An atmospherically frightening impact occurred.

However, the frightening moment of destruction did not come.

The three-cobalt entwined with the power of the curse exploded, but the result was not as exaggerated as expected. The three-cobalt that turned into flames did not destroy the field covered by the purple membrane as everyone expected. It just exploded like fireworks. Open, with the dazzling light flashing, as if being extinguished.

"Unexpectedly... even Lord Huowo's power is useless!" The members of the Dharma protectors present did not expect such a result.This is probably the outer area of ​​the Dawn Pavilion. He just passed through a grille door covered with black iron rust. From the outside, he could vaguely see the flowers and trees inside like tropical plants from a distance.

When he passed through a large iron gate covered with rose patterns, he saw the real Dawn Pavilion.

The Dawn Pavilion is not an exaggerated building. From the outside, it is just a Western mansion close to the Italian Renaissance style.

The first glance will remind people of the Rokumeikan-style building built in Tokyo during the Meiji Restoration.On the whole, it is too old, but it also exudes an atmosphere that has been precipitated in the years.

The crow reminded him: "The space here is divided, and there are all kinds of traps. Even if you are not careful, you will be trapped...

"If you don't tell me, I will pay attention.

Walking into the garden with various plants growing, Fang Jing also raised his vigilance.He is quite good at fighting, but he is almost ignorant of all kinds of spells, secrets, and forbidden techniques.

Being in the enemy's position, it is inevitable that there will be problems if you break into the mechanism by mistake.

Persuasion. Simply destroy all this area.Fang Jing simply made a gesture of the Magic Phoenix Fist.

"Cough cough!

The crow hurriedly interrupted his movements.

.... Don't rush to do it so quickly. I have a way to deal with it.Crow City Shadow was also afraid that he would make too much noise, causing him to panic, and spit out a huge book from his mouth, which was an ancient book wrapped in chains.

"It's "The Magic Tome of the Stomach"? Why did you bring this?"

"I have asked Yu Sen and Qian Zhong to go back together, because the upcoming battle is too dangerous, and they alone will not be able to intervene...Fang Jing couldn't help but squeeze out what Yacheng Yingjian said. a brow.

"The Magic Tome of the Stomach should only be manipulated by grinders?"

"It's true as a rule, but I've been prepared for it..

The crow turned over the magic tome spread on the ground with its claws and scream, and at the same time opened its mouth and spit out a pitch-black gem.

"This is the gem that seals the witch's black magic. If you break it, you can activate the black magic!" There was a click

The sharp-billed crow smashed the black gem with its sharp drink.Among them, one page of the book is burning. This picture is very strange. Only one page of the book is burnt into a ball, but the book itself is not damaged at all. The burned page ignites a circle of black smoke. The black smoke does not float in the air, but coiled into a black smoke ball.

The smoke ball floated in the air, slowly condensing into a strange symbol.

Then the red light flashed, it exploded, and a ripple spread outwards.

Chapter 484

"The Magic Tome of the Stomach" is the crystallization of the inheritance of the witches of the witches of the past dynasties. The depths of each magic tome are sealed with powerful power. As long as you resonate with the blood of the witches, you can activate all kinds of strange black powers. Grinding.The black crow had been prepared for a long time, and the gem it held in its mouth in advance sealed the power of the thousand sisters.With a breath, everything, land, plants, and gardens touched by the ripples were instantly ignited, and a scarlet flame spread throughout the garden.In an instant, all the plants in the various gardens that were swallowed by the red flames howled and screamed, and the illusory human faces tried to escape from the flames, turning into ashes in vain.

At the same time, a path emerged in the burning garden, and the surrounding flames seemed to be broken, but this path was not affected in any way.

Fang Jing noticed it. This is a path covered with glass pebbles, extending towards the Dawn Pavilion.

"Let's go! The crow opened its mouth and spat out the "Ghost of the Stomach", and flew towards this path first. Fang Jing didn't rush away, he looked around, and couldn't help frowning. From the time he entered Since this area, the aura of Mingshen and Huanzhai seems to have disappeared without a trace.

Trouble..: Is it possible that it is the effect of Heimanling again?" If the power of Heimanling can also be suppressed by Ping Wei, it is not surprising that I can't sense his existence. As a conspirator, Mystic and Magic High will sneak into the Dawn Pavilion. It is impossible to be idle and bored.

Fang Jing doesn't care what the other party's conspiracy is, but it's a bit uncomfortable not to be able to find the target.He looked behind him, but he couldn't see anything except the hazy and deep night.With a cold snort, he turned around and walked into the path in the garden.Just after the two left, a white shadow followed silently.

When he saw the background of Fang Jing's departure, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Inside the Dawn Pavilion, a silver-haired witch is sitting on a chair.The book was spread out on her lap, the case of the book was made of stone, and each page was pitch black, as if it had condensed the color of the night.

This is the "Grimoire of Eyes" learned by the black witches. The great witch Lanna just tapped her fingertips, and blurry runes appeared on the pages of the book. One after another, strange eyeballs appeared.Through this hand, she also quickly realized that someone had invaded the Dawn Pavilion.

"No...just at this point in time.

She flicked her bangs and realized that the situation was a bit unfavorable.

The defense force of the Dawn Pavilion is obviously insufficient, and the witches sent out did not respond in time.Even she has to consider the worst possible situation that may be encountered now.Most of the core of the ceremony depends on the Dawn Pavilion as the center, in case something goes wrong, the plan will go wrong.

"Master Lanna."

The old butler with pale skin and stitches all over his limbs suddenly appeared.

"Someone seems to have invaded from the periphery of the Dawn Hall."

Great Witch Lanna lowered her voice.

"Come out...Balekh of the Eye."

She called out her own Qiqi.

"Wake up Kuina in the ban's almost time to clean the house."

"The defense of the Dawn Pavilion will also be officially opened, and no one will be allowed to disturb the smooth progress of the ceremony..

boundary.Even the powerhouses at the pseudo-eclipse level cannot break through the purple membrane. It is impossible for them to make any more progress.The pseudo-eclipse-level pure-blood of the Huulan family, named Huulanfang Huowa, originally intended to use long-range attacks to break the purple membrane covering the sky in Songyuan City, but it is obvious that her attack power is not far away.

Contrary to expectations, this powerful person from the Huolanfang family doesn't look very old.She was dressed in a pure white and crimson maiden dress, her face was covered by a pure white prajna mask, and she had unkempt white long hair that seemed to be unkempt.It's just that she raised her face as if in a daze, and cast her eyes on the periphery of Songyuan City.None of the guardians dared to approach this pure-blooded person, because she was already guarded by a group of followers from the Luanfang clan.

coming.The supernatural being dressed as a priestess had a certain induction, and her instincts drove Ruo to straighten her back slightly, and Ranfang Howa raised her face as much as possible, looking to the higher area above her head.

Long! The crimson halo exploded in the sky, and ripples emerged from the depths of the lead-colored clouds, accompanied by a strong hurricane, sweeping away the clouds in all directions.

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