After saying this, he also felt that it was almost done, so he got up and left with Sophia.

He didn't intend to urge anything, nor did he intend to explain anything. He believed that Millers would make his own decision. Based on his understanding of Millers, he believed that it would be difficult for him to refuse this proposal. .... This is a bait he threw. And he is also very sure that Millers Mellock cannot resist the temptation of this bait.


When "Andy Mellock" left, Millers pulled down his collar and untied his tied tie. He was sweating a lot and his face changed a lot.

"Wysen, do you think this kid Andy can believe what he said?" He cast his eyes on his think tank, that is, the man in glasses wearing a green suit.

This guy with glasses is named Wyson, and he is a lawyer by profession, and he is also a "pig and dog friend" that Millers relies on. Wyson is considered an opportunist, and he and Millers also value his identity. Knowing that his character is restless, Millers is a pawn that can be easily manipulated.But this time, Wysen hesitated a little.He has more brains than Lyles, and he can feel the contempt from that kid named Andy—it's not the naive ridicule of a child, but a deeper contempt—he doesn't care at all Millers called him an idiot, and from the close to the end, there was a haughty attitude of superiority, which made Wyson a little confused about what this "Master Andy" had in mind.

The only thing he knew was that most of the rumors and rumors about "Andy Mellock" in the past were untrue, and the heir to the Mellock family was not as cowardly, incompetent, and inexperienced as the outside world said.Regardless of whether he is domineering or arrogant, anyway, this young master of the Merlock family is not an easy person.

"Millers, I think we need to think carefully. Next, the conditions offered by Andy Mellock are good, but have you ever thought that this is likely to be a trap."

"So what if it's a trap?"

A greedy look flashed in Millers' eyes.

"It's a pity that it's just being beaten back to the original

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. Andy wants you to join the board of directors, and then you will go head-to-head with Juan Sai and Lahaza, and let you go to the battlefield to charge..

No matter how stupid Wyson can see through this, he reminds Millers:

As soon as he said these words, Huai Sen only felt chills, this.... that Andy might have already planned to this point.

' so what.

Millers said casually: "I'm just planning to use him. Just like what Andy Mellock said, it's just cooperation with each other to get what they need.

Hearing Milles speak like this, Wyson could only secretly think in his heart that Andy regarded Millers as a suitable person, and he would never let go of this cake that fell from the sky. In any case, Milles He will definitely be hooked. Back at the hotel, the butler Ma Ke asked about the situation, and frowned slightly after hearing Fang Jing's decision.

"It's nothing to worry about... Fang Jing sat on the sofa, took a magazine from the small black walnut wooden newspaper rack, and flipped through it casually.

"Millers is my uncle in the first place, so it's okay to let him temporarily manage the management for me!"

This was a good decision from the very beginning. To be honest, Dr. Raul was silenced, and the clues of the Kuroshio were also cut off on his own side. person identity.Fang Jing himself has no business skills, and he doesn't think he has any chance of winning if he plays tricks and business wars with a group of old foxes who have been up and down for decades. On the contrary, this is his disadvantage. I plan to play the cards according to common sense.

He decides to cooperate with Millers, the weakest of the three who have been enemies since 2, and let Millers attend the board meeting instead of him.

Millers is a very accurate person, with great ambition and talent, but limited ability, but his ambition is higher than the sky.

This guy's passive skill - must be "No matter what good things come to him - it will definitely mess up!"

This can be seen from the death of the few small companies he inherited in the past.

Millers finally got the chance to join the board of directors, and he will definitely do something in the board of directors in the future, trying to find ways to gain benefits for himself, and his actions will also cause a series of troubles in the operation of Merlock's company.

"This guy just needs to delay with Juan Sai and Lahaza for a little more time. The Merlock Consortium is also a big business, and there won't be any big fights in a while.

Millers may cause trouble, but he is not a monopoly, nor can he cause any big disturbances. After everything is ready on his own side, he can kick Millers away and return to coaching. Locke will do. .. .. Power, status, and identity are not absolute for me, an "indian" from a different world. These are just a means to achieve my goal, not the ultimate goal.In the process of constantly reading the classics for research, Fang Jing was delving into the history of voodoo and the Kingdom of Didos, and he gradually found a way to improve his physical fitness and return himself to the peak of his strength.He speculated that as long as he gained something in the holy land of the Kingdom of Didos, and obtained an artifact hidden in the treasure house of the Didos royal family according to ancient rumors, he would have the opportunity to reverse his physical disadvantages and gain supernatural power blessing.Fang Jing believes that as long as he gains one-tenth of the strength of his past body, he can act freely in this world.Why spend brain cells to solve things that can be solved with strength!

Chapter 537 Blood Tumor

This is also important "information" obtained from the investigation of many clues in the ancient kingdom of Didos.Andy Mellock himself is a history buff. He was weak and sick when he was young. His father, Carl Mellock, invited him a large number of tutors to guide him in learning various knowledge.Fat Lady Benedit was his biology teacher. There was another old pedant named Nelson who was Andy's history teacher.This old scholar of Nelson is also a master figure in the field of literature and history. He is not a citizen of the Baridit Federation, but a well-known scholar of the neighboring Azerothi Empire.This old man was born in a theological family. When he was young, he specialized in history, poetry, rhetoric and philosophy, and his own major was the study of history and the relationship between the Avar Empire and other civilizations that developed on the mainland.

At that time, it was the period of the Enlightenment Movement, and various new ideas, like the surging Spring Dynasty, impacted the decayed and backward feudal fortress and religious theology.Nelson traveled around for his studies, looking for historical sites and places of interest everywhere, cherishing the past of thousands of years, thinking about the past, and thinking of writing a great book.Therefore, since he was thirty years old, Nelson has lived in seclusion and concentrated on writing his own "The Kingdoms and Prophets". A major event in the world immediately caused a sensation in the literary world.

After the book was published, it was sold out, and it was printed three times in a short period of time, becoming a bestseller at that time.Nelson also went from living a hermit life in obscurity for twenty years to becoming famous all over the world.For unknown reasons, this foreign scholar of literature and history had a good relationship with Andy's father, Karl Melok, and spent three years guiding Andy's history. Ψ弎&八&看&书Ψ Thanks to the guidance of this historian master, Andy's historical knowledge is extremely solid, and naturally he has a deep understanding of the history of the ancient kingdom of Didos, and Nelson has stayed in the Mellock family's manor for three years. For more than a year, I also left a lot of my own books here.After learning that the "Kuroshio Organization" intends to explore the holy land of the ancient country of Didos, he even wrote several letters to send some difficult questions in his mind to his teacher.Master Nelson, who was in the Azerothian Empire, quickly replied to the letter to clarify the doubts of his disciple. The two discussed it in the letter, and Fang Jing would not be so stupid as to reveal too much information in the letter. , he insinuated, and after getting the news from Nelson, he went to look through the book by himself, and with the memory in Andy's own mind, after comparing various aspects, he also obtained a lot of important information.

"The Kingdom of Didos is a descendant of the ancient wolf clan. The royal clan in the clan carries the power of chaos, which is strong enough to fight against powerful races such as the winged giants and dense elves. However, the royal clan of the wolf clan also has a powerful enemy. That is the witch-human race. It is said that the witch-human race is an alien race with a longer history than the primitive creatures on the mainland. The most amazing record comes from the inscriptions carved on the clay tablets of the Avar Empire, which stated that the witch-human race was older than the ancient wolf race. To be an ancient mysterious race, they are powerful races that survived the destruction of the last era. The witch race is immortal, has a nearly infinite lifespan, as well as super physical strength and incredible abilities. They can plunder the life essence of surrounding creatures, Absorbed to become one's own nutrient, the ancient wolf tribe and the witch-human tribe had conflicts, and it took a lot of energy to kill them. It took a hundred years to kill them. The blood of the witch-human tribe that was killed on 7 was frozen. This is also a legend The "Blood of the Primal God" in the book, some people say that it can give people the powerful power of evolution, and there is another saying that this "blood of the Primal God" can make people live forever, and there are ancient documents that record that the shaman Frozen blood itself is a terrifying "weapon". In addition to the "Blood of the Barbarian God" left by the Witch Race, there are more "rare things" in the royal treasure house of the Kingdom of Didos, for example, from many The ancient Asian races had strange weapons and armor. Garcia even left a message in his notes saying that the ancestors of the Shia tribe who escaped from the ruins believed that the Didos royal family also Looted the treasure that the Xiya tribe used to prepare the voodoo secret medicine, and this treasure and secret stone can make a potion that can change the body's physique.

"The Didos royal family in the Lavendi Mountains in Belmont City is simply a big Baowei, and there are countless treasures in it, the blood of the gods." This strange thing sounds too magical to be taken too seriously. , but what the Xiya slave who escaped from the royal family’s encounter is probably true. The Stone of Ulan is a sacred object of the Xiya tribe. It is the supreme treasure for witch doctors. Fang Jing’s whole body is now They are all soaked in potion. This is a big wooden barrel, which contains all kinds of strange and rare herbs, which he collected privately. In addition to herbs, there are also poisonous snails, centipedes, and several kinds of poisonous insects. These are voodoo The preparation materials in Muyongli. The medicinal liquid in Muyongli presents a kind of reddish brown, and bubbles are bubbling.

This is a kind of "medicine bath" therapy, which is used to activate human body cells and enhance human energy. This is the voodoo secret method that the Xia tribe's witch doctors learned from the descendants of the winged giants to train the warrior race.Fang Jing did not lie comfortably in the wood energy. He took out a wristband and took out several extremely thin silver needles from it.The silver needles are customized according to his requirements. These needles are as thin as a hair, and they are also the most suitable needles for acupuncture.Fang Jing remained silent, and after taking out the sterilized silver needles, he inserted them needle by needle into the acupuncture points on his head, neck, and chest.

"Feng", "Gong", "Cave", "Bai", "Road", "City", "Tang", "Pillow", every time the needle is dropped, the dark force is guided into the orifice by means of needle penetration. in the hole.He calculated each step precisely, and used the secret method of "Secret Star Needle" to pierce the silver needles in different parts. Each part is a hidden acupuncture point. The parts are installed.Fang Jing also knew that the early steps of the Secret Star Needle had worked, but he still didn't know if his last needle would be successful.

It's the last step!"

The last needle was to penetrate the heart, and his intention was to penetrate the ventricle with one needle to destroy the "blood tumor". Surgical techniques in this era are still unable to perform tumor resection on the ventricle. Had to use acupuncture to destroy the strange tumor on the heart.He didn't care if the tumor was a curse suffered by the Melok family. This thing had too much negative impact on him, so he had to find a way to solve it.Thinking of this moment, Fang Jing no longer hesitated, and he also knew that the "Secret Star Needle" destruction method had certain risks, but right now he had no other choice.

With a sound of "chi", he twisted the silver needle with his fingers and stabbed towards the heart. When he squatted down, there was a sharp stabbing pain from the needle point.

Chapter 538

That last shot was no joke.The pain made Fang Jing's mind clear, and he slowly shrank his whole body, immersed in the reddish-brown liquid medicine. He felt that his body was half flame and half sea water.As time passed by like a minute-second, Fang Jing's whole body was infiltrated with the liquid medicine. It was like turning into a blood man.His eyes were closed tightly, and his mind and will were immersed in the depths of his mind. He seemed to be asleep, and his consciousness entered a trance mode.Gradually, he fell into the deepest half-dream and half-awake state.The nutrients in the medicinal liquid were gradually absorbed by him to replenish energy, and at the same time take away the excreted waste of metabolism.He shrank in the water like a fetus. The breathing method also switched to internal breathing, and the energy accumulated in the secret Hunyuan Qi began to be released. In his heart, there was a weak beating sound of slow beating-next, Vibrating with the rhythm.And in the ventricle and atrium inside the heart, the blood gushes and flows like a water pump, and at this moment, at one of the points, an unknown eddy undercurrent is formed.Plop! Plop!

There was another strange beating sound deep in the heart, which was another resonant and beating sound overlapping with the sound of his own heart.

I don't know how long it took, Fang Jing slowly opened his eyes. Deep in his heart, an extremely strong force was full of vitality, surging like a newborn, containing endless energy.

Baridit Federation.

A black car slowly drove into the market. In this era, a car is a rare thing, and it is not something that ordinary people can afford. It is a typical luxury. Only the upper class and wealthy businessmen can buy it.Belmont City is considered a big city within the federal territory, but the streets are still dominated by old means of transportation such as horse-drawn carriages.After reaching an agreement with Millers Mellock, Fang Jing did not deliberately waste time. He went directly to this side hammer city in the neighboring state.Belmont City is known as the border city and the capital of crime. The government’s control over this city on the border is seriously insufficient. The city is also divided by various forces, including a powerful mafia organization, a corrupt city hall, and The infiltrated police department is like a sieve, and there are also various black businesses of smuggling, drug trafficking, and arms can be seen everywhere.

At the same time, here is also a paradise like a sanctuary, where the influence of the government is beyond the reach, even during the Baptism War. This weird city is still singing and dancing, drinking and drinking.In this city of gangsters, cops, politicians, all colluding and usurping, it's not surprising that anything happens.

"Kate Thompson. Fang Jing pulled out the information obtained through the Jesse Brotherhood investigation.

"I am seventeen years old, and my hometown is a fisherman in a fishing port. I came to Huixi City three years ago. I met a scammer in the city and was cheated of all my money. In the end, I was picked up by the owner of the Rui Tixi Boxing Gym. back

"The owner of the Retissi Boxing Gym suffered from pneumonia a year ago. In order to raise funds for treatment, he started to fight various underground boxing matches, hoping to make money. Sophia had already recorded all the information on the file.

"Master Kate Thompson's information seems to be fine on the surface, but this kind of person may not be useful.

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