Strange power was transmitted from the void, the air would collapse downwards, and the flesh-and-blood ground would be smashed to pieces. ÷ san∫ bar∫ reading ∫ book ÷ the old housekeeper squinted his eyes, he noticed that the picture he took just now did not hit the target with success, but just printed a picture half a kilometer in size on the blood-red land print.

...Interesting! As expected of the Patriarch of the Kaibei City Clan, even at this age, the strength that could barely maintain this level dissipated one step ahead of time, turning into silk threads flying all over the sky.Thanks to this move, he avoided the weird blow from the old housekeeper just now.

The current head of the Jiabeicheng family also noticed that the half-kilometer-sized Xueyin was bombarded, and the ground fell out of thin air. The bombarded surface of the earth disappeared like evaporation, and the material turned into a piece of business powder during the blow.

(It seems that it is not a simple attack method. The group of foreign magicians are not all just pretending to be a character with little ability

"How can I say that I am also a former pure-blooded member of the Kaibeicheng clan?" Kaibeicheng thought about it for a while, and said unhurriedly: "Don't look down on me too much. ,In an instant, the power of the curse turned into countless silk threads, coming through the air.

Oh! If it makes you feel like this, then everyone can only say that I am very sorry.

The old housekeeper smiled slightly, and he snapped his fingers.With a strange sound, a circle of blue ripples spread rapidly. Everything seemed to slow down.Next, the unshakable shattering force quickly moved away.The pupils of Kaibei City's tail fissure contracted, and the shadowy strings entwined and distributed in the void, and the invisible shadowless strings lurking, all collapsed into fragments all over the sky at the same time at this moment.

- Below the snow peak.Ranfang Huowo calmly waved his hand and blasted the large snowfield below into a scorched black.

After sneaking into that space-time rift, she and the pure-blooded Baiyan team sent by the Huolanfang-clan to protect her encountered a group of enemies.The Baiyan team behind her is a guard group composed of the elite of the clan, but everyone looked at her with only fear in their eyes—that was what the clansmen made her accustomed to, just like looking at monsters. If it was a scorching curse flame, just a wave of his hand just now set off a boundless red flame, and dealt with the rushing enemies.

Blood and blood mixed together. It melted into streams of water, and was quickly condensed into red ice.At this time, a huge shadow emerged from the snow-capped mountain.

It was a huge baby twenty or thirty meters tall, with sharp teeth all over its body, as if its skin was covered with a layer of thick armor. The "position" held by the family rushed up.

At the same time, a giant two-headed wolf appeared from another direction. Its body trembled violently, and its whole body shone red. Whenever it took a step forward, the ground shook slightly.Of course, in the face of the powerful and dangerous level-eclipsed strongman from the clan, they did not choose to fight him head-on, but kept summoning a large number of alien creatures to start guerrilla tactics against this powerful level-eclipsed enemy.At the same time, in another narrow place, the battle situation became extremely tragic.In the encounters that invaded the Narrows, casualties were quickly lost.Someone screamed, and his head was lifted off by a weird sharp claw.There were also people shouting and waving the spirit blade in their hands. The next second, he was grabbed by the alien monster and tore into the sky, tearing him apart.

The narrow land controlled by the Dawn Pavilion is full of various traps, and there are also a large number of monsters summoned by witches from other worlds.

Infernal swarm summoned by "Grimoire of Lungs":

The densely packed tooth fairy monsters in "The Anthology of the Tooth";

There is also the rampant commercialized demon wolf sent by "Superior Grimoire" to this inexplicable place:

This is also the weirdness of the witches' summoning black magic. Even if the caster dies and disappears, the power of the spell can still be activated and continue to exist. As long as someone else provides the magic power, it can be exercised at will.

The Hall of Dawn has reached a contract with the Black Devils. The Hall of Dawn will be inside the Hall of Dawn to provide the witches with huge magic power so that they can freely use their spells. The witches have also made arrangements in advance. A large number of monsters were summoned from the narrow space.This group of monsters is of course not worth mentioning to the existence of the eclipse level, but for the guardians who rushed into this place, it is very difficult to break through this line of defense.

At the same time, the other two who entered the narrow space together with the Patriarch of the Kaibeicheng family, Guqing Sanzo and Jiufeng Ziyuan also encountered obstacles.Its appearance is a gentleman with a black panther head and a suit.This outsider is a great witch, and her strength should not be underestimated.

But Gu Qing Sanzao is by no means ordinary strong, and the titles of pure-blooded and level-eclipsed strong are by no means laughable by Kai Yuan.

He didn't use the moment of eclipse, but just stood there and even the "Balekh of the Eye" felt great pressure.Guqing Sanzao took a step forward.

?Of course, the deep vibrations spread down.

Under the king's feet, the ground slowly opened cracks, like wounds formed on the ground, from which jets of black smoke and wind, like countless monster winds tearing the ground, whirled and rolled on the ground, and Gu Qing Sanzao's side also There are circles of pitch-black airflow entangled, like a great demon god entangled in thick smoke.The corners of the eyes of the outsider "Balekh of the Eyes" twitched. In its eyes, the strong man of this clan was not a human being at all, but a huge storm condensed by black smoke-like air currents. The storm will come to it.When she defected, she took advantage of the opportunity to kill Wukou, the patriarch of the Ciguangyuan clan, and destroyed the Cave of Reluctantness in the "Four Pillar Cave".This also committed a heinous crime, causing her to be organized by the family of Ciguangyuan and the Yinzhihui of the clan.

Originally, with her strength, she was not enough to compete with Jiufeng Ziyuan, the clan supernatural being from the Yusan family.Relying on this strange prop, she was able to compete with the supernatural beings of the Jiufeng family.

Chapter 499

On my own side, I was dragged back.Jiufeng Ziyuan realized this when he fought against the traitors from the Ciguangyuan family on the opposite side.She realized that the enemy was probably delaying time, including herself, everyone who broke into the Dawn Pavilion was deliberately divided.

"It turned out to be Lord Ziyuan of Jiufeng's family," Benten of Ciguangyuan grinned, and the mirror of the corpse eater floated in the air, vaguely releasing a strange force.

"It's really lucky, from now on, I, the Mercy Guangyuan Shengtian, will entertain you.

Ren Bao's strange white halo suddenly lit up from the mirror. - A large pure white one-eyed phantom slowly lit up behind her.As soon as Jiufeng Ziyuan saw this momentum, he couldn't help sighing.

"From a certain point of view, the goblin poisoner is not inferior to the witches of the Old World in terms of ability. The crow landed on Fang Jing's shoulders. Fang Jing also nodded to the statement of Crow City, implicitly agreeing. After drinking the rainbow honey wine, Fang Jing and the crow also turned into a pool of silver liquid, which evaporated and disappeared. This is just a transfer agent for Hongmi Kulai. Different degrees must be or among them.

According to Rosenhanks who is the fairy Futu, they didn't really lose track, but sneaked into a flat space that only fairies can feel. This is a parallel space adjacent to the real world. , the two worlds are in an overlapping state.In the eyes of Fang Jing and Crow, after pushing down the door of the basement, the vision in front of their eyes showed a piece of silver, with silver scale powder floating all over the sky, and the ground was also covered with silver, turning into a silver. world.At this time, he also reminded the two that the narrow place is not a paradise, but a dangerous place lurking like countless prying eyes, full of dangers.Fang Jing and Crow were also slightly moved. Both of them were guessing that the enemy in the land of blood is not defenseless. According to Rosen, there are probably a lot of traps and ambushes here.

"But you don't have to worry, as long as you sneak into the goblin world, it will be difficult for ordinary people to notice, unless it is an existence of eclipse level...

"Among the foreign law envoys, only Wai Dao Ji is an eclipse, plus the dark mother of the black demon group, there are at most two eclipses," the crow fluttered its wings, and said in a deep voice: "The two big It is impossible for eclipses to come out at will, but we still have to be careful about the induction force of a few pseudo-eclipses.

"...A poor draw is not two eclipses, but there is a possibility that there is still a strong eclipse hidden.

Fang Jing also responded in a low voice: "I suspect that the foreign law envoy, that is, the association, has hidden a secret move. They probably have another low-level powerhouse. The crow was stunned, and Fang Jing continued: "The king of the yellow banner, It is very likely that the Yellow King of the Corpse Dog series joined them.Of course, this is just my guess.

(If I didn't guess wrong. This possibility is still very high... )

Rosenhanks yelled in front, and Fang Jing stopped suddenly.

They walked for nearly five or six hours, and it was already a very long distance from the Victorian mansion.

"There's nothing here?

He also looked at Rosenhanks and found that this man was adjusting another potion.

"It's coming soon."

Rosen smiled, raised the test tube in his hand, and poured out the liquid inside. He evenly sprinkled the liquid in a circle, making a "sizzling" sound. The liquid corroded the earth like concentrated acid.

It's okay, since he made the choice with his body, Fang Jing and the crow also jumped down.The passage was like a long passage that penetrated from the depths of the sand, and the group of them slid down like a slide.After tens of minutes, the three of them were transported from a channel slide made of sand to a huge black stone square.

"This place is fun!

With his eyes open, Fang Jing was looking at this huge factory made of black stones.

The dim sunset light projected from the top of his head, and when he raised his head, he could see a sky like a scene painting.The sky like a set painting seems to be constructed, with painted sunsets and arranged clouds of airplanes on it.But there is a tall iron tower in the distance, and there are two strange stone statues under the iron tower.The stone statue is not made of black stone, but is crafted out of a silver-colored gold exhibition boat material.

"These are defensive gargoyles, and I can't get past them.

Rosen shrugged.

"May I tell you a secret, people who sneak into the fairy world cannot see it with ordinary methods, but if they use tools made of silverware, they can barely capture a trace of shadow."

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