At this time, the imprint of the key of the true wheel also sent a wave of tempting messages, telling him that as long as he signed an agreement, he could summon this false god beast at any time and turn it into his own combat power.

"Stupid! I'm not stupid. This kind of agreement that looks like a contract of selling one's life will only agree to it! Fang Jing just sneered. He completely ignored all the temptations from the imprint of the key of the true wheel. This thing , He will not establish any agreement with the imprint at all. The existence of throwing the key of the real wheel into this main world must have bad intentions, so he will not use this power so stupidly.

"This thing has entered my body, and there is really no way to expel it, but as long as I don't take the initiative to reach an agreement, and don't use some false gods and beasts, it has nothing to do with me. He has a decision in his heart, and the benefits of the imprint, He would never use it, there is obviously a trap in it, even if this thing is shrunk in his body now, there is nothing he can do about it.

"Let's talk about the pursuit of strength. My own fate system is already a cheat. As long as I continue to strengthen myself, this kind of improvement alone is enough to make me step into the extraordinary realm. Only fools will fall into the trap. The power bestowed by fate is more trustworthy, and I haven't done anything for such a long time.

He is also able to use the fate system with ease now.

And the imprint of the key of the true wheel, as well as the beast of the pseudo-god with a strange origin, are all inexplicable, unknown things, and the risk factor is too high.

"The power of being able to learn and control it by yourself is the power that can be truly displayed on one's own. This kind of unknown source and strange foreign objects don't mean much to me...

He knows exactly what he needs and what his direction is, and he will never act rashly and get involved in dangerous places.

(However, it cannot be said that there is no benefit at all in getting this key of the true wheel... His mind has also been granted some secret knowledge, which is knowledge belonging to another world, huge and messy. But If the research is thorough, it will undoubtedly be a kind of knowledge gain for myself. Moreover, there is a more important point, the imprint of the key of the real wheel seems to have a certain relationship with the fate fragment "Linquan" he recently obtained. Influenced by this effect, this function is simply to strengthen the fate of eyesight, and it has produced some kind of strange transformation. This fragment of fate emits a bright fire light, which produces sublimation as if it is burning. After occupying the "Key", it absorbs the white flame emitted by the key of real wheel, obtains a special energy from the white brilliance, and obtains evolution.

There was a light and crisp sound of "ding".With a slight shock in his mind, he realized that the fate of "Jianquan" had completed the transformation and became a brand new new fate, which was a golden rare fate that burned like a golden flame.

(The fragments of "Jianquan" fate obtained the sublimation of different kinds of energy, and transformed into a new fate "Jianquan of Heaven" ..

Chapter 422 Meeting

The fate exuding a strong golden luster of local tyrants is quite conspicuous.Fate is generally graded, and among the colors of all kinds of Fate Fragments, the golden color is the most special. Only five basic Fate are golden, that is Wanhua, Shiyin, Lipo, Tiansu and Huiguang, in the original "Fate Wushuang" mobile game system, this is also part of the initial board of the game after the opening, but he has never touched the fate of "Tianzhiquan" before. , and I have never heard of any information related to it. It seems that there is no such fate in the original mobile game.This is not too strange at all, the fates he has collected now are all fate fragments that did not appear in the original mobile game.

But "Tianzhiquan" is a mysterious golden fate, which attracted his attention.

(Fate Fragment Heaven's Appreciation Spring)

(Your left eye is full of the light of fate, it can see through the trajectory of fate instead of you!) It is really a line full of middle school style! Fang Jing is too lazy to complain, he is more concerned about what this new fate can give him What kind of benefits.

He opened his left eye with the key of the real wheel. A mysterious white flame emerged from this eye, and his body gradually floated up to the upper floors, which is in front of the large French windows of this room.He is now in his lair, which is also the top floor of this high-rise building.Looking down from the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see the neon-flashing night street. This is a commercial street in the city center and the most prosperous area. Even at night, there is a lot of traffic. Even if he stood on this nearly forty-story landmark building, he could fully take the scenery below into his eyes, and even the various scenery on the street, vehicles, and people were all reflected in his eyes.In his right eye, there is nothing unusual about the streets below the building, but from his point of view, the vehicles downstairs and the flow of people are all the size of ants. In the left eye holding the "Key of True Wheel" and the power of Fate Shards, strange streaks appeared on the ground.

Ordinary people passing by on the street have very weak fate lights, but he can take them into his vision and see through reality.This is also the real power of this fate fragment. Fang Jing felt ecstasy in his heart. He did not expect that the fate of "Jianquan" would be combined with the key of the real wheel, and there would be such a transformation, but he knew very well that he had obtained this. Fate, what kind of benefits will it bring? One must know that in the past, he could almost only rely on luck to obtain his fate. He harvested his fate by killing ordinary people and alien life.In this way, every time he gets a fate, he has no way of controlling it.

"In the future, with this ability to discern fate, I will be able to absorb the fate I need more directly..

A flash of excitement flashed in his heart, the fate of "Tian Zhi Quan" would bring him extraordinary changes.Just then. The mobile phone on the desk rang.He walked back and picked up the phone. A man's voice came from the other end.

"Mr. Xijia, those guests have arrived.

"So fast?"

A strange light flashed in Fang Jing's eyes, and he turned to chuckle.

"Very good, please go to that villa! I'll take a helicopter there." During this time, he is still sending his men to search for martial arts masters from all over the place, and implanting himself into these people Those alienated seeds, those who accepted his alienated seeds. The more martial artists who have successfully practiced martial arts and fighting skills, the greater the degree of development of the human body, the more obvious the effect of the alienated seeds , and the effect is extremely fast. The more powerful it is, the stronger it will be

As far as the only side effect and after-effects are concerned, the personality of the person implanted with the seeds of alienation will be stimulated, making it easy to go to extremes.Fang Jing also discovered this, but he didn't pay much attention to it. Since he discovered that some people could activate alienation seeds and comprehend some abilities at the level of alien weapons, he happily let them go.Anyway, as long as these people continue to train, they will get close to that state sooner or later. He even decided that as long as his own "Alliance of Alien Warriors" is completed, he will pass on the alien martial arts he has learned.

Of course, it is impossible for him to teach this group of people the original version of the alien weapon, but a degraded version, but even so, it is unimaginable power for ordinary alien warriors.He firmly believes that it is impossible for those warriors who have a very high pursuit of martial arts to give up the power they have obtained. In just a few months, they can completely make themselves powerful to a terrifying level. I believe that no one can. Resist the temptation.Especially when he taught the real strange martial arts, even ordinary people would gain the ability to fight low-level monsters.

But before that, he had to start with this country. Gradually start with the integration of the underground world, establish an alliance of alien warriors, and become the ruler of the violent group.

Next, if you make further progress, you will be able to radiate your own power outwards and integrate the martial arts and fighting circles in the entire world.And he is very clear about what he should do during this process, and each step has been deduced many times in his mind.Taking the helicopter on standby on the apron on the top floor, he soon came to a villa area outside the city.

This place is a holiday village, and now it was bought by Fang Jing, and after some renovations, it has become a stronghold.When Fang Jing glanced down from the straight plane, he saw a few young people practicing boxing and kicking on a flat ground outside the luxury villa.These young people are dark-skinned and naked to the waist. Just by looking at their appearance, they are of Southeast Asian race.

They wear armbands on their arms, and the boxing methods they use are similar to Muay Thai, which is popular in Southeast Asia.

A clean and tidy middle-aged man wearing half of his clothes was instructing several people to practice boxing.Fang Jing looked from a distance. He could feel that this middle-aged man was not simple. His not strong body concealed a ferocious aura deeply, as if a man-eating helicopter landed quickly. On the lawn, Osumi from the Sao group, as well as lawyers Takeda, Kamota Asakusa, and Isaka Ryunosuke stood nearby to greet him.

"Could it be that Master Kanondon from Thailand?"

Exactly. "

Osumi nodded.

"Mr. Nishiba, those few people have already been invited from abroad.

Chapter 423 The Friendship of Landlords

Last time, Fang Jing chose to "invite" some domestic martial artists and fighters, and during this period of time, the prototype of the "Alliance of Alien Warriors" has been firmly established.

According to the funds of the violent group, the Murakami Club, and the CCSD, they have opened up official channels and opened the door to convenience. The alliance has integrated the forces in the Kanto region and vaguely built a group organization.

The members of the organization are mainly martial artists and fighters who have been implanted with alienation seeds. Most of them come from different schools, and many of them are proficient in actual combat and have a prominent reputation in the underground world.And the dizzy martial artists and fighters are often not alone. Behind them is an ancient school that is proficient in actual combat or a new emerging modern fighting system. Fang Jing squinted his eyes, what he valued This is the point, the warriors invited by him. After becoming different warriors, they will expand outward like a spark of a prairie fire.

Each of them will become their own branch, and also become part of the construction of their own ambitions.

Needless to say, the "branches" will expand outwards, attracting more warriors to learn their own martial arts and accept their own seeds. This process will continue to accelerate, and their ambitions will burn like flames. Therefore, collect and invite domestic Martial artists are not enough. He also needs to find masters from abroad to join his own camp.

But this time he found a few masters who were said to be very powerful.

"You are doing well.

Fang Jing smiled gently.

"Then it's almost time. Let me meet with those guests who came from afar!

"Hahahahaha! You are the man named Xijia,"

A tall figure came over. He was wearing a black dress made of rough linen and a strange square mask on his face. He walked slowly and calmly.He glanced at the crowd, and he recognized Fang Jing without any introduction from others.

"I heard from Kirimaru that your boxing has reached the level of a god inhabiting your body, very good, I have been waiting for you for many years for such a master


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