"Don't worry about it, just keep driving inside. Fang Jing didn't bother to pay attention, he leaned back on the soft chair, calm and composed. Hearing this, the driver could only bite the bullet and turn on the lights , and continued to drive the car forward. During this period of time, he was also sorting out his various skills and constantly pondering in his heart. After such a long time, his practice has temporarily entered a period of slack, but the burden of " Although the two different forces of "angry body" and "evil body" are strong enough, they are not stable enough. Fang Jing is a little worried, and he is a little careless. The negative person derived from these two eyes suppresses the two negative personalities in his body The basic attributes can be improved, and his body can be strengthened to the greatest extent. In addition, he can use the four precision holes to carry out instantaneous explosive combat power. He can indeed obtain powerful and incredible speed, strength and constitution.

"The next key is to study the means of entering the eclipse. I have an idea about this, that is, like the "weird" eclipse, exaggerate its nature outward.

"But I'm not really weird, and taking the clan approach won't work, the only way is to use 'fate fragments' to change this state.

"I need to expand the level of 'fate' outward. Spread my own nature outward. Form seeds with fate fragments and alien weapons, and expand widely. This is the only way to expand my existence information Fang Jing recalled that he used the seeds designed by the fragments of the Miscellaneous Life in Waste, and those who were implanted by him in the Miscellaneous Life, because of the factors of the Mirror Four Turning technique, formed an emotional network, It can condense the thoughts and emotions of others and transform them into a kind of biological energy. After returning to this world, after he came into contact with Renye Sakuya at the Kinugawa Mansion, he was more inspired and had more mature ideas.

"The next step is to repeat the practice and verify my guess. If my assumption is correct, then I might be involved in the core level of 'eclipse'.

It seems that he has pushed a gap in the invisible body of the "eclipse level". This is a door leading to a higher level, which also means that if he can become stronger and grasp greater power.

Suddenly, the car stopped. The driver holding the steering wheel was covered with beads of sweat, and his ears moved slightly, as if he heard something.

In fact, the other people staying in the car also obviously heard something.

Zai Zai Zai Zai.Xicizai.Accompanied by this sound, the mist came from time to time-bursts of deep roaring sounds.

"Then what is that? The driver was wearing a white glove, his hands were shaking, and a strange fish appeared in front of the headlights... No, this should be a murloc.

It's just that this is not the kind of murloc in fairy tales, but a murloc covered in swollen scales, whose body is like a piece of murloc made up of a large number of human limbs.The murloc is two meters tall, and its hands and feet are foreign objects twisted into a ball. It has a huge mouth, and it makes low-pitched roars from time to time. The eyes protrude from the fish's face like a large fish. light bulb.This murloc was not the only one, there were dozens of shadows behind it, each of which was an ugly murloc with distorted shapes.

Anyone who sees these monsters will only have one thought in his mind, this is a group of species that should not appear in this world.

Accompanied by the appearance of a few murlocs, the driver, Miss Yusheng and Sister Ganzhong all felt a sense of evil, fear, and horror in their hearts.And at this time, seeing these disgusting things. Fang Jing couldn't help being a little upset, and his nose wrinkled.

"I'm going to deal with these guys, you all stay in the car.

He opened the car door, moved his body a bit, and then slowly took steps in the direction of a murloc walking in front of the car.

The driver sitting in the car was as pale as paper. To an ordinary person, these monsters are completely dreams that only appear in dreams.

However, this is just the dream quality of ordinary people.

Rather than the dream house of the square mirror.

Fang Jing, who is getting stronger and stronger, has no fear anymore.


When the murloc saw Fang Jing walking in front of him, he raised his head and let out a strange cry.

It roared like this, and several murloc companions nearby also stared like light bulbs, and let out "YUYU" in unison. "Fish!" Fang Jing squinted his eyes and said in a low voice: "You guys are so disgusting, you are all prettier than you, and it's worthless to cut into vegetables.

As soon as he finished speaking, he stretched out his palm and waved it, and the resonant magnetic field turned into a blazing blade light, bringing a series of lightning-like slashes and spinning towards the group of murlocs.

Bang, bang, bang, a series of explosions, and the airflow brought by the sword swept in all directions. These murlocs were cut into countless pieces in an instant, and the magnetic field energy exploded in these pieces, directly obliterating all traces of life.

It's just that when he clapped his hands and turned around, he unexpectedly found that the car that was originally behind him had disappeared strangely.

"Has someone moved away?" Fang Jing realized that he was just a little careless, and the car carrying Ruoqian sisters and Yusheng disappeared into the fog.It's just that he doesn't care much about this. Yu Sheng is a reinforcement directly assigned by Yacheng Yingjian, and the Qianzhong sisters have learned the extremely rare witch art. They still have the ability to protect themselves.As for myself, since I entered this mist, I have felt two great hostility.I'm afraid that when I come here, I will be watched by someone.He could feel that there was an inconsistency hidden in the depths of the mist.

"I'm afraid they were eyeing me from the beginning, and deliberately transferred them away to lead me deeper. Thinking of this, Fang Jing just sneered, and continued to move forward, moving deeper into the fog.

Chapter 351 Wu Xiong

The gray-white cloudy sky and the white mist shrouded everything in front of me, which looked a little unreal and mysterious.And in the depths of the dim fog, two figures appeared faintly.

... what an unpleasant fog!"

"How long will it take to find the 'target' of this trip, to be honest, I'm a little tired."

He pursed his lips and turned his gaze to the back. There was a woman there. Compared with this tall man, she looked like a very petite child, but her physique should be at the average level of women.The woman didn't speak, she raised her fingertips slightly, a black dry paper crane fluttered its paper wings, fluttering lightly in the mist clock, dancing slowly in the distance.

"Is there anyone like us who broke into this fog?"

Staring at the flying direction of several paper cranes, the black witch who had been silent all this time said in a low voice: I can feel the extremely powerful spell power, but I don't know which side it is from?" The tall boy let out an ugly cry. Another mean laugh.

"As long as you bring the target back, all other obstacles can be handled by yourself, that is to say, our job is very simple, just kill everyone except the target

"The style of the completely invalid library. It seems that you can't even squeeze a single part of your head for thinking. It is really hard to live with flaws. The black witch showed an indifferent attitude, her eyes A cold tone came out of bloodless lips.

"Behavior outside of the task is meaningless. All in all, as long as it doesn't hinder this operation, your behavior has nothing to do with the concubine, but

"But what?" The tall man stopped.

"If you interfere with the mission of the concubine, then the concubine will definitely erase you, just like throwing kitchen waste into the trash." The black witch looked at the black dry paper crane flying far away, turned her head, and looked at the tall man. Bet on the sight of zero-degree low temperature.

"Hahaha! It's not bad. From this point on, we can still get along with each other occasionally.

The tall man threw out these words with the face of an evil spirit, and the corner of his mouth that raised a smile was full of murderous intent.

"It's really 15! It must be a miracle born in biology to settle down with the same thoughts as the undeveloped orangutans!" The gazes of the two eyes collided in the air, like a temperature close to absolute zero. Liquefied nitrogen-like. Even the air is icy cold and frozen together.

At this moment, a few strange murlocs emerged from the mist. Thanks to these murlocs, the murderous intent between the tall man and the black witch did not fully erupt.

"Hey hey hey!"

"Woman, you are lucky to save your life, I decided to get rid of these disgusting garbage first.

"Although it doesn't take too much time to get rid of you, it has no effect on increasing efficiency. A simple warning to the imbecile who is prone to overexcitement, you can die without breathing by closing your mouth and covering your nose. Because your breathing will Pollution of the world. It is better to die early.

Spitting out poisonous words at each other, the tall man and the black priestess also put on a fighting stance.

"Garbage, don't move, just die honestly!"

Red lava-like flames emanated from the man's body. This flame was like the dragon's breath spit out by a giant dragon. It sprayed out wantonly and turned into a terrifying torrent of flames.

The area of ​​tens of meters is completely turned into a barrier composed of flames to intercept the enemies coming in.

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