"The self-diagnosis program is over, and the emergency secondary circuit is used to complete the connection. The conclusion is that there is a 032% possibility that the spell fluctuation belongs to the [-]th sequence of the 'recycled object' on the head of the self-talking puppet girl. A halo of thorns emerged again. It was a luminous body, a ring-shaped light source, hanging above her head, and now a pair of wings emerged from the "halo". Seeing this scene again, Beren Dun and the hairy Ainu were both taken aback. They thought of the scene that happened earlier.

If Lie Pei Lide comes here, the meeting hall building will suffer if it is not done well.

"Wait for me first...you'd better not mess with me again, you know this is the city hall building. If something happens, it's over!" The problem is that this time Berenton didn't catch Li Pelide, the wing-like lines condensed in the glowing thorn halo made her rise up and fly towards the sky.

"Like I said, arrogance can kill a man


Argus recalled the confrontation just now, and he had to sigh that the two elite special forces soldiers from the Central Army this time were indeed strong men that were rarely seen in the past.

"Unfortunately, he is not my opponent after all.

The corridor on the floor was in a mess, and the surrounding houses collapsed one after another. This is the area affected by the battle between the two sides.

"This kind of power...impossible, it's not the kind of power humans should have.

The blond woman fell to the ground with a bitter face. Her eyes, nostrils and ears were bleeding, and the chain blade held in her hand was broken into several pieces.Not far in front of her, he was completely trampled, and his robe was covered in full-body armor. Right now, it was like a squashed Qiang standing on his head, bumping into a square stone pillar with two people hugging each other. Half of his body Buried by rubble and debris, those with limbs and four legs were squeezed down.Argus stood intact on the concrete floor. He held the straight-edged long sword with one hand, put on a face full of sarcasm, and returned the heavy blade to the scabbard with a "clang".

"Understood? This fight was pointless from the start..

He snorted coldly and turned around, ignoring the blond woman who was still dead, because it was impossible for her to have much life.This battle did not cost Argus too much energy, and through this duel, he also found that he was not enough for the "Wind Curse Sword", and he also gained a deeper level in the battle ("Wind Curse Sword") The "sword" is stronger than I imagined. The strength of these two masters from the Central Army can never be said to be too weak. If the prince hadn't given me this "wind curse sword", I would probably have a duel with these two difficult masters. The end result is a loss for both sides. It is really going to that point. It is estimated that most of the actions to attack Mayor Monrogo failed.)

In my own dictionary, there is no such word as failure, and the plan must be implemented smoothly no matter what.

"Jenny, Carter, how are you doing?

Amigus asked in a deep voice behind him.

"Barely, it's a little injury."

Argus' companion "Sharp Shooter" Jenny and the skinny-headed man with superb knife skills walked over from the ruined corridor supporting each other.

"The story of the crew-cut man is not finished yet.

"It's really not thinking...Suddenly a voice came from the side, and the three of them heard the voice together. Their eyes changed anxiously. They realized that they were about to come out. The next thing followed the "dada" The sound of leather shoes hit the concrete floor, and the bearded man in military uniform and the mayor, Monlogo, walked slowly down the stairs leading to the highest floor.

"My two subordinates will be defeated by a brat like you!"

The bearded man stretched out his hand to hold the handle of the saber with the blue sheath, looked around, and turned his gaze to Argus.

"It has nothing to do with me, it's because they are too weak. The corner of Argus' mouth curled up and he grinned.

"Also, these are all your subordinates. You, the chief, don't seem to feel sorry for dying like this.

"What's there to care about? My group of men are all masters who have brought in criminal records. Of the two people you killed, one was a felon wanted by the empire, and the other was a criminal who committed serial murders." The bearded man said unhurriedly: They are the same as you. They are all consumables for consumption. If they are not as skilled as others, they can save money for the Federation. I don't care too much about the life and death of these subordinates.

"Cut! This bastard is really disgusting and unpleasant!"

The head man couldn't help muttering, the behavior of the bearded man was just like the group of researchers in the Guidance Institute, completely treating outsiders as cannon fodder and cheap experimental products.

And meaning!" The bearded man stroked his beard and muttered to himself:

With just this one sentence, the bearded man made Argus shrink, and his expression became more and more nervous.

"Who the hell are you?" he shouted, staring at the bearded man.

"Hahaha, you are really young. It seems that these new-generation ring people have never heard of your achievements?"

The mayor Monrogo beside the beard laughed loudly, he couldn't help laughing at his friend.

"It's nothing strange, they may not have been born when the second and second baptismal wars happened, and it's nothing strange that they didn't know about me!

The bearded man shrugged disapprovingly.

"Then let me introduce myself! I am Jarry Master, Major General of the Federation Frost Star,

Major General Jia Li said so, his black eyes stared at Argus and the others.The flat-headed man suddenly remembered that this man was Jarry, known as the strongest "hero" in the Federation.Legend has it that this federal super hero once destroyed two battalions of enemies on the battlefield by himself.This sounds like a fantasy.However, the flat-headed man never expected that the "hero" Jarry would appear beside the mayor, Monrogo, and even become the mayor's own guard.

"As users of the Seven Blades of the Dead Kingdom, let us get close to each other

The bearded major general laughed out loud, drew his saber out of its sheath, blue runes appeared on the blade of the saber, and ripples like water waves appeared on the ground.

"This is one of the seven blades, the Youshui Knife. Take my move first!" The saber slashed forward like a silver waterfall, and the shattered cement spewed out.

Chapter 575 Shame

The knife light like a silver waterfall is rolling in the void, and the "Youshui knife" seems to set off a wave of water. This scene is full of fantasy, and the silver water splashes rush like a wave, tearing the ground in an instant. cut off. ζ reference ↑ Ba ↑ read ↑ book ζ

Argus, his companion Jenny and the flat-headed man felt that the situation was not good, and they all flew back in three directions. Their movements were fast, but the speed of Yinlang's pursuit would not be too slow.The water waves turned into sharp blades, and in the blink of an eye, the stone wall behind was shredded.

(This Jiali, like me, is a user of Blades of the Dead Country! )

Argus was startled suddenly, and it was only at this time that he realized that the blue sheathed saber that Major General Jia Lipei of Xun Xing was hanging on his body was an accident of the legendary Seven Heroes.According to the legend passed down from old age, the main reason why the first King of Braves and the heroes of different races were able to fight against the last King of Didos is that they hold seven magical weapons in their hands.These seven powerful magic weapons are the "Seven Blades of the Dead Kingdom". The "Wind Curse Sword" in Argus' hand is one of the seven blades. It also used the power of this magic sword to defeat the two subordinates of Major General Jia Li.But now it is obvious that there is a big problem, that is, the enemy that the three of Argus encountered. That is, the "hero" of the Federation also possesses this terrifying weapon.

"Hey! Could it be that you don't plan to continue using the magic sword? I advise you not to have such thoughts. At the same time as he said this, the bearded man's eyes flickered with murderous intent, his right hand was full of veins, and the Youshui knife turned into a ball of silver The vortex of the light wheel suddenly shot away. There is no way! To deal with this kind of powerhouse, there is no chance of winning without the Wind Curse Sword!

Argus's eyes lit up, and he deeply understood how strong this Jali was.No wonder he can be called a hero of the Federation. He made great contributions on the cruel battlefield of the Baptism War. This ordinary soldier became a major general.

"bring it on!

Argus sneered, and the "Wind Curse Sword" crouching in the scabbard also let out a sharp hiss.

He took a deep breath again. The Wind Curse Sword also seemed to be infected. The blade of the sword was full of light.Suddenly, the Wind Curse Sword pulled out a clear red line, accompanied by the floating runes on the blade, and slashed towards Ruo's silver light wheel whirlpool sword.The two forces touched together instantly, the red line and the silver wheel vortex resonated and vibrated, and for a while, even the air became blurred, as if it was burning.

Long! The two sharp weapons of the magic weapon Wu-Bengtong caused a turmoil like a bomb explosion. The terrible chase and fast retreat! Argus immediately changed his face, in order to avoid the explosive energy impact, he It feels like the energy of the mixed Wind Curse Sword and Nether Water Knife is far less than real high explosives. But his intuition frantically issued a warning, which is a rare performance when facing a life-and-death crisis.Countless thoughts merged and disappeared in his mind in an instant, and his uncontrollable instincts crazily retreated behind Ruo Ruo.

The gravel shards scattered in all directions, passing across his cheeks, as powerful as bullets.Jenny and the flat-headed man also found an opportunity to hide behind the bunker. The blast gradually disappeared after a few seconds, and a big hole was broken in the ground of the floor.

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