"Otherwise that guy will catch up.

Hollar glanced back, and found that the weirdo hadn't caught up yet, and Emily didn't say much with a reminder.The two of them didn't have time to pay attention to other issues. Escape was the first priority, and they chose one of the three doors.-He rushed in.Not long after, the strange man who gave out a strange smile of "Kukuku" also rushed over, but it didn't notice which door the two escaped into.

"Hey hey, is this playing hide and seek? Does this mean I like playing hide and seek best?" The 2975 weirdo smacked his lips: ....Three doors? Will he hide there, the first one, or the second one? The second, or the third, then try each of them. "

It chose the first door closest to the right. It was a large iron door with a handle. It was more than two people high, and the door was carved with intricate patterns.The handle is also made of iron, and it looks extremely hard. The strange man let out a gloomy laugh, and murmured: "I smell it! I smell the smell of two little thieves, are they hiding here? Yes Is it hidden in here?' It turned the doorknob forcefully, this monster is extremely powerful, usually it can tear the handle into pieces and tear open the iron door.

This time... I don't know what went wrong, it-time lost its hand, the doorknob didn't move at all, no matter how hard it tried, it didn't respond at all.

I can't open it! The doorknob is as if it is integrated with the door lock. No matter how much you twist, turn, or force your hand, the doorknob does not deviate from its original position by an inch.A voice came faintly from behind the iron gate, it was a man's slightly magnetic, hoarse voice.

"I smell the tonic', and if I eat this again, how far my body can transform! Such a sound gradually came from behind the door, and the area centered on the] handle twisted like a spiral Internal rotation, followed by a bang, the entire iron] and the gray wall thread were twisted by an inward force. The stone and the iron gate were smashed like tofu. From the depths of the broken stone, a A dark hand protruded out, and in a blink of an eye, it pressed on the weird man's head. After passing through the door, Hollar and Emily seemed to be covered by light in their consciousness. They came back to their senses again and found that Everything in front of them has changed again. The two of them came to an extravagant ball scene at some point. In the incomparably luxurious banquet hall, men and women dressed in beautiful costumes, just like the nobles of the upper class, were feasting on the field .

Neither Hollar nor Emily felt any doubts. After they came here, their minds became abnormally trance, and the two unconsciously walked to the center of the dance floor.The female guests in long Victorian-style dresses and the gentlemen in tuxedos shouldered and held hands with each other, and danced gracefully in the hall.The guests outside the dance floor are also sitting on the sofa. The servants dress up and eat.The hall is brightly lit, and a qin band is playing slowly, and the soothing music permeates the entire hall softly. Under the slow music rhythm, people sing and laugh happily, forgetting the sorrows of the past.

All the guests in the field, including the attendants, wear masks decorated with Ruoyu.This is a typical masquerade ball, more than half a century ago, it was an extremely popular ball style among the aristocracy and the upper class.After Hollar and Emily stepped onto the dance floor, they were invited by the guests in the ballroom, and they were dragged to dance together.

"bring it on!"

"Let's dance! The two of them had rosy complexions, and they didn't notice any abnormalities. They held hands with their partners and began to dance slowly. It was as if they were controlled by a burst of incredible music, and they couldn't stop dancing.

Spin, start, turn left with small horizontal steps, follow-up, lock step, the dancer's skirt is flying, fast left and right rotation, alternating movements, turning counterclockwise all the way around the dance floor.

Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! Even if you are exhausted, your body can't stop! The band's frivolous music echoes in your head, making people dance and want to stop.And the men and women on the dance floor also rotate, swing, tilt, and lift, all in order.

Hollar and Emily were getting more and more tired, and they both realized that something was wrong, as if all their energy had been drained, they were panting and full of sweat

And the dance partners of the two also refused to let go of their hands, and the faces exposed under the masks still wore the same smile.The guests, attendants, and dancers are all like skeletons and zombies, and even the gorgeous costumes have become old and covered with dust, but even so, the dance has not stopped.

"It can't go on like this! We'll jump to our deaths!"

Hollar yelled. He struggled desperately, but his body, hands and feet seemed not his own. He danced with his partner on his own.

On the other hand, the young girl Emily's face was as white as paper, and the situation did not give way.

The sound is like the roar of a lion sitting on the ground. The sound waves rush in like a mountain and the sea.

Both Horal and Emily felt their whole bodies tremble, and a roar that sounded like a world falling apart came from their ears.

In an instant, the light and shadow in front of the two people's eyes changed, and their consciousness was shaken. When they opened their eyes again, they found themselves collapsed at the entrance of a dilapidated hall.

"It seems...you are lucky!

A man's voice came from behind the two


Chapter 632 Questioning

From the quiet darkness, Fang Jing's figure came out calmly.He chased after the familiar smell, during which he also dealt with a strange monster.

After he came here, he noticed that Horal was in danger, and in order to save him, he let out a soul-stirring roar.Accompanied by Ruo's roar, all the hallucinations and visions in the hall disappeared suddenly.When Hollar and Emily woke up, the incredible dance music also disappeared from their minds. At this time, the two looked at the hall again.There were no guests, attendants, or balls, the hall was empty, and in the dark dusty old dance floor, there was only a puff of stirred up dust left.Everything I experienced just now is like a dream, a fleeting bubble

....this is what happened? why did it become this

Hollar was puzzled, full of surprise.

"It should be some kind of illusion-like technique. It's nothing to worry about. It's just projecting the memory of the past into your mind and consciousness to interfere with your perception. This dance hall did exist in the past. What you see The - part is part of the 'past' that has passed through the years. Fang Jing calmly explained that he is also an expert in the study of mysticism, symbolism, and semiotics. After a little thought, Then I understood the mystery.

(Speaking of this little trick, maybe it is the foundation of the first emperor's creation of the "Phantom Palace". The Phantom Palace does not exist in any corner of reality, but uses people's "missing" memory to create a "Phantom Palace" from nothingness. Created shadows of the past....

The "Phantom Palace" will be called the Phantom Officer, and this must be the factor.

People's will, thinking and memory. It is equivalent to a medium factor here. What can really form the phantom officer is the "phantom officer" that unfolded in the past on the other side of the river of time. According to Kate and Nelson, they have seen it with their own eyes. The Phantom Officer is the mysterious Duyue of the Avar Empire more than [-] years ago.One by one, using people's thoughts and memories to reproduce the long past, I am afraid this is the true secret of the Phantom Officer.

"In this way, this technology undoubtedly has something in common with eclipse. If I can figure out the core mystery, it will be of great benefit to me in achieving eclipse level.

He stood still.- Motionless, his thoughts were churning, thinking about the information related to the existence of Eclipse.

. Ψ弎&八&Kan&BookΨWho the hell are you? Why do you know this! "

Huolaer couldn't help but doubt Fang Jing's identity.Think carefully. It is thanks to the other party that I have fallen to this point.And he himself has not been clear about Fang Jing's origin until now. Judging from his tone of voice, Fang Jing seems to know the Bloom Manor well.

"Don't think too much, Hollar," Fang Jing said unhurriedly: "I, like you, was accidentally involved in the strange world of Bloom Manor. My identity can be regarded as an archaeologist. , I work for the library of the Imperial Royal Corps, and I am here on business this trip, and this kind of strange thing will happen, which is beyond my understanding...

"However, you seem to know a lot about this place, Mr. Andy, you brought me here, I think you should give me a reasonable explanation.

"Well, look at it!" Just as the two of them were talking, Emily, who had been silent all this time, pointed her finger not far away, that is, on the wall on the north side of the hall, there seemed to be an extraordinarily huge painting mural.Emily's voice called Hollar's attention, and he also turned his gaze to the mural on the north side. In the dusty hall. This mural is dust-free and extremely clean, as if it has just been inspected. again.

"Strange, there is a mural here, why didn't we just now!. to...

He took a few steps forward, and suddenly realized that it was not a mural, it was an inwardly recessed wall, and inside was a small room that looked like a mirror in the wall.Inside, one more tall altar could be seen. A group of three people looked moved and walked slowly towards the hall.

"Is there something behind the altar?"

Emily said something in a low voice.

"I know

Horaer also became a little nervous, and he saw something vaguely, and said in a low voice: Emily, you hide behind me first!" The girl nodded and hid behind him carefully. At this time, Er also noticed that there was something behind the altar that was about to move.

At this moment, Hollar's expression was very strange, it was no longer to the extent of surprise, but to the extent of fright.He seems to be terrified!

It was a kind of evil emotion, which gradually spread from the back of the altar. There was nothing there. There were only ordinary black brick walls and iron chains stretching on the ground like spider webs covering the entire room. .

And, there was an old woman in pitch black, wearing a loose overalls, with her back to Ruo and a group of three sitting under the wall. "Snap! Suddenly, a hand grabbed Hollar's right arm. His wrist was tightly pinched by this hand. Hollar felt pain from time to time. He looked like the owner of this hand, That is Fang Jing, with a frightened expression on his face. From the very beginning, he didn't like this young man named Andy. The other party brought him to this Bloom Manor for some unknown purpose, and now Suddenly grabbed his - only the wrist.

Fang Jing didn't use too much force, but Hollar still felt the pain in his wrist.

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