"That's right... If I were the one who came here today, I would be able to deal with this group of young people with ease. The brothers and sisters of the Ciguangyuan family didn't care at all, and the two of them were polite in their words when they cut black eight hundred. But Caihei Babaizang can still feel the disapproval attitude of the two of them towards him. The ranking of the Caihei family is tenth. Although the relationship between the two families is not to the point of fighting each other, they also secretly wrestle with each other. Caihei Babaizang knows that he is the team leader this time, and the tenth-ranked Ciguangyuan family These two brothers and sisters will definitely obey their own words at the end.

Ciguangyuan Qingluo, the two brothers and sisters of Ciguangyuan may even play tricks on themselves in this business recently, or they may play other tricks.

However, I still have to take over these two high-ranking figures on my side... What a difficult future!

(Fortunately, unless we get rid of these two troublesome characters, the envoy should open the door for himself and allow himself to organize the remaining three people, otherwise the difficulty of this operation will be even higher. )

The Yinzhihui is a bloated and huge group. Although the Dharma Protectors are peripheral organizations, they have inherited this disadvantage impartially.

For example, the operation of this trip, if not done properly, will become an occasion of intrigue among various forces. Some people will send people with the idea of ​​robbing merit; Avoid; there are also all kinds of calculations, guys who try to attack their own enemy forces, will get in the way, find a good opportunity to drag people into the water, and black Babaizang also hates this. He came forward to give him extra authority, and ruled out the brother and sister of the Ciguangyuan family who had squeezed into the team midway. He still has more confidence in the other three members.

Pig, those two people may be problem characters. But anyway, their strength will not be too weak.

There are a total of six people in the group, led by Caihei Babaiwei, all of them are elites among the Dharma protectors, and they are also elite masters of the twelve families of the clan.Individuals are all heroes in the clan society, and six people together have extraordinary combat power.

What's more, the Caihei Yabaizang headed by six people is considered to be a strong man with similar strength to the elite of the Mizutsu family, Mizuki Natsuki.The ranking of Caihei-clan is not high, it ranks tenth among the clans. Its curse ability "Mei Baihua" is also considered to be an excellent defensive ability, while Caihei 1 (Baizang himself has excellent blood, He brought his family's ability to the extreme, and then ranked +th, and got excellent evaluations among the Dharma protectors, and was promoted to the position of backbone.

"Almost, it should be here."

Taihei Babaizang stopped in his footsteps, squatted down, and stretched out his hand.

A little paper man jumped out of the grass.

The little paper figurine climbed up to his ear along his hand, muttering something while stretching out his finger to touch the forest above.Cai Hei nodded thoughtfully, pressed his finger on the little paper figurine, and completely flattened the paper figurine into a sheet of paper.

"The enemy's traces are found in this forest. There is a lumber mill within a kilometer of this place, and a tourist attraction farther away. Tourists often visit it. Taihei, who is wrapped around his neck like a siege, turned around and said A member of the team behind said: "An Zhenzhong, please seal off the surrounding area with a diameter of ten kilometers to prevent ordinary people from randomly crashing in.


The one called "An Zhenzuka" was a boy wearing a Western-style school uniform, who looked no older than a junior high school student.

His surname is An Zhenzhong, and he is also the last member of the An Zhenzhong clan.

He walked at the end of the group. He seemed to be listening to music, wearing headphones.

The Anzhenzuka clan is the last clan ranked twelfth among the clans.The ability of this family is special in nature, and it can be said to be quite weak in terms of combat power.Even some of the small clans that have lost their ranking qualifications are more outstanding than this clan in terms of fighting ability.But for the Yinzhihui, the existence of the Anzhenzuka family and the curse ability held by this family can be said to be irreplaceable.This junior high school boy, who seemed nothing special compared to before, took off the earphone in his right ear. At this moment, a strange scene happened. Countless "Chinese characters" drilled out of his right ear, like insects and ants. Continuously extending outward, these "Hanyu" crawled along his hair, skin, and clothes in black, and moved towards the vicinity of the ramp at an extremely fast speed.

In the blink of an eye, the "sea of ​​insects" composed of characters is like a black stream composed of Chinese characters, expanding outward along the sides.This is also the unique spell-entanglement ability of the Anzhenzhong family, and its name is "Meiwangworm".

Chapter 460 be late

The curse of "Maiwangchong" comes from an ancient legend. The "Liangyu Sanshishenxianzi" recorded in ancient Chinese immortal documents was transformed into a silverfish fairy, named "Maiwang".The night reflects the stars of the day wrongly, and the stars make them fall immediately.You can ask for the pill, take this water and drink it, and immediately change the bone and rise.

Qin Yu is a kind of bookworm. This kind of small insect eats the words "immortal" written in the book three times, and it will turn into a fairy.

And the spell entanglement of the pulse watcher can summon a large number of text worms. This is not a fairy insect, but a supernatural ability "born by the power of the spell entanglement.

In an instant, an extremely disgusting and terrifying scene appeared.

A large number of black insects drilled out of An Zhenzhong's ears, each of which is a Chinese character, they turned into seas of insects, expanded to the outside, and surrounded the entire forest area, ordinary people can't see this. Cursed to entangle the pulse worms that prolong life, and as long as they enter the range guarded by the pulse worms, these little bugs composed of Chinese characters will drill into their minds along their bodies.And the cursed supernatural beings of the Anzhenzuka family can manipulate these word worms to manipulate the memories of ordinary people.The pulse watcher will freely weave different memories and tamper with them artificially, and the scope and number of people involved are astounding.The adult supernatural beings of the Anzhenzuka tribe have the ability to tamper with the population level of a city in a short period of time.They can make the minds of ordinary people in the effective area list, weave, and change the memory at will, and this kind of tampering is almost permanent, unless the supernatural beings in a family take the initiative to cancel it, otherwise it will not be invalid at all. .This kind of powerful curse ability is extremely powerful for the real world, as long as it is used flexibly and properly. It is easy to distort the memory of the whole people in a small country and launch a coup. The scope of influence is limited to the real society. ordinary people.The spell entanglement ability of the Anzhenzuka family is not very useful in actual combat. This family's ability in actual combat is too weak, and it is slightly stronger than ordinary people. Letting this family fight is equivalent to letting them go to war. die.

But it is undeniable that the clans of the Hidden Society are very aware of how important the Anzhenzuka family's ability to entangle is to the clan.

Especially for secular regimes, this ability to distort memory at will and tamper with people's thoughts on a large scale is really terrible.

This is a super trump card, and it is also one of the major reliance on the privileged class that the clan supernatural beings can override the society and political power composed of ordinary people.

Just possessing this kind of ability can guarantee that the secular regime composed of ordinary humans cannot compete with the clans.

Think-think! This ability can turn the closest person around you, the memory of Xian Zhuo, into your enemy:

You can also wash your enemies who have a sworn hatred with you into your best friends and lovers:

It can also incite the people, the army to launch riots, and trigger a coup d'etat; the power of the country, power, and money that the secular world relies on... is completely unfeasible under this kind of power.Yinzhihui grasped this point very cleverly, and also understood the importance of the Anzhenzuka clan.They welcomed the Anzhenzuka clan, whose combat power was low. Their vitality was severely injured in the clan war, into the ranking of + the second clan. Although they were at the bottom of the ranking, the treatment was not too bad, and they were extremely dependent and respectful.The family will also be extremely polite.Take action to rectify the aftermath.This operation was no exception. Before the operation, Caihei Babaizang asked An Zhenzhong to use his spell-wrapping ability to lock up the surrounding area with a diameter of ten kilometers to prevent unauthorized intrusion.Seeing that An Zhenzhong swallowed up the forest and its surroundings, Cai Hei nodded solemnly.

"Let's go!

He took the first step forward, rushed up the ramp like lightning, and moved rapidly towards the forest.As for the remaining five people, except An Zhenzhong, the remaining four people did not hesitate, and quickly followed the figure of Cai Hei.

"Those little mice are getting in! Fulla, a dark green bug came out from the ground in the direction of your side. It spread its wings like a locust, vibrated and flew up, completely revealing the whole picture. This is a A weird insect with dark green skin and a face like a little girl. The body of the insect is covered with a green carapace. It makes a sharp cry, and a vague female voice comes out from the hissing sound. Respond to this call The one was a hand wearing a long black glove, this hand grabbed the dark green bug in mid-air, squeezed the shell hard, and then hit the ground, and then - a high-heeled shoe unceremoniously stepped on it Go up and trample this bug to pieces.

Clara, you know that I hate bugs the most." The person speaking was a girl in black, wearing a black Gothic costume. Her eyes were extremely fierce and terrifying, staring at the bugs that were crushed to death on the ground. It was different from the fierce eyes. Similarly, she has an unrealistic and neat appearance like a Western doll. Her blue-black hair is similar to the night, and her purple lips painted with high-end lip gloss slowly reveal a poisonous tone.

"Next time you do that, I'll tear your mouth out myself, you sow!

"Hahahaha...don't be so angry, my dear sister," a woman's voice continued to be heard from the trampled worm, which was also the companion of the witch named "Fula".

"Don't forget our friendship of about a hundred years, Sister Lanna also said, let us - must love each other.

"Shut up, sow, I remember very well, how you used to treat my family, my overdrinking dad thanks to you, after Bo you skinned, dismembered and fed to the dog, mine The slut mother was also sucked out of the stomach by you. She wailed for a long time before she died. And my brother’s house, even the baby was not spared. After being tortured, it was stuffed into the cesspit. I clearly remember the girl smacking her tongue and crossing her arms in front of her chest, her words were full of resentment: "Clara, you trash sow, do you know what you did... You did everything I wanted to do, I was tortured in that house since I was born, what you shot was my revenge, my favorite, ravaged, killed, crushed those maggots in the cesspit The one who should be mine is mine, the revenge is mine, the killing is mine, and the destruction is mine—and because of this, I will never forgive you.There was a sticky sound from the trampled insects, like a fierce scream.

Kukuku. As expected of my lovely sister. It’s really great, so I say that what I did for you is worth it. Whether it’s killing your relatives or robbing you of revenge, this is all dedicated to you Love, this is the love of sisters who are also witches.

"Don't be disgusting, you two-way plug sow, go to the garbage pile of hell! She showed an extremely disgusted look, - thinking of the disgusting thoughts that this trashy woman has about herself, Fulla can't help it Goose bumps all over my body.

"It's the supernatural beings of the clan who came here now! But to be honest, I haven't finished supplementing the "Intestinal Temple" yet, and I came from there too hastily. Up to now, I haven't gathered enough people. Share, I still need to go to the torture chamber and the prison cell

The firepower of "Grimoire of Guts" is very strong, but the required share is also surprisingly large. I reminded you earlier that you need to hunt immediately to replenish.

The witch Clara on the other side also changed her tone from being overly charming, and became a bit more serious. She is an older witch than Fulla, and she is also responsible for guiding younger generations. , also know a lot.

The black magic used by the black witches is generally the power collected from the negative complex fluctuations of human beings. Such as emotions, will, spirit, memory, and soul. They can all become the source of black magic, and they must maximize the acquisition of these from human beings. The only way is to artificially create conditions to make human beings suffer and suffer.Since the rise of the black witches in the old continent, they have been keen to rob the living and create various methods for torture and murder. Even in the Dawn Pavilion in Songyuan City, the foreign law envoys allowed them to cruelly treat the dead. The captive ordinary people, the witches can transform the value squeezed from human beings into food for the operation of "The Grimoire".

"That's good! You continue to replenish the share, and I will temporarily contain those intruders and lead them into the trap.

The witch Clara made a quick decision.

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