This is what Kiryu Aoi wrote in the letter, and in the manuscript of his father Kiryu Suzuki, the one named "Garden" also has the same seven strange stories.

And these seven strange stories are also the core of the whole novel. The plot of the whole novel is mainly centered around these seven strange stories.Aoi Kiryu is also in the process of using her five personalities to collect clues. Only after noticing the problem of "Ghost Story Version" can she find the important clue of St. Philomena College.

"Because the reason is very simple, the seven school ghost stories set by my father in this novel are not the seven common versions, but the unique 'seven ghost stories' designed by him himself, and these seven "weird stories" It is also the core of the whole story.

"As for some schools and regions in the real world, there will be stories like the seven ghost stories of the school, but the versions are similar, but the seven ghost stories designed by my father are different from the popular ghost stories. This is a gimmick in the novel, and it is also a The layout of the drama.

The problem is, in the process of direct investigation of the news, I accidentally discovered that the seven strange stories circulated by Santa Filomena College are basically the same as the seven strange stories designed by my father in the novel. . Gradually caught my attention.At first, Aoi Kiryu was just a little curious about the seven strange stories passed down by Saint Philomena.

This kind of similarity sounds too coincidental, but there are many wonders in the world,

However, after she continued to investigate, she was very surprised to find that there was something vaguely wrong with the seven strange stories circulating in Santa Filomena College. Thinking of this, Kiryu Aoi re-read the manuscript of her father Kiryu Suzuki After several times, I was surprised to find that these seven strange stories are consistent with the seven strange stories in the manuscript, and they all vaguely reflect the events that happened in reality. Kiryu Aoi is very careful, she is very careful about the manuscript of Kiryu Lingxuan I have studied it hundreds of times. I am serious about all the details in it.It's just a pity that this novel by Kiryu Suzuki has not been finished, and there are still too many pitfalls in the novel that have not been filled in. Because of the lack of completion, many important contents related to the story can only be guessed and guessed. Brain supplement.This also led to Aoi Kiryu - at first did not notice some key points.

"The school in the story of "Santa Filomena College and Garden" is a real reflection, and all trajectories are similar... Aoi Kiryu explained in the email. After some investigation, she found that "Santa Filo Mena College" was ordered to close the school many years ago. During that time, St. Philomena College became a hospital in the name of the military department at that time. However, the hospital was just a cover. In fact, this St. Filo Mena College secretly became a secret research site for the Japanese army to conduct human experiments at that time.

The military conducted a series of inhumane experiments at the Santa Filomena College. Some of the experimental subjects were prisoners captured from North Korea, some were Chinese, and several American soldiers captured from the battlefield.It was originally a time of war, and the military acted unscrupulously. After the defeat, the military quickly burned all relevant files, trying to hide everything in the dark. , This kind of thing has not been straightened out, but a trainee doctor still wrote down his experience in a diary, and this diary was later directly obtained by CCSD members.Thanks to C.CS.D for saving this important diary, Aoi Kiryu discovered that St. Philomena College is the school in the story of "The Black Madonna of Purgatory" - "The more she studies the flower The past history of St. Philomena College is becoming more and more shocking in my heart.

Because the black history of St. Philomena College corresponds to the seven strange tales created in "The Black Madonna of Purgatory".

All this seems to be a work written by his father, Suzuki Kiryu, based on St. Philomena College.But Aoi Kiryu knew one thing very well. Her father had never heard of St. Philomena College, nor had he heard any information related to this women's college.

So, how did Kiryu Suzuken create this work based on "Santa Filomena College" across time and distance.

Is it because Kiryu Suzuki foresaw the existence of this academy in some way, or this "Black Madonna of Purgatory" has gained a kind of "life", from illusion to reality? More and more frightened.And that's where her email ends.

Chapter 713 Son A

Even Fang Jing, who is a viewer, can notice the uneasiness and fear emerging from Aoi Kiryu's heart.However, he can also understand why Aoi Kiryu would "feel such restlessness and anxiety.

The manuscript of "The Black Madonna of Purgatory" was completed by Kiryu Aoi personally watching her father click and click. She and her father Kiryu Suzuki have also been discussing some designs of this manuscript in private.

Although Kiryu Suzuki did not inform her daughter about the full story design of "The Black Madonna of Purgatory", she often deliberates some plots with her.I am afraid that the review editor of Kiryu Suzuki may not have his daughter Kiryu Aoi who has a deep understanding of this manuscript.

It is precisely because Kiryu Aoi knows too much about the picks that she feels fear.

In her eyes, St. Melofina College is the real thing of "The Black Madonna of Purgatory", just like the words written by her father are wriggling and turning into reality. Thinking of this, Kiryu Aoi may also feel a tingling chill in her scalp .

Thinking of this, Fang Jing knew that Aoi Kiryu could not be allowed to continue the investigation.If this is an abnormal disorder above grade A, then Aoi Kiryu is already in deep trouble. She must stop further investigation and accept a series of psychological examinations.

While thinking this way, he called Qingjiang Yingxue and Naosouyan.

The CCS.D agency also has a dedicated psychiatrist and an investigation department for violations of abnormal disorders, but Kiryu Aoi is one of his subordinates. His team has been vaguely formed recently, and it is not like the past, lacking available subordinates. .The Alliance of Alien Warriors is his future thug organization, and it is impossible for him to personally deal with all the big things.Qingjiang Yuxue and Naotouyan are his research team. Fang Jing has never underestimated human science and technology. He has already asked Naotouyan to go to Ruoshou to set up a special laboratory, spend time researching supernatural power, and try to use science to analyze it. .Brainhead's experiments and achievements in another parallel world are very rich. Recently, he is trying to transfer his consciousness to another body. Once Brainhead's experiment is successful, it will be able to last for decades life. ÷san ∫ bar ∫ reading ∫ books ÷ and his set of crazy technology is also a very important technological breakthrough for the people of the past, the only difficulty lies in the need for a "body" that is closer to the will of the soul, for example, a clone , The current immaturity of this technology lies in the fact that the mind wavelength of the clone may not be in harmony with the main body, which will lead to transmission failure.

It's just that Naotouyan doesn't take this seriously. He is still experimenting crazily. He hopes to mature the technology.

Although his team on the research side is not yet mature, it shouldn't be a problem as long as the introduction of talents is made. For example, the nearly sixteen-year-old genius girl Yashiro Fujiriha.

In another parallel world, Yashiro Fujiriha changed her surname to Zero Biao after she got married, and once joined the research team of Naosuhiko. Naosuhiko thought she was an outstanding talent, if not inferior to her own talent.

"It's a pity that the weakness of such an outstanding woman is her kindness. She has tampered with those clones, and the corpse dogs will be killed when they find out...

Nao Duyan doesn't have much sense of right and wrong. Anyway, as long as he is left with only a brain, he will not have any complaints.

While thinking about the future organizational plan, he silently continued to read the information sent by the other party from the attachment of the document sent by Aoi Kiryu.After a long time, he discovered that there was another photo in this document. When he saw this photo, he also looked a little surprised.Because there is a mark on this photo.

"Azi"..Azi is a code name and the heroine of "The Black Madonna of Purgatory".

It is the protagonist. It is better to say that it is the clue character in this novel. Her role is to unfold the whole story from the perspective of "her".

And this is a work full of horror styles, which also shows that A Zi does not have special powers of the protagonist. On the contrary, she also has the aura of death that female characters in horror movies and works often have. From time to time, in order to promote the development of the plot, the author A big death.Thanks to A Zi's hard work, the original "Garden" was a girls' school with a dark historical background, but it was always peaceful. But with A Zi's hard work, the whole school was covered by an unexplainable darkness. Shrouded, that is a bottomless, indescribable force.

However, this is not explained in the book. Except for some unexplainable phenomena in the plot related to the Seven Monsters, there is no special supernatural phenomenon.In addition, Tongyu Lingxuan has not written a complete novel, so the final direction, whether it is a supernatural horror drama or a thriller and reasoning work that focuses on solving puzzles, he has not finalized his intention.

He just said that there are some unconventional existences in this novel during the conversation with Aoi Kiryu.

In other words, there is indeed a dark force in the novel, but... this force is not necessarily the culprit that caused everything to happen.However, the heroine Zi A is definitely an accomplice, which is definitely not wrong. If she hadn't died all the way, the subsequent situation would not have happened.

"Sister A, she is a transfer student, that is to say...she is the one who entered St. Melofina College?" Fang Jing glanced at Mrs. A in the photo, and unexpectedly found that she was an acquaintance from the past. A former classmate plays Ma Yao.

Could it be a coincidence? Or was it done on purpose

He pondered slowly, and it was only at this moment that Fang Jing was able to understand why Kiryu Aoi left such a few words in the email.

"The Black Madonna of Purgatory" is not an illusory work. The stories recorded in the manuscripts at that time seem to be breaking away from the shackles of paper and words in some way. Gradually invade the reality

The school named "Garden" actually exists in reality.

"Oops! Could it be that Aoi Kiryu has already realized something... Fang Jing couldn't help showing a trace of vigilance in his heart.

Suddenly, the phone next to him rang.

He quickly picked up the phone and heard a news that made his heart angry.

"What's going on? Kiryu Aoi is missing, did your heads grow up eating shit? You can't even look down on individuals

After speaking, Fang Jing realized that Kiryu Aoi's disappearance was by no means a disappearance in the ordinary sense. When Kiryu Aoi completed the ceremony in the past, she had self-harmed. Her body was very weak and she was recuperating. She will let people go, and it is impossible for her to live on her own

"Go, send someone to contact those clones of Aoi Kiryu, what? No news

Sure enough, I'm afraid this is the reason for the third type of weird short-term outbreak. Kiryu Aoi should have touched something to cause this result.

He pondered for a while and quickly made up his mind.

"Immediately seal off the area where she disappeared. No outsiders are allowed to intervene. All relevant information is put on high-level alert. Next...notify Daimaru and Kawatani Osamu and let them come over as soon as possible. Before I arrive, don't take action without authorization. , Keep the scene well. The alien warriors still lack the means to deal with the incidents caused by the weirdness. If the opponents are ordinary nocturnal species and outsiders, they can come in handy.

But for the third type of weirdness that is intangible and intangible, it still needs an expert-level existence to deal with it.What Fang Jing thought of at this time was the other two helpers who hadn't taken much care of him since 2-[-], that is, the "senior psychic" Noka Maruho met in the Shimushan incident, and another alien who occupied the body of "Osamu Kawatani". That is, the black-backed toad of the mountain god-clan in Shilao Mountain.

It's the usual middle of the night to push books

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