He felt as if he had dived into a tunnel in the deep sea, and he didn't know how long it had passed. Suddenly, a ray of light was about to extend from the end.At the end of the very deep infinity in the darkness, there flashes a spiraling universe wrapped in a light cocoon. Through the translucent light cocoon, one can see the dark blue nebula slowly emerging inside.Fang Jing only felt that he was getting closer to the light cocoon at an extremely fast speed.

Suddenly, a flicker flickered, and Fang Jing's thoughts seemed to plunge into the light.laugh!!

The imprinted light, like a light shuttle, accelerated and surged.

In the next second, he completely lost consciousness.

rainy night.

In a luxurious Western-style building, a man wearing a hat and a suit packed his suitcase and prepared to leave the Western-style building.

His car was parked just outside the Adams family mansion.

The man in the suit glanced at the gold watch on his wrist and found that it was getting late.

"I'm going to miss out on dinner with Mary!"


Fragrant bright.

"Doctor Raul, please wait-down.

At this moment, behind the man in the suit appeared the housekeeper and maid in the mansion.

The bald-headed old housekeeper asked in a worried tone: "Doctor, how is the young master's condition, why is he coughing - he can't stop.

"He is infected with severe fever cough, I have injected him with medicine, and he will be fine after two days of recuperation.

Dr. Lauer smiled and said, "Did he run outside recently? His physical condition is not suitable for going out casually... Hearing this question, the old housekeeper frowned.

"Master Andy went to see a circus recently, his health has improved a few days ago, I thought

"Alas! His condition is mainly in the heart," Dr. Lauer sighed: "You should know. Andy's body is too weak and vulnerable to the virus. Don't let him run around in the future, it will only make him unnecessarily burdening his body,

"I understand.

The old butler sighed bitterly.

"Cough, cough, coughing for a minute, Fang Jing felt his lungs were scorching hot, he got up from the bed, only feeling that his body was terribly weak.

"Damn....Did Sigil Light really work?"

He clenched his fist, then let go.Unconsciously, his eyes brightened in the dark bedroom, and a large amount of information in his mind was transmitted to the surface consciousness.This also made Fang Jing understand his current situation.

Sigil of Light has successfully entered another world.His own soul revived in another person.My current self is named Andy Mellock, and the Merlock family that Andy belongs to is also a large consortium operating railway transportation in this country, commonly known as the Merlock Consortium. His father and grandfather were alive. They are all famous capitalists.For some reason, the male members of the Merlock family were unexpectedly short-lived. His grandfather and father died in their prime, and Andy himself suffered from a heart disease since birth, and his constitution was weak. He was often sick in bed.It is rumored by outsiders that the Melok tribe is cursed by witches. Even though the family is rich and powerful, all the men in the family are short-lived ghosts.

"Short-lived or not, I don't know, but now this body must be poisoned!" Fang Jing laughed wryly, he called up his physical attributes, and found that if the body showed an abnormality of "poisoning" state.

Chapter 516 The Biggest Suspect

Fang Jing sat up straight from the bed, he reached out and tried to pick up a glass of water from the bedside table, this movement alone was quite difficult.The muscles all over his body are weak and weak, and it is difficult to easily concentrate his strength on his fingers.

It took half a minute before he got the water glass and took a sip of water.Thanks to drinking water, his burning throat gradually calmed down.He has indeed learned before that the strange effect of the imprinted light has achieved his goal. Under the impetus of this mysterious force, his soul has indeed traveled through time and space. Arriving in a new world without a sound, he The door of memory in the mind opened, and the memory of the original owner's brain named "Andy" was quickly retrieved by him.

"Barriedit Federation"

- Scenes, - fragments of memory, constantly flashing and passing in the brain at high speed.Gradually, Fang Jing's eyes flashed with data-like information, and he used his powerful mental power to analyze the current situation.After a long time, he breathed a sigh of relief, let his weak body lie back on his bed, and his eyes returned to himself.For some reason, his supernatural power has been sealed. Looking carefully around, he found that a large number of fates including the three life beasts have been sealed. At first glance, they all turned gray.

The only exceptions are "Wanhua", "Shiyin", "Lipo", "Tiansu" and "Paguang". These five initial fates are still flashing on the consciousness panel.

"The yin value absorbed from the untimely fruit is still there. What a blessing among misfortunes!" From a certain point of view, his current state can be called returning to the pre-liberation overnight, but for Fang Jing , as long as the fate system can be used in another world, he believes that he has a way to return to the peak.

"The problem is...my physical attributes have been 'poisoned'. It seems that the situation of me, the next successor of the Merlock family, is very bad!" Started by grandfather Cornelius Mellock, Andy's grandfather was a sailor, he ran the shipping business with a small boat. Gradually accumulated the first bucket i, and in the next forty years put his own one Cargo boats developed into a huge shipping empire.The shipping tycoon at the time quickly noticed the limitations of the shipping industry. He was keenly aware of the value of railway transportation, and then invested in this field. He sold all the ships and resolutely devoted himself to private railway transportation. Industry.Facts have also proved that his vision is far-sighted. When the First Xianli War began, the Northern Empire clashed with many major powers in the Eastern Continent. Relying on the railway business, the Merlock family quickly accumulated a huge fortune. It was Andy's father's generation, the Merlock Transportation Consortium merged private railways everywhere, and expanded its business projects. From the eastern Yangye of the Federation to the western desert, there are railways with the logo of the Merlock Consortium.In Andy's area, the Merlock Consortium controls almost [-]% of the railways in the Federation, and this numerical value is gradually expanding.And the young Andy Mellock was born with the golden spoon of the Mellock family.It's just that Andy has been diagnosed with a serious heart disease since he was a child, just like his mother who passed away very early.He has been weak and sick since he was a child. In order to give him a good environment for recuperation, his father let him leave the bustling metropolis and go to the manor in the beautiful town of Green Town, the hometown of the Melok family, to recuperate since he was a child.Three months ago, Andy's father passed away due to a serious lung disease. He entrusted his own lawyer and left all his assets to his son.The Merlock consortium is really too rich. The huge accumulation of wealth, the promotion of the stock market through the construction of railways, and the right to operate railways that occupy three tenths of the country, and the profits obtained from bond financing have made the Mellock family The height of wealth continues to rise.However, people with other intentions have also noticed that although little Andy is the heir of this railway empire, he is not his father's generation and has no ability to support this huge railway empire.There are not too few people secretly coveting the wealth of the Merlock family. Judging from the current clues, it is hoped that little Andy will die soon so that there are not too many people who can usurp the property of the Merlock family.Fang Jing conducts his own analysis, and has no way to draw a conclusion as to who is going to poison him.

"It seems that the investigation can only be carried out slowly. He closed his eyes, leaned on the mat, adjusted his breathing, and oscillated the Qi and blood of the whole body with Chinese Qigong and the secret method of adjusting Qi channels in Kararipayat, India. You know he He has studied martial arts from various countries and collected a large amount of data. He can be called a master in understanding the operation of human meridians, Qi vessels, and blood.

While circulating Qi and blood, he carefully straightened this new body.You must know that he must stay in this world for a period of time until he finds a new key of the true wheel and absorbs enough imprinted light before he can return to Earth.Constantly oscillating his body with hidden strength, he also immersed his mind into his body. He deduced the changes of this new body in a way of perceiving the amplitude.This lasted for more than an hour, and he spat out a mouthful of blood with a puff.Fang Jing covered his mouth, and he found that what he spit out was a pool of black dirty blood.

"...This should be some kind of mixed type of toxin, and it can't be excreted from the human body by light and spicy qi and blood vibration!" om]

Through Qi and blood oscillation therapy, Fang Jing realized that it was difficult to completely eradicate the toxicity in the body.The person who poisoned him was very delicate, he chose a mixed type of toxin, and the dosage was not large, so he should have taken it orally through means within the diet.Because the dose is not large, it cannot be detected by conventional methods, and this poison cord is not too harmful to the human body, but as the dose continues to increase, it will increase the load on one's heart and lungs, causing serious damage to the heart and lungs. If the body A strong adult can naturally rely on his body to survive, but if it is replaced by little Andy with a poor physique, it is very likely that he will not be able to withstand this kind of cardiopulmonary load, and will suddenly have no symptoms at all. die first.Even through an autopsy after his death, it was difficult to detect signs of poisoning.This method of killing can really be said to be unconscious.

Thinking of this, Fang Jing sneered again and again. In fact, the person who poisoned him may have already succeeded.Little Andy died yesterday due to a severe heart load, and even his consciousness drifted away, but he just replaced it and became the new owner of this body.

"Speaking of this kind of sophisticated poisoning method, the housekeeper and servants of this mansion may not have the ability. According to this speculation, Little Andy's attending physician, Raul, is the most suspicious

Chapter 517 Analysis and Situation

The attending physician, Raul, is a doctor hired by Andy's father. Raul is a top student from an elite medical university. He has studied in the Royal Hospital of the Metropolis and has excellent medical skills. ≒Three﹤Eight﹤Looking﹤Book≒Fang Jing thought that if the housekeeper, old lady Yi, and a few maids in his own mansion have no way to easily obtain this mixed poison, unless an outsider gives the housekeeper and servants People provide foreign aid and call the chief physician Raul, his chances are higher, and he himself is a highly skilled physician. As a doctor, since he can cure diseases, he can also kill people.It's just that most doctors have professional ethics and will not commit acts of breaking the law and smashing their own signs.

Although this is the same truth, but money can turn ghosts around. If the attending physician Raul reached an agreement with someone to find an opportunity to murder little Andy and gain personal benefits from it, as long as he has Fang Jing himself is a vicious theory He has always thought of human nature in a bad direction.He firmly believes that the selfish instinct of human beings is essentially derived from the survival nature of human beings. The selfish gene exists in ancient times and honed by human beings in survival. Only by relying on selfishness can people seek benefits and avoid risks with better survival skills. , more effectively survive in harsh environments.

Selfishness itself is a protective nature.When you get hurt, you will shrink back, and if you feel danger, you will run away. This is by no means a bad thing.

Just imagine a person who loses the sense of pain, he will ignore the damage to the inner body and use his body indiscriminately, which will eventually cause serious trauma to the inner body.On the contrary, people in the past have a sense of pain and will avoid danger before encountering it.

The selfish gene is human nature, and it is the instinct of human beings to preserve themselves. Selfishness is not a simple "evil nature" that can be generalized.

But as a social animal, to survive in a social group, one must know when to choose selfishness and when to choose to give up the option of "selfishness".Because living in a group, people have to take into account various issues, such as the continuation of the group. Sometimes human beings choose "not selfish", which is also another kind of "selfishness".

The theory of evil nature does not emphasize that "human nature is evil", but emphasizes that the evil nature of human beings is a survival instinct, and people must contend with this instinct if they want to survive flexibly in society. Because humans are not animals, only animals will adopt According to the pure law of the jungle, human beings pay more attention to morality and ethics. By making up for their own moral defects and changing them into vain, talents can turn from evil to good, and morality and ethics can make society

"There must be some behind-the-scenes figure manipulating his actions behind Raul," Fang Jing pondered and deduced, thinking that the possibility of Raul being the poisoner was about [-]% or more.

"But now it seems that after my death, there are several beneficiaries who are the biggest beneficiaries, but there should be three people who have received the most benefits. The first person should be Little Andy's uncle, Millers Mellow Millers Mellock , the third son of the Merlock family, is the uncle of little Andy. He once had a quarrel with Andy's father in order to fight for the property. Because little Andy's grandfather Cornelius lost his railway The management right of the transportation empire was handed over to the eldest son with the most business sense, and the other sons were only allocated a huge amount of miscarriage. Some "low-profit" industries are "thinly profitable", but they are also run by the grandfather Cornelius. He knows that except for his eldest son who is talented in business, the remaining few children are of limited standards, especially the three of them. Son Millers.

When he was young, he was a playboy, fond of sensuality, fond of gambling, and owed a huge amount of usury at one time. If it weren't for the great fortune of the Hailock family, he would have ruined it for other small businesses.Grandfather Cornelius strictly forbade him to interfere in the family business during his lifetime, and did not give him much property after his death, because he knew how incompetent he was, and would probably ruin the property, but Millers himself did not know himself, He was dissatisfied with little Andy's father, thinking that he was the one who should inherit his grandfather's empire.

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