"I heard that you bloodbinders-clan basically live on human blood, and can trace the traces of any individual through a drop of blood, and even sense the pre-death memories of the prey killed by you.

"Oh! Where did you hear this news. The little girl curled her lips: "Your news is not accurate. We bloodbinders existed earlier than you humans, before you humans were born, the ancestors of humans, As well as intelligent nocturnal races, one of our food options

"Another point is that we bloodbinders can indeed perceive the traces of prey by absorbing blood, but this ability is not so magical. Chasing prey is only a potential induction, and the range will not exceed too far.

"As for what you said about feeling the prey's memory before death, it depends on the state. There are also people in the same family who are good at this ability. As for me, I seldom have this kind of experience..

"Is the blood of the deceased okay?

"There is nothing to do if the dead body is too long, it is limited to: + dead body within four hours After listening to Linda's words, Fang Jing closed his eyes and thought for a while, and he made a decision.

"Wait a minute, come with me to the scene of the crime, I need you to help me investigate.

As he spoke out loudly, he was looking for an opportunity to go to the scene of the crime and take a tour first. It would be best to find time to investigate the body of the old lady Yuno later.

"In addition, we also sent people to search for the whereabouts of Youqi Chokai. Youqi Wuhai has now become the number one suspect after Uno was murdered. Of course, Fang Jing thinks that Chokai can't do such a thing, But it cannot be denied that she might have something to do with the death of Grandma Uno, and moreover, the timing of her appearance is too ingenious.

"By the way, I seem to have heard about the surname Yuno from Tang Shi Mingjie before. Speaking of which, Tang Shi also said that the psychics in the city also have a private communication circle. Could it be that Tang Chi knew this person? Grandma Yuno. Then, I should also call Tang Shi and contact him. Thinking of this, he didn't think too much, and directly dialed Tang Chi's number with his mobile phone.

Not long after, a woman's timid voice came from the phone. She spoke with a nasal voice, as if she was sobbing while speaking.

"Hello! Who are you? What's the matter with this call?"

"I'm looking for Tang Zhimingjie, and who are you? Where is Tang Chi?"

Hearing Tang Shi's name, the woman on the opposite side seemed to tremble suddenly, and cried out with a "wow".

"I don't know, I haven't seen him for several days... Fang Jing's eyes widened, his voice became deeper, and he continued to ask: "Wait a minute...you don't want to compare yourself to others Sister Juan! I am Xijia, do you remember me?"

"Xijia...you are Xijiasi. The person talking to Fang Jing on the opposite side is Tang Shi's childhood sweetheart, and also his girlfriend Xiao Bi Lei Zuan Nao.

She discovered that Tang Shi had mysteriously disappeared a week ago. The apartment he lived in was empty, and she called his friends, but they couldn't find his whereabouts.

"It's so strange! Tang Chi would occasionally leave the apartment for a while before, but he always left me a message, but this time, - weeks have passed, and he didn't even leave me a message."

The other party hasn't been expelled for such a long time, and Xiao Bi Lejuan's worries are not unreasonable.

Chapter 288

【 】

Hearing what Senior Sister Xiaobi Lejuan said, Fang Jing's heart sank.

He realized that the situation was unusual, and he was afraid that he should connect several things that were happening now.

(That is to say, Wu Hai Youqi, Tang Chi Mingjie and others are all related to this incident... )

Small ratio class rolls continue.

Chapter 289 Wasteland

In the dimly lit underground space, the corpse dogs froze for a moment. They probably didn't expect that someone would sneak in here and find their temporary lair.

This area of ​​Jiling City has been cleaned several times by Yashou. They will come here this time because they evaded Yashou's reconnaissance nimbly.We must know that because of the complicated situation encountered by the Yahun Agency, the internal intelligence network was completely collapsed.And because of the last incident, the corpse dog didn't recover its vitality. Due to various reasons, both parties had to calm down at this time, so as to avoid troubles in their lives.Fang Jing naturally doesn't know these things, and even if he knows, he doesn't care.

Naturally, there is nothing to sympathize with.

Anyway, they are all a group of cannibal monsters, so let Linda solve them all.He has seen the power of the bloodbinder before, and it is too easy to deal with this group of corpse dogs.

As soon as his order came out, Linda clicked her tongue, but "her" body moved anyway.Appeared in front of a corpse dog in the passage.With a wave of the knife, the head of the dead dog disappeared.Linda's hand knife was infused with the unique negative energy of the bloodbinder, which was almost radiant energy, which would erode the bodies of dead dogs in an instant and take their lives.The super regenerative power of the corpse dog is completely vulnerable to the "Blood Binder".She moves with lightning speed, every shot is too fast, only to be pierced, scratched and torn apart by Linda's hands.

The regenerative ability of corpse dogs will be useless, they will shrink like mummified corpses, and the blood in their bodies will evaporate and disappear. Ruby, every time it kills, it can use the secret method of "Blood Binder" to continuously deprive the corpse dog of its vitality. And - a little bit to enhance its own strength.Da da da da! The sound of counterattack gunfire sounded, and in the dark space, fierce flames were shot from all directions from time to time. And the terrifying rain of bullets.The ear-piercing gunshots made people's eardrums hurt, not to mention that the underground space was extremely empty, and the gunshots were continuous like rain.

It's just that it's impossible for the bullets fired from the gun to capture the shadow of the bloodbinder moving at extreme speed.Haha, hahaha! Excited by the killing, Linda changed her shape and showed her own body shape. In its complete form, its whole body is nearly two meters high, and its limbs cracked the ground, turning into a blurred afterimage

-The limbs made of blue-black muscles and tendons unleash their full strength, running on the ground, walls, and ceiling at a frenzied speed.

-The petite face is split from the middle, revealing the ferocious mouthparts full of jagged teeth, which are constantly opening and closing and wriggling.

The invisible black wind swirls around. It is a ferocious beast transformed by Linda, devouring the vitality of the dead dog.Accompanied by the rattling sound, white bone spurs drilled out from the shoulders, back, arms and limbs of this weird beast, which also greatly enhanced its destructive power.What followed was a complete one-sided defeat, the defeat of the corpse dogs, the fact is... this failure may have been confirmed since the arrival of Fang Jing and Linda.

"Damn it! .. how could there be such a ridiculous thing, we, as monsters, would be attacked by other monsters!" Its name is "Tonggui", and it is also the only one who survived in Qingye Zhao Research Institute. The upper corpse dog that came down.

After the Battle of Aoba Swamp, the high-ranking corpse dog Yuandashang of the three major departments, the elder-ranking thrush, moon pelican, Yuxie, and Shuangju Zongzi were all killed by Fang Jing lightly.In the end, there was only one "Tong Gui" left. It brought its heirs back to the city this trip. Who would have known such unlucky luck? As soon as it came back, it was stared at by Fang Jing and Linda. The Tong Gui was glanced at. After trampling it once, half of its body seemed to be crushed. The vitality not commensurate with its strength was a waste for it, because it would only make its death more painful.

"Strange! The corpse dog that killed at Uno's place doesn't seem to be here. The monster combined with bats and leeches only stepped on the "child ghost" with one clawed foot. Through the blood of the dead, it barely sensed the killing The location of the murderer of Usaza's grandma, I chased here all the way, only to find a large group of dead dogs.

The breath in the corpse dog's lair was too chaotic, and after it killed all the corpse dogs, the breath was much less.

"and many more!"

Tong Gui's eyes widened. At this moment, fear, fear and regret appeared in its eyes.

"Could it be? It's you! I know you, you're the guy from Aoba-numa!"

"This guy seems to be a high-ranking corpse dog. Turn it into a blood servant! Fang Jing stood quietly on the other side, his tone was as indifferent as an iceberg.

Tong Gui noticed that this man, like Linda, regards himself and other people of the same race as grass, just as he regards human beings. He looks at himself as if he is looking at an insect


Linda lazily responded, and at the same time, a red tube stretched out from the weird mouthpart, trying to penetrate the child ghost's body.

"Be honest, it is a great honor for you trash races to be my blood servant."

"Haha! Glory?"

Tong Gui opened his mouth wide, exuding a kind of crazy intention all over his body, and the meaning of destruction shone deep in its long and narrow animal pupils.

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