"Xijiasi is a scum, social trash, typical antisocial personality disorder, this kind of bastard who has no legal concept, no justice and morality, and can only act according to his own desires. Instead, he has the opportunity to join CC.SD and is subject to the above And I have been doing my best for the country, for the group of idiots above, but I ended up like this!" This also made his steps a little heavy, and at this moment, in the alley gutter One of the rats got out and escaped along the iron pipe in a frightened way.

And Nonosen's footsteps also stopped, he noticed that there was a figure behind the alley, and the stepper followed behind him with unhurried steps.Nonosen was also extremely sharp, and his steps became faster and faster, rushing forward quickly, and when he started to run, he heard the movement of the figure behind him also speeding up.

"It seems that the person who followed me took a big step forward and rushed out of the alley. At this moment... - a black car drove up in front of him.

"Senior Nono, get in the car!!" Nonomori raised his head and recognized that the man driving the car was his next partner, Li Chuan. Li Chuan has been with him for many years and has always been loyal to him and is his most trusted partner. A next exhibition.


Nonomori did not expect that Li Chuan would appear at this time.As soon as he took a step, he got into the passenger seat.

As soon as the door was closed, Li Chuan stepped on the accelerator, got rid of the follower, and the two quickly left here.

"I'm really sorry. Tachikawa smiled wryly, and threw a towel to Nonomori.

"This place is my fiancée's apartment. She happened to be out of the country because of work, and she cleaned up here, and there was nothing. Nonomori couldn't help sighing."

It's a shame that he was rescued by his subordinates, and the hiding place just now was his last stronghold.

"There is no food in the refrigerator. But there is still some beer. Li Chuan smiled and changed into a suit.

"Senior Nono, rest first, I'll go buy something to eat and come back.

After saying this, Tachikawa left the house.

"Then it's hard work for you. No Namori nodded, he picked up the remote control and turned on the TV.

After Li Chuan left, he randomly changed several channels. They were all boring programs.Nonomori was upset and couldn't rest, so he couldn't help but ran to the refrigerator, opened a can of beer and drank.

After drinking a lot, he also felt tired. After opening a few cans of beer, Nonomori fell asleep on the sofa.After sleeping for a long time, Nonamori finally woke up and turned around.He lay sideways on the sofa, wondering what time it was.At this moment, he found that Li Chuan was standing on the balcony, holding a mobile phone in his hand, talking to someone.

"Yes...he's here with me...that's right. I know," Li Chuan seemed to be talking to someone on the phone, he turned his face sideways. With an expression of uncertainty, he slowly opened his mouth: " Don't worry, I will let him be quiet. Come on... He will live here next. I know, he believes in me... But I don't think he will stay forever, I hope you come here as soon as possible. Tachikawa Station Talk in a low voice on the balcony.

(Damn it! This guy Li Chuan betrayed me. I don’t know who he was talking to. He thought I was asleep and couldn’t hear anything. Judging from his tone of voice, it seems that he wants to betray me. The fire blazed up, and Ye Naosen suddenly became angry.

He slid down against the sofa, touched the corner of the wall, and hid in a corner.

After Li Chuan made the phone call, he glanced at the living room, and unexpectedly found that Nonomori had disappeared.

"Senior Nono!

He called out, but no one answered.

Li Chuan became anxious and took a few steps towards the living room.Nonomori stood behind him panting, looking at Li Chuan who looked like a bloody head, his face was full of resentment.

"This matter will not stop here, I will definitely make those who betrayed me pay the price!" Naturally, Fang Jing knew nothing about what happened to Nonosen, and he didn't bother to pay attention to it.He didn't take this kind of small person thing seriously for a while, because the level difference between the two sides was too exaggerated. At this time, he had already skipped this matter in his mind. For Fang Jing at this time, this matter There is no need to keep such a small person in mind.Chatted for a while with the director of the Myoken Institute of the Metropolitan Police Department. After some negotiation, the two negotiated a lot of PY transactions.As for agreeing to the "recruitment" of those big shots, Fang Jing is not that stupid, he politely refuses very clearly, he is now a member of the C.CSD agency, and he is still holding the banner of Crow City Shadow to see the appointment. There is really no need for this It's time to accept the solicitation of those domestic politicians.

How much help can a group of human beings with little power give him? Is it possible that I will become an enemy of 5CC.SD for these politicians, or turn against Crow City Shadow? Do I really think I am a pig brain? However, these politicians With a lot of power, he can avoid some troubles by showing a negotiable attitude and pretending to be obedient.

Pig, if the own Jiquando Alliance wants to develop in the country, it needs the support of official forces to change from the dark to the bright.In addition, Murakami will break the past North-South confrontation and unify Japan's underground forces, which also needs some recognition from the government.The chief police officer of Miaojianyuan came here, and he also saw this point.

He immediately said that in this area of ​​Tokyo, as long as the Murakami Association can ensure the order and balance without causing trouble, there is no need to worry too much about this matter.As for the Kanto and Kansai areas outside of Tokyo, it is up to the Murakami Association to handle it themselves.

Chapter 701

The police chief of Miaojian Institute did this on purpose. In fact, the Kansai and Kanto capital villages will be stabilized. After eating these sites, it is impossible to find a chance to spit them out again.The power of the Murakami Association is generally quite stable. As long as there is nothing wrong with the central government, it is no problem for the Murakami Association to monopolize the entire gang circle.On the other hand, if the Japanese yakuza forces take root in the local area, they will make some superficial articles and take the initiative to participate in some charity activities. They will also provide disaster relief and provide various supplies to the victims when they are hit by disasters. Condolences, this is a relatively unique behavior in the world.He also has his own intelligence network, and when he returned to his country, he heard about the split within the clan. The Kaibeicheng family and the Guqing family wanted to cooperate with the 5CC.SD agency.

The main reason why the Kaibeicheng family and the Guqing family behaved like this is to put some pressure on the Mizuki family and express their own objections.

On the other hand, it also agrees with the strength of the low-level powerhouse displayed by Yacheng Yingjian, and this also highlights CC.SD invisibly, making the clan start to value this official organization in a real sense.

The key to the removal of the SSD agency also lies in this aspect. The politicians behind the scenes have also seen that the momentum is not good for themselves. Even the clans are affirming Crow City and CCSD, but to put it bluntly, because of the hook of interests, these people will not Bow your head to Crow City, of course, if you were Crow City, you wouldn't care about the thoughts of these mortals, fearing that these politicians hold power and have a lot of wealth. Something worth mentioning.Switching to the current Fang Jing, he can grasp this point. This kind of contradictory mentality is that the "Alliance" lacks extra manpower to take care of some abnormal situations, so why not rely on the power of the folks.

"It just so happens that I have some contacts and know some special people in the civil society. They can provide some help. If the government needs it, I can provide a list. Mr. Director, what do you think?" I am also a little hesitant. After learning about the existence of Satoshi, the country is also searching for some people with special abilities in private. There are also many psychics serving the government. But apart from this point, those "big shots" are also afraid of The existence of the Clan Hidden Association is relatively hidden in this aspect. If this Xijiasi is willing to intervene, it may also be harmful to his own side.

"If this is the case, it is a good thing. I can feel the sincerity of Mr. Xijia, and I will pass this news on.

After the two sides chatted, the meeting ended.On Fang Jing's side, it can be regarded as a formal contact with the authorities, and the previous hostile attitude has been lifted, which can be regarded as a solution to a past trouble.Next, I just need to sit and wait for the alliance's power to take shape, and its strength will rise. There will be no resistance to the development of the Alien Martial Arts Alliance in China, and it will eventually grow like a tide.

He already has a clear plan for his own strength growth. According to his current growth rate, in order to break through the level of pseudo-eclipse, he still needs to save and may achieve it in a short period of time.

Thinking of this, he picked up a special mobile phone and dialed a number.This mobile phone was left to him by Yacheng Yingjian. It is a specially made mobile phone. I am afraid that it is not an ordinary electronic item. It is a special kind of object in all likelihood. At least Fang Jing can vaguely detect a trace of strangeness from it. breath.In fact, this mobile phone cannot be used as an ordinary mobile phone, nor can it be used to contact outsiders with the help of the mobile phone, and the people who can be contacted are limited to individuals in Yacheng Yingjian.One thing Fang Jing dares to conclude is that he can feel the existence of the eclipse level, which is not the limit. If his guess is correct, there is a more terrifying existence above the eclipse, which is probably beyond the level of "eclipse".

"In the ancient times, the Evil Fallen King descended on the land and was much weaker, but there were also many strong men under his command. Among those outsiders, there were also several so-called low-level existences. The famous ones in the mainland of Japan include 'Raven Lord, °Black Outerworlders like "Howl", "Heart Demon" and "Head of the Head" are not simply low-level existences, but even more terrifying ancient kings from otherworldly, existences that will bring destruction to the entire world just by coming to the world , and how powerful it is is also a puzzle

Enough to give myself some promises.Fang Jing pulled out the phone, but it didn't get through. Yacheng didn't know why, and didn't answer his call.

"Could it be that the recent rumors are true, people from the Crow City and the Clan Hidden Association have gone deep into the Huangquandu of Mount Shenjin, looking for traces of foreign envoys and witches...

He didn't contact C.CS.D in detail either. After all, he would only look for him if there was something to do there.

Suddenly, the phone in Fang Jing's hand rang.

This also made him frowned, and immediately picked up the phone to answer it. "Hey!

The voice from the other side of the text was not Yacheng Yingjian's voice, but a female voice.Yu Shenglian, Yacheng Yingjian's secretary.

It should also be a psychic medium or a person with special abilities.

"Looks like it's really Mr. Xijia, that's great!"

Yu Shenglian over there seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

"I didn't expect Mr. Xijia to come back at this time. I thought things would become serious. Fortunately, the phone rang. It seems that the situation has turned around.

"From the tone of your voice, is it possible that something happened?"

Fang Jing narrowed his eyes and asked her a question.

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