"The second option is to completely leave the fourth floor and leave the underground facilities. At least the safety is higher, and we can live as if we left here. This is not a joke. Everyone can see that if they continue to stay here, they The possibility of annihilation of the entire army is very high. When everyone was thinking, a figure stumbled in from the direction of the gate. He was covered in blood and his whole body was bitten. The moment he appeared, everyone became alert , all raised their guns. Dozens of muzzles, plus flamethrowers, all aimed at this man.

"Help! Help me! The man who was covered in injuries opened his mouth, closed his eyes tightly - fell to the ground, and fainted. Everyone looked at you, I looked at me, and they all looked at each other. There was no one Dare to step forward.

"There was no monster coming after him.

A soldier picked up his gun and walked around slowly. He leaned in front of the door and looked out.Indeed, the monsters did not catch up. It seemed that the wounded man did not attract the monsters.

Hearing the soldier's words, the tight string in everyone's heart was also loosened.

"This man seems to be still angry." The man who fell on the ground was obviously still a little angry, so it seemed that he might be able to rescue him again.This soldier was also kind, and he planned to get closer to see the other party's injuries.

At this moment, the dying man suddenly jumped up, he stretched out a hand suddenly, and grabbed the soldier's leg.


"let me go

"Let me go!" The soldier felt the grasped leg, and lost consciousness in an instant. He raised it up with the intention of giving up, and he grinned strangely at the corner of his mouth, and firmly grasped the leg.

A strange scene happened at this moment, the soldier's legs merged with the man's hands, and their flesh and blood gradually became one.

"Help me! Come and save me!" The sound of the two combined! The sound of bullets sounded instantly.Realizing that something was wrong, everyone raised their guns to shoot, and even raised the lacquered mirror. The two were hit by countless bullets, and their bodies were covered with bullet holes. But even so, the fusion did not end, and the blood vessels were like spider webs. Expanding, if there is a sound of "grumbling" in the two people's bodies, their combined torso, limbs, and body are all growing larger at a speed similar to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, the muscles were filled with sarcoma-like substances, and a deformed monster composed of the flesh and blood of two people appeared in front of everyone.

"With such a fragile weapon, you want to kill me too! It's too much! There is nothing in this world that can kill me! If it weren't for the internal organs of the X base to block my actions, I would have died sixty-three years ago. Then you can rule this planet, you fragile beings. Be my nourishment!" Oops! Everyone realized that they might have encountered a very dangerous existence, and this thing might have been detained in this underground facility in the past For unknown reasons, the powerful monsters in the world have now been unleashed.

"What the hell is this?

"I don't know. Maybe it was brought in by the managers in the past!"

"Could it be a blood servant created from your cells!"

"Ha! How is that possible! If I had such an ugly subordinate, I would have slapped it to death a long time ago.

"Forget it, whether it is or not, it's not too late now. Two figures, tall and short, walked in while chatting. Fang Jing walked in first, and gave orders to the blood-binder behind Ruo.

"Get rid of it.

Chapter 317 Sheep

Fang Jing and "Blood Binder" Linda first walked around the ground floor. The two found nothing special, nor did they find Kimura's body.They climbed up to the fourteenth floor again, and within the area of ​​the +[-]th floor, Fang Jing found a broken gate and a large number of broken cultivation tanks.

He naturally understood that + the monsters on the fourth floor were released, and the two chased after the traces. They found that many monsters had escaped to the upper floor, so they simply followed the traces and came up from below.

Both he and Linda have the ability to move at a high speed unimaginable by humans. It didn't take them too long to walk from the bottom road and rush to the fourth floor.The two also realized that several exceptionally powerful monsters had escaped to the uppermost area.

"My strength has declined for some reason

When the Bloodbinder came to this future world, he was restricted to a certain extent just like the square mirror. Some spells and secret techniques that he was good at could not be used, and negative energy attacks could not work, just like this kind of curse power In this world is restricted.

"Okay, but don't waste time, just grab a few of the strongest ones. Fang Jing didn't tell it some details. He didn't want the bloodbinder to know too much inside information, because at this stage he can't use the magnetic field seeds to bind it. But there is one thing he can be sure of, that is, the magnetic field seed in the bloodbinder's body has not disappeared, it is only in a state of silence.

(It seems that even in this world, the supernatural power has not completely declined, but is in a state of being bound and restricted. The two came to the fourth floor and found that there are a lot of escaped monsters on the fourth floor , This is also because many people who invaded the underground facilities were concentrated on the fourth floor, which also caused the fourth floor to become a cafeteria for monsters.

Just saw such a scene.Fang Jing glanced at it indifferently, frowned, and said casually: "Kill it." The bloodbinder behind him liberated himself, and quickly transformed from the appearance of a little boy into a five-meter-high monster. The image is like the exhibition of the devil in the myth. The red eyes are like burning fire.

"Kill me, rely on you ignorant existences! The monster roared and turned around suddenly. Its claws were like black steel claws, and it grabbed the face of the bloodbinder. This simple hand triggered The strong wind blows, the air screams.

The Bloodbinder's face was cold, he didn't say any nonsense, he sprinted close, and also stretched out a claw, piercing the air like a ghost, and killed him instantly.Screaming! The air is like an explosion, and the airflow is pulled into several swirling cyclones, like an invisible swirling blade wrapped around this steel claw.

Just seeing this scene, the monster let out a terrified scream. It turned around and tried to escape. ÷san∫ bar ∫ read ∫ book ÷


Before he had time to turn around, the monster's body was suddenly torn in two, and the rain of blood scattered all over the sky.

"Die!" The whole body of the monster divided into two halves "squeezed" from both sides to the center, and the countless bones and blood bones all over the body were constantly shaking, and the whole body was like a giant mouth - wrapped around the blood-binder. Those sticky, blood-binders just sneered, didn't even move, stood where they were, and let the monster wrap it up.

"Stupid! Even if you tear up my shell, what's the use of it. I can corrupt and devour any flesh and blood at will. As long as I touch it, it will be corrupted by me and become a part of me. You will Honestly, become the nutrient for my growth and strength!"

The monster spoke in a feverish tone, and it didn't care, the flesh was shattered, because it was only the flesh and blood of its strange victim, not its real body.


The Bloodbinder just sneered, its huge body shook slightly, every cell in its body seemed to have independent will, and in turn absorbed the flesh and blood of this monster.

"This, what's going on here! Why can't I house you!"

".You...you are devouring me here. How could such a thing happen."

"Impossible! Impossible! Why can't I absorb you, what are you?"

The monster gradually disappeared from the blood-binder's body surface, just like the water absorbed by the sponge was completely swallowed by the blood-binder's cells.

"It's really a low-level and idiotic life. Anyway, I am also a blood-binder. You low-level life is nothing more than a special nature. You can be born in the flesh and blood of living beings. It is a kind of inferior existence. Similar to Strange life.... And our bloodbinders can directly absorb the life energy of living beings, and want to absorb my body. Isn't this a dream?"

The blood-binder possesses the "negative life" elongation, and survives by absorbing life force. My own race has already evolved to a limit physically. In terms of physical ability, even among the ancient nocturnal species, it is rare to be able to compare with the blood-binder. The presence.Thinking of this, it peeked at the square mirror behind it again. For it, the existence of this male human being is a puzzle. It has lived for a long time, and it has also come into contact with powerful human beings, but it is still not able to deal with this man. on a par.At this very moment, Fang Jing folded his hands on his chest and slowly raised his eyes.

The bloodbinder was so frightened that he quickly lowered his body, walked back behind him, and transformed into the image of a little boy again.And from the appearance of Fang Jing and the blood-binder, to the battle between the monster and the blood-binder, being torn apart by the claws, and trying to devour the latter, but being killed back, from the beginning to the end, the group of human beings present were always stupid. Almost F looking.Until the bloodbinder ended the battle, their expressions still maintained that stupid look, and even their eyes were dull.

It was only at this moment that they realized that the battle was over, and the monster that brought fear to everyone was dealt with by the comers in a few clicks.

"Are you the last survivors?"

Fang Jing didn't care too much about the group of survivors, he was still seriously considering another difficulty, which was how to solve the two phantom wills.But this matter cannot be rushed, he must find someone who can "retreat" to solve this problem.

..Could it be Nishizuka! Why are you here?"

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