A strange idea floated in Sophia's mind.

She came back to her senses again, and wanted to take a closer look at the two weird scorpion-faced statues, but found that at this moment, the group of townspeople standing in the mist turned around one by one, and they all turned around together. Shu turned his face around and stared in one direction.And this direction is where Sophia has been hiding her figure, and this group of people seems to have discovered her.Sophia's heart trembled, she raised her head, and only then did she realize the horrifying scene. All the townspeople present were pale and turned their heads quietly and strangely to where she was, but all the townspeople present, No matter men, women or children...they have no eyes.

That's right! These people's faces are pale and pale, with eyebrows, noses, and mouths. Only the eyes have disappeared, and the eye sockets are a flat layer of skin.Slap! Although Sophia is very courageous as a woman, at this moment, she couldn't help losing her mind and took a step back.This also caused her to crush a dead branch behind her.And at this moment, she could feel the gaze directed at her more, full of vicious emotions.Even though she has no eyes, Sophie can still feel the vicious stare and the feeling of licking her body. This feeling is very strange and uncomfortable.Suddenly, the townspeople moved in unison, and they collectively took a step forward, as if they were stepping towards Sophia with a sense of oppression.

The uniform pace makes a sound.The sound also made Sophia's heart tremble, and her eyes dimmed.Boom! Boom! Boom! Just then,

Once again, she blinked her eyes, and the scene in the mist suddenly changed, and the townspeople present collectively lost their traces.


Where has everyone gone?!

In the blink of an eye, the townspeople disappeared.The front of the church in front was empty, and there were no people.Sophia ran forward quickly. She looked left and right, but she didn't find any traces of the townspeople, not even a single footprint on the ground.It was as if everything he saw in front of his eyes was just a phantom.Such thoughts came to her involuntarily.

At this moment, the two open doors of the gray church-like building in front were closed tightly with a "boom".The sound of closing the door made Sophie wake up. She remembered that when she arrived here just now, the door was still closed, and at some point, the door opened and then closed again.For some reason, in such a deep night, a trace of fear emerged in Sophia's heart.Because the experience in front of her was too real and too absurd, she didn't dare to explore this strange church, but returned along the same road and returned to the town safely.

Chapter 612 Persuasion

After listening to the maid Sophia's self-report, Fang Jing also nodded. He thought her decision was very correct.

What Sophia experienced was some kind of supernatural situation, which was not an existence that ordinary human beings could fight against, and if she was not careful, she would be involved in danger.If the maid insisted on investigating the unknown church, she might not have a chance to come back alive.

"Wait! What did you just say

Old man Nelson showed a look of extreme shock.

'The flowery white stone building', the pitch-black gate'", and the 'statue with the scorpion'" Yes

The servant nodded, and repeated the appearance of the church he had seen.

"Interesting! Really interesting!"

Talking about this, the old man squinted his eyes and recalled the foreign land called "Phantom Officer" he had been to, and in that foreign land, after crossing the mysterious black gate through the moonlight key, he finally arrived In that foreign land. The old man and his companions saw similar buildings.

"It's unbelievable...that should be something similar to the building in the Phantom Officer in the Ancient Didos Encounter, especially the black-red stone statue with a scorpion head and a human face, which is completely unique to the ancient Didos Encounter statue style!'

"Indeed, things like the scorpion face are a type of ghosts dominated by the dark god 'Doradadan'. This kind of ghost monster is responsible for guarding the mausoleum and the magistrates. Manufactured into statues, it means that they are used to block and suppress evil spirits and evil spirits. As the aliens under the seat of the dark god Doro Dadan, they themselves represent a powerful seal. As long as they are close to these statues with scorpion faces, they will It is possible to touch the evil law, the soul will be taken away, and it will be sealed in the statue in an instant. See ↑ Ba ↑ Reading ↑ ζ These few words of his are obviously the knowledge in the sacrificial ceremony of the ancient Kingdom of Didos, and it is impossible for anyone in this world to know, but Kate would know this kind of unknown knowledge. Nelson The old man fell silent. He thought that the will of the "priest king" still remained in Kate. When the old man cast his eyes on Kate, he saw the young man with his head down. shine.

"Has your schizophrenia not been cured yet?" Fang Jing suddenly interjected.

...Of course it’s already healed!” The strange omen on Kate’s body disappeared immediately, and he turned into that blind, harmless, honest and honest young man again.

"My spirit can be said to be good, it can't be better

"That would be the best. Of course, Fang Jing didn't believe his words, but he also knew something about Kate's situation.

Kate's situation is not that she is possessed by some spirit body, but she has absorbed a certain force from the outside, and there is an idea mixed in the depths of her spirit, but to put it bluntly, this idea is just a residual idea after all, this thing Not a projection of the Primarch, but a poorly crafted will to replicate.He also didn't know what method the "priest king" used thousands of years ago. But he should have copied his own thoughts and stored them inside the gemstone set in the heart of the young man's chest, and that gemstone was extremely powerful. Special, able to carry this copied idea. (But to put it bluntly.. After all, it’s just the idea of ​​the cottage, not the remaining spirit body or the projection of the idea. This idea survives and is mixed into its own idea. For people with weak spirits, it is likely to be affected Negative influence, being eroded or interfered by a little external idea, over time, another personality idea will appear... For this kind of personality split and erosion problem. Fang Jing is also a long-term patient, he has a With the confidence and means to treat this symptom...isn't it just an extra foreign personality. Don't worry, a few more beatings will solve the problem!

Once it comes out, it will be beaten once. As long as this foreign personality knows who has a big enough fist, it will naturally become honest.Fang Jing continued to ask: "Then teacher, what new plans do you have next?"

Of course there is a reason for him to ask this question. The old man Nelson has been involved with Cole Lehman Company, and the founder of Cole Lehman Company has been cursed by misfortune, so the old man and this company will continue to adjust the other The whereabouts of the three traces.Fang Jing is also quite interested in the Phantom Palace and the other three encounters.

Especially when he figured out that the encounter in the Holy Land itself is a supernatural thing, he became even more curious about the encounter in his heart.The Kuroshio organization only had a half-knowledge of Yuji, and this company even got accurate information about the other three major Yuji, which is quite extraordinary.

You must know that the main purpose of Fang Jing's coming to this world is to track down the whereabouts of the imprinted light.

This planet is still relatively large, and I have to rely on my own strength to search for the "Light of Imprint", and I don't know if I have to wait until the Year of the Monkey. If I can get on line with Cole Lehman, maybe I will get an extra clue.Old man Nelson put on a pair of presbyopic glasses, took out a notebook, and said to himself: "According to my inference from the prophecy in the oracle inscription in a local official outside the 'Phantom Officer', the first holy place encountered After being opened, according to the trajectories of the stars, three months later, the first encounter in the Black Swamp area of ​​the Azerothian Empire will also be opened at the same time. If we are lucky, after three months, we will have a chance Enter the 'Phantom Palace' through the Black Swamp, instead of waiting for another two thousand years until the entrance of the Phantom Officer is opened again! At least I don't have a bad old man

"That's really great, teacher. I'm also very interested in the ancient traces and history of Didos Kingdom. I think it must be possible to successfully enter the Mirage Palace. This will become the greatest major discovery in the history of archaeology. This will have a great impact on life." For the human beings on the mainland, it is also an unprecedented opportunity to uncover the "lost history"... Fang Jing said in an extremely excited tone: "This is a golden opportunity. As a Teacher, your disciple, please let me join this great journey of archaeological discovery.

"Andy, do you also want to investigate the sanctuary of Didos Kingdom?"

Nelson is a little puzzled. He is a little confused about his disciple now. In his eyes, Andy Mellock was just a hardworking and studious young master of the Gao family. He hadn't seen him for a short period of time. There are many more mysteries.

However, Nelson wisely decided not to ask anything. Just because his student can suddenly become a two-meter-tall man, and then shrink back to the size of an ordinary boy, listen

"It's okay, but to participate in this investigation team, you also need the consent of Cole Lehman's company. After all, they still have the other map to go to Yuji.

Nelson spread his hands and shrugged.

"I'm just a consultant, I don't have command over the investigation team, and I can't arbitrarily decide who will participate in this kind of activity.

"It doesn't matter... Teacher, aren't you going back to the empire? Take me back!"

Fang Jing grinned slightly.

"As for Cole Lehman's side, it's up to me to convince them myself!

It is best to be able to persuade with your mouth.

If you can't, you have to convince them with your fists.

Chapter 613 The Light of the Gods

Similar changes occurred in Yeke Town and its surrounding areas, which also caused the townspeople in several surrounding towns to lose one after another. ζ ↑ Ba ↑ Reading ↑ ζ No one knows where this large group of townspeople went. The security officer also made a special trip to these towns, and spent a lot of effort to investigate, but unfortunately, there is not much to discover. ...the sheriff quickly reported. Hope the state government can send someone to deal with it. However. After the news went up... there was no reply for a few weeks.

In the end, Belmont City also sent several police officers to reach the Ravendi Mountains to straighten and collect evidence, but except for sending people this time, there will be no follow-up.And among the folks, that is, around the main peak of Milusige, there is an anecdote circulating, that is, there is a cannibal demon hidden in this mountain, and these townspeople are bewitched by the demon, and are led by this cannibal monster. After returning to the foreign land in the deep mountains, the townspeople may never return.This case of hospital discharge, after a turmoil for a while, soon subsided.

After the turmoil, a second-rate newspaper in Belmont City, which manages "unusual news events", published an article with the title "Mysterious Migration of Local Townspeople" and published it in the newspaper. Unfortunately, reports of this level did not arouse the attention of the world. Notice.The real insiders, that is, the group of Fang Jing did not reveal the truth, because this matter has already involved the mysterious power in "Didos Encounter".

"It is very likely that the townspeople were devoured by some kind of evil force before we arrived, and they should be treated as living sacrifices, but what you saw in the town later was not a living person at all, but was eroded The later townsman Kate Thompson explained to the crowd, and it was he who revealed the information, dispelling everyone's doubts. Ψ弎&八&看&ΨΨ

"Every time the Phantom Palace is opened, it will devour a large number of living sacrifices. It is used as the foundation of the ritual grinding method that built the ancient city. The cornerstone of the Phantom City. Also because of this factor, it can be said that it is extremely difficult to save them. At least at this stage, if you want to re-enter the Phantom Officer, you must go to the Ashilazer Empire and pass through another holy place in the Black Swamp. There is a chance to tell the secrets of the Black Stone Gate. His eyes are calm and wise, and his personality has been influenced by the priest King Gordon. It is a bit different from the rough personality in the past. When seriously discussing information related to Didos Kingdom, there will be a solemn researcher and scholar's temperament.

"So, Kate, do you know what the 'Palace of Illusion' is?"

"Yes, I also know some secrets about "Phantom Palace", but not all of "Phantom Palace"..

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