Chapter 336 Mirror Door

It doesn't take much effort to bring the brain. ÷san∫Let’s ∫ read ∫books÷Anyway, he has only one head left, and Fang Jing didn’t think too much, so he put his head in a backpack and went deep into the "ghost tower" with the bloodbinder "internal.The deeper they go, the faster the surrounding scene changes.

"This place is really weird! I can smell some secret and dangerous atmosphere."

The blood man muttered a few words in a low voice, and it pushed open the very old and heavy door. It was dark inside, and there were a lot of stone carvings on both sides.

"You bloodbinders have survived for so long, and you must have dealt with weirdos a lot. Could it be that there is no good way to deal with it...

The square mirror glanced down. These stone carvings are all lifelike skeletons, which look very similar to the images of death carved in European cemeteries.

"No, you also know what "weirdness" is. It is inherently invisible and invisible, and it is very difficult to have a clear way to deal with it.

It was some kind of mocking sound, and these death-like skeletons laughed shrilly one by one.Fang Jing glanced coldly, the red internal electricity in the palm of his hand shot out from his heart, gathered together and condensed into a crimson horse that destroyed everything. In the meantime, these skeleton statues playing tricks were decomposed into the most primitive molecules state.

Linda the Bloodbinder sighed, the stone sculptures destroyed by the powerful energy even melted the base skin underneath, and hot steam continued to come out, but after a few seconds, the skeleton statues appeared like phantoms again.

recombine again.

“These things are capable of constant recovery.

"Yes, there's no point in wasting energy on them, just keep going.

The bloodbinder walked forward, and the two walked through the black corridor. They came to a vast hall that seemed to have no boundaries. This hall looked like a stone building with cracks everywhere on the walls. This square hall was very empty. The ceiling is more than ten meters high, and the ground is paved with huge stone slabs, with various weeds growing between the stone slabs.But that's not the point, there are a lot of stairs scattered around the square for some reason.Yes, it is a sample ladder.These stairs come in a variety of shapes and sizes, including old and new.Many of them look like they have been cut for a long time, as if they were cut out from an abandoned city and then placed in the hall.Some are brand new, like the wooden stairs on the first floor of a newly decorated yellow house.

The most outrageous thing is a spiral staircase that looks like it was moved out of a lighthouse. It is composed of gold and spiral ladders, and the accessories are very old.

Unlike the exaggerated ceiling of the plaza, the ladders are not that high, but they appear abruptly

A lot of stairs just grew on the overgrown stone slabs, and no one could understand why there were such ladders here.

"It's a meaningless display, why are these ladders here?"

A shrill cry suddenly sounded, echoing in the hall, it sounded like the cry of a baby, but how could there be a baby in such a ghostly place.Besides, the cry was so loud that it was hard to believe that a newborn baby could make such a sound.

The boom sounded again.An auditorium in the distance collapsed with a double row of stairs, and then. Like dominoes, with one - one - - - collapsed stairs, the ground was splashed with sand and stones, and a huge object emerged from the thick smoke popped out

That was a weird inner block. That thing was moving at an extremely fast speed, and a huge shadow was cast on the ground.

The ball-shaped head alone is the size of a car, and Lian Ruo's body is also close to the ball shape, with short and thick limbs. This is a fat and bulky baby.

But a normal baby must not be six meters tall, and the skin of the whole body has a black red golden color.

"Be careful, we have malicious intentions when this thing lasts. The bloodbinder in the form of a red-haired youth sighed, and wanted the child to rush in his direction. It crawled on the ground with its huge limbs, sprinting like a pig, and everything in front of it Objects were knocked away, as if the earth was shaking.

The red stubby hands were pressed down, and the strong wind immediately penetrated the ground under the feet of the red-haired youth.

The ground was shattered, as if hit by a hammer, and the fragments flew in all directions. The huge black baby with compound eyes in the shape of an insect lowered its head. It seemed that it couldn't understand why the toy that was supposed to be held in its hands would have been lost by the red-haired youth. Jumping ten meters backward at a very high speed, the huge black baby let out a strange smile of excitement, stretched out its hands and crawled forward quickly.

Suddenly, a powerful fist struck, turning the huge strange baby head-on.The strange baby screamed, and the upper body was blown away by the fist wrapped in red inner electricity, and the whole body flew upside down, like a black shadow "slamming" a hundred meters away.Fang Jing's toes were slightly on the ground, and his body seemed to be floating out of thin air. The weight of his body was lifted up by the magnetic field.It's not like a human being at all, but like a god who descended into the world.

"I feel a portal', it should be ahead, we keep going, we should be able to get close.

After saying this, streams of air burst out from behind him, and his whole body moved forward like a flash of red lightning.

"OK. "

The Bloodbinder swallowed his arrow tongue.

(This guy's strength is really getting stronger and stronger, and now he is getting closer and closer to the eclipse level. In terms of his progress speed, it is really terrible fast.

The eclipse level is quite a terrifying series. Even among the nocturnal species, only a few powerful beings have obtained the power of the eclipse level.

The Blood Binder couldn't help but suspect that Fang Jing would enter the eclipse ranks at an extremely exaggerated speed.

"As long as I stay by this guy's side, I might be able to see a new overlord rising strongly in this island country in the Far East, which is really interesting.

There was a smile on his face. Fang Jing and the bloodbinder experienced all kinds of wonderful events in this weird space, and they were constantly hunted down by that huge black baby.That giant black baby is very weird. It looks like those skeleton statues. It cannot be killed. After being blown up, it can be restored again like a phantom.This thing is difficult to deal with, but fortunately, the two of them are strong enough to suppress this strange baby.

But every time this monster dies, it will be more difficult to kill after rebirth, its strength will increase, and its size will continue to increase. Later, it will become as tall as a building.

Forced to do nothing, Fang Jing had no choice but to transform into an angry body mode. He urged the sixteenth floor of Mielun Fist to blast the giant baby into ashes and smoke.

Finally, they found a door that was ajar.The door has only one frame, which stands on the ground. When the square mirror turns the handle, you come to a very large room. In the center of the room, you can see a large full-length mirror.The mirror was placed and looked closer. The full-length mirror was like a door, standing in the center. The red-haired young man among the three looked thoughtful. In fact, the room itself was very abnormal.In such a large room, there was only a mirror in the center, and an indescribable strangeness surged into the hearts of the three of them.The Bloodbinder stood motionless in front of the mirror. It thought of some taboo sayings circulated in its own clan, and couldn't help hesitating for a while.And Fang Jing walked around the black and white tiles, and found that there were six windows around the room. The first window he approached seemed to be a black forest outside the glass window.And when he came to the second window, there was no forest outside, but a piece of ruins, and even the ground was sandy, as if it was in the middle of a desert.

The other three windows all presented different scenes, as if the six windows seemed to lead to six other different spaces.

Fang Jing pulled the window with his hands, but found that there was no way to pull it. The window seemed to be fixed with the space, and it didn't move at all, even with his amazing brute force.

"What a strange place indeed!"

It is rare to encounter a place where one's own strength can't be used, and this room is a little bit wrong.

"I think the mirror may be the entrance, but it might be a bit difficult to return to our original world through the mirror. The red-haired young man seemed to have thought of something, and said this with a serious expression.

Chapter 337

"What do you mean by that?"

Fang Jing asked him why.

"Xijiasi, if you think about it carefully, we should be affected by the power of the 'Egg of Qingsha' at the same time. For reasons we don't understand, we are swallowed by the weirdness called Night of Nothingness. Come on It’s this era. The red-haired young man put his hand on his chin and thought seriously: “But. Have you noticed that we were not actually teleported to the same point in time. I arrived at that era many years earlier than you, and was transported to that era earlier than you It was sealed on that Siren Island. Before Fang Jing could respond to his words, the red-haired young man went on to say: Or, can we really go back? Maybe as soon as we step out, we will be sent to some weird world again.

Fang Jing was not in a hurry to speak, he was silent for a while before speaking:

He has been in this world for a long time, and he doesn't know how long it has been in the other world. If there is too much time gap, something will inevitably go wrong.

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