His eyes started to well up with tears.

But this is his last

Chapter 395 The Other Side

Fang Jing and Kamota Shusaku searched the abandoned village thoroughly and came to several conclusions.The first conclusion is that there used to be a village here, but someone built a temporary "stronghold" above the village

Regarding this first conclusion, he and Kamota Shusaku almost reached the same idea+

"I think someone must have been here a long time before, and besides, they must have been gone not long ago.

Kamota Shusaku also showed this point of view, and they can all confirm that there is indeed a group of people who have stayed here for a long time.

...the poison is being made here in secret!" Fang Jing had already guessed in this regard, and these simple small houses were clearly small workshops for making poison.

"It should be like this," Kamota Shusaku nodded, and said in a deep voice, "I'm afraid it's because no outsiders will enter this Shimu Mountain at will, so it's hidden here.

So, why would those drug dealers choose to give up such a good drug production base?

"Judging from the traces, they left for less than two days, and they didn't even take the finished products with them.

Kamota Shusaku took out a bag containing some finished drugs.

.. The purity is considered high, and it can make a lot of money in the black market. It is hard to imagine that they will give up such a finished product.I'm afraid it was an accident.Otherwise, these drug dealers will not give up these refined products.Moreover, leaving all the tools for making drugs in these rooms is like completely disclosing one's own criminal evidence. Which drug dealer would be so stupid.The only explanation was that an accident might have happened here, and this accident made everyone have no choice. If they didn't leave here, they would endanger their own lives.

.... There is another possibility. It is very possible that none of them escaped, and they were swallowed by some kind of powerful weirdness in one breath. )

If it is really an eruption of weird power, it cannot be resisted by ordinary people. Pure weirdness cannot be resisted by ordinary people. It is a pure power like a natural disaster.

"No matter who they are, they must disclose their identities." Fang Jing took out the satellite phone, and of course asked his own people to find out the origins of this group of drug dealers.For ordinary people, it is really difficult to find out the identities of these people, but Fang Jing is equivalent to the big boss behind the scenes that dominates the largest polar organization "Murakami Club" in the Kansai District.With his current status, as long as a phone call is made, Dongyuan Yasushi and Murakami will do their best to help him solve this problem.

But unfortunately, he found that the satellite phone couldn't get through. This kind of situation is very rare, but it doesn't happen.

In most areas where supernatural phenomena frequently occur, the electromagnetic field will become chaotic, and modern communication equipment will fail as a result.Fang Jing made up his mind and made a decision in his heart. He talked with Kamoda and ordered him to go down the mountain and investigate the identities and whereabouts of the group of drug dealers entrenched on the mountain together with his subordinates. Yamanaka continues to investigate.

There are naturally multiple considerations in this. First of all, if the adjustment is not done properly, it will be very important. There may be some clues hidden in it, and people must be sent to investigate directly.The most basic thing is... Fang Jing still doesn't know if this is a violation of A-level or above.If this happens, then the drug dealers who may leave the mountain will all become "third-type weird" status lurkers.It's like they've been infected with a virus. The weirdness will take root in their thinking and explode under certain conditions.If this kind of thing really happens, the scope of the victimization will expand, and finally it will be out of control.Furthermore, there is another point. Fang Jing decided to let Shusaku Kamoda go down the mountain. Wan Zhen was in danger, and a pure martial arts master like Shusaku Kamoda couldn't resist.Although it was also given to him by Kamoda Shusaku, after he explained it, he went down the mountain without any objection. He was responsible for contacting Fang Jing's subordinates to further investigate the drug dealer's intelligence.And Fang Jing continued to stay on the mountain to carry out search activities.Three hours after Kamota Shusaku left, after a careful search, he really found something, and the location of the discovery was on a mountain trail [-] meters away from this stronghold.Fang Jing found a broken gray rope with jagged white paper on it.

He couldn't remember what it was for a while, but he just remembered that it was supposed to be the front part of the stick used for the god dance... By the way, sometimes it is also used to decorate the main rope.

(Wait.. Note Nawawa,

His heart moved, and he continued to walk forward. This is a muddy path. It may have rained a few days ago, and the ground is full of mud.

After half an hour, the small houses that looked like warehouses were no longer visible, and there was only a piece of rotten grass around.

And at the end of a piece of dry grass, a cave can be seen, and when Fang Jing walked to the entrance of the cave, he found another Shimenawa

... Shimenawawa, maybe it was destroyed by someone, and then it was taken to that road again.

His brain turned quickly, and he roughly guessed a story. After those drug dealers came to the mountain, they found this cave, broke the Shimenawa rope, and went in.

Then, it is not known what the drug dealers who entered the cave accidentally came into contact with, but this must have contributed to the real reason for their departure (disappearance) here.

That's kind of interesting. "

It seemed that the clue he was looking for was in this cave. He sneered and walked towards Ruo cave.

At the same time, he was also thinking about some problems, that is, he found the white cloth from the dark grid of the temple.The origin of this rag is unknown, at least - when he sneaked into the dirty temple, he didn't have this thing.

The temple was probably built by an eclipse-level existence, the reason is unknown, and it is not clear who put the rags in it, but it has something to do with Kinugawa Shima.

The content of the banner is "The things of the ancestors, in the mountain of picking up grandma, grab the... book

Through the analysis, it can be noticed that there are two doubts. The first doubt is that what is the "ancestor thing" seems to be a very important thing. The question is, who should this thing be left to? Kinugawa Shima left a book in this broken Who did he want to leave the cloth strip to? And how did he put it in this hidden compartment?

Currently, these are completely unknown.

As for the second and second doubts, that is why the place written on the cloth here is Shilao Village in Shilao Mountain.There is indeed a village in Shimu Mountain, but it is recorded as "Luo Shen Village" in the literature.Shilao Mountain does exist, but there is only one Luoshen Village on the mountain. This village did not use the "mountain name" of Shilao in front of the village name, but chose the name "Luo Shen".Could it be that he made a mistake, so he labeled it Shilao Village? A look of suspicion appeared in his eyes.The entrance of the cave is very narrow, like a narrow path, stepping into the interior, the space gradually becomes larger, revealing a bright space that is not too big or small.Normal caves will not be so bright, it seems that this cave leads to another area, another entrance.

'This is...he enters

Is there an earthquake of the "Kaishi" type? "Earthquakes occurred. Because the Kaishi held the big catfish. Therefore, there are very few earthquakes in Kashima. The concept of the Kaishi is also related to the earth and wood god "Yashu Mizutomi Tsunomei". However, the huge "keystone" in front of him was placed in a bowl-shaped depression, with the height of two people, and he didn't know how it was stuffed into this cave. Suddenly, his movements stopped The brows were also frowned, because he noticed that there was a gray-white face emerging from the huge rock tied with shimenawa. This face looked like a man. The parts of his eyes were not carved. The mouth was open He seemed to be talking, but no sound came out. Fang Jing stood still, squinting his eyes, watching the movement of this face carefully. Not long after, this gray face came out from the rock Disappear.

Fang Jing snorted coldly, raised his feet and walked forward slowly. He walked around the huge rock and moved back. He noticed that there was obviously a road behind the huge rock.


As soon as he took a few steps forward, something quickly passed behind him.

Fang Jing turned his head and found nothing.


He realized that there are some existences similar to "Xie Sui" here, which should be similar to spirit bodies. Common level spirit bodies are more common in evil, and there are also aliens from other worlds, but other than these, there are also There is something inexplicable.This is like the nocturnal species. Beast ghosts, corpse dogs, and blood-binders are all different races. There are also many types of evil ages, and they are even more weird. Some existences have not been recorded at all.

"Forget it, although these things are troublesome, they won't hinder me too much.

He didn't think much, and continued to walk forward. When he passed through another passage inside the cave and reached the other side, the scene in front of him suddenly lit up. He saw a piece of greenery and a towering natural stone in front of him. tower.

"It really is.

He vaguely figured out the secret related to this "Luo Shen Village".This secret is probably hidden on the other side of this cave.

Chapter 396 The Village

Niatin, the girlfriend of Qishanxin, hid in a corner of the col. There were several huge rocks nearby, which were badly weathered, and the ground was overgrown with weeds.The two of them hid here, and Tejima and Shiyu also got separated from them accidentally on the way.

"What should I do? ...What the hell was that just now?

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