"Suspicious point... There is one more, the bottles here are one, two, three, four, five, eyeball teeth, fingers, hair, ears. It seems! Something is wrong again!

Fang Jing suddenly remembered that when they found Aoi Kiryu's real body, there were many defects on her body, and the biggest defect was her left hand.

Her left hand was amputated.This can be seen from the wound alone.

If these five body fragments represent parts of Kiryu Aoi's body, those five body parts are five stripped personalities.So what does the last one - the left hand mean?

(Doctor Yang Kai's hospitalization? And the explosion of the car? Suma also lost his trace after the explosion. Do these have any special meaning?)

"They're all lying! They're all

"They don't match...they.

"It's all fake, liar!

Go, get out of here, they can't die.

"The most dangerous one is still hidden in it, so be careful.

By the way, the blood in the warehouse.

One sixth.

- The five letters on the bottle, IsSix.The sixth, is it possible...there is a sixth existence, Kiryu Aoi's false personality is not only five zi! The power supply in the mansion suddenly jumped.In the next second, the entire mansion was pitch black, completely submerged in darkness.

The night is like a thick black mist enveloping the Kiryu family's mansion.


- A crisp sound came out immediately.

Somewhere in the mansion, a door slowly opened a gap.

A blood-red, bloodshot pupil peeped out from the crack of the door, this eye was cold and cruel, a little ready to move.

"Finally! It's my turn to make an official appearance.

A gloomy voice seemed to be murmuring, the door was pushed open by a hand, and a huge, evil, dark atmosphere came out of the room.With a sizzle sound, the match struck a spark.

A wax worm floated up.Nurse Harumi looked terrified. She saw the flickering candle flame floating in the air. She held the candle with both hands, and the owner of her hand was Aoi Kiryu.

Ishikawa frowned, threw the extinguished match on the floor, and extinguished it with the wall.

. ...should ask, what is this place?"


This is the voice of the three people now. They and him are all thinking about where they are.Obviously, this is the mansion of the Kiryu family, but this mansion is so strange.The ground was covered with dust, and everything in the living room was covered with a thick layer of white ash, whether it was the sofa or the table, they were all covered with thick dust.

Hanging cobwebs can be seen in the corner of the house, there is no fire in the wall, only thick darkness engulfs the room. If it is not for this candle, they may not see anything

"I don't understand, what kind of place is this, but in the blink of an eye, we're here.

The moment the lights went out, something changed in the room, and then they came to this abnormal environment.

Gusts of sinister wind blow out from nowhere in the house, as if the dilapidated house leaks air everywhere, and this airflow feels icy cold.

There was also a musty smell and dust in the air. This was not the mansion where the three of them were familiar with the Kiryu family.

"I don't remember this house being so dark and dirty... What exactly is this place? Nurse Harumi covered her mouth and coughed softly.

Let me tell you.

In the depths of the darkness, a deep voice seemed to float soundlessly.

A pale white bird protruded from the darkness. It grabbed the little nurse Harumi's neck from behind, and with a click-sound, the hands wrung it up forcefully, breaking the lively personality of Harumi's neck.

There was a puff.The huge force even crushed her head.

"This is my paradise... and where you were born?"

A pale man put his arms around Harumi's head and said to the two with a smile: "Welcome back to 'paradise'. My brothers and sisters.

Chapter 380 Ceremony Materials

The existence of the sixth personality and the Kiryu Aoi Award, the transformation of the personality into a phantom entity, is an interesting "case" for Fang Jing. troubled.Fang Jing realized the value of the sixth personality. At the moment when the sixth personality intended to wipe out the other three personalities, he inspired his wild dragon fighting method, found a trace of the sixth personality, and invaded This mirror world.For the sixth personality, he only needs to cleverly use the existence of the mirror space to isolate the internal and external world and block any existence trapped in it.And he himself is not an entity, but a ghost consciousness between the illusion and the real thing, and it is not a problem to travel freely between the two areas.

And Fang Jing's wild dragon turn fighting method can condense consciousness and transform it into matter, which is similar to the existence of "phantom man". For him, as long as he understands this, he can also achieve some of the sixth personality. move.The main cause of these situations that happened in the Kiryu family mansion is the phantom Tulpa created by Kiryu Aoi through rituals. Originally, phantom is just a concept in mysticism. No one can say whether it exists or not, but , the tragedy that happened in the mansion of the Kiryu family undoubtedly proved the existence of phantom people.

"Splitting out his own personality independently and condensing it into an 'entity' that can act in reality, only because he didn't kill the sixth personality in one blow, just now, he also saved a little bit. Also in order to better capture the sixth personality, he found the right opportunity, and drove the wild dragon to switch to the fighting method, absorbing the remaining sixth personality into his body like a malicious killing intent.

"Sure enough, this guy is just as I guessed. It is a strong and evil idea. After being absorbed by me, it can be completely transformed into a part of the Huanglong Zhuan fighting method. The idea of ​​​​the sixth personality... also It is the idea of ​​Aoi Kiryu. He is different from the other personalities. After absorbing the sixth personality, Fang Jing can intuitively learn a large amount of memories of Aoi Kiryu. He will soon Browsing through the memory of the sixth personality, I found that the part I guessed is roughly the same as the real face in Kiryu Aoi's memory, and I can basically get it right. ζSee ↑ Ba ↑ Reading ↑ Book ζ

"The ritual related to phantom people obtained by Aoi Kiryu. It comes from the mystic materials collected by Kiryu Suzuki. From the data point of view, this ritual is not from Tibet, but from the religion of alien god worship in the old continent, and this religion +It is likely to be related to the black witches in the Japanese mainland..." Fang Jing asked Arisu Chokai for information related to witchcraft, and learned from Arisu Chokai that the witches in the old continent of Europe The forces are mainly divided into two branches, one is the black witch who uses black magic, and the other is the white witch who uses white magic.

Although it is divided into two branches, both the white witch and the black witch have the same origin. According to the legend of the ancients, in a long time ago, there was a huge country established deep in the earth. Existence is the king of nocturnal species born on the land of the Sun Continent.The earliest progenitor witch obtained the power to become a witch through her husband-in-law by becoming a partner with the night king, and she and her descendants are the ancestors of the later witches.

"The ancestors of the earliest witches created a source of power called "The Grimoire", but later this power was dispersed, and gradually became the current black witch and the white rot girl... The white witch is Following the ancient proverbs and abiding by the precepts, they are born with powerful psychic powers, good at communicating with unknown areas, and also through the knowledge of other worlds. They have a watchful attitude towards human beings and have been secretly conducting human beings Help. And another group of black witches, they are a branch of the white witches. The black witches came into contact with the forbidden knowledge forbidden by their ancestors, which made them completely degenerate to the dark side. The disciples formed a covenant, which made each of these black witches have extremely powerful abilities.

"I really didn't expect that Kiryu Lingxuan would be able to obtain information related to witches, and now it seems... the creation of phantoms may have some relationship with black witches."

The name of this ceremony that Kiryu Suzuki obtained is "Shadow Mask Ceremony", which comes from an ancient bookstore called "Print Book Gallery" - a diary of a Dutch monk, in the fragments of this diary The recorder, a Dutch monk, recorded relevant records during his sailing travels.At that time, Japan was under the policy of the shogunate to lock the country, and only the East India Company of the Helan people was granted by the shogunate to trade with Japan.During the missionary process, this monk once came into contact with a pagan organization. He recorded his knowledge about this pagan organization in his diary.Kiryu Suzuken is passionate about collecting these wonderful ancient books, and Kiryu Aoi occasionally helps her father sort out these ancient books.

After going back and forth, the girl unknowingly absorbed a lot of mysticism and semiotics.

It is precisely for this reason that the tragedy of the Kiryu family mansion happened later. "'Shadow Mask Ceremony... Fang Jing muttered, his face changed slightly.

Speaking of which, the abilities of the witches have a certain relationship with their gender. Among the offspring born of the ancestor witches and the earliest batch of witches, only women can gain power. Maybe Kiryu Aoi has a few percent witch potential. make the ceremony a success.

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