"Okay, let him in

Namt didn't mean to refuse, he readily agreed to take this strange passenger for a ride.

"Ha ha

"I'm Kate Thompson, and I want to start by thanking you both for letting me...  

Chapter 540 Double Star

The surreptitious and weird widow of the former mayor, Mrs. Mility, drifted away after making a prophetic "warning", which made everyone a little puzzled. What is the purpose of Fan's actions. ζ reference ↑ Ba ↑ read ↑ book ζ

"I heard that Mrs. Mility is keen on spiritualism and divination, and she often makes some unbelievable remarks. You don't need to pay too much attention to what this lady said, young master.

"I don't particularly care about it," Fang Jing stood by a square window on the second floor. Downstairs was an empty flower garden, which looked like it hadn't been taken care of for a while.

"It's getting late, Sophia, go to rest earlier!"

The maid didn't say much, she silently bowed to him, and exited the bedroom.

The moonlight also came in from the window. This beautiful villa is surrounded by a forest. The blue and white moon is blocked by the tall treetops. The night is like a black cat jumping down, silently covering the distance at the street.Fang Jing stood quietly by the window. The newly bought villa was unusually large, so at night like this, the only feeling he had was deserted.The mansion villa is really too big, and the only people staying in it are myself and the maid Sophia. The other servants will come every other day or two.He half closed one eye, concentrating on his status bar.After half a month, his strength has increased to 2.3, physical fitness to 2.9, speed to 1.8, energy and mental development have not changed much, one is 0.9, and the other is 3.9.During this period of time, he has spent his own growth points to upgrade the Hunyuan Yiqi internal refining method to the third level, and specially designed a footwork to increase his speed in consideration of his low speed development. A Gale of Wind and Qing Lan is designed to match the footwork and body style of her own Mi Xingquan. After being used, her legs are constantly flashing and bouncing, fighting for the last shot in the subtleties. Among them, the skills of bursting and exerting force are weird and unpredictable. It is completely different from ordinary martial arts techniques, and is closer to illusion and evil.Relying on the almost illusory body technique of "Gasting Wind, Green Haze and Walking", combined with his own boxing and martial arts skills, Banxi Tongren is not his current opponent.However, Fang Jing has no careless thoughts. If the high-level power of this world includes existences like extraordinary beings, his own power may be far from enough to cope with the future situation.

"That is to say. The only thing that is a bit interesting now is this secret star boxing!" The secret star is a new martial art developed by him in this world, and his deduction skills did not appear out of thin air. It is a skill that is derived and expanded outwards based on one's own experience and knowledge.In this process, there is an important feature, that is, these deductions are all built for the framework, which also means that everything will not be separated from the ontology.It doesn’t matter whether it’s the Secret Star Fist or the Blast and Green Lantern. They are all designed according to the current body named “Andy Mellock”. Andy is different from his own body. He is born with a weak physique, The grid system is also due to this factor, and specially designed for him the martial arts that best suit this body.

Half a month ago, Fang Jing inadvertently stimulated the "blood tumor" in the heart during the process of adjusting his body quality through medicated bath therapy. Something unexplained has happened.The "Secret Star Fist" in the skill column has now become the "Phantom Star Fist", and this "Phantom Star Fist" also has an exclusive skill "Double Star Resonance".Even if he stood still, Andy could sense the extremely mysterious trajectory of Qi and blood in his body. The intricate and intricate route centered on the heart, forming two different Qi and blood circuits in the body.And these two different qi and blood circuits. One is centered on his heart itself, while the other is secretly connected with the blood tumor on his heart.The most weird thing is that Fang Jing also discovered that these two different Qi and blood circuits carry a resonant frequency with each other.

"Double Stars Resonance", the core secret method of Huanyao Secret Star Fist, derived from the special ability of ancient blood, "Double Star Resonance" can stimulate the power of taboos, so that mortals can gain the power of frenzy.There is only one comment on the skill column of Fate. And the information revealed is so weird that even Fang Jing didn't understand all of it, but he also noticed one thing, that is, the skill of double star resonance mentioned an "ancient "Bloodline" and "Forbidden Power", which also made Fang Jing feel a little doubtful. There has always been a rumor that the Merlock clan has been cursed. This is reflected in the male clan members of the Merlock clan. They often die young. The longest life in the family. He lived to be forty-nine years old, while Andy's father died at the age of nineteen.

The reason why my cheap uncle Millers has such a dissolute personality is also because he knows that the people of the Merlock family are short-lived, so he simply smashed the pot and chose to "live as soon as possible and enjoy yourself~".In fact, most of the male members of the Melok tribe will develop in two directions after adulthood. If they are not working hard, intending to shine in their short life and pursue the value of their own life. Then +[-]% of them will become decadent Control, have fun, and keep humiliating yourself.

"Now it seems that the reason may be due to the blood of the Merlock family..." According to rumors, the Merlock family also has a long history, and it was also a prominent family in the Old Kingdom, but the genealogy in the Old Kingdom has long been In case of loss, even if you want to investigate, there is no direction to find.

"The power of double star resonance can raise my power to another level, but it is not enough to face supernatural power. Fang Jing thinks seriously, he thinks he still needs to find a way to obtain supernatural power. Originally, for Fang Jing, the sublimation of his past power was by absorbing foreign fate, upgrading and evolving his fate, and thus obtaining the power of a different force, but after coming to this world, he was able to see through the left eye of his fate, and The ability to absorb fate has been sealed. This also makes it impossible for him to obtain external fate through this method to strengthen himself.

(Although there may be items you need in the royal treasury of the Kingdom of Didos, but it is impossible to get them in the short term.) Speaking of which... Belmont also has several black markets dealing in antiques, maybe I should go there to find some Fan, maybe I can get some clues.

He also vaguely had an idea in his heart. He decided to go to the black market in Belmont tomorrow to explore, hoping to gain something.

Chapter 541 Buying a Pot

The sky was gloomy and gloomy, and the clouds piled up and piled up into a dish shape.Half an hour ago, there was another drizzle.The drizzling rain was blown obliquely and elongated by the slanting wind, like transparent thin lines.At the downhill of the ramp, a damaged carriage was parked in the middle of the road. Several men in black cloaks sat on several hairless horses. Gun fire.

"The coachman died, but Namt and the female reporter took the opportunity to escape.

There was an icy chill in the voice of the person in the black cloak.

"There is a third person in this car, a male, that guy is very skilled, if he hadn't made a move midway, we might have succeeded this time.

"There will be no next time for this kind of 'what if' sentence. Namt must die. And this time he acted alone. He didn't even bring a guard. This is our best chance. "

The leader of the cavalry was a man with a sneer. He was sitting on the horse, playing with the Kopais scimitar, and continued: "The lord will never allow our operation to fail this time, in case we can kill that man this time." , You should know what the consequences will be." He said so unhurriedly, everyone present felt chills covering their bodies, they knew what the consequences of mission failure would be, everyone bowed their heads, unwilling to imagine As soon as that scene happened, what would happen to them? These three people were two men and one woman. They stepped on the muddy road and rushed forward desperately.And these three people are the State Prosecutor's Office Namut and the female reporter Undine, as well as Kate Hamerson in the same car.

The three of them deliberately chose the muddy mountain path, which was also to avoid being overtaken by the pursuers.But it's down to this point, and the three of them can't take care of others. For them now, the most important thing is to race against time to escape. ζ reference ↑ Ba ↑ read ↑ book ζ

"Nammut, how is your injury?"

The female reporter looked at Namter's bandaged right arm and frowned. She noticed that the place where she was shot was starting to ooze blood again.Namt held back the gunshot wound on his arm. He was thankful that the bronze bullet fired by the gunman did not kill him. Although he was shot in the back of his right hand, he still had his left hand to use.

(And they must have forgotten that I'm left handed and can hold a gun with my right hand, I guess I'm not so... )

"You're all right!"

"This mountain road is indeed very difficult to walk, but as long as you go up the mountain, those horses will not be able to catch up.

He claimed that he was going to work in Belmont, but the carriage broke down on the way, so he took Namt's carriage.For both Namut and Undine, this was just an unintentional act of kindness. However, the two had to admit later that it was their unintentional act that led to the release of Kate, the great savior. After staying in the boxing gym for several years, his boxing skills should not be underestimated. One of the gangsters the three met wanted to jump on the carriage, but he punched him down.

In the carriage chase just now, thanks to Kate's skill, the three of them escaped unharmed, jumped off the crashed carriage, and escaped life and death.

However, along the way, the three of them gradually became confused. Because they found that after entering the mountain, white mist began to drift in all directions.

For a moment, the three of them realized that they might get lost in this mountain.

Belmont is a city with a complex environment.In this prosperous city, there are also several jumping markets.These flea markets are also dubbed "gold rush places". For many people who are interested in ancient children's cultural relics, this is the best place to check for leaks.

These few jumping markets gather scammers, speculators and real cultural relic dealers from all over the world.There are also people who were cheated into huge debts here, and some people only spent a very small amount of money to get the treasures and cultural relics that can be called dreams:

Such and such news and rumors are countless, and even the locals don't take it seriously.Fang Jing and Sophie dressed up as usual. They dressed up as tourists from the past, and followed the dense crowd of people in the city to the Tiaoshi Market.

"Master Andy, the Mingjie Saixi Brotherhood came to look for antiques and cultural relics. Fang Jing made a silent movement, and he put his hat on his head.

"Don't say the names of the 'Big Three' here, ordinary people in this city don't say their names casually

Sophia also understood that she had lost her composure. She lowered her head and remained silent, not continuing to speak.

"No way, I don't need ordinary antiques and cultural relics, how can I tell you... what I need to look for is some special items, and it is for this reason that I selected one at the daily sale, think carefully- It takes more time, but in this jumping market, I act faster by myself!"

He is also telling the truth. On Earth, he has a lot of resources, contacts and subordinates. In most cases, he uses his own auction company to exchange information with familiar antique dealers and collectors. Naturally, it is easy to grasp various There is a trend of circulating antiques and cultural relics. Even if you go to the auction to collect the "special items" you need by desperately spreading the net, it is impossible to go by yourself, but to send his men down. He sits directly behind this big net and recovers those suspected to be stored. Items with growth points are enough. In the current world, Fang Jing has not officially become the heir of the Merlock clan and is officially in charge of the Merlock Consortium in spite of Andy's identity.

He also does not have his own power, status, and influence in another world, and he is unable to make similar actions now, not to mention that in this world, the means of communication are very low-end, and it is far from being possible in this world.

As a last resort, he had no choice but to choose another method, which was to do it himself.The jumping market in Belmont City is an excellent place, because the ability of the left eye has disappeared, and it is difficult for him to detect the location of items with yin energy from a long distance, but as long as those who are closer can touch them in person, the body will The presence of such items is automatically sensed.He and Sophia moved in the chaotic traffic for a while, and then noticed a strange pot on a pavement.

It was a rather ancient porcelain pot, with a dirty appearance, but the pot itself had a gloomy atmosphere.

Having such a strange aura can only prove that the pot itself has an extraordinary origin. As for whether it will have growth value, that is not necessarily certain.The essence of growth value is a crystallization of years attached to antiques, cultural relics, and handicrafts that have been inspired by the masters of past generations.Of course, it doesn't have to take a long time, as long as there is a strong idea poured into it, it will make the item produce a similar breath.Fang Jing also leaned over, and just as he was about to reach out to touch the dirty pot, a figure stepped in front of him.

"Boss, how much are you selling this for? I bought it!"

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