Boom!" Juxue fell from the sky, as if a monstrous tsunami smashed a huge reef. The housekeeper let out a scream, just so silent. Accompanied by the shattering of this narrow place, it was silent at the same time. Fang Jing- After the three of them passed through the portal, their bodies floated up uncontrollably. The surroundings blurred. The three of them felt as if they had strayed into a huge intestinal wall. In the labyrinth, a huge pulling force pulled the three of them to a certain direction. After moving for an extremely long time in the crimson corridor with thousands of twists and turns, it seemed that they had arrived at a bigger place. Space.

A hexagonal stone pillar stretches upwards like Optimus Prime from the abyss-like space, and above the hexagonal stone pillar is a huge platform.

A huge fleshy tumor was suspended on the platform, and black chains stretched out from the void, locking the bloody tumor tightly.In the very center of the fleshy tumor, a tiny gap emerged. The size was just enough to allow a person to pass through.

A white light faintly leaked from the depth of the gap, as if there was a narrow passage leading to another place.

..that's the direction!

Rosenhanks yelled excitedly, and was the first to follow the huge pulling force, and the first to rush towards the gap.

Fang Jing and the crow looked at each other, and then rushed in with him.

As soon as they entered the gap, the three of them felt a powerful and distorting force coming from all directions, and violent fluctuations and noisy voices also squeezed towards the three of them.

Wave! There was a sound like a bubble bursting, and the two of them felt that the front view was light red, and they squeezed forward hard. It was like a hole was punctured from a balloon. Squeezed from something .Rollin Hanks almost didn't cry out.He was so excited, after seven or eighty years, he finally escaped from that weird ghost place.

In fact, he clenched his hands, ready to lift them up and say hooray.Just in the next second, his face obviously turned livid.And Fang Jing's feet also stepped on the solid ground, and when he raised his head, it was a magnificent scene.It's just that his steel-like nerves were also the first thing he felt when the skin touched it. In the space close at hand, there were several powerful breaths circling.That is the looming, treacherous and unpredictable aura of the eclipse existence.Fang Jing looked down the stairs, and there seemed to be a luxurious reception room.At the same time as his gaze moved, several gazes also slowly focused on him.

Chapter 501 The world

As soon as he stepped out of the transmission tunnel, the hairs on Fang Jing's body stood on end, and his subconscious, primitive instinct, body and soul all trembled.

He has already sensed the suffocating breath lingering in the reception room below, which is close at hand.

Only those who have touched the threshold of the eclipse level can feel this almost desperate experience.

The existence of eclipse levels is terrifying, but the aura overflowing from them is not the kind of tyranny like the scorching sun, and rarely has the kind of unscrupulous and radiating domineering; it is as deep as the sea, strange and inexplicable. It spreads in the void It's like an invisible fluctuation. But it's elusive, and it's hard to find.The eclipse that Fang Jing had the most contact with was Yacheng Kagemi.

He is well aware of how terrifying the strength of Crow City is, and here at least he has captured an aura that is almost the same as the shadow of Crow City.

At this time, there were several figures in the lobby of the reception room that greeted him.

A group of people were gathering here, and Fang Jing even saw a "familiar face".

Among them, there are three people who are genuine and innocent existences.

The first person is a beautiful woman with long hair and a shawl. She is dressed in an out-of-this-world atmosphere, like a fashionable woman who lived in the Victorian era, and a courtesan who shuttled at noble banquets to this modern age, giving people a sense of dislocation in time and space.She was wearing a black tunic and sat on a leather sofa with a wide bridge hat on her lap.

He guessed it at a glance, this must be the current leader of the Black Demon Squad, the terrifying Black Witch, the Mother of Darkness who has lived for nearly a thousand years.Regarding this ancient mother of witches, although there is a lot of information about her, the authenticity is still questionable.

The only conclusion that can be drawn from a lot of information is that this Mother of Darkness is as ferocious and frightening as the most violent outsider in the Old Continent.

Once the black witches acted too recklessly, the bloodbinders and outsiders of the old continent joined forces with humans to drive them out of the old continent and fled to North America.

This being called the "Queen of the Black Grinder", powerful and glamorous, once vowed to return to the old continent, and sacrifice all the forces that betrayed, hunted, and besieged them with blood.She didn't say some empty words. She was actively preparing and planning many evil tragedies. Whether it was Fu blood disciples, visitors from other worlds, and human forces, they all regarded her as an evil and cruel existence sitting in the center, just like this In the owner's position of the reception hall, on a single sofa chair is a girl with braids and glasses. Her posture is like a classical literary girl. Such a weak-looking girl will appear In this kind of gathering of demons, and there is no good person present, like this - where there are foreign law envoys - and black witches meet each other for a party, her appearance can't help but make people feel abrupt.Fortunately, Fang Jing didn't think so, because he sensed that among the three terrifying auras, this seemingly ordinary girl was the scariest of them all. Her horror was unfathomable and unpredictable. , as if only half of her was revealed, with a deeper part inhabiting the shadows.Fang Jing even noticed that one of her hands held a emerald-colored jade.This apple-sized jade is suspended in the girl's palm. This demantoid faintly exudes a huge evil spirit, twisting and rolling. There is something hidden inside, a feeling like a heart rising and falling, shrinking, and beating in the void. Radiate.

This is... the "untimely fruit" I was looking for! Besides these two people, there was a tall figure standing behind the sofa chair. It was a tall figure covered in armor.This armor covers the whole body, the whole body is dark red, and the head is as long as a curved horn.

The armored man stood still, and his body seemed to cast shadows outward, like a huge building blocking the sun and casting its own huge shadow on the ground. The shadow area of ​​the ground where he was standing expanded invisible. .The person wearing the heavy dark red armor also gave Fang Jing an uncomfortable feeling of heart palpitations.Suddenly, at the gap of the helmet covering Mianku, the deep yellow eyes cast the gaze of the reptile.King of the Yellow Banner! Fang Jing never thought that he was really right, but now he is not happy about his guess.

Even the King of the Yellow Banner joined in.

He has already realized that in this huge space like a living room, apart from these three powerhouses, there are other people, such as Old Man Qiao, one of the foreign law envoys, and some foreign law envoys and black people. Members of the magic group.As for my group, this trip broke into the enemy's lair, which was indescribably dangerous.Three eclipse-level powerhouses, plus foreign law envoys, and a large number of masters of the Black Demon Squad, not to mention myself, even Crow City Shadow may be beaten to death by the opponent group when he sees the scene.Fang Jing knew that this was probably the most dangerous battle he would ever face.As long as there is a mistake in one's own decision, it will be the end of the whole game.The eyes of the three eclipse-level powerhouses hesitated for a moment, and then the six eyes looked over without any difference.And Fang Jing and these three people appeared at the same time for a moment.

All the thoughts in his mind were put aside at this moment, and with the fastest reaction speed, he activated the quadruple switch in his body.

No, he took this action urgently the moment he went out.One of Fang Jing's killer features and this time, it is a life-and-death moment, an all-out burst mode.

His flesh swelled rapidly. He turned into a titan-like giant.

What's more important is that his explosive mode is a multiplied explosion of strength, speed, and physical fitness.For the current Fang Jing, the most important thing now is the burst of speed, which brings him a reflection speed beyond human intelligence.

In the full burst mode of the four-fold switch, his consciousness and spirit have been continuously stretched like a god.For mortals, -seconds, just seconds.In the eyes of Fang Jing in the quadruple burst mode, the world stopped as if it was stuck, and it was extended to the maximum for one second.This is not human time.This is God's time.

Here. I am the only master.And in this paused world, Fang Jing finally raised his hand with difficulty.

The surrounding air instantly became extremely viscous, as if moving one's hands and feet in the depths of the sea, every movement had to bear extra pressure.

Everything has entered the stagnant time, the flowing light, the floating dust, time seems to move forward step by step.Fang Jing knew very well that this was his only chance of victory. This was a punch from the pure quadruple mode.In the extremely slow flow of time, it was as if an invisible big hammer hit the ground, and the area centered on him turned into a gray powder, and the ground collapsed silently, joint by joint, sinking down.

There were several cracks on the ceiling above the head, and then spread in all directions at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a spider web. It can be expected that after the explosion mode of the four-fold switch, the living room will definitely disintegrate and become torn apart.

He casually clicked on Rosenhanks behind him, and with some ingenuity, he pointed the man towards the entrance of the passage that had not been completely closed.

At the same time, the anger body and evil body manifested in the spirit also came to this world.The ferocious black flame body stretched out five sharp claws, and it was staring at the garnet in the girl's hand with a black hair and a braid. Its black arms stretched out and grabbed it. This strange thing.Fang Jingyan could tell that this was the untimely fruit that he had been looking for all along, and when the evil body appeared, it was the first thing it would stare at.

The demon stretched out the sharp claws on his arm and grabbed it hard, pinching the untimely fruit in his hand.

During the time when the time was almost still, the girl's eyeballs moved slightly, and the dark as carbon-colored pupils reflected the evil posture of the evil body.

At this moment, Fang's lens skin tingled for a while, and goose bumps appeared all over his body.The gates of ghosts are fully open in four times. How fast is his speed, is it possible that this girl can still keep up with her own speed! Black flames linger all over her body, with two horns growing on her forehead, and she is like a big devil-like evil body. I just want to grasp the untimely fruit in the palm of my hand.

"It's heavy! No, it's too heavy!

The evil body - as soon as he got this untimely fruit, Fang Jing frowned - frowned.

He felt that the evil body exerted its strength for the first time, and this untimely fruit remained motionless as if stuck to the girl's hand. It was as heavy as a mountain made of steel.

Fang Jing believes that even if it is a steel freighter, the current evil body has the ability to learn how to lift it from the sea, but this time it exerts its strength, but it cannot catch this untimely fruit.

Weng! Amidst the invisible vibration, a box-like cube slowly emerged in front of the girl.At first there was only a vague shadow. Then a little bit became clearer with time.The evil body roared loudly, and his whole body snapped up.

Five pitch-black claw marks tore towards the floating cube in mid-air.

The incomparable ferocious claws vibrated, and even the space itself was blurred and distorted, as if it was about to be torn apart by the wind of the claws.

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