The radiation man soldiers charged into the enemy's gathering point with their guns in hand.Crash! Suddenly, a corpse lying on the ground jumped up. The man whose head had been cut off, his eyes glowed faintly red, opened his mouth and bit one of Ruo's soldiers.

At this moment, a bullet made of cursed iron hit his brain again.The biochemical man's head exploded, and the brains were scattered all over the ground, lying on the ground without moving.

The Gray Lion King couldn't help but sighed deeply, and lowered the special gun in his hand. He had to be thankful that he and the soldiers participating in the battle had obtained this special key gun in advance, otherwise even if he could break through the white gun with heavy firepower There is no way to continue to rush forward despite the high wall.

However, whether it is a French key gun or this special bullet, if there is no square mirror, it is impossible to manufacture it at all.

Fortunately, the French key gun, although the production process is complicated, but there is still a way to manufacture it with the technology of the Yaqing Consortium.In fact, Li Zhen and other telekinetics are willing to join the operation of the Yaqing Consortium, the main reason is that the group will provide them with some help.

It is not a difficult problem to mass-produce the key gun with the help of the consortium.The real headache is the use of the bullets made of spell iron. The properties of the special bullets can be activated through the magic key gun, so that they can kill those biochemical people.Otherwise, it would be difficult to break up the enemy's front line with the attack of heavy firepower units alone.

As mentioned on the 39th, there are not many curse irons in stock.

Fang Jing is very clear about mantra iron. Conventional mantra iron needs to be transformed from heart gold mother iron. The mantra iron of Li Zhen and other psychokinesis is obtained from the TZ laboratory of the dark government army.

Li Zhen killed an important researcher in the laboratory more than [-] years ago, and escaped with other experimental subjects, and they also took a lot of things.

The existence of the curse iron is one of them. The curse iron itself has a kind of magnetism similar to a magnet, which can infect ordinary gold objects and transform them into the nature of the curse iron, but the effect is very weak.

The amount of spell iron in the hands of the experimental subjects is limited, but according to this notebook, they found an armory sealed by the old hunting mechanism, found some remaining spell iron from it, and made new bullets.

But even in the arsenal kept by the hunting organization, the amount of cursed iron is not much, not enough to arm the consortium and the Wild Rose Party's army.Fortunately, during the battle with the rock giant, Fang Jing broke through some kind of shackles imposed on himself. Not only did he restore his original strength, he was able to activate the original wrath resonance magnetic field, and he was able to complete the pseudo-curse entanglement imitating him. The power comes from Yingda Qianyan Wan. Using the curse of the demon sword, he can also transfer the curse power to the metal. With this advantage, he can create a large amount of curse iron. The two major forces also understand this. Will decide to fight the dark government army in Tokyo.

For the consortium and the Wild Rose Party, they also want to destroy the dark government army and carve up its resources and technology.The details of these intrigues were completed as early as last month's talks between the two parties.

"The overall situation has been decided! The future of the dark government army was doomed in the talks between the two major forces last month, and no one can change the outcome. The Gray Lion King looked into the distance and turned into a war in the Japanese era. In the ruined city, the remodeled armored vehicles formed a group and charged forward. With the help of bombs and artillery fire that hit the sky, the troops rushing in from the west sides are heading towards the center of Tokyo. advance.

At the same time. In front of the entrance of the subway in Tokyo, two figures suddenly appeared in front of a golden iron made of alloy.This subway entrance has been greatly remodeled, and the front of the subway station originally used for commuting on the Tokyo Line was blocked by an alloy wall.

TZ Lab' should be right here!" Fang Jing and the bloodbinder in the appearance of a red-haired youth stood in front of the alloy gate of the subway.

"The real base camp of the Dark Army is also here.

Staring at the gate, Fang Jing's eyes flickered, his left and right pupils changed, and he said in a deeper voice: "Do it!"

In the next second, the door was shattered by the boundless force. The air flow was mixed with alloy fragments, scattered in all directions. A huge hole was violently blasted out in the center of the door.

As a puff of smoke and dust slowly dissipated, the two figures formally entered the long-sealed Tokyo underground city.

Didi, Didi! The red siren sounded throughout the large and small laboratories in the experimental base.In the huge space like a secret dungeon, there is a militarized base with multiple protections.

After the escape of the experimental body many years ago, the degree of protection of this large experimental base has increased by several levels.

"Brain and brain, someone broke through the protective device on the eleventh floor, and is going down...

-A bald, fat middle-aged man in a white coat wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and reported to a blue screen emperor.

"Don't come to me for such a trivial matter. I will continue to carry out the experiment of the DA45 project number, and from the +- layer, the level of the defense sequence has been increased by three times, and it is completely protected by mechanical guards, biochemical demon bodies For protection, ordinary people can't break in.

A pale, dead face appeared on the screen. It was an old man, and he said blankly, "I'll go back when I'm fine."

"Wait a minute, Botu, the other party just broke through the defensive devices of the twelfth and thirteenth floor passages in a row, and cold sweat almost covered Fatty's back." It only took forty-three seconds before and after, and their breakthrough speed is still accelerating , our defense system is not an opponent at all. "Oh! Hearing this, Botu's eyes showed intense interest. He blinked and showed a sinister smile.

"Then, why don't you release the newly developed special number 150 Kagushi' and number 172 Falling into the Sky? By the way, isn't there that man who just finished remodeling? Send him there too. Look at these guys." Can it come in handy.

Chapter 326 Boredom

The TZ laboratory is actually a secret core of the Dark Army, no less important than the sanctuary in the deepest part of the Tokyo underground city.

The passages leading to the laboratory are all reinforced layer by layer, and each layer is equipped with various traps, organs, and defensive measures.

The warning sound of "Ji Du" sounded like a whistle, and the red light dyed the alloy corridor paved with red.

Peng! The iron door that automatically closed was kicked open, and a man in a long brown trench coat stepped in first. Behind him was a red-haired young man with lazy eyes.

"What floor is this?"

The two broke through the first ten floors, and they also found that the underground space was built as strong as a fortress, and the interior was composed of layers of protective circles. The defense was so good that even if a large army was gathered, it might not be able to rush in.You must know that such passages are completely excavated from the ground. The passage itself is not large and the range is narrow, even if there is a huge military force, it will not be effective.Laser cages, automatic machine guns, mechanical guards, self-propelled landmines, biochemical demons, as long as one is cleverly arranged, a group of powerful and powerful troops can be blocked and killed in the underground passage.

"There is a passage in front of the left and right, but

As soon as the bloodbinder finished speaking, he heard a loud bang, and a large number of flames exploded in an instant, and fires gushed out from all over the passage, walls, and ceiling, as if the entire passage was instantly transformed into The sea of ​​fire couldn't stop Fang Jing and Bing Xue from walking away. They passed through the corridor with lightning-like speed at the moment the flame erupted.

With a bang, the protective door at the end was completely shattered by a steel-like punch.

There is a wonderful space in the depths of the underground passage. This space is separated from the surroundings, like a separate room, the walls are covered with a layer of dusty dust, and the other spaces are like wards, one after another. separate rooms.If anyone stayed here, they would hear all kinds of sounds coming from these ward-like compartments from time to time.There is the cry of a woman;

There is also the sound of beasts chewing flesh;

There was also the sound of metal chains pulling and shaking, and besides that, there was a frenzy of screaming; even in this laboratory, no one here wanted to get close, and the guards staying here never got too close to this forbidden area.In the [-] years since this area was built, seven of the guards committed suicide, three of them were unknown, and one of them dismembered a friend in the same dormitory, counterattacked after being discovered, and was shot after killing three of them. kill.This area has long been regarded as an unknown place, and no one is willing to approach it, even the upper floors have blocked it.

click.Like the sound of gear transmission, the synthetic metal in the dark room was even broken.Sealed in a cryogenic container - the double gray eyes opened.The restraining devices were unlocked layer by layer, and the figure in the huge steel coffin finally woke up.

"Time to kill, number 172.

The voice of Dr. Naokuyan rang out from the radio, and after breaking through another layer of defense, the two of them didn't know where they came to.Several forked roads appeared in front of Fang Jing and the blood-binder. The two simply separated and looked for their own way out.

Anyway, according to the speed of the two of them, if they find that they are going wrong, it won't waste much time even if they turn back a long way.

Da da! Da da! The whole corridor echoed with the sound of his own footsteps, except for the sound of footsteps, everything was silent.He found that this should be a living area, and he could see different rooms, including kitchen, bathroom, public area and cafeteria.The light fixtures are all good. There is nothing wrong with the lighting equipment.

Fang Jing walked around randomly, and he found that there were traces of human life here, and various posters were pasted on the corridors and passages.There are some documents and files on the table.A few newspapers were crumpled into balls and thrown beside the trash can in the corner.Something is wrong with this place!

In the strange silence, Fang Jing found that his footsteps and the sound of his breathing seemed extremely loud.

He approached a room where the door was opened and found that it was an office, just like the office in an office building. There were some desks and chairs, computers, telephones, books in this room.

Magazines, potted plants, it looks very ordinary.

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