"Dawn Pavilion" is not an ordinary mansion.This beautiful European-style villa manor is like a huge botanical garden on the outside, full of a large number of plants that are unique to the tropics. The inside of the mysterious manor is a closed space with infinite loops. If you can’t find the right way to get through, outsiders can’t even think about going out from here. .The scenery outside can be seen, which is the scene of the dark night before dawn for many years.This is also the unchanging characteristic of this Western-style mansion. From the mansion to observe the outside world, one can always only see the unchanging dawn scene outside the mansion.

What's even more weird is that this mansion is like a living thing that can move freely. It itself is a "secret realm" that will appear in deep mountains, dense forests, and hidden places. If you break in, you will be swallowed by this monster-like Western mansion.Fanny walked down the corridor.She didn't care about the abnormal space in the museum, or someone like her who was formally invited by the owner of the museum could completely ignore the abnormal space in the museum.

Through the corridor, she walked to the east side of the Dawn Pavilion, where there was a small garden.

The garden is full of all kinds of flowers, bright in color and in various poses.The garden is in the shape of a ring as a whole. There is a mushroom sky courtyard in the middle. In the center of the courtyard is a black sculpture, next to it are several parasols, and some simple white chairs are placed under the umbrella.

"So, Fanny, how's the situation?" Sitting under the white chair was a girl with silver hair who looked like a military uniform.

Her voice is very mature, it is not close to her age, just like an older mature woman.

"Just acting on our own will almost bring us serious troubles, not to mention almost being defeated by the opponent!"

The silver-haired girl is not tall, she has a pure and pitiful face of a beautiful girl, and she has an expressionless face reminiscent of a wax figure, even when she speaks, there are not enough emotional ups and downs .

"You are too strict." Fanny shook her head.

"It's because you dote on Kuina too much. There is one more thing. Now it seems that... the clan's supernatural beings are more difficult to deal with than we originally imagined." Wearing a beret, You Ruo seems to have absorbed The silver-haired girl in Moonlight looked at her hands coldly with delicate red eyes, and there was a piece of origami floating in the air in her heart, struggling slightly.Lie Ka's eyesight, it is estimated that we are all in trouble.

"Thanks for the compliment, Miss Lanna.

A voice like an elderly gentleman came out of nothingness, and a figure also appeared. It was an outsider dressed in a black suit, with a straight figure, an elder black leopard, a big cat with a headless head.

"It is my honor to serve you and the black mill group." This outsider has a strange appearance, dressed like an old gentleman, and even his gestures give him a kind of old man atmosphere behavior.This weird existence is the "Devil" of the silver-haired witch in front of me

"Balleh of the Eye" is wearing a workmanship inspection suit, with a single lens hanging on his left eye.The silver-haired witch turned her face and asked Ruofanie: "By the way, Fanny, how is that little girl doing? Does she agree with what you said?"

Although she looks very young on the outside, the silver-haired rotten girl Lanna is also a great witch who was born in the same generation as the current Mother of Darkness in the "Black Demon Squad".

, The identity of educators.Fanny shook her head, and said unhurriedly: "That child is a bit indecisive, he won't make up his mind in a short time!"

"Then just wait! It will definitely take some time for ordinary people to make a decision.

That's it!"

Fanny put her chin in her hand and began to think seriously.Yes, waiting for that little girl to slowly make a decision is taking too long.The best way is to arrest her family, relatives and friends, - while torturing those people, - while threatening her, if she doesn't become her companion, she will fall into the same fate.

Otherwise, torture and torture her directly. The human spirit is not as firm as they imagined. It will take ten or twenty years to slowly brew it, and it is not a big deal to make her change her mind.

"But... Kuinai probably won't agree with you to do this. She likes that little girl very much. Maybe it will be like last time, and she won't speak to you for forty years."

"Haha, it will be difficult if it becomes like that.

Lanna, that is, the silver-haired witch, continued in a mature woman's tone: "Fanny, make preparations for defense with this mansion as the center. Since the guardians think they have dug up important clues, they will definitely pay a visit in the near future.

"Well, there's nothing more annoying than a man who pesters a woman.

"But this is our next job," the silver-haired witch sighed: "Also, bring back Fulla and Carat, and move around in the urban area indiscriminately. It is very likely that we will expose our traces. By the way...they What are you doing now?"

"I guess, it should still be hunting cats'!

"Tell them to move quickly, and don't continue to carry on outside." The silver-haired witch made this decision.

"Songyuan City?" Fang Jing finally came to the land of Songyuan City.He arrived in this area soon after receiving the information, and he did so for two reasons, one was to investigate the whereabouts of his younger sister, and the other was to arrest the male sister named Mingshen Yuhuansai who was discharged from the hospital It is considered by him to be a provocative act against him, and it may even be a trap specifically aimed at him.But now judging from the news disclosed by CCSD, the situation might be extra complicated.He was standing on the outskirts of the city, on a viewing platform in the foothills.Towards dusk, the city presents a marvelous spectacle before its own eyes.

The billboards and neon street lights built in the prosperous areas of the golden age gradually light up.The scenery at dusk became more and more withered, and the dome dimmed.Countless red and yellow lights converge into rivers of stars.

And Fang Jing can clearly feel that there is a different kind of atmosphere lurking in this city.

“The breath of the city is indeed a bit unusual.

He silently said something to himself.

Chapter 457

No matter how I say it, I am now relatively close to the threshold of "quasi-eclipse".The ability to explore and perceive the outside is also becoming more and more remarkable.The closer to the eclipse level, the stronger the cognitive ability of the world structure.An existence as strong as a square mirror can ignore some external obstacles with just cognition, so that one's outward perceptual power can invade deeper areas.The external sensuality cannot hinder his thoughts, and with his current extraordinary sense, he can realize what changes have taken place in this city.

"It can't be seen from the outside, but I think some hands and feet have been artificially added inside. There is a strange atmosphere in the depths of this city!" With the sound of flapping wings, a one-eyed crow landed on his shoulders.

This one-eyed crow has only one crimson eyeball, its whole body is pitch black, and a small black mist hovers around its body.

"Crow City?" He glanced down at the one-eyed crow.This is not a real crow, but a crow condensed by shadows.And this ability to turn shadows into entities, he has only seen in Yacheng Yingjian.Crow City's ability to entangle is to manipulate shadows, which can be regarded as a relatively tricky ability. Shadows are everywhere and pervasive, not to mention that Crow City's shadows are truly eclipsed, not to mention the degree of difficulty.

"You for

Only Yacheng Yingjian himself has this ability, but there is one thing that is surprising, that is, Yacheng did not come to Songyuan City in person.

"My real body is not in this world, but went to a special place to investigate information related to the Sizhu Cave. ÷san∫ bar∫ reading∫ books ÷ the red-eyed crow°croaking" cried twice, continued to use A human voice said: "You must have heard the news about the Four Pillars Cave. The Clan Hidden Society has hidden the news about the Four Pillars Cave very well. Outsiders don't know much about it, but judging from the little information revealed now. , I really want to completely liberate the things in the four-pillar cave... Once it is out of control, it will cause a major disaster!"

"Isn't it the arrival of the ancient king, is there such an exaggeration?" Fang Jing is not the same as before, a rookie who doesn't know anything, he also knows a lot about various information related to other worlds.Most of the aliens are high-ranking beings from other worlds.For humans in this world, they are the existence of demons, gods, elves, and goblins in ancient mythology and religion.Outsiders are indeed more special than humans, as beings from another world. They also have various extraordinary things.And the top "ancient king" among the most powerful outsiders is the god of forgetting who is regarded as a taboo in ancient mythology. 0456 1 But for this ordinary manifestation, it is difficult for the ancient king and his apostle-level powerful existence to descend in reality easily.This is also because the more powerful outsiders are, the harder it is to appear in the present world, and their existence is hardly too large for reality.For these ancient and powerful beings, the world of the earth is too narrow, and it will cost a lot of extra money for those overly large and powerful beings to descend in this world.

"A high-ranking alien who is comparable to the ancient king and the powerful apostle. Just to appear in this real world, the daily consumption is an astronomical value. No matter how powerful the thing that the clan will seal in the Four Pillar Cave , and will not be compared with the seven ancient kings and their apostles!" The powerful existences such as the Evil Fallen King, the Evil Heart King, and the Slaughtering King who once descended in ancient times are all regarded as super-standard gods of oblivion.These three ancient kings, even the apostles who followed them, were absolutely at the lower level, and even had extraordinary combat power.In the ancient war before the rise of human beings, almost half of the nocturnal species in the old continent were slaughtered by the ancient king and their apostles. It took thousands of years and they did not recover. Only then did the human race gradually prosper. .

"No matter what, I don't think the Guqing family and the Jiabeicheng family in the clan can withstand the banning of such super-standard existence...

"In theory, it is true. The one-eyed crow combed its feathers, and the ruby-like eyes emitted vermilion light.

"But one thing cannot be denied, that is because you don't know what the real body of the outsider who was sealed in the four-pillar cave is, so you have such an optimistic idea?"

What do you mean by this? What is the origin of the banned aliens in the Four Pillar Cave?" Hearing what Yacheng Yingjian said, Fang Jing was also a little interested.

"The relevant classics were all deliberately destroyed by the clan, so I had to go to a special secret place to deal with the ancient nocturnal species who like to record secrets, and try to pry out the information from them. The information I have obtained so far. Roughly Can judge the real body of the opponent-"The ancient outsider banned by the two clans of Guqing and Jiabeicheng was a monster that once ran rampant in ancient Japan. Of course, some people called it a god, or The devil, it may have descended on the earth in ancient times. Traveling around this island country, it has a moody personality. It occasionally turns into a god to punish sinners; sometimes it plays the role of a devil to punish kind people.

There are many theories about the origin of this ancient monster. Some people think that it is the real body of Yiyanshen in "Kojiki". There are not many records about Yiyanshen. Explanation. The record describes that when Emperor Kazuoyaku went hunting in Mount Katsuragi, he found a group of people in the same clothes as the emperor and his party walking on the opposite mountain ridge.Emperor Yuraku asked his name, and the other party replied, "Even if I say something bad, or say something good, I will judge it with my words.

"It has appeared many times in history, but most of them are illusioned identities. We can only judge that this guy may have a powerful ability, which is to give others the ability to make wishes to him. For this old monster Making a wish has a chance of success, making good wishes come true; but there is also a half probability that things will develop in a worse direction, and one's wishes will be fulfilled in a state that the party cannot accept.

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