3:40:20 PM.

And the pointer is completely fixed, and time stops completely. Ψ弎&八&read&bookΨ

"..beyond time.

Although it was only a second, it was very short, but Fang Jing could definitely say this sentence.

In this second, he surpassed time.

With a swish, he stretched out his big hand, grabbed Bovini, shook his body slightly, and led Bovini out of the building with a flash.

No one knows what happened here, and it is impossible to understand the cause and source of all this.Even if there is an industrial-grade super camera in this office, which can see hundreds of millions of frames per second, it is impossible to see what happened in this office just now. This is because the "unbounded virtual brake" has never existed On the time axis of the world, the interference force that forcibly intervenes in the real world. On the time axis of the normal world, this second brought by the "unbounded virtual brake" does not exist. For the person concerned, Bovini, everything is like Had a dream, he was still in his office just now.

Suddenly blurred vision, found himself in a strange environment.

He got up from the floor, and suddenly found himself in a single-family house.

"What the hell is going on?"

When Buvini stood up, he saw a man in a long windbreaker and glasses appearing in front of Buvini.

"You are Bouvet...?"

The other party asked unhurriedly.

"It's me, who are you?"

"So what if I'm Bovini, and you're that Russian Mafia member called Macheoni.

Bovini is also a weather-beaten man. He tidied up his clothes and tried to keep calm in front of the square mirror.

"I don't know what you have to rely on. But this is Kuala Lumpur, a country that emphasizes the rule of law. Do you think that the way you mafia can work in this country! Believe it or not, just give me a day , I can get you out of this country... He said these words aggressively, while Fang Jing opposite him remained expressionless.

"I'm not some macioni, and I'm not some Russian mafia guy, but didn't the 'Grade Bearer Brotherhood' tell you the truth? It seems...you don't seem to understand anything!"

When he first heard the name "Brotherhood of Cup Bearers", Bovini also froze for a moment, but he recovered quickly.

"Understand what... I'll warn you first.

It was an illusory human-shaped shadow, which could be seen with all four limbs, but the whole face was pitch black and dull, only two eyes were open, revealing an evil breath.

"You... what the hell are you?! There was a look of horror on Bovini's face.

Just at this moment, the black human figure rushed forward.Almost his whole body was enveloped by an invisible force, as if he was dead.

"Bovini, where is your daughter now?" Fang Jing asked

He found that the information might be wrong, and Buvini might not know what actually happened. At least he should have known about the existence of supernatural power, but after seeing Fang Jing, his expression seemed to be the first time he saw .It took too much time to interrogate this guy. He simply released the "evil body" that is good at detecting human thoughts, and directly wrapped around Bovini's body, like an electric soul possessed, controlling Bovini. On his body, it was the power of the "evil body" avatar. For Bovini at this time, his whole body seemed to be shrouded in this black mist, like being in a big bubble. Both Legs and body are floating in the air.

"I, I don't know...Bovini was terrified and sweating and found that he could speak again. He hurriedly said: "Camuer's grandfather took her. During this time, everyone is asking me This question. But suddenly, a dark human face emerged from the black mist. This evil face opened its mouth and stuck out its tongue to lick the cold sweat on Bovini's face.

"This smell...is the smell of lying!"


The pitch-black human face screamed sharply, and in the next second, countless black mist rushed in, rushing towards Ruobuweijini's mouth and nose, and the dark mist penetrated Ruobuweijini's mouth and nose, Boweni's eyes widened. Big, full and twisted and ferocious, but there is no help in the world, unable to stop this weird scene.

"Buvini, don't be stupid, tell me the whereabouts of my daughter honestly, don't try to lie to me, I can sense all the thoughts in your heart. At the same time, Bovini's body and mind are like an electric shock. A telepathic thought went straight into his mind.

Chapter 689 Manipulation


Hitting his head hard against something hard, Bovini let out a muffled snort, opened his eyes, gasped for breath, his face was pale, and the corners of his eyes twitched.The horrifying scene just appeared. It was like a nightmare disappeared. He calmed down and looked around.Buvini remembered that he seemed to be hijacked just now, and then something terrible happened, and he fell into a coma, and now he doesn't know why, and now he is on a bench in a small park.

His mind shook slightly, and a voice gradually came out from his mind.Accompanied by a strange tone, a certain voice "stabs" into the consciousness in Bovini's mind.

...Who are you?" Buvini touched his upper and lower body, and he clearly realized that something had sneaked into the inside of his body.

.This feeling is very scary!!

He fell into an ice cellar, and for a moment, Bovini's face lost all color.

"You should know who I am?"

The voice said coldly: "Bovini, you are in danger now, but you don't know it. The only person who can save your life is me."

Bovini looked puzzled.

"No need to pretend, I can probe your heart, the secrets hidden in your heart can't fill me

The hidden dragon in Bovini's body is of course Fang Jing's "evil body" clone. He has long noticed that Bovini is hiding something, so he released a clone to hide in Bovini's body, with the intention of deeply detecting Bovini's inner fluctuations. , After a search in Bovini's conscious memory, he also knew a lot of information about Hidden Myrtle.

The "Brotherhood of Cup Bearers" is a secret organization. The "Brotherhood of the Rabbits" used a special method to hide and protect the "Kalpa Cup", that is an ancient secret method, to seal the "Kaibo Cup" in the human body.In order to ensure that the "Kibos Cup" will not be discovered by the outside world, they will look for a host to act as a container. The former "container" of the "Kibos Cup", that is, the host, is Bovini's son who has passed away for many years. This secret method is very powerful. It is special and can be passed down through blood. The current host of the Cup of Robbery is Bovini's daughter Kamuel.Bovini didn't know much about his daughter's situation. The marriage between him and his wife was an accident. Not long after the marriage, his wife's father, Camille's grandfather, came to him in person and wanted to take away his daughter. granddaughter.Bovini naturally disagreed with allowing the old man to take away his beloved daughter, but the old man himself was a high-level member of the "Brotherhood of the Cup Bearer", and the organization "Grip Bearer" was not powerful in the secular world. In the end, Bovini Reluctantly reached some "agreement" with the old man.

Some of the most important factors in the agreement are to guarantee the personal freedom of the daughter Kamuer.As a matter of fact, the hosts of the 'Kibba Cup' in the past were all under house arrest and controlled by the "Brotherhood of Bearers". Pooh has also become a target.

Suddenly, sitting on the bench behind Buvini who was still in shock, one hand patted his shoulder.

When he turned his head, he saw two men in suits grinning at him.

"Are you Bovini?"

He opened his mouth and saw a fist hit him in the face.

6 Pooh was hit on the ground with a punch, shaking his head, unable to see, and paralyzed on the ground with weak legs and feet.Hey! It's strange, it doesn't seem to hurt at all.

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