That still there!

no need to hesitate

Triple Li switch mode broke out again.The blessing power of the martial body thought was transmitted from nothingness to his body. In an instant, he became muscular, tall and slender, and his skin was like dark golden metal. A graceful outline, like assembled armor.Endless power surged through Fang Jing's body, and he once again unleashed his vast potential and stepped into the realm of extreme speed.The ground trembled violently under his feet, and the Magic Phoenix Fist suddenly burst into motion, shooting out a burst of flames from behind, advancing forward and thrusting faster, pumping the air with his body, and slipping out all at once.

Violent air waves and sound waves spread out in circles around Fang Jing's body.

-The air currents of the black cables struck again, this time, they condensed together, turned into a magic hand, and grabbed Fang Jing.With a clattering sound, the big hand was pierced through, shaking the whole hand, and then it began to disintegrate, pieces of black flesh and blood exploded and shattered, just like a real flesh and blood hand.

Chapter 510

【 】

At the moment of dryness, Fang Jing turned on his extreme speed mode again.

And speed also brings power.

And a vacuum channel was pulled out around him, and the air was completely drained. The fragrant air flowed out like a hurricane, setting off the sound of wheels, wind and thunder,

This time the speed is extremely fast.

Chapter 511

The three major eclipse levels come together under the same pressure, and the pressure it brings is naturally extraordinary.Both Fang Jing and Mingshen Miuhuan were dangerously stiff. Knowing the current situation, it is extremely difficult to escape on their own.

As soon as the "Mother of Darkness" Celia appeared, she didn't hesitate at all, and directly used the most powerful eclipse moment in the eclipse level, dragging Kanno Egoro, Fang Jing, and Myojin Yugensai into her eclipse together. In this world, it seems that this person has the idea of ​​killing everything in one go.She does have such confidence. Behind the Mother of Darkness is Shu Lianjian and the King of Huang Zhang.Fang Jing played a big self-explosion earlier, causing the witch and the foreign magician to seriously injure the vitality of his subordinates.The three major eclipses didn't take anyone with them at all, and went straight through dozens of narrow places, chasing them all the way.

"Kano Goro is out of trouble!"

Seeing the twinkling eyes, Helian saw the black clouds hovering in the sky, and the evil will of Kano Egoro entrenched in the depths of the clouds, in her eyes, it was like a coiled and circling poisonous snake

Can't let it escape from here, - together, take them all.The King of the Yellow Banner is also very wise to see through the current situation. In the "Mother of Darkness", Celia summoned the Qi Demon, opened up her own world of eclipse, and sealed everyone inside. This is also the last way to block the opponent. timing.

The reptile-like vertical pupils of this mysterious "King" hidden under the visor shone indifferently. The dark red armor vibrated. The King of Yellow Banners stared into the distance, and stretched out his -finger.

A series of scarlet chains drilled out of the void in an instant, and suddenly shot at Kanno Egoro, Fang Jing, and Myoshin Huanli in the field.The overwhelming dark red chains emitted a faint bloody light, traveling through the space in an instant, accompanied by the sound of oscillating chains colliding.

The first person who wanted to run was naturally Mingshenwuhuanzhai. He knew that the situation was not good, so he squeezed into the gap between space and space in an instant, trying to escape from this eclipse world through a flash shuttle.

It's a pity that he overlooked one point, that is, he has too little understanding of eclipse levels, and he cannot understand that the power of eclipse can not only erode the real world and create the moment of eclipse, but also distort the structure of space.

Myojin was able to move freely in the void before. The reason is that the "narrow space" and the void environment are not stable. The space here is not stable, with many gaps and folds. Thousands and tens of thousands are born and annihilated almost every second. A tiny space gap.

He has usurped the authority of the Dawn Pavilion, so he can use these gaps in the void to move as he pleases.

But as soon as the Mother of Abyss Darkness appeared this time, she distorted the world with the power of erosion, stretching and smoothing all the gaps and cracks in the void.

"Damn! This place is sealed off from the outside world!"

Just as his thought flashed, a dark red chain shot out from the void.


The fast chains pierced through his forehead, and there was an expression of unwillingness to believe this scene on the face of Mingshen Huanzhai.

....It's over like this! Obviously, my revenge hasn't started yet, so it's possible that it will end here.Intense anger is hidden in the eyes of Ming Shen Mi Huan Zhai, his revenge has not yet begun, and he has not yet obtained the "untimely fruit". Here it stops.

"There's no a blur,

The King of the Yellow Banner let out a long sigh, and his will was transmitted to the mind of Mingshen Yuhuanzhai.Ming Shen Wu Huan Zhai stopped just like that, and after a few seconds, his body, as if his life energy had been sucked away, quickly changed into a haggard shape, his body shrank, turned into a puppet, and fell to the ground , and Fang Jing didn't think much at this time, he directly exploded a phantom flame demon, and the tester resisted several incoming chains with the power of magic fist.


The Phantom Flame Demon Seed burst like a golden egg, and countless vermilion golden threads were pulled outward and floated into the void.

Several dark red chains passed through, tearing apart the fledgling that came out of the golden light egg. The bird of flame uttered a dying cry, and the chains shook a few times, and it felt as if it had been sucked dry. deflated.

Oops!! Fang Jing secretly thought something was wrong, he was about to forcibly open the four inner gates, trying to figure out if he could find a chance to break through the moment of eclipse.Just at the moment of crisis, someone stretched out a hand to hold his shoulder.

Swish it!

His entire figure was pulled by a strange force, and he disappeared without a trace.The dark red chains shot through the ground behind him with a terrifying force.Sigh! Fang Jing's eyes were blurred and changing, and after a while, his eyes suddenly became fixed.

Everything in the field of vision has turned into a silvery white color.

As soon as he turned around, he saw Rosenhanks and the crow.During the battle just now, they sneaked into the goblin world.

"We can't stay here for a long time, the level-eclipsed powerhouse will soon find that our Rosenhanks are full of anxious expressions.

There are also reasons for his worries. There are three major eclipses present, even if they sneak into the different space of the fairy world, it does not mean that they have a chance to escape.

Although Dr. Goblin's special skills allow him to sneak into the goblin world with Fang Jing, the existence of the eclipse level already has the ability to spy on their actions.Boom! The faint blue light suddenly lit up, and suddenly set off an explosive energy tide in the fairy world.Fang Jing, Rosen Hanks, and the crow in the air all shook with a huge force, bounced out of the fairy world, and were forced to shake back into the battlefield again.But at this moment, the power of the King of Yellow Spread surged in the void, and countless chains rattled and rang, winding around the body of Kanno Egoro who had turned into a dark cloud.

"Little bugs, the game is over!

"Mother of Darkness" Celia's cold eyes focused on her, and a feeling of being stared at by the eyes of demons followed.Fang Jing's heart skipped a beat, and he was full of tricks.

not good!

This is going to be really targeted.

At this moment, the one-eyed crow flew into the sky, making a strange cry.


The crow exploded suddenly, like a ball filled with ink, with a bang, countless shadow-like liquids splashed in the air.

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