"Then... Patron Kuroda, how long will we have to go.

Nityin's physical strength was the weakest, and she gradually felt overwhelmed, so she couldn't help asking.The faces of other You Shan, Yu Yu and others also showed a tired look.The sky is getting darker and darker, and the surroundings are not clear.

"Patience a little longer, the village is ahead." Kuroda led the team as they marched through the mountains and forests, and he was also thinking in his heart what to do with the group of five people.

What they did on the mountain must not be known to outsiders, because once the news is leaked, no one related to these businesses will be able to escape.Fortunately, I had prepared in advance and made a good disguise.To be honest, this is really easy, just put on the uniforms used for camouflage, and these college students trust themselves unconditionally.Not even the police handbook was straightened out, and although he had prepared fake ones, they were not recognizable to laymen.

Of course, it is not difficult for real insiders to check out these manuals without any anti-counterfeiting measures, but ordinary citizens on the street cannot check them out.The identity of the local inspectors is of course false. Kuroda and his accomplices are just a group of drug dealers who use this barren mountain as a drug manufacturing site.Shibao Mountain is taboo by local residents because of past rumors. On the other hand, the owner of this mountain, the Hasebe family, has no time to pay attention to the situation of this mountain.

Kuroda and his co-workers learned about the situation of Shibushan when they were dealing with related people of the Hasebe family.He and his companions contacted the man privately on the grounds that they "need to find a place where illegal garbage can be dumped secretly".

"Hasebe's house happened to be on a mountain. The place was too desolate, and no one was hired to take care of it. It was feasible to treat the place as a place to throw away garbage. The other party didn't think much about it, and told him the news. My companions started planning to carry out drug production activities here. It is not a difficult way to synthesize drugs with chemicals. People who are better at organic learning can purify by themselves to produce methamphetamine, chlorine They already have relevant channels for drugs such as ammonia ketone and amphetamine, that is, they have ways to obtain chemical raw materials, and they also have downward distribution channels. Kuroda and others have formed a cooperative relationship with Hasebe's contacts. The other party only thinks that they They are ordinary people who help building materials companies and garbage factories to landfill and transport illegal garbage. They never thought that Kuroda and others were using Shimushan to make drugs. Kuroda and his accomplices disguised themselves as police officers and patrolled the area to prevent anyone from entering the mountain.

Shilao Mountain is indeed a "taboo place" in the local area, and almost no locals are willing to approach this area.

But the Tekai Lake at the foot of Shimu Mountain is a campsite, and occasionally tourists, campers, and fishing enthusiasts come to Tekai Lake. Kuroda must guard against this one most.

"Where did the missing woman named Zhong Ganjia go? By the way, half of her blood was found, and there was no trace."

At that time, some of these college students wanted to go down the mountain, Tian spent a little bit of talking, and forced them to go up the mountain with him.

"It doesn't matter... Anyway, none of this group of people can be let go. As long as the word spreads, they may be caught soon.

Can only find a way to kill them.Fortunately, there are more people on my side than these five college students.The dead cannot speak.

After killing them, he left Shilao Mountain quickly.In this kind of mountain, if you bury the dead anywhere, it will take months for the police to find the traces. By then, you and others will have fled abroad long ago.Kuroda had already made a plan in his heart. He didn't want to be caught by the police, so he had no choice. Although he was a little bit reluctant, these unlucky college students were all going to die.

"Everyone, don't worry, go to the village to rest first, and then I will ask the villagers to help find someone. Kuroda glanced at the few people behind him, smiled and comforted him.

At this time, Ueyama and others also felt that something was wrong. Although Kuroda did not show his feet, his behavior was indeed too abnormal.

"Ah Xiu, you said this Kuroda is really a policeman?

Yu Yu whispered in He Guxiu's ear and asked.

"What do you want to say, Inspector Kuroda must be a policeman!" Osamu Kawatani is not too suspicious of others, he does not suspect fraud, but is very puzzled by Yu Yu.

However, he has no credentials either. Besides wearing a police uniform...

Yu Yu shook her head with doubts in her eyes.

"Cocoon feather, what exactly are you trying to say?"

Osamu Kawagu just felt puzzled, he didn't see any flaws yet.

. Forget that I didn't say anything!

Yu Yu thought for a while, but didn't continue talking. He felt that maybe he was thinking too much.

At the same time, Kuroda stopped in his footsteps, turned around and looked at everyone, and said with a smile: "Go through this forest and you will be able to reach the village, sorry, everyone must be tired.

The sky was completely dimmed, and the dense forest ahead was also blurred, only dense tree shadows and a vague forest rain path could be seen.

A gust of wind blew from the woods, and everyone shivered suddenly.

No more urging, - the pedestrians started to move forward, and at this moment, something swished down and fell from the tree.Kuroda took a step back, and he saw a bloody mass, like a skinned beast, tied by a hemp, and fell from above.

The two girls in the group screamed, they were really scared.

"My God! What the hell is this!"

There was a hint of panic on Teshima's face.Yu Yu barely recognized it, and he asked loudly: "Inspector Kuroda, what happened? Why is there a rabbit hanging here."

Damn it!"

Kuroda's face was as white as paper, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead, he never expected such a scene.

When he thought of what happened a few days ago, he couldn't help feeling a little inexplicable fear in his heart. wein

Kuroda was originally a very courageous character, but that incident was also very strange and incomprehensible to him.

"It's hard...the rumor in that mountain is true.

Suddenly, Kuroda's eyes widened and he stared straight ahead. As if he had seen a ghost, he uttered a terrified cry, left the five people behind, turned and fled.

"Heitian inspector! You are. The five people looked at each other. They couldn't figure out why Heitian had such an abnormal behavior. They turned around and looked at Lin Modao. It was dark and gloomy, and there was nothing there.

A Kuroda inspection, wait for us.Qi Shan took the lead in chasing after him, and the other four followed him to chase Hei Tian.Just after they left, a pale hand stretched out from above, and "ah", pulled the hemp rope together with the skinned and disemboweled rabbit up.Look up again, and there's nothing there.Only the leaves swayed, and nothing appeared in the dark shade.

Chapter 394

Ueyama had the quickest reaction, so he acted first, and the "police officer" Kuroda ran forward.He Guxiu and the others behind did not stop either. They used the screen of the mobile phone to chase forward with one foot high and one foot low.

How strange? This Kuroda inspector, why did you run away!"

"I don't know! His eyes just now seemed to have seen a ghost."

"Forget about these things for now, let's talk about it after we catch up...they can feel Kuroda's reaction. He seems to have seen something, and they are afraid, so they run away in a panic.

The problem is, they were there just now, and during the process of walking with Kuroda, these five people didn't see anything.

(Kuroda's fear just now doesn't seem fake, but why can't I see anything.... )

Kai L continued to chase forward, and at this moment, Hei Tian, ​​who was running in front of him, stumbled and hit the ground with his whole face.

"Don't come! Don't come!"

Kuroda's face was full of shock. He sat on the ground and waved his hands desperately. He was so emotional that even the tone of his voice changed.

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