"What was the cause of the Great War? What happened to the world decades ago?"

"Is this a mystery?" Naotouyan said to himself in a doubtful tone: the world became very turbulent during that time, and because of the abnormal fog in the outer sea, our connection with the outside world became less and less , For some reason, it is difficult for radio waves to penetrate the fog. I don’t know if the satellite was shot down by other countries. Most of our connections with the outside world have been cut off. Although there are other means, this country quickly discovered that there is no It is impossible to break through the area outside the fog and communicate with the outside world. "

"For the people living in this island country, it is better to say that this island country is completely cut off from the world, rather than a war that destroyed the world.

"During a period of anxious waiting, nuclear weapons fell from the sky, an unexpected attack came, which destroyed several large cities, and soon, the country fell into disarray, and a cloud of radiation enveloped the sky. Coupled with the continuous occurrence of riots and disputes, material shortages, and the loss of government functions, the entire country seemed to come to an end. Then, a major civil war broke out, and the rioters burned the city. Different ideas began to kill each other in the abandoned world. There is no worse day than this, the whole world seems to have become a battlefield of flesh and blood. This country is constantly performing tragedies of deceiving the same kind and killing each other.

Just by hearing this synthetic tone of electronic voice, one can smell the smell of blood and corpses in the nose, which echoes with mourning and wailing before death.

"However, these have nothing to do with me. When the nuclear bomb hit Tokyo, I was transferred to the basement of Tokyo for refuge. Later, there was a riot in order to compete for underground resources. I was seriously injured at that time, and I was once again Transferred to a safe area, sent to the treatment cabin, and after a few years of waking up, I met a family called 'corpse dogs'."

"Are the dead dogs really them?" Fang Jing sighed. Speaking of the dead dogs, he had dealt with them many times with his fists.

"Hehehe... Those guys revealed some very interesting inside information to me. It is said that it has a lot to do with the composition of the current world, and it seems to have caused the composition of the current world. Besides, they claim that this There are a lot of weird things in the world. But because of the outbreak of some kind of power, all the weird things are wiped out. Brain Skull Yan smiled strangely: "For me, this is really good news. At the same time It's also bad news. The good news is that my field of research is expanding... The other party's words are really full of information, and Fang Jing finally understands some details.

Maybe before the flames of war broke out, some foreign matter from the other world was released. This force has spread to the whole world. Even the existence of clan forces, nocturnal species, and evil ages cannot be resisted; , for some reason, they All gone.

"When the bloodbinder and I came to this world, we also lost some of our abilities. Maybe other weird forces have also encountered this crisis. After Fang Jing came to this wasteland world, he found that the nocturnal species, the evil age and the clan The forces are all gone, and now, he understands that the only one left is the Corpse Dogs... It seems that this matter has a great connection with the Corpse Dogs.

"Xijiasi, since you can come here, I'm afraid I won't be able to do anything about you. The electronically synthesized voice of Brain Skull said: "I'm going to leave this laboratory now, use This positioning teleportation device, head to the sanctuary of the corpse dog clan. If you are willing to come together, "Oh!"

Fang Jing looked his head up and down, and said in a low voice: "Do you think I will believe your words? And you think you have done so many things, I will easily let me go.

"It's up to you. Anyway, I have become like this. You can do whatever you want. The so-called brain head Yan scoffed at his words: Now I only have one brain left, and I can't even count." It's hard to say that the living are alive. I don't have much desire for survival itself. The only pursuit is to continue to study

Fang Jing didn't speak in a hurry, he seemed to weigh it, and then said unhurriedly: So, what's the situation with Kimura? Judging from his appearance, he seems to be controlled by you.

"It's brainwashing plus mechanical transformation. When he was picked up by the 'ghost', he was only half alive. If I hadn't transformed his body into a prosthetic machine, he might have died long ago.

"If you remove his brainwashing, I can choose to let you go." Fang Jing said solemnly: "But from now on, you must work under my hands and accept my supervision.

Chapter 331 Traitor

Naotouyan agreed to Fang Jing's request and order without any hesitation.

This man named Brainhead lacks some of the most basic things of being a human being, such as personality, dignity, and more essential things as a human being. Brainhead seems to be born lacking these elements, and there are more things in the depths of his personality. .In other words, what occupies his soul the most is his endless thirst for knowledge and exploration.

Completing his experiment is the most important thing for him.And the desire to satisfy his soaring desire for research is stronger than any other desire of his own.It was also for this reason that he didn't have any shameful considerations. Fang Jing offered to spare his life, but he had to work under his supervision from now on, and Nao Yanyan almost didn't think twice about agreeing.

"This space teleportation device for teleportation can send us into the sanctuary located at an extreme depth of [-] meters underground. The huge ring-shaped facility entered a device similar to an elevator. Brainhead Yan claimed that through this special mechanism, the three of them could be transported to the holy place of the corpse dog clan that outsiders could not easily enter.

"Why do corpse dogs hide so deep underground?"

There was a suspicious look in Fang Jing's eyes.

"Also... so many years have passed...don't the corpse dog think about controlling this country?"

"They're dying," Brainhead snickered.

"The corpse dog family has fallen into some kind of group exhaustion. Most of the offspring are completely extinct, and only a few elders survived. device to preserve one's own life continuously

"Why does this happen?

"Then I don't know, I was recruited by the corpse dogs, that is, to use my medical technology to help them survive, and to study how to make the race of corpse dogs continue to flourish... The brain doctor was employed by The Corpse Dog Clan, assisting them in researching technology that can delay the extermination trend of the Corpse Dog Clan, for this reason, the doctor conducted research on the cells and genes of the Corpse Dog Clan, and the cloned biochemical human is one of the experimental results. However, that is also a kind of The result of failure. The biochemical man produced by cloning is undoubtedly a failure. The biochemical man is not even comparable to the inferior species of corpse dog. It can only be used as a consumable. The only advantage is its high stability and regenerative ability. Not bad, but longevity is always an issue.

"The same is true for people with the ability to read. Botu Pan Biao is indeed an excellent scholar, but her design has inherent flaws. Therefore, no matter how optimized and screened, it is impossible to reproduce a person with abilities like the clan."

"I also got some information from the corpse dog, but it is not comprehensive.

The doctor said very plainly: ... After the war broke out, most of the clans seemed to have disappeared, and they were the spoils of war for the corpse dogs who destroyed the Huulanfang clan.

"The corpse dogs have the ability to impersonate the clan?

"It seems that since the outbreak of the war, the clan has lost its original ability, and the ability called 'cursed' has also disappeared.

Brain Yan Botu continued: "I am afraid that it is for this reason that other clan powers have also disappeared one after another.

This is an anecdote that outsiders don't know, and the detailed secrets are not even clear to the brain, but from this point, some details can be learned.

I don't know how long it took. The transmission device began to make strange noises, as if the other end of the connecting device of the elevator door opened.In front of Fang Jing Kimura and Dr. Naosuyan, a resplendent and resplendent hall appeared.This hall is as gorgeous as a crystal structure, not only the lighting in the corridors or the ceilings of the rooms, but even the walls and floors are glowing faintly.There are crystal lights hanging from the ceiling, and the dazzling white light shines down.Under the feet, the self-colored marble pillars also appeared more white under the light, as if every inch of the corner was filled with white light.

The three of them walked into the hall stepping on the bloody red velvet carpet, and at this moment, a certain voice sounded, it was an old voice falling into irreparable exhaustion.

"Damn it! Brainhead, who let you enter the 'audience room' without authorization

"You bastard... the recovery ceremony of King Huang Yun is in progress, you have such a big brain, you dare to bring outsiders in!"

"It's really bold, what kind of inferior creatures are brought here. This gorgeous palace is about thousands of square meters. The entire underground palace is incredibly luxurious, and there are huge stone pillars everywhere. And at the very front appeared- A high melting platform, the old and weird voices around the high platform are conveyed from these pools. The keen-eyed square mirror has already discovered that these pools are not ordinary water, but a kind of water that exudes gold. These golden liquids are constantly churning, and the hot steam keeps coming up, as if something is stinging at the bottom of the pool.

"These poor old guys rely on the life-support devices I made to be able to survive. These life-support devices are very wonderful, and they need to be maintained by human lives on a regular basis. The corpse dogs must eat humans to survive. The essence of the device is to ensure that these elders 'are a special device for survival. The life of a living person is to provide them with a kind of firewood for survival.' Nao Shouyan's tone was very cold, and he made a sacrifice for himself. He only described the mechanical equipment of the man-eating monster with his life in a very flat manner.

"Tokyo's underground world occupied by the Dark Army still maintains a large number of living people. They are survivors after the war, but in this underground world, they all exist to provide firewood."

"Don't say it so innocently, you are also one of the accomplices. Fang Jing pointed this out mercilessly.

"Of course, I have no intention of denying it.

Naotouyan admitted it readily, but it was not that he had a heart of repentance, it was simply that he admitted the fact.

"Shut up, you bloody low-level beings. You will be punished next!

With a roar, the roaring sound vibrated the air, and an ugly shadow emerged from the pool, it was a monster like a dementia dog.As soon as the elder corpse dog with completely degraded functions came out, it felt killing intent and hostility rising from the air, and a strong sense of crisis like an electric shock rushed to its brain. The anger disappeared in an instant, leaving only The next instinctive feeling of fear.Meat.

A decayed voice exclaimed.

"Impossible! This is not the power of the curse, who are you?" An elder also said these words in a trembling voice.

"Hey! You ruined Mundo. Destroyed our brothers."

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