"Camu's words, I'm afraid he's already dead." Namt turned around and muttered, his gaze became extremely deep.

"He is the third brother of the Eilsen family. If he is not dead, he will take the initiative to seek revenge on the enemy who killed the three brothers. Up to now, Camus has not shown any movement for such a long time. The biggest possibility is He has already been killed. Namt, who is known as a hound, knows his prey very well. The only thing he was surprised this time was that his prey was snatched away in advance.

What a nuisance! In this way, the clues of the "Kuroshio Organization" that I had managed to track down disappeared.Regarding the killing of the three Eilsen brothers, Namter also had no special opinion. These three were wanted criminals who murdered a lot of people and were full of crimes.The only thing Namter was upset about was that the clues of the case he had straightened were also interrupted.

"By the way. What's the matter with the corpse next to it?"

Suddenly, Namter thought that there were two corpses beside him. He moved his nose, and when he got close to one of the corpses, his heart suddenly moved. Only he can notice this subtle aroma.

"Is it possible

He suddenly lifted the shroud, and a dwarf man's body appeared on the mortuary table.

"Interesting! I didn't expect that even this guy died here.

Chapter 531 Voodoo

"Nam...who is he?

The female reporter Wen Dini noticed Namut's expression, and she also guessed that the prosecutor must have recognized the true identity of the dwarf man.

"Wendini, you must have heard of this guy's name. Namut sneered:" This guy was responsible for the poisoning case in the Farouk Sanatorium fifteen years ago. A total of two hundred people were poisoned, forty-five People died on the spot, and the remaining hundreds of people were also entangled in the after-effects of Zhibo poisoning, and lived in pain for the rest of their lives.

"The Farouk Nursing Home case fifteen years ago?"

The female reporter Wendini was shocked. She had indeed heard about this case. It was old news in the Federation fifteen years ago, and it was also a big case at the time of sensation.

"This dwarf man. His nickname is 'Poison Viper'. His real name is Garcia. He doesn't know where he learned how to use poison to induce hallucinations. He has done many poisoning cases and killing Wu. This man He did a lot of evil and didn't expect to die here. Namter's so-called "Hound Dog" is not a fake, record it.

As long as he has glanced at the criminal information, he will never forget it. As long as there is a clear record and photo of the criminal, he can be identified immediately.

"Speaking of the man Garcia, he lost his trace many years ago, and it is said that he took refuge in a secret underground gang. Now it seems that...Garcia may also be a member of the Kuroshio Organization" Namter secretly analyzed in his heart, "Viper" Garcia has done all kinds of bad things, and is full of evil. He is wanted by the whole territory of the Baridit Federation, and almost fell to the point where everyone shouted and beat him.

Underground gangs and mafia organizations like this wanted criminals dare not accept it easily, and only the Kuroshio, a transnational criminal organization, has no worries about it.

The Kuroshio Organization is not a hidden criminal group in the original ecology of the Baridit Federation. Its true identity is a transnational criminal organization. Namte has been tracking down the clues of the organization for five years, but it is a pity that in this In five years, he didn't gain much.The Eilson brothers are the only clues that Namter has learned. He originally wanted to capture these three people himself and learn about the real trend of this organization, but unfortunately he failed. At this time, the appearance of "Viper" Garcia gave him It gave him a touch of surprise.

"Also, who is this corpse over here?"

He removed the cloth covering the corpse on the last mortuary bed lined up on his left, only to find that it was a face he had never seen before.

The magistrate Todd, who had been unable to talk to him, quickly came up, and with a smile on his face, he giggled and said, "This corpse is the corpse of Raul, the attending physician of Master Andy, the heir of the Merlock clan. Killed before, this poisonous adder Garcia seems to have been killed in his room too..

"You mean

"That's right!

Todd nodded desperately, and he continued: "I think this Garcia is collaborating with someone to find an opportunity to assassinate Doctor Raul, but something went wrong, and he was killed by his companions.

"Oh? Traces of a fight.

Namter doesn't think so simply. If he was as simple as Todd, he wouldn't be a state prosecutor.

(Speaking of which, 'Viper' is not a person who is good at actual combat, and his physique makes it difficult to fight against adult men. He is better at throwing some small tricks, let him and his accomplices murder Dr. Raul , it is impossible for him to come to the door in person, and he died here, there is another possibility, that is, he was here to protect Raul. In the end, he was killed by someone when he came to the door. He thought it was a more reasonable explanation.

"Magistrate Todd, I have one thing to ask, this Raul, is the attending physician of Andy of the Mellock family?"

"That's right!" Todd straightened his waist proudly.

"Master Andy of the Mellock family was captured by Eilson's companions in advance, and we found him starving and cold in the ranger's cabin a few days later.

Namter also chuckled lightly: "I've heard about this matter, Mayor Gray Tin decided to meet you in person after hearing about your contribution and the Mounted Police.

"That's really my pleasure!"

Todd is naturally complacent and very happy.

"Prosecutor Namut, I think you and Miss Undine must be tired from the long journey, you can go to my house next, I have prepared a dinner for you.

"That would be great.

Namter just nodded with a smile, but he was full of thoughts. According to his speculation, Dr. Andy's death may have some connection with the death of the three brothers Eilson and the Mellock family.

It seemed that it was necessary for him to meet the heir of the Melo family in person.During this period of time, Fang Jing has been busy with another matter, which changed his original plan.He found that the notebook he found from the dwarf-like man had recorded a huge amount of information in encrypted text.

After deciphering it, he was surprised to find that the information was about a kind of extremely wonderful knowledge, in the records of the owner of the notebook, a dwarf man who called himself "Garcia". What he recorded was called "Witch The strange technique of "poison art".Voodoo is a technique that uses various herbs, poisonous insects, and strange minerals to make a special item through rituals. These potions formulated through rituals and blending are all called Voodoo potions.And the dwarf Garcia's universal belt contained dozens of small medicine bottles, each of which contained different materials and medicines.According to Garcia's own statement, he was rejected by his parents since he was a child, and he was bought by a circus owner to serve as a handyman and actor in the circus. During that time, he suffered various tortures.However, fate is fate. During the time when he was working as a handyman and an actor, he met a strange old man in the circus. This old man was one of a wandering nation named "Xilda". Because of all kinds of herbal medicines, it can treat diseases for troupe members. It is regarded as a doctor in the circus. In the process of contacting the old man, Jiaxiye gradually learned that the old man is a witch doctor. This old man is also a member of the Hida tribe. The last witch doctor, his tribe was almost destroyed by war, and the old man was probably afraid of the loss of voodoo, so he took the initiative to pass on what he had learned to Garcia.

However, after Jiaxiye learned it, evil thoughts abounded. He poisoned the old man, killed the members of the circus together, and finally burned everyone to death.

This small notebook is a pamphlet specially used by Garcia to summarize his experience and inspiration when he recorded and studied voodoo by himself.At the same time, this is also the painstaking effort of the dwarf Garcia for most of his life. After looking through it carefully, he found that one of the voodoo recorded in it - . The last part of the Chinese identification collection for identifying various materials, minerals, and herbs involves various strange rituals and voodoo secrets, as well as records of legends and anecdotes.

What Garcia used to confuse himself earlier was to use a medicinal herb called purple-eyed grass, and it was also marked that this strange herb would rise to the top of the sky when the star named "Nightingale" rose to the top of the sky during the full moon. At that time, the purple eye grass picked from the dewy grass had this strange hallucinogenic effect.Fang Jing was reading in a low voice while recording the knowledge in this booklet in his mind.He will try his best to store all the knowledge that is useful to him in his mind.

Chapter 532

By inquiring about this pamphlet, Fang Jing also found out the antidote part of the poison that Dr. Lauer put on him. The ingredients of the antidote are not complicated, and he will be able to prepare it soon. ≒Three﹤Eight﹤Reading﹤Book≒This can be regarded as solving one of his troubles.

For Fang Jing, the voodoo in the brochure is of great research value.However, it is relatively lacking in actual combat. The voodoo potions produced often have to be arranged in advance, which also leads to the lack of flexibility and the ability to change the voodoo potions.For example, "Poisonous Viper" Garcia, if he finds the right opportunity, it is not impossible to kill the square mirror of this level. However, his weakness is also obvious. After Garcia's psychedelic incense was broken, There was no chance to switch tactics, and Fang Jing killed him in a close combat.

"Voodoo is at the level of Mirashou in terms of actual combat. The voodoo potions prepared by rituals and secret methods are mixed with some curse effects. This also further proves that this different world does exist. If there is some kind of unknown Fang Jing learned from Andy's own memory that the witch doctor of the Shia tribe that "Viper" Garcia studied under was similar to the gypsies on Earth. , They originally lived in the extreme south of the continent, and now they are spread all over the continent.There are also countless small wandering tribes within the Xiya tribe. Historically, they were mostly engaged in divination, witch doctor, singing and dancing. The long-term wandering and poverty-stricken life made it difficult for the Xiya tribe to integrate into mainstream society, and their status is almost the same as that of the Asian race. Fang Jing is not planning to study the history of the Shia race, he is more concerned about the other... According to the records in the "Viper"'s own notes, he is doing something for the "Black Tide Organization". It was also one of the main reasons why Garcia was able to join this transnational criminal group.

"Viper" Garcia had a big case many years ago. This case led to him being wanted in the entire territory of the Paridite Federation, and he became a street mouse, and everyone shouted and beat him. At that time, the only one who could It was the Kuroshio Organization that took over his criminal group.There is also a reason why the Kuroshio organization took a considerable risk to accept the "Viper". The Kuroshio organization needed Garcia to help them investigate the whereabouts of an ancient encounter.

The successive kings of the ancient kingdom of Didos all had the blood of the "ancient wolf clan" and possessed unfathomable power, and the last king of the clan even had the ability to move a city from the map within one day.

In order to fight against the last king, the most powerful hero of the human race and the heroes of the sub-race joined hands to block the last king of Didos who was trapped in the isolated city with the help of the multi-party coalition force. After three days and nights of hard fighting , finally killed the last king of the last generation.After the war, the Kingdom of Didos, which ruled over half of the continent, was destroyed. Among the seven descendants of King Didos, only one of them escaped to heaven during the war. This tribe fled to Didos. In the holy place of the royal family, they vowed to pay the blood debt one day, and let the earth flow into rivers. After entering the holy place, the descendants of the Didos royal family were chased by the pursuers. Since then, the Didos royal family has never appeared again On the mainland, all related information has also been buried in the past historical time

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