this time almost all clues were lost, and they became completely headless flies!

"Things. It shouldn't be that simple! You must have discovered something, right?"

Fang Jing didn't think Yacheng would chat with him here without any progress.

It is conceivable that he said this on purpose. It was a secret.

"Ha ha!'

Crow City paused here: "That's right, in the executive manual of one of the dead investigators, there is a torn diary paper chapter, judging from the writing on it, it should be written by him himself, the writing is burnt Halfway through, it's just the last line, vaguely write a few words like this

Chapter 281 Mystery

The main body of False God is right next to the XX Building in Jiling City... Just hearing this sentence, Fang Jing frowned very unhappy. I have to say that this is an extremely uncomfortable place. remove

"Jilin City? You mean this 'Gate of the False God' website probably has something to do with my city

"Exactly. ÷san∫Let's read the book∫Crow City answered his questions and gave more explanations. He admitted that he would notice the existence of Fang Jing, and he also sent personnel into Jiling City In the process of investigating the abnormal and weird incidents induced by the website of the False God's Gate], I learned information related to myself.

"SSD Agency" is in a competitive relationship with CCS D controlled by Crow City. From his standpoint, he will naturally pay attention to some actions of SSD Agency. It is also because of this relationship that he gradually noticed Fang Jing.

"The situation is still very bad, because so far, we still have nothing, but judging from the situation of the Viridian Palace, the worst case is that it may be related to the high-level apostle...

The apostle is a powerful existence among the "outsiders". If it is divided by the level of abnormal hazard, the apostle is a dangerous existence of A5 level, that is, a huge threat that will cause major damage to the real world.

"The scope of activities of the apostles should not be in this country! Besides, there is also the hidden meeting of the clan, they should not just sit idly by!

"Assuming that Ren Zhu, one of the five great apostles of the Evil Fallen King, came to the mainland, the clan may be more nervous, but if it is only a small-scale friction, the group of more conservative old men in the twelve families of the clan may not necessarily respond to this matter. What immediate reaction does this also mean that the clan's supernatural beings are unlikely to take redundant actions on this matter?

"Not to mention the existence of the level of the five great apostles, three pillars were banned in the Millennium War with the Evil Fallen King, and the other two pillars that can be active, 'Laurenth of the ring finger' and Acheto of the index finger are also absent In the present world, it exists in a different field outside the world. In the current state, the 'Gate of the False God' may not have anything to do with the apostles

"In other words, this matter may not have a direct relationship with the apostle, but the apostle also has many outsiders!"

"Yes, Hahn himself is a dangerous factor, but his identity is not so secret. Instead, he appeared on the stage with great fanfare as a major cadre of the Heiwei Chamber of Commerce in the human world. I don't think it is based on the other party's thinking. He will play such a clumsy trick. Crow City continued to analyze, and he said flatly: "The situation is not that simple, I think there is something weird in his behavior, maybe he is diverting the attention of all parties in the country, secretly What other plans do you have?

"How is the strength of the aliens? Fang Jing pays more attention to this aspect. He thinks that after considering so much, it is better to find an opportunity to come and beat the opponent to death. 4561

"The abilities of outsiders are quite strange, and their strength and combat power are not absolute. In terms of ability, they should be at the level of false eclipse. That is, they are weaker than pure eclipse. However, the existence of eclipse Very close to Crow City glanced at him.

"Now you still have a certain gap in wanting to fight head-on with the outsiders. For you now, you need to upgrade yourself to the pseudo-eclipse level.

"Pseudo-eclipse level? I remember you said that 'eclipse' itself is the ability to simulate the strange erosion of the world by supernatural beings. What is this pseudo-eclipse level?"

"It's a bit difficult to say these things. Crow City Shadows muttered to himself, and said thoughtfully: "'Eclipse' itself is a method of entanglement to simulate weird characteristics, and we are all human beings, and birds are born with They can fly, they are born to swim, and plants are born to take root in the earth and absorb sunlight

"But human beings are not flying, nor are they fish, nor are they vegetation. Human beings cannot do such things unless human beings change their "nature"

"But the human body, will, and spirit are all fully formed. How difficult it is to change! It's like turning old stones into gold. It doesn't matter if you return the broken glass to its original complete form. Next, I will let you You experience it for yourself!"

After finishing speaking, Yacheng just looked at him, smiled slightly, and pointed at his head.

The next moment, strange ripples rushed out from Crow City's fingers.

At this second, Fang Jing felt as if he had been electrocuted, his head was boiling, his nervous system was completely burned, and his body and mind fell to the critical point of collapse.

His spirit was slowly eroded by dizziness, and chaos spread.Fang Jing's eyes seem to be empty, and the outline of the existence of the external world gradually fades away.

Gradually, he is turning into dust, and begins to become three-dimensional again, and the material world gradually becomes abstract.And the inner information and intelligence is also distorted.

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