"I can allow you to leave here, no, I will not prevent you from leaving here, but here is a question, can you really reach the edge of the city by yourself?" The answer is obvious, they can't do this.Not to mention leaving here, reaching the edge of the city, even walking around the city normally is a serious problem for them.This kind of city is not a paradise. There are countless monsters in the city, which are monsters created by viruses.

They have great malice towards the living.Just walking around the city will be attacked by them.

If they enter the interior of the city, it will be regarded as invading their territory, and they will be attacked by groups of monsters.After witnessing the horror of those monsters and understanding how powerful they are, Cui and Masuda are the four survivors. They have no hope of leaving here.They could only stay here obediently and help Fang Jing do some chores. After Aoi enters the waiting period, Fang Jing will undertake a lot of homework by himself, which is quite a waste of time for him.Even on the earth, in the original world, Fang Jing is used to entrusting chores to others, and he only needs to concentrate on his own affairs.

After Aoi entered the waiting period, he lost a servant who helped him with chores.

The existence of Tsui, Masuda and others is free labor for him.He put a group of people in his own home, and handed over the sundries to them. And he can concentrate on independent activities every day. As usual, by doing basic exercises, he can improve the basic ability of the body.The current Shidao Kairen is close to 220 centimeters tall, with perfect muscles all over his body, which are extremely well-proportioned and without any sense of cumbersomeness. Anyone who sees this body of muscles can feel that this body has been tempered for a long time train.Fang Jing walked out of the gate of his house. He did not choose to walk, but bent his knees slightly, and then squatted hard, and soon the violent force burst out from his thighs.The ground trembled slightly, and a figure broke through the air.

Chapter 791


Just like gliding, a figure jumps up and falls in the air like a "dove". The square mirror is constantly bouncing in the air and on the ground of tall buildings at an extremely fast speed.

He is like a superhero in a movie. At this time, he can do things that ordinary humans can't do at all.After a long period of more than seven or eight months, his body has continuously sublimated, breaking the limit of human beings.

What he said before was also half-truth and half-false, in front of Cui and Masuda, of course he couldn't tell the truth, he still chose to talk nonsense, of course he said all lies

But there is nothing deceiving, his current body can indeed be called "the strongest human being on earth"

At this stage, his measurements have broken 15 points across the board—this is quite an exaggerated value, which has exceeded the limit of the human body. His internal body has temporarily reached an inhuman state, which is very terrifying. He can He can move at subsonic speed, and he can also lift a road roller with one hand and throw it nearly a hundred meters away. His body's other stats and basic abilities are also extremely terrifying. He is completely a humanoid Tyrannosaurus rex.Although measured on the basis of the human beings in this world, Shidao Kairen's own physical ability is beyond the limit, but compared with his own body on earth, he still feels that this body is too fragile.

"Although a lot of growth points are used to promote the growth and evolution of this body, the progress is still slower than I imagined. At this level, continuing to use growth points to promote is not the same for the body of a man in the market. Talking is better than nothing.

His inner body has grown to a limit.Fang Jing spent more than [-] growth points. He insisted on stacking more than [-] different fighting skills to improve his strength, speed, and physique to a superhuman level. When it comes to measurements, in order to solve this problem, He chose to integrate more than [-] different martial arts skills into one furnace to create a brand new skill. Fang Jing called this new martial skill "flowing air combat body".

"Multi-stream mixed martial arts fighting technique, specialized combat technique. Flow air combat body, thirtieth floor one

(Integrated Rigid Body Art, Booming Boxing, Ancient Liu Tang Shou, Wufeng Fuming Qigong, Ancient Persian Fighting Art

In the follow-up skills column is a series of more than a dozen ancient martial arts that are popular in the world.

Through skill deduction, various martial arts are combined into one body, and this martial arts skill specially created for this body is born based on the body of Kairen in the market.

However, the air flow combat body is not yet a different martial art.However, the origin of the Liukong combat body is entirely from the mysterious "factor" hidden deep in the blood of Shidao Kairen.

I'm afraid... Shi Dao's body will become a descendant body, but fortunately, if there is some invisible causal connection, his body may hide the bloodline fate that Fang Jing urgently needs. Fang Jing tries to make Shi Dao The human body has been pushed to the current point, but only a strand of breath has been activated, from which the special martial skill "Liukong Combat Body" was born.

"finally reached!"

He jumped down from a height of twenty or thirty meters.

With a "bang", the whole person trembled slightly.

Just yesterday, the Liukong combat body was pushed to the thirtieth level of this technique.

In other words, he has already pushed this air combat body to its peak level.

The main effect of this exercise is to make the main muscles of the physical body rapidly expand. Of course, this is only the initial stage. When the exercise advances to the later stage, the strength of the body will become more abnormal, and the activation of cells in the whole body will increase a hundred times.This enhancement effect is incredible! Under the stimulation of the air-flowing combat body, his outer skin, muscles, internal organs, and blood.Endocrine, bone marrow, brain, and every inch of the body's cells are in a highly active state.It is also impossible to take it for granted that it has been developed to this extent. It can only be said that this body is very special, .... It may also be a human being in this world. It is essentially different from the human beings in our world.

He only needs to close his eyes slightly, and he can feel the extremely large and violent power contained in the highly activated cells.

"It seems that the water in this world is very deep.

When writing, he also raised his eyes and stared at the distance not far away. It turned out that there was

I don't know what the reason is, the lush plants in this park in the middle of the street are all withered and dead, and the green and vibrant park has become a dead area, and all the plants are turned into black and withered things. It was as if something had taken away the breath of life.

"Sure enough, my eyes can't see-"

Fang Jing muttered to himself, his eyes focused on a point, which was the center of the park in the middle of the street.In his field of vision, the area was empty, except for a marble sculpture of a historical great man, there was nothing there.It seems that if we only use the naked eye, I am afraid that nothing can be observed..

He continued to stare in that direction. Although he couldn't detect anything with his five senses, his intuition told him that that thing existed in that direction.


This is a title given by Fang Jing.Of course, this title is just for convenience.He discovered this thing two months ago. At first he just passed by this street park, but when he touched that area, he was attacked by an invisible force.Fang Jing himself was also taken aback, but fortunately he reacted in time, came back to his senses quickly, and started a fierce fight with the invisible "guardian" because he didn't know the identity of this mysterious enemy, and he didn't know anything about it. Lianzhan quickly left that area.

In the next period of time, he also took an interest in this mysterious invisible enemy. He tried to invade this area five times in total. Whenever he approached this park, the mysterious guardian invisible to the naked eye would attack him He attacks.

It was also through a fight that Fang Jing basically confirmed a few points.The first point is that it is invisible, but your own attacks are effective against it. The second point is that this mysterious guardian in the park in the middle of the street, which cannot be seen by the naked eye, should be guarding something here, because the square mirror He couldn't observe anything invisible, and he couldn't tell why this guy had to stay here. He was just based on his intuition, and he could realize that the existence of the "Guardian" was to protect this park in the middle of the street.

He came here many times, and every time he wanted to go deep into the park in the middle of the street, he would conflict with the other party and be kicked out.

"The last time I came here was just a test, and I can't really count it for a while. With a clang, he pulled out the huge thick-backed machete from behind, talking to himself with a little excitement.

"As of now... Obviously, it's my favorite part of breaking through the level and fighting the mini-boss at the end!"

Chapter 792

Fang Jing smiled coldly, lifted the machete in his hand, and walked slowly towards the park in the middle of the street.

This is a typical small Japanese park, which is provided free of charge to residents for entertainment.

The playground in the park has playground equipment such as autumn stems, mushroom-like slides and seesaws, and a small sandpit for the children.He took every step very cautiously. You must know that the enemies he encountered this time may be different from the past.

The "Guardian" is an existence that cannot be observed by the naked eye. This guy is completely impatient, and this enemy is more than ten meters tall. This exaggerated height alone can prove that the "Guardian 2" is far away. Physical advantages over superhumans.A huge body also represents a huge mass, no matter what the hell this "guardian" is. But when its height reaches more than ten meters, it has a strong physique that can resist the influence of the earth's gravity. Strong and powerful.The air was distorted. - A huge force burst out and smashed towards his head, just like a huge log that swept towards him with terrifying and frightening power, whistling and piercing through the air .

"Well done.

Fang Jing held the thick-backed machete in his right hand, and punched forward with his left hand at random.

The powerful physical body under the addition of the air-flowing combat body is fierce! Pushing, bursting out with terrifying speed and strength, even an ordinary punch can instantly increase the strength several times, not to mention his current peak mode, - punch Blast into the void like lightning.

There was only a loud noise. The air in front of my eyes was violently twisted and shaken, and a large piece of invisible liquid was spilled on the side of the tap pool in the park not far away.

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