
No... How did the special envoy sent by the Theocracy sneak into the heavily guarded presidential palace?With doubt and incomprehension, he cast his eyes on the man in the white hat in front of him.Belenton unhurriedly took out a piece of news, and said with a smile: "What do you think about the cooperation with us?

Chapter 670

President Franco is very clear that this person named Berenton came here to act as the Pope and the forces of the old Azerahi Empire, as well as many small countries that were at a disadvantage in the three baptism wars but were unwilling to join forces to form "Peace Council" forces.The Allied Army and the Peace Association are also the two largest national-level joint forces in the mainland. The Allied Army is a military alliance headed by the Pirexun Military Country, and the Pirexun Military Country is the most powerful military advanced country on the mainland. The Baridit Federation is the most powerful country in the Allied Forces under the Perison Military Kingdom.Today, the king of the Baridit Federation decided to tear himself apart from the Perezun military country and start a war without authorization. This also means that the two big countries in the alliance army have completely parted ways. From another perspective, it also represents the separation of the forces of the alliance army. A symptom of branching.

"Mr. Berenton. What on earth are you trying to say?" The big president frowned, and asked in a puzzled manner: "I don't quite understand what your intention is...

He hid it well, and didn't let his anxiety leak out, but maintained his usual calmness.

Unfortunately, those subtle facial changes on his wrinkled face couldn't hide from the smooth and ghostly Berenton.

"Hahahaha! Mr. President, we don't have to play charades anymore, you should know what I'm talking about..."

Belenton said unhurriedly: There is no way to continue to cover up this news for the Baridit Federation!"

Berenton's words - say it out, the great President Franco was speechless for a moment.Naturally, he also knew that what Berenton said was the truth, and basically he couldn't refute it.After baptizing the fighters three times, all countries signed three chapters of laws prohibiting the research of chemical weapons and signed the "Joint Declaration on the Prohibition of Using Inhumane Weapons and Experiments". Of course, this is not an absolute law. But it is also a regulation signed by the Allied Army and the Peace Council.Out of the consideration of its own interests, the intelligence department of the military state determined that the Paredit Federation is also a big country in the Allied Forces, deliberately concealed the news, and also intentionally sent researchers. It is hoped that the researcher of the Paredit Federation will be able to share a cup of soup.It's a pity that this idea has not been realized, and the war between the Federation and the Empire broke out.

At the same time, the Oslan Theocracy and the Azeraxi Empire proposed at the Continental Conference that the Paredit Federation violated the ban and conducted weird research on biological and chemical weapons in private, but the Pelison Military Kingdom was out of order to maintain the power of the Allied Forces. The consideration. Determined to conceal this news, dismissed the issues raised by the Oslan Theocracy and the Empire. But now it seems that the military country has clearly made a major mistake in this matter, and has also ignored a major fact.The black hands behind it are the Paredit Federation and a transnational criminal organization called the Kuroshio.

These facts are now a matter of certainty.

The Cristiano Research Institute of the Baridit Federation was originally a military institution, and the person in charge of this research institute is the leader of the Kuroshio Organization. If you want to come—from the beginning, the second prince has a close relationship with the Kuroshio, and he secretly supports it. Mano experimented.The current turbulent situation on the mainland is the result of these conspiracies

"Sirmano has an inescapable relationship with the cause of the death of the King of the Baridit Federation, and he himself is the head of the Kuroshio Organization. However, recently, Sirmano's subordinate Di Jialuo rebelled and re-partnered with the new king. Online, his whereabouts are also unknown. During this period of time, Berendon and others who came out of the imperial capital have also gained a lot of important information.

"The Kuroshio organization, a transnational criminal group, has power all over the mainland. After Di Jialuo dominated the organization, he fully supported the new king Kerba, and caused the infection of the green spore disease in various places# . And now. They have regarded the country as a It's the next target. Belenton's eyes became quite sharp.

"Your Excellency, President, I advise you to give up your illusions. Ke Erba claims to be the new generation of Emperor Avar. He announced to the people that he will restore the glory of this ancient empire. It is a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh, which must be removed.

"I know that what the President expects is to guarantee the interests of the Allied Forces, which is the unity of the countries, but unfortunately, Kerba doesn't care about this interest. Sooner or later, the Allied Forces will fall apart in his hands. Your best choice , is to join hands with us to curb this uncontrollable "dragon". The great president knows that since he reached a turning point in history this time, his next decision will determine the future fate of this continent.


With a loud bang, two meteor-like rays of light, one red and one blue, tore through the sky and fell into the ruins of the city that had been devastated by the flames of war.

-The walls of the tall buildings burst open, and the shells blasted out of big holes. With the terrible sound, a large amount of gravel and mud were scattered.The two figures were slammed to the ground, their bodies were in the pit, surrounded by dense cracks, these two people were as powerless as flying insects caught in a spider's web.A tall white-haired man who fell to the ground struggled to get up from the ground, dragging a blue saber in his right hand.

"I can't die

When Aberia's body fell from the air, it fell to the bottom and hit a hard cement stone pillar.Half of the stone pillar seemed to be hit by a huge force, and it split suddenly, and the fragments rolled to the side.Changed to a normal person. With such a big impact, she would have been smashed into a puddle of meatloaf long ago, but for her at this time, even minor injuries were considered quite a few.

Word! Scarlet got up and looked around. Only then did Aberia realize that Zi 2 and his younger brother Du En had fallen into a steel factory outside the urban area.


In an instant, an invisible force shattered a broken wall in front of him, and countless gravels splashed away like cannonballs. Aberia's younger brother Du En quickly threw the blue saber in his hand.Several rushing water waves turned into high-speed inward swirling vortexes, blocking the front of his sister Aberia, which also blocked countless broken rocks from bursting.

However, with a horizontal swipe with one hand, the vortex of water waves created by the blue saber was split in one fell swoop.

In the next second, a man with light blue stripes turned westward, with a long coat on his shoulders and two sleeves waving, was sticking out his hand to learn, and walked over slowly.

When he saw the two of them for the first time, he couldn't help frowning.

"Where are Rainey and Belenton? Could it be possible to send you two trash here to die?"

. Namt.

Gritting her teeth, Aberia pronounced the name with hatred.The person who came was none other than the witch species "Shadow Demon General" who was born on the body of Namut, the state prosecutor of the Paredit Federation.

"No, he is the Shadow Demon General Namut.

The tall white-haired man at the side whispered the man's true identity.

Chapter 671

- meet this man. ζ ↑ Ba ↑ Reading ↑ Book ζ Aribia and her younger brother Dunn burst into anger.

Both of them recalled how the inhabitants of the imperial capital who survived the Green Run plague were brutally massacred by the Paridites.Even they almost died tragically in that battle. Fortunately, they awakened the aptitude of the god soldier and the master of the magic sword, so they were lucky enough to escape the catastrophe.

And the man in front of him was the instigator of that massacre.

At the same time as the shadow demon general appeared in person, a large number of soldiers covered in rough armor poured in from the huge gap in the broken wall of the factory.

And the image of this group of soldiers is also quite special. They all wear gas masks and hold firearms in their hands. The rough armor on their bodies is like a future-style exoskeleton. It became a fortified formation, and the muzzle of the black hole was aimed at the two people in front of him.At the same time that Shadow Demon appeared in person, a large number of soldiers covered in rough armor poured in from the huge gap in the broken wall of the factory.

"Shoot! Get rid of them. The man waved his hand, and under his command, the soldiers raised their guns and shot at the two people who were surrounded.

Just behind this group of soldiers, there are more and more dark people who are about to rush out continuously.Yaribia and Lynn shouted loudly and rushed towards the soldiers like a rainbow.The dense ammunition was constantly fired, but no matter what angle the muzzle shot from, Jin Zhan would be cut in two and cut in half when it hit the two of them.The tinkling sound kept ringing, but as the two moved forward, as the afterimages flickered at the positions of their hands, one could vaguely see that the two of them formed an invisible circle around their bodies. Within this circle, no matter what kind of attack can penetrate it.At this moment, the knives and swords in the hands of the two formed an invisible barrier.

"Shadow Eagle General!!" Aberia yelled angrily: "You killed so many people in the imperial capital of Beifen, and your crime is unforgivable. Go to death today!"

She tightly held the red sword in her hand, while Aberia's younger brother Dunn also held the dark blue saber.

At this moment, both of them had a dignified and crazy look on their faces.

"Scorching wind!!" Only two roars were heard, and the aura of the two people soared. It was as if something was about to expand and explode from the atmosphere.Boom! The air around Aberia is transpiring, and red scorching air waves are gushing out.

On the other side, her younger brother Dunn also urged the blue saber in his hand to activate the power in it.

The next moment, the two of them shot at the same time, and the power generated by urging the magic sword surged on its own, and then converted into two different forces at the same time. The energies are mixed together and swept forward.The red and dark blue light completely engulfed this area in an instant, and the scorching and impacting waves that corroded the flesh finally set off a terrible explosion. Ordinary soldiers who could not resist this force were instantly blown into powder.The violent power rushed towards the sky overwhelmingly, pushing countless sand, gravel and soil towards the sky, and everything on the ground above - meters was leveled, as if being pushed and smoothed by - - a big hand

After a while, the sand and dust all over the sky gradually subsided, and the sky became dusty, as if the sky was covered by thick smoke.

Mouth standing up!!

The air seemed to be pulled, and it suddenly tightened, and a loud noise came from the depths of the smoke. Amidst the terrifying loud noise, streams of air burst out from the center, like gusts of wind, blowing everything away. The smoke blows away.I saw General Kagean's body coming out again from the center of the gravel that was completely covered in rubble, but this time, his suit and clothes were also torn, and several huge golden tentacles came out from his body. Stretching out from the chest, each golden tentacle is thick and big, the whole body is covered with black scales, dancing slowly in the air, it is these few golden tentacles that block the movement of the siblings. Strong offensive.The movie hall will slowly say: "If I knew from the beginning that the power of you two wastes is mediocre, and you can't exert the power of these two artifacts at all, I would have let you be buried together in the imperial capital on that day. It's a bit late, but it's okay, it's time, you all go to hell!" He roared wildly, and a series of gray lights flashed from Shadow Fiend's body, and the metal tentacles grew longer and longer one by one, each time Swinging it once, it's like setting off a whirlwind and blasting towards the two siblings with unrivaled power.

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