"By the way, how about the other two of the three major organizations?" Fang Jing hurriedly asked again.

"Is this?" Xie Lufa narrowed her eyes and said slowly: "Festier of the Kesijia family rushed back to the headquarters to re-learn the overall situation. After he arrived, he recovered the disadvantage.Fustil is worthy of being a mafia hero. This person is very capable and decisive. To put it bluntly, he is ruthless and has excellent handling ability. This can be seen from the fact that he executed his son without hesitation. "The situation at 'Blood Hoofprints' is very bad. Yuriva, one of the cadres, sent a message, saying that he hopes that our side can provide support.

Xie Rufa said: "Mr. Luciano has sent people, but no one knows the specific situation.

"Understood...Xielufa, prepare a carriage for me."

Before he could finish his sentence, a carriage came speeding up in the night not far away. The person sitting on the carriage and driving the car was Sophia.

"Master Andy."

The maid pulls the reins. Stops the horses.

...I guess you need my help!"

"Good job. Fang Jingbu jumped into the carriage.

"Xielufa, remind Luciano and Fustier that there may be hidden undercover agents in the bloody hoof prints. I will go to the city hall building now. Before Xielufa can respond, the maid Sophia raised the reins, and the wheels of the carriage Rolling, imprinting clear spoke wheel marks on the road, and then galloping straight, moving towards the direction of the city. Fang Jing, who sat in the car, closed his eyes and rested. Keep your energy, not to mention the double-star singing of the Huanyao Secret Star Fist consumes your physical energy. Fortunately, he has the extremely miraculous internal training method of the secret Hunyuan Yiqi, the peak skill of the internal training method passed down from Ji Longfeng, It can store energy in its own cells, and release the energy for explosion in the emergency state of battle.

Similarly, Ji Longfeng's secret internal training method can also be reversed. At the critical moment of injury or physical exhaustion, internal training qigong can be used to relieve physical consumption.

"Hunyuan Qi can reach its peak with only a little more effort, but the peak of this internal practice method has reached this point. Ji Longfeng's strength lies in the fact that he spent a period of sixty years accumulating energy. The limit of the human body is exceeded, and my current internal body cannot compare with it. One is that there is not enough time, especially Andy's body has a huge deficiency.. This also leads to 9% of the limited power of "Double Star Resonance" Liberation can only reach the limit of 10 points of measurement attributes. When using this secret technique, 8.1% of the liberation is equivalent to 20; 8.2% of the liberation is equivalent to 30; the liberation of the degree is increased to [-]% , that is, the three-dimensional attribute reaches

. And so on, even if it is 9% liberated, it is estimated that it can only be pushed to the limit of [-] o'clock.This power is already extraordinary by the standards of human beings, but it is too far behind the standard of the square mirror itself.Not being able to use the power of the "Lidian Gate" is already an exception by human standards, but it is too far behind the standard of the square mirror itself.Fang Jing slowly opened his eyes, folded his hands together, and muttered to himself: "Borden told an important news before he died. The royal family has the refined blood of the barbarian gods." The blood of the five leaders of the Wu clan, and it is a special blood refined through ancient alchemy." The blood of the barbarian gods, I don't know what material it is, and it comes from the legends of the Wu clan. It is not necessarily true, the only thing that can be sure That is, the blood of the barbarian god mastered by the Baridit royal family has wonderful uses, one of which is to change a person's physique. In addition, even if he is fatally injured, he can directly recover by absorbing the essence of the blood of the barbarian god.And now, Argus, the head of the White Fang Group, received a "drop" of the blood of the barbarian from the second prince of the royal family.

"-A drop of the blood of the barbarian god was sealed in the crystal stone made by the ancient sages, and Argus was ordered to use the blood of the barbarian god to trade with someone. Borden wanted to use this news in exchange for his own Life, he told Fang Jing that this is a big secret, the person the second prince traded with is a big shot from the empire. If this scandal is spread, it is enough to cause this royal family member to suffer a major blow to his reputation. As long as he knows this news, Enough to be able to blackmail the second king to some extent

"The first prince is deliberately trying to build power in the military... He just wants to gain more power, challenge the eldest prince, and become the next king.

Borden said like this: "As long as you get this news, it is enough to threaten him.

"What are you talking about in your sleep, this kind of gossip-like secret", how could it threaten someone like the second prince.

"That's right. It's the same thing for ordinary people. But the blood of the barbarian god is a secret treasure of the royal family. The royal family knows about it. As long as the royal family investigates in private, the actions of the second prince will Fayi.... Borden sneered: "This doesn't require any action. Just letting out the wind is enough to make the old king realize the problem of the blood of the barbarian, and this kind of doubt will shake him. The possibility of being the next king. 'The news about the blood of the barbarian gods has too many problems, so it is worth paying attention to anyway.

"I don't know where the leader Argus is, if he really has the blood of the barbarian, then this person is my first target right now.

Chapter 571

Compared to using this gossip to blackmail the second prince, Fang Jing is more interested in the "blood of the barbarian god" itself, and he doesn't want to be involved in the troublesome whirlpool of "the battle for the heir to the royal family".A horse lantern hung by the person hanging in front of the carriage swayed, and the square mirror sitting in the carriage supported his chin. As he continued to think, a small box popped out of his right hand at some point.

He opened the box, and inside was a reagent and a syringe.During the previous battle, Fang Jing noticed that the aquiline nose had used this potion.

"The method of use is to inject it into the vein. It is a reaction accelerator that increases the conduction speed of the nervous system. This thing is said to be based on the blood of the gods. It is extremely complicated. The formula and technology are held by the chief academician of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Jon Searle In Mano's hand...Borden called it a superhuman potion. This thing is quite poisonous to ordinary people, but when used on their modified body, it will produce amazing effects, making people's physical abilities rapidly transform. .Improve this body in an all-round way, so as to be completely reborn and return to the peak level... He clenched his fist slightly. The current body is too weak. How could Fang Jing endure such a weak body? The goal must be to return to the top, and for this reason, Argus, the leader of the White Fang Cat Group, was also listed by him as his first choice for hunting targets.

"This is Belmont City, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and the power of the second prince will not be able to spread here. Even if the blood of the barbarian god is stolen, he can only secretly adjust the straight line in private, and absolutely dare not make it public, because the news As long as it spreads, it will be a big news..

He thought for a while, and the idea of ​​"picking chestnuts out of the fire" gradually emerged in his heart.

He has also heard about the second prince. The old king has children. The age difference between the eldest prince and the second prince is = years. They are half brothers. It is the next military reserve, and the two princes sometimes have disputes over the position of the successor.The royal family is no longer the royal family that controlled the power of the country in the feudal era, but the royal family still has a great influence in the political arena, especially the Conservative Party, the main political party that governs the Red Hall Parliament, is the royalists in the past.

"A prince mixed up with the hardliners in the military. He even sold his own royal family property to invest in the establishment of the Royal Native Official Academy. Actively carry out military expansion reforms.

"On the contrary, the eldest prince is an extremely conservative character who hates all reforms. He attaches great importance to the traditional style of the royal family. He also has an extremely exaggerated retro worship. He often looks like an ancient prince. He asked for retro-style full-body armor, and even the maids around him were required to wear goddess costumes from the mythical world. At this time, the carriage was also under the control of the maid Sophia, and it was going faster and faster. After more than ten minutes, the two-wheeled carriage He turned a corner and galloped towards the street. Not far away, he could see a checkpoint. Several people in police uniforms were holding batons, blocking the way of the carriage.

The speed of the carriage gradually slowed down, he subconsciously rubbed his brows, and found that his carriage was stopped by the police.

"Sorry! The road here is blocked.

A policeman at the head raised his hands high, waved his baton in his hands, and shouted loudly: "Please leave here and go back the same way.

"We are going to the city hall building. The mansion on Theodore Street where we live is not safe.. Theodore Street is a street community where the rich and the upper class live in this city. Those who can live there People are either high or expensive, as long as ordinary policemen hear this sentence, they can know that the person who comes is a gentleman from Theodore Street.

"A lot of thugs are burning shops near that community. If we continue to stay, my young master might be in danger. Can you please let us pass through." The maid whispered, and she explained to the police that they live in Dai There was commotion in the Odor neighborhood, and the place was getting more and more dangerous, so the two had to take refuge in the city hall building.

"Sorry, girls.

The policeman shook his head and waved his hands again.

"The roads leading to the city hall are all closed. Mayor Monrogo is imposing martial law. There is no way to pass through this street. You can't go to the city hall building."

He categorically rejected the maid's request, and did not intend to let go of the horse barn and let the two of them pass.Fang Jing also heard what the policeman said. He poked his head out of the carriage and looked at the policeman carefully.

"You are not a police officer in Belmont. The turquoise on your badge is fake. It is a fake police micro. Also, your accent is not from the state. You should be from the state of Burma. Man. Why, as a foreigner, would you pretend to be a policeman here?"

Before he could finish his words, the faces of the policeman and his companions changed drastically, and each of them became uglier than the other. These people never expected that their own cross-dressing would be so easily misunderstood. see through

After a few swishes, this group of "fake policemen" took out their guns one after another, pointing their dark muzzles in the direction of the carriage.

At this very moment, the skirt of the maid standing on the coachman's position flew up, and dozens of throwing knives were thrown out, spinning at a faster speed, and flying away through the air.

A few people were stabbed in the wrists and eyes by throwing knives, but more "fake policemen" drew their guns and shot wildly. They raised their guns and shot at Ruo's carriage without even the slightest hesitation.

bang bang bang!!

The sound of Hauso's gunshot came out, and the brass bullets hit one after another. The lantern hanging on the carriage was extinguished, and the maid Sophia turned over and jumped off the carriage, falling on the ground. , Pulled out two daggers while tumbling, swung his right hand, and stabbed obliquely at the neck of an approaching police officer.

With a puff, the man was cut across the neck with a knife, and the gun in his hand was taken away in an instant. Sophia walked around behind him, using it as a shield cover. Pulling her hand was a shot.

"What a speed!"

A fake policeman at the head clicked his tongue, and soon he noticed the hidden animal ears on the top of the maid's head.

".Death...is a combat-specialized demi-race!"

The other fake policemen were also shocked in their hearts. Combat-specialized demi-races can be described as a nightmare on the battlefield. This is an enemy that needs to be dealt with with full energy.It has to be said that just the words "combat-specialized demi-races" attracted the attention of this group of pseudo-policemen, the moment they looked away.With a bang, the wrecked carriage at the front door moved weakly with a bang.

- One hand grabbed a corner of the carriage from the back of the carriage and lifted it up vigorously.And the owner of this hand is naturally Fang Jing.

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