The real difficulty lies in how to escape after assassinating these two people. O'Donoghue pretends to be the mayor and William is a major in the army.They are in a public hospital protected by many soldiers, and the security is tight. Even if there is a chance for a successful assassination, it is difficult to come back alive.Therefore, since ancient times, most of the assassins who succeeded in assassination were dead soldiers.Before they decided to carry out the assassination, they had the idea of ​​death, and naturally they did not have the idea of ​​​​preparing to retreat.Fang Jing's actions became more and more rapid. When he rushed to the second floor, he saw a large number of soldiers gathered downstairs and rushed towards the entrance of the corridor. He knew that the road was blocked by the momentum.

"Quick! Quick! Quick! He's right here, don't let this guy go

His ears moved, he heard the voice from below, and he had a judgment in his heart.

He turned around and took a step towards the wall, with a huge wind blowing all over his body, like a big truck, the front of the car slammed into the wall head-on.


The wall on the corridor was smashed through a big hole by the square mirror. The solid wall of the building was hit by his whole body, and bricks, cement, and dust burst out.This was on the upper floor, and the scene was like being hit by a howitzer. The whole floor was shaken, and the noise was terrible.The many soldiers who had just climbed the tower were also stunned in place. When they came to their senses, they found that the wall of the floor was smashed, and the target they wanted to hunt jumped from the second floor. down.And Wan Jingfei jumped down, but he didn't meet anyone. After all, he broke through the wall: he rushed out, and he walked around the corner of the corridor, like a gust of wind.Da da da da da da! He was still noticed by a sentry, and more than a dozen soldiers shot at him.

A round of shooting, a storm-like Jin Zhan bomb hits, if it is someone else, he will be killed if he is caught off guard, but Fang Jing's Hunyuan has been internally refined to the fifth level, and the body's reaction to avoid danger is instinctive, and It doesn't need to go through the brain. It's a purely natural reaction. Any hostile gaze is locked on him, and he will immediately sense it and make a move to avoid the body.Fang Jing's scalp was numb, and Fang Jing, who realized that something was wrong, quickly turned around and drew out the straight-edged sword behind his back, blocking rounds of shots with the blade of the sword.Next, he planted a lot of trees in the green belt of the previous creeping public hospital. It was this environment and form that made it convenient for him to leave.

Then, after escaping from the hospital, he ran all the way, and encountered several pursuits on the way, but he managed to bypass them all. He also had several escape experiences on earth, and he was prepared for this trip full.

He quickly hid in a dark street, hid in a private house, slipped into another room from the secret passage under the private house, and then he released the "double star resonance" and returned to his original shape.All of a sudden, Fang Jing only felt that the bones in his whole body seemed to be falling apart, limp and powerless.He is also aware of the after-effects of this spoonful of double-star resonance. This kind of explosive skill will inevitably have a strong impact on the body if maintained for a long time.

Chapter 587

The square mirror adjusts breathing, and the load brought by the [-]% double star resonance mode is indeed very heavy, and it is also harmful to the human body.But, fortunately, his Hunyuan Qi has been cultivated to the fifth level. After stepping into the fifth level, Ji Longfeng taught him the secret method of internal refining, and there is also a derived secret skill.

(Secret Hunyuan Qi, the fifth level peak, achieved)

(Every time Hunyuan Qi increases - -layer, you will be able to get 'into the subtleties'

Into the subtleties, emptiness, yin and yang, returning to the original, and creation are all applications of this internal refining method]. Fang Jing guessed that in the original world, the secret Hunyuan Qigong did not have this effect, and this kind of branching would occur , It is very likely that the world is not consistent and the result of individual differences, and it is also very likely that it is the abnormal blood of this body.At the beginning, Fang Jing obtained the secret technique of qi and blood nuanced, followed by the emptiness of qi veins, the yin and yang of qi, and the return of qi and soul, and when he reached the fifth floor, he would obtain the secret technique of creating qi and god.It is also indicated in the field of vision column that the fifth-level derivation secret skill of Hunyuan Qi, that is, "Qi Shen Creation", seems to be able to absorb the natural energy in the void and replenish the wasted body in a very short time, but this The method must be carried out in an extremely quiet environment.Fang Jing even noticed that using Qishen Chuangsheng can restore and increase his energy and development. The growth rate is relatively slow, but he has to admit that it is indeed growing.

"The energy attribute also has a great influence on the physical body. My five major attributes are closely connected with each other. It's just that I still don't know. What is the core level of each attribute corresponding to my own fate? Yes, his understanding is constantly deepening.

"So far, I have practiced a lot of exercises in this world. Unfortunately, with the potential of this body container, no matter how much I can improve it, it will be limited."

Fang Jing stood by the window of this private house. He listened attentively and realized that there was commotion outside, but he was not worried about being discovered.

It is impossible for the group of soldiers under William to detect his position. Even if they find themselves, they are completely different from the people they saw who attacked and assassinated "Mayor Monrogo" and William Lean in terms of size and age. .Taking advantage of the critical moment when the soldiers searched the city, the rescue of the captured Luciano, the bloody hoofprinted Yuriva, and the operations of various mafia personnel were also underway.Unlike the newly arrived cavalry regiment, the three major factions have deep roots in Belmont City, and the transmission of information is also extremely fast. The commercial street, custom street, and the poor at the bottom are all closely related to the three major mafia gangs, and the whole city is densely covered with their gangs. eyeliner.On the other hand, the cavalry regiment is unfamiliar with the place, and they are away from home. A few misinformation can make them wander around like flies.

"I won't be playing any more. In terms of combat power, that Berenton and that strange little girl might be more troublesome than me at this stage. Berenton's identity is a mystery, and the most surprising thing is that he The little girl named "Lippie Lide" beside him, the identities of these two people are mysterious, and he can't see through their true origins. And this Berenton seems to owe that Festil a big favor, His face showed reluctance, but he was still willing to help the "Three Big Brothers". When the "hostages" detained by the cavalry regiment were rescued, he would not have any worries. At this time, the mayor Monlogo wrote to one of his own A heavyweight political ally, a lieutenant general stationed at Fort Dalong on the border with the Empire wrote a letter, hoping that the other side would send troops to come to Belmont City to support him.

The lieutenant general is also a moderate in the military, and Monrogo himself is also a politician with a military background, so the situation in the city will stabilize quickly.

"Taking advantage of this period of time, use the blood of the barbarian god to make the current body enter a deeper transformation...

The situation tended to calm down, and he was not interested in continuing to interfere. Instead, he planned to take the "Blood of the Primal God" and try to break the boundaries of the physical body. In the original earth world, there was no such thing as the blood of the Primal God. But in this world .The blood of the gods is rumored to be able to give people the opportunity to evolve.The second prince seems to want to use the royal family's "Blood of the Barbarian God" to trade with the Kuroshio organization in the border area this time. I don't know how the two parties traded, and there may be other hidden secrets in it, but this is for Fang Jing It doesn't matter, he doesn't intend to keep this hot potato in his hand, he will just absorb the blood of the barbarian god.He stretched out his hand and took out the "Blood of the Primal God" brought back from Argus. This thing was stored in the crystal stone, and there was a crisp sound. When two fingers pressed hard, the crystal stone burst open.

Fang Jing raised his head and poured the blood of the barbarian god from the shattered crystal stone down his throat.

With a grunt, his throat moved, his eyes opened slightly, and he had already swallowed the blood of the barbarian god into his belly.And the blood of the gods absorbed into the stomach didn't change at all, at least Fang Jing didn't feel any abnormal changes in his body.

"Strange! It doesn't have any effect. Could it be that the rumor about the blood of the wild god is just a lie? Even if I absorb the blood of the wild god, there is no special change in my body

He felt very puzzled and also very strange. The blood of the barbarian god did not seem to cause any changes, which also made him a little doubtful. After thinking about it carefully, Fang Jing simply used the ability of "hunyuan qi" to perceive the changes of qi and blood in the body to infer Subtle movement inside the body.It's just that when he started to concentrate, he frowned. In the depths of his consciousness, a group of strange information fluctuated frequently, disturbing his mind.What electric thing? He intervened his consciousness into this mass of information, and suddenly, a piece of information appeared in his mind, and the scene changed violently-a huge stream of consciousness directly bombarded the depths of his consciousness.In the blink of an eye, many pictures appeared in his mind.And these pictures are all kinds of memory fragments and national scenes, all vivid, no different from being there

"Interesting. He was secretly startled. He felt that the blood of the barbarian god was completely different from what he understood. This thing might not be a strange thing that can transform the physical body. Its use is more special than imagined. In a trance, his consciousness Being dragged into a desolate land, there are corpses lying on the ground everywhere, as well as war horses, broken swords and various weapons stuck on the ground. This is a battlefield, a silent battlefield. And on the battlefield In the center, there is a tall shadow.

Chapter 588

There was a potential thought hidden in the blood of the barbarian god. Fang Jing absorbed this drop of blood of the barbarian god, and immediately sucked this idea into his mind.

At this moment, this group of ideas turned into a scene in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness. In this vast spiritual idea, it was covered in his mind, and an ancient battlefield gradually emerged. On this ancient battlefield , standing like a tall male, with a smooth head and a rough body, wearing alien costumes.In front of this unusually tall bald man was a deadly battlefield, a vast and desolate land, corpses were everywhere on the ground, blood had already stained the soil red.It can be seen that this is an ancient battlefield. And this tall bald man, like a king, a general, appeared on this battlefield alone. What appeared on the battlefield was a one-sided defeat, collapse Broken carriages, splintered swords, and mountains of bleeding corpses all illustrate the ferocity of previous battles.

At the same time, this battle is not over yet. Just at the edge of the battlefield, many soldiers, horses, spears, scimitars, and crossbows are surrounded by the bald man, and there are densely packed chariots in all directions. , cavalry, infantry, archers.At a glance, there are at least tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of troops coming to encircle and suppress. At a glance, they are densely packed, like a vast ocean. All of these seem to be for the purpose of killing this bald man.

"It's such a big battle. It's hard to make such a big battle to deal with this person." At this moment, an unexpected scene happened suddenly. The bald man roared suddenly, and his whole body suddenly exploded. A drastic change.≒Three﹤Eight﹤Reading﹤Book≒Two gray horns protrude from the forehead of the bald man. Thick black hair grows all over the body, as if stretching along the spine, like a long tail The hair was thick and dark, like flexible steel wires. The rest of its body surface was covered with light green scales. The pupils of this bald man also changed rapidly. It turned blood red, and then blood red There was a deep yellow gap in the middle of the eyeball, and the gap expanded rapidly, turning the pupil into orange. At this moment, the bald man has transformed from a human into a humanoid upright monster. Now "it" is tens of thousands Ji's army was surrounded and remained unmoved. "It" sprinted and moved outwards, roaring again and again, turning people everywhere, and started a head-on, bloody fight with tens of thousands of troops.


The two-meter-tall monster roared loudly and slammed its fist forward. The hard giant tree shattered on his fist, and even a huge chariot immediately flew into the air like a leaf with a single swing of his hand. , fragmented.It gallops and roars all the way like this, forcibly killing a wave of blood, if it is in a hurry to kill, it will grab a living person, open its mouth to bite off the arm and thigh, and chew hard to satisfy its hunger.What is even more frightening is that this demon-like monster has a gloomy aura floating above its head. 67

Every time a living person dies on the battlefield, and a life is harvested, there will be a vague shadow floating out from the body of the dead. The gray smoke slowly gathers and condenses on the top of the monster's head. It is gradually absorbed by it .Just like this terrifying monster, it is absorbing the souls of the dead on the battlefield. "It" seems to be continuously strengthening its own strength through this method. Even if it is injured, "it"'s body is also healing and recovering at a high speed.

"This is absorbing the soul. I didn't expect this monster to have this ability!" Fang Jing was also extremely surprised. This is the power of directly absorbing the soul, and it can also replenish the loss of physical fitness, which also makes the monster more courageous as it fights. Pieces of soldiers fell in front of it, even the battlefield, and the densely packed bows and arrows could not kill this monster.Suddenly at this time, all the people and horses suddenly scattered, and in the depths of the army, a meat sedan chair that was all golden and seemed to be made of gold was lifted out by eight brown-skinned giants more than two meters high and dressed as slaves.If you observe carefully, you will find that these eight slave giants are all women. They have round bellies, thick hands and feet, and their upper body is naked. They only wear fur skirts on their lower bodies, and they carry golden mushroom sedan chairs on their shoulders. Standing is a mysterious man wearing a golden mask, exuding a noble and extraordinary aura.This mysterious person is wearing loose clothing like a king. Through the style of the clothing, it is revealed that this is the clothing of the early Didos Kingdom, which belongs to the most noble and extraordinary royal family among the Didos people. This is a king.Seeing this mysterious king, Fang Jing felt an instinctive shudder in his heart! This shudder did not originate from himself, but from this terrifying monster.This monster felt fear from the bottom of its heart. It was trembling all over. It was unrivaled on the battlefield. But facing this mysterious king, strong fear emerged from the depths of its heart.The king of Didos was wearing a golden robe and holding a golden scepter, and at this moment... that scepter exuded an unusually dangerous atmosphere.

"Ancient Secret Treasure of Didos! Tear the Scepter!"

He was startled, and immediately saw the origin of the scepter. It was the legendary treasure "Tearing Scepter" held by the first priest king in the legend Didos. The first king was born in the priesthood Tuan, is a priest priest and the king of a country. He learns to hold an important sacrificial vessel, which is called "tearing scepter" in the old Didos language. This scepter represents the ancient gods who created the world. The mad god The source of the power of "Duoluo Dadan", the person who holds this scepter can obtain incredible power.After the death of the priest king, the tearing scepter disappeared without hydra, and the people of Didos also lost the secret treasure of the dark god Doro Dadan.

(The person holding the legendary tearing scepter is definitely the first Priest King. The question is who is this monster? Why would the Priest King be his enemy?)

At the same time, the King Didos raised the scepter in his hand, and immediately, the "monster" froze in place, as if the whole world poured invisible power into itself, making it unable to move.King Didos first uttered some indistinct voices, and began a conversation with the monster.However, the monster did not give in, but continued to roar, making a loud and clear sound.The priest king snorted coldly. Finally enraged, he waved his scepter. With a bang, an invisible force surged out of the invisible void. They tore apart the restrained shells of the "monsters" and hissed the monsters. His body was torn into several pieces.

Chapter 589

Fang Jing's consciousness was filled with blood, and suddenly, the monster's pain before dying turned into a stream of information and rushed into his brain. If it was another one, he might lose consciousness due to pain. Fell to the ground to die.But he was able to sit cross-legged on the floor, enduring the shock of consciousness without moving, and he didn't know how long it took before he took a long breath.

"The blood of the barbarian god... I am afraid it is the blood left in the body of this monster after the death of the monster. After the priest king of the Didos collected the blood, removed impurities, and refined the blood with alchemy, this Only then became the blood of the savage god in my hand'

The first generation of priest kings is the bloodline of the Didos clan that inherited the strongest bloodline of the ancient wolf clan. It is also the king who inherited the most complete chaos power among the kings of all dynasties.

"That monster should be the witch-human race. The witch-human race and the ancient wolf tribe had a great battle, and they have always been enemies of life and death. Moreover, although the witch-human race is rare in number, they are also extremely powerful, but it seems that they were finally killed by Didos' priests. Died. In this period of memory consciousness, relying on the legendary secret treasure of "tearing the scepter", the priest was able to deal with this powerful and invincible monster in one fell swoop, which also made his memory deep. I don't know how long it took to sit cross-legged in the dark. Fang Jing slowly got up, straightened his clothes, and walked out of the room.

The sun appeared in the sky very calmly, and it was another ordinary day.

Gathering his spirit, while he was feeling the changes in his body, his attribute values ​​had indeed changed in the attribute bar under his vision, and this change was not in his measurement attributes, but in his mental expansibility from the original "3.9"- suddenly rose to "10.1", which means.. one of his elongation values ​​broke the limit of human beings.

"Compared to other attributes, my mental development value has skyrocketed this time...

Fang Jing closed his eyes again, he could vaguely feel the transformation of himself after taking the "Blood of the Barbarian God", and this transformation was not in his physical body, but an abnormal change in the spiritual field.He put aside the distracting thoughts in his mind, and began to perceive seriously. Yes, for some reason, there was a group of spiritual power entrenched in the depths of his consciousness. It was a vortex condensed in his consciousness after breaking through the development of the mind. It is a spiritual node.

I'm afraid it's the change brought about by Andy's blood, at least when I was on Earth in the past, my mental attributes didn't bring this kind of mutation!" His physical development didn't break through the boundaries, but his spiritual mind broke through, so It also means that the shackles of human limits have been indirectly broken through.

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