One move of "Sea of ​​Wisdom" caused earthquakes and changes in the eclipse world, as if being blessed by the entire eclipse world, the vast and boundless power turned into a whole sea dragon, setting off waves that swept the sky, and the huge ice The claws swung down and collided with the black wind ball condensed by the black wind.It was like a big collision between heaven and earth in an instant.There was no sound, and there was no explosion. There seemed to be no sound in this big collision. Only invisible force fluctuations spread out. This is a force field invisible to the inner eye. It is colorless and there is no flow of air in the air. It's just that this is the power of eclipse that brings together two major eclipse levels, which is treacherous and unpredictable

In the central area of ​​the impact, the light seems to be completely distorted, and the spatial level becomes a gradient color, and the central point turns outward into a series of twisted rings. Outside the ring, two traceless eclipse forces Spread out the waves of death.Fang Jing grabbed Rosenhanks who was beside him and quickly backed away. In an instant, he seemed to hear the sound of sea waves coming from his ears, mocking the damp air and the heavy sea breeze. Feel a black hurricane stagnant like mercury, sweeping in, destroying everything and annihilating it invisible.The fluctuations that gathered two forces rushed towards him, as if - appeared in front of Fang Jing in an instant, slammed into him, and carried unstoppable, fine silk threads in front of him to trick into a big net, to resist With the invisible force of eclipse, this time it is the end crack of the city of driving.

At some point, Kaibeicheng Weishen appeared in front of him.

"The power of eclipse level can only be resisted by the power of eclipse, you are not strong enough, don't come out to die

Well, he probed into the void with one hand, and fell into the void at once. In an instant, countless silk threads appeared at the other end of the battlefield, entwined around the god who was rescued by the king of Huang Yun.

It's you again, Jiabeicheng and Guqing!"

Angry humanoid black cloud stretches out hands, purple glow on back of black hands i

An incomparably deep purple-red vortex appeared above the head of Kanno Egoro, and mysterious fluctuations emanated from the depths of the vortex. It was like the sound of drums, faintly transmitted to this side, and suddenly, a big gray-black stone hand, Protruded from the other world of time and space in the purple-red vortex.

"Destroy them in the name of the Lord of the Nine Rivers Calamity." A crimson halo emerged from the center of the stone hand.At the same time, all the eclipses present felt a surge of pressure.

What are you going to do? Doubt, that quickly turned into trembling again.A ring of dazzling red light appeared from the sky in front of the stone hand. One ring was superimposed on another ring, large and small, and hundreds of halos made of rings were superimposed front and back.

Die! Die! Die! Die! Die

The legendary demon king of the past, Kanno Egoro, roared with a voice beyond the recognition range of the vocal range.

Like a musical instrument being played, the ring of blood increases in brightness as if echoing it

Soon, a bright "arrow" of light sprayed out from the blood-red circle overlapping from small to large, burst, radiated, and swept away with terrifying power.

The first wave of eruption tore apart the chains and threads, burning up the space around the body.In the process of sweeping, it tore the expanding huge spherical black annihilation into pieces.In the end, the huge beast, that is, this "arrow" of bright I color light, even the eclipse domain dominated by the Witch King-level Seliru, was destroyed by this luminous arrow. torn at the edge of the blue

On the other side of the gap is a chaotic space like a turbulent void.

"Even if it smashes the eclipse and the narrow place together!"

Fang Jing, who was extremely keen, immediately realized that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Hurry up, go to the spirit world!

He amplified the volume to remind Rosen Hanks, the "Goblin Poisoner" beside him.

The latter suddenly realized, took out the potion of Hongmi wine from the bag, and quickly took it together with Fang Jing

The king of yellow sheets noticed the actions of the two, and hundreds of chains flew into the air.

It's done!" With this huge hand, Crow City Kagemi in a white suit officially appeared. Wearing black gloves embroidered with seven stars, he took off his white hat, and rushed out of the hat like a magic trick. A black dog beast watched by the shadow appeared. This was just the first one, and more shadow black dogs came out of the hat, each of which was a huge ferocious beast with a height of [-] meters.

"You bastard, where do you have the courage to say such big words!"

But soon, she couldn't laugh, because she found one thing, that is, the world of eclipse opened by her, it seemed to lose control and disappeared, and when she looked up, what covered most of the sky was a black In the sky, countless shadow threads closed the sky.

Even the barrier of the eclipse world pierced by the bright red "Arrow of Light" that glowed vermilion just now was broken through.

His moment of eclipse was swallowed up by another "world of eclipse".

"Big talk?! Two figures on the stage also landed beside Yacheng Yingjian. These two people are naturally the families of Jiabeicheng and Guqing's family. The real duel will probably start now. Fang Jing has absolutely no intention of seeing what it would be like to see what a full-scale decisive battle will look like. He realizes that at this stage, he has no strength to compare with the strong ones.

He and Rosenhanks-entered the different space of "Fairy Realm", and fully used their three-stage burst mode to add weapons to descend.

Passed through the cracks on the edge of the world of eclipse at full speed, and fled into the barren space like a turbulent void.

He and Rosen drifted here for three days and three nights, or maybe even longer.

It was only under the guidance of the nocturnal species called Cutbei that he found a passage to the real world.

Finally escaped, when he returned to the real world, he found that three months had passed since the end of the war in Songyuan City. However, after they escaped, they did not return to the main island of Japan, but unexpectedly arrived in Malaysia. An island.This island E does not seem to be covered by the civilized world, and a group of simple and hospitable aborigines live on the island.

Although their life is close to primitive, they are happy under the care of the government. Most of them are Catholics.

Chapter 514 Worth a try

Right now, Fang Jing is huddled in a small cave, sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed. ≒Three﹤Eight﹤Reading﹤Book≒Counting it up...he has been in retreat for three or four days.

Rosen Hanks left this island a week ago. He was not in a hurry to return to his hometown. Instead, he went to Peninsular Malaysia, intending to adapt to modern life for a while. Visit the current situation of Hanks' home in the former home.

He was not in a hurry to leave the island of Malaysia. After the trip to the Pavilion of Dawn was over, he also needed to recuperate, and the two avatars, the angry body and the evil body, would take time to regroup in his mind.

In the Battle of the Liming Hall, he had formally entered into a grudge against the three major eclipses, and if he rashly returned to his native land, he might be targeted by the three major eclipses.

And now he is transferred abroad through the void turbulence, and the three major eclipse levels can't figure out where he is.

What's more, after the war is over, various troublesome things will happen in the follow-up. This time the matter is quite big, and it may open up a tit-for-tat situation between various forces.Foreign law makes this action almost equivalent to directly declaring war with the clan Jizhihui, and it is impossible for the clan to sit idly by.

Although the "heretic envoy" Shu Lianjian and others are strong enough, they will not be so stupid as to collide head-on with the Yinzhihui of the clan. The most difficult thing about envoys is that they are good at hiding. The enemy is in the open, and I am in the dark. If I guess right, I will hide and carry out my own conspiracy next.

"There seems to be some trouble inside the Yinzhihui. There is a vague trend of internal forces splitting. The guy from Crow City might want to intervene. Fang Jing is not very worried about the shadow of Crow City. The opponent is close to the peak level in the eclipse. Moreover, judging by the momentum, he seems to have the idea of ​​connecting with the neutral forces in the clan, and this guy can't help but worry about it.

My subordinate forces are all composed of ordinary people. It is hard to imagine that they will be regarded as the target of revenge by the = big eclipse level. After all, for the strong at this level, the society of ordinary people is two different dimensions from them.

On the other hand, my two blood relatives, mother Suozi and younger sister Satsuki, should be protected by C.CS D.

"Now I don't pay attention to their affairs. After all, the biggest trouble for me is not just being targeted by eclipse existences."

Fang Jing closed his eyes again, and concentrated his energy on the real chakra key in his left eye.

His biggest headache now is that the imprinted light of the key of the true wheel is exposed to the vision of the "dead pilgrims" such as the shadow of mourning.

The Mourning Shadow can currently sense his presence.On the other hand, Fang Jing can also hear the approaching footsteps of the shadow of mourning at the far end of time and space.

As long as he calms down and focuses his attention on the key of the true chakra, the perception field of the soul essence will be further enlarged.

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