"The lumberyard?" Fang Jing rubbed his chin, and when he heard Uriva say this, he concluded that something might have happened to the lumberyard.

"Yes, I will focus on the vicinity of the town of Nice, because there are various indications that the strange omens are all happening around the main peak of Milusig, as if all the strange phenomena are related to this main peak. relation

The commissioning of Uriva to adjust the adjustment began within a week. Uriva was in the baptism war period. He was a soldier from the espionage department. After retiring, he became a member of the mafia organization Blood Hoofprint .

His investigative ability is relatively outstanding, and he was also a senior cadre highly valued by the previous generation in the "Blood Hoof Print". information network system.

"Since three days ago, I have been wandering around the village near the main peak of Milusig. In order not to startle the enemy, I simply approached the surrounding villages as a traveling merchant. And considering that all the omens are Around the main peak of Milusig, I simply concentrated my energy on the town of Nice, which is closest to the main peak of Milusig. The two of them walked through the complex mountain trails and arrived at a relatively open area. They simply trotted forward move.

"Later, when I arrived in the town of Nice, I also heard some news, and felt that my guess might be right on target. This town is indeed worthy of suspicion.

Chapter 597

The terrain of Nishen is more remote, and it is very close to the main peak of the Lavendi Mountains, Milusig. Since the area where the strange signs occur is mostly related to the mountain of Milusig, it is only natural that Yuriva and others also Put the main target of the investigation on the nearby town.

Yeke Town and Nice Town are all within his adjustment range, but when Yuriva arrived in this area, he subconsciously felt that there was something interesting.

His intuition was not wrong. Because it didn't take long for Yuriva himself to notice the strange rumors about the recent occurrence of the logging camp in the town of Nice.

"It was not the small town of Nice that spread the news, but a traveling doctor who was walking in a nearby town. Once passing by a river outside the lumberyard, he accidentally saw a flash of green light in the lumberyard. .

"It's a green light source. For some reason, a strange green light source can be seen in that lumberyard.

"Could it be that you saw it at night?"

"No, it's not at night, but during the day when the weather is clear.. Daytime? This becomes interesting. You must know that in this world, the electrical system has not yet been developed, and electric lights and telephones are extremely rare s things.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for lighting facilities such as light bulbs to suddenly appear in the deep mountains and old forests.If it is not day and night, maybe someone is wrong. If the weather is not clear, it may be a natural phenomenon such as ball lightning or electric fire, but in broad daylight, the weather is normal, and you can see green The light source became a little strange! Yuriwa stretched the neckline of the windbreaker, and he continued: "This also aroused my suspicion, so I began to investigate all kinds of information related to the logging camp, and it turned out that Let me know some information."

According to Uriva's investigation, there have been several missing cases in the town of Nice recently, and most of the missing people are children.The townspeople told the magistrate that the six children died in the mountains, but the details were only a few words

"Of course the sheriff at the foot of the mountain also suspects that there is something hidden in it. The problem is that this small town of Nice is very closed, and it is located in this remote country, so there is no way to investigate even if you want to.

"This incident did not cause any turmoil. You must know that the town of Nice is too remote. Even the local tabloids did not report the cause of death of these six children. The townspeople said that they died in a mountain disaster, and others did not confirm it. Even if a murder occurred in a remote town in the barren mountains, the sheriff of the small town below the mountain with limited powers would not be able to control it, not to mention that if the townspeople deliberately covered it up, they would not be able to find any clues.

"The sheriff didn't go straight on this matter. But I always felt that there was something hidden, so I continued to follow the clues. And I put the focus of the problem on the lumberyard. Just a day ago, I was alone One by one found an opportunity and sneaked into the logging camp to investigate.

Having said that, Yuriva raised his face, and his eyes also floated, as if he was recalling something.

According to Yuriva, he was suspicious of the omens of the small town of Nice and the lumber camp, and the vague statement that six children died in the mountain disaster, so he moved to the direction of the lumber camp alone, and decided that the lumber camp was the The entire site was built on the mountainside. Uriva chose to sneak into the lumber camp at night. There are usually about [-] loggers working in this lumber camp. At night, those workers will also rest inside.Uriva also learned reconnaissance methods in the army. At the time when he sneaked into the lumber camp in the dark, there was no moonlight in the sky, and there was no sound in the lumber camp. There was no other movement in the lumberyard.Even if most of the workers in the lumberyard were sleeping, there would be one or two people left to guard the fire, holding guns to prevent wild animals and robbers from appearing. And he observed for a long time, but he couldn't see a trace of popularity.

As if all the workers in the lumberyard had disappeared, he felt suspicious, so he stretched out his hand and pushed open the wooden house, only to find that it was empty inside, and there were no people on the beds that had been made.A logging factory converted from huts and shacks. The floors here are uneven, and the colors are not the same. It looks rather simple.

A thick log - the head was hung up, the ground was full of fallen shavings, and even the air was filled with the smell of sawdust and bark.

The factory is full of semi-finished products, the old steamer is full of rust and oil stains, and the barrels of engine oil are scattered around.Yuriva continued to walk back along the factory, where there was a river, and a device similar to a slide sent logs into the river. Through the flickering lights, several cylindrical objects could be seen floating on the water.

At this point, he was also suspicious, wondering why the people in the lumber mill were going somewhere? Did he step on the blood, but when he lifted the lamp, he found that it was not blood, but blood. Beach green liquid.

The thing is extremely viscous, and you can't tell what kind of liquid it is, but it makes a "squeaky" sound when you step on it, no matter how you think about it, you will only feel disgusting.

For some reason, the more Yuriva thought about it, the more uneasy he felt in his heart. He picked up the lamp in his hand and ran as fast as he could, leaving the lumberyard.

He ran out panting, and ran all the way to the foot of the mountain. Only then did he regain his senses. For some reason, a thought of escaping came to Yuliva's heart.Occasionally, he turned his head and glanced at the lumberyard halfway up the mountain, that is, when he turned his head at this moment, a look of horror flashed in Uriva's eyes.

In the lumberyard at the edge of the mountainside, a light came on, and then several lights flickered. Before, in this silent lumberyard, where there was no trace of life, it was as if Su stayed here. Seeing the shadows of people in the factory, it seems that a group of workers have come to the lumberyard and are working in the factory workshop.Even though Uriva was well-informed and terrified, he didn't dare to find out what happened in the lumberyard, so he turned around and evacuated.He also realized that something weird had happened in this lumberyard, but Yuriva didn't think he had the ability to solve this problem.

Uriva couldn't understand the weirdness of the lumberyard in Nice Town. The next time he asked someone to go up the mountain to investigate the lumberyard, he found that the lumberyard was just as usual, and the workers were all working.It is impossible for the workers in the lumber field to leave privately at night. People are working well during the day, and for some unknown reason, there is such a weird behind-the-scenes scene at night.After returning to the hotel he rented in the small town, he wrote a letter, summarized the information, and quickly sent it to Fang Jing.As for Fang Jing, it was also because of the news from Uriva that he decided to come here to investigate in person.

But in that letter, Yuriva only briefly mentioned it, and now he is telling his own experience in person, and Fang Jing, who heard this grotesque, can only react to it.

...Besides these, have you encountered any weird experiences?"

"Hahaha! I don't plan to encounter such a horrible thing a few times."

Uriva laughed wryly, and suddenly stopped in his footsteps. He stretched out his hand and pointed to the distance.He stretched out his hand to point out the direction. He could see the outline of a blue mountain. And there was indeed a factory on the mountainside. It was bleak and gray in tone.Fang Jing also stopped in his tracks. He observed the lumberyard, and casually glanced at Yuriva next to him. Under the light of the light yellow lantern, the man's face showed an unnatural blue color—that was a convincing one. The evil color came out, as if the cyan stripes of a dead person appeared on Yuriva's face.

But - in the blink of an eye, Yuriva's face returned to normal.

"What's the matter...Master Andy."


Fang Jing was expressionless, and took the lead to take a step forward.

"Let's go to the mountains together!"

Chapter 598

After finishing the conversation with Uriva, the two headed towards the mountain road, and their target was the logging camp in Nice Town. According to Uriva, most of the workers in the logging camp worked during the day. At night, they will rest in the simple dormitory in the logging camp.However, the closer they got to the logging camp on the mountainside, the more strange thoughts emerged.And when Fang Jing and Uriva approached the peak, the gate of the logging camp appeared in front of them.In front of the simple front made of sharpened wooden shed rails, the lumberyard at night exudes a strange atmosphere of being empty, dead, and lifeless.Even if they are not close, ordinary people can still feel a huge pressure that is about to explode at any time.Uriva looked at the entrance of the wooden door, and also felt a trace of inexplicable uneasiness in his heart.

"Is it possible that today is the same as that day, without anyone?" With this thought in his mind, he felt a kind of coldness in the air.Uriva suppressed the apprehension in his heart, started to walk forward, and quickly passed through the wooden door.

And Fang Jing standing behind him is also passing through the wooden door, raising his eyes to observe the surrounding scenery. The lumberyard in front of him is very ordinary, and the main entrance is a workshop house with a roof like a canopy.

The workshop house is supported by wooden frames, without the concept of doors and windows, and the walls are empty, allowing the cold wind of the underworld to blow.

"... there seems to be no one there.

Yuriva sighed deeply. He sent someone to investigate the town of Nice. All the townspeople working in the lumber field were very ordinary. Their resumes were clean and their life trajectories were almost the same. Fill in

The square mirror behind Uriva is wearing a black cloak, his face is expressionless, and there is a hint of vigilance hidden in his eyes.

He has encountered all kinds of weird and unpredictable incidents in his life. Fang Jing knows very well that the most important thing in such incidents is to maintain a calm mind. After he came here, the first thing that happened to make him suspicious Shrunk, and carefully observed the surrounding area. For some reason, there were no abnormal sounds in all directions of the logging camp. ζ reference ↑ Ba ↑ read ↑ book ζ

You should know that this lumber camp is located in an open corner of the mountainside woodland, and the lumber field is surrounded by woods. There are insects and birds in the woods, and there are occasional sounds in this season.In addition, the wind blowing through the leaves will also make various small and noisy sounds.And Yuri 6 and Fang Jing have been here for such a long time, they haven't heard any other voices.It was quiet, overly quiet.

"It doesn't make sense...where do the workers here go at night?"

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