"Okay! I guess Mr. Xijia doesn't want to tell me your background either.

"I just came from a remote place, so it's no surprise that you don't know my information. The short man smiled bitterly.

"How about it! Mr. Xijia, the Dark Feather Eagle is one of the core periphery of the Crow Green Consortium. You don't want to reveal your identity, and we don't want to force a person like you or have any conflicts with you. I have a good one. idea.

The Eagle of the Dark Feather is the periphery of the core of the Crow Green Consortium, which is equivalent to the important arm of the consortium close to the core. It is naturally very difficult for a person of unknown origin to join this core organization.

.Speaking of...?"

Fang Jing didn't care too much. His original intention was not to join the Yaqing Consortium, as long as the conditions offered by the other party were good. He didn't care about these small problems.

"Dark Feather Eagle has a small cat troop, and I hope you will be the leader of this troop. The troop is not a small troop. It is basically a troop of cats. It is a powerful group composed of several troops. Groups are generally well-equipped, and the quality of personnel is quite good.


Hearing what the short man said, Fang Jing also became interested.

"Mr. Nishi's main purpose should be 'Ghost Tower information, right?'

Now that the short man knows all about this situation, there's no point in concealing it any more, and he doesn't avoid going against his own intentions.Hearing his words, the short man laughed lightly: "Since that's the case, Mr. Fang Jing doesn't care about the qualifications of the next Jaeger regiment leader. I will make arrangements and tell you the relevant information about the 'electric tower. If you If there is any other information you want to know, I will try to get it for you as long as I can. Of course, these are just extras. After Mr. Fang Jing takes over the Jaeger Corps, there are other benefits related to his position. Fang Jing thought about it carefully, Feeling that this was no loss for him, he naturally nodded in agreement.

Then, wish us a happy cooperation! The short man raised his wine bosom and clinked glasses with Fang Jing.

After meeting the short man, Fang Jing rode a motorcycle and ran all the way from the asylum base belonging to the Yaqing Consortium.

He and the short man have finally negotiated cooperation matters.The other party valued his reputation and strength and asked him to serve as the head of the cat corps.

The Jaeger Corps is equivalent to the extra combat power of the Dark Feather Eagles organization. After Fang Jing takes over, he doesn't need to trouble too quickly. He has a good reputation, and it is enough to sit in the headquarters of the Jaeger Corps.The environment on the wasteland is relatively harsh. After all, the Vulture District is a remote frontier place. The Jaeger Corps is stationed closer to the Sanctuary Base, which is equivalent to being closer to a big city. Many resources are abundant.

Fang Jing realized that it was quite difficult for him to do something in this world by himself alone, and it was necessary to develop some manpower.

The current condensed seeds of miscellaneous life are not perfect enough to solve some problems in Fang Jing's thinking.

Halfway through the motorcycle, he stopped suddenly because he found someone fighting in the distance.Several cars drove forward at high speed, and the sand and dust billowed as they drove.

"How many radiation men?"

After staying in the wasteland for so long, he also had eyesight, and he found a group of Rong people driving and chasing each other.There are a lot of radiation people in Wasteland, but most of them live in the shallow radiation belt.Radiation people are affected by radiation in the early stage, and the chances of babies dying are extremely high, but children who can grow up alive will acquire resistance to low radiation.This also means that radiant people with this characteristic have good aptitude, and when they grow up, they will become stronger and more powerful than ordinary people.It is precisely because of the large number of children, and the radiation people also have a lot of children. In this way, a large number of descendants can be born. They are scattered all over the wasteland. They are extremely large in number and habitually group together. Extremely united.

Fang Jing knows that the new power "Evil Fist Group" in the wasteland area in the Kansai area is an alliance composed of several settlements of the Radiant. Now there is a momentum to sweep over half of the Kansai. , are a little terrified about the rise of the Evil Fist Group.

Most of the people in the Kanto area are covered by the old forces of the Wild Rose Party.

"Wait a minute, the radiation man who was hunted down looks familiar. His five senses are extremely keen, and his memory is strong, all of which give Fang Jing an astonishing level of observation. 0456

He quickly noticed that there was a familiar-looking Radiant Man on the sand buggy being chased.

Strange, the Radiant Man who chatted with Kimura last time, could it be this guy?" This made Fang Jing startled, he didn't think much, and drove the motorcycle directly to catch up.


He yanked harder on the accelerator, and the motorcycle quickly gave chase.

The engines of three or four modified pick-up trucks were making noise, and a bald-headed radiation man roared, setting up the machine gun mounted on the truck and strafing forward desperately.Fortunately, the sand buggy on the other side has also undergone a magic modification. Relying on the armor layer and flexible movement and direction change, it barely avoided the machine gun fire.

Da da da da!! The glass behind the car shattered with a bang, and the people in the car screamed a few times. The situation may be very dangerous. This sandy off-road vehicle is completely like a lamb. Pickups chased them all over the place.At this moment, Fang Jing drove out. He arrived at the pickup truck with the machine gun from the rear, and using the motorcycle as a pedal, he jumped lightly and landed on the truck.As soon as the bald radiant man turned around, he reached out and grabbed his neck and twisted his head. He turned his head 180 degrees, completely upside down.

With a swish, the body of the tall bald man was lifted up by Fang Jing and stretched downward.The people in front of the car had already noticed his actions, and the driver in the driver's seat poked his head out of the car window, holding a submachine gun and intending to shoot.Fang Jing grabbed the gun with his hand like an electric shock, broke the muzzle of the gun, and at the same time brute force, dragged the driver in the driver's seat out of the car, and threw it on the ground.The car suddenly lost its driver, the steering wheel was out of control, and it slid to the right of the ramp.Fang Jing also turned over at this time and jumped towards another pickup truck.


The gunman sitting in another pickup truck raised his gun and shot in the air, but Fang Jing displayed the skill of Xiazhuan in "Mirror Diao Sizhuan" while in the air.

This mirror four-turn secret technique is a combination of illusion, body technique, hypnosis, and some skills of the wild dragon turn fighting method, and it has become a brand new set of skills 5.

His eyes widened suddenly, and a dark electric glow flickered in his pupils. The gunmen saw this scene, and their brains were affected by the mirror rotation of the square mirror. Hallucinations appeared.In their eyes, Fang Jing's body was billowing with black smoke, and his whole body turned into countless crows made of smoke, and his whole body suddenly split apart.

Ah ah ah ah!

The gunmen yelled a few times and fired indiscriminately, but they didn't know that Fang Jing had already flew onto the car, and he lightly flicked his hands, and tapped on the opponent's shoulders and back chest.bang bang!

The three gunmen seemed to have been shot at the death spot and turned into wood carvings and stone statues. All of them were hardened and died in an instant.In the same way, no one in this convoy survived, and all of them were killed by Fang Jing's secret method of turning around the mirror four times.The only exception was the sandy off-road vehicle. When Fang Jing rushed over, he found that everyone on the vehicle was almost dead.

The previous machine gun fire was no joke, and the other corpses in the car were obviously shot.

.... It's Mr. Nishi, I remember you.

The blue-skinned radiant man he had seen before was dying, he sighed deeply, and said in a low voice: "It's really great, I didn't expect to be so lucky to meet you." "You are him." He struggled to stand up, Only then did Fang Jing realize that there was a little girl who was sleeping under him.

"Also, Mr. Nishiba, please take care of this child temporarily. This is... my last request.

After saying this, the radiation man named Nick was about to pass out.

"Don't just die without saying a word, I don't want to take care of any little girls.

Fang Jing, who took the "Toon" and the letter, snorted coldly, and quickly pointed his finger at Nick's body, and at the same time, he injected the fragments of Dao Miscellaneous Fortune into his body.

"You'd better live and solve this kind of trouble yourself!

Chapter 302 The Graveyard

A blinding light hangs overhead.After a long time, Nick finally opened his eyes wide. In the center of the ceiling, the lighting equipment imitating the white sun emitted light, and the white light went directly to the wine.It’s so dazzling! It is said that the afterlife world in the Western cross is full of light and holiness. He thinks that he is a member of the "Central City" settlement. Even if there is a leader after death in this world, he should return to where his ancestors are. Sanctuary, not the blissful paradise of Westerners.

"You wake up!"

- A voice rang in his ear.Nick was startled suddenly, he turned his neck and found himself lying on a bed, and on the other side of the bed, a slender man was holding a fruit knife, carefully peeling an apple with the fruit knife, His slender fingers were very nimble, and he quickly cut a whole apple into several bunnies and put them on the plate.

"Your name is Nick, right?" Fang Jing picked up the peeled apple rabbit and ate it in small bites.

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