She opened her eyes wide in surprise.

The bodies of 'evil ghosts' are all human beings, mostly because of their own evil intentions, which attract evil spirits from other realms and demons to attach to their flesh and blood. During this process, ordinary human beings will quickly degenerate and eventually turn into evil ghosts , but usually, it takes a certain cycle for an ordinary person to become an evil ghost, and this cycle is basically determined according to the change of the individual's state of mind

"The greater the emotional ups and downs, the easier it is to be swallowed by the darkness in one's heart. Of course, the emotional ups and downs of ordinary people are not so exaggerated. What is needed here is an extreme state of mind. The behavior of ordinary people who are born by evil spirits will It becomes more and more weird. Even people around you will notice that within two months at the earliest, some changes will occur on the inner side of the person, and finally this change will be reflected on the outer side of the body. This is the abnormal shape change."

"In the end, such a person will meet the final outcome, that is to say.. will completely become an alien. This is the whole process of demonization. Since ancient times, those who are in this state of transformation are called "Generation, and the mature body after transformation (transformation) will be called 'prajna generation! It turned out to be such a thing. It seems that the "Nayuta virus" is to accelerate the process of demonization. I don't know What kind of factors, the sudden outbreak and expansion of this appalling virus, caused this country to fall into the current desperate situation in a very short period of time.

"Okay, I know.

He said this coldly. He left this woman behind in a gust of wind, and ignored her. 9430 Nami Higashikusen kicked his feet a few times in anger.According to her personality, she didn't want to pay attention to this kind of person, but she was sent a message from her family using the summoner, telling her to find a way to win over this man.

"Wait, what do you mean by that?" She thought about the moment she received the news, an incomprehensible expression appeared on her whole face, because she couldn't understand why the family would send such a message.

"Don't ask me about this. This is the news from the mother-in-law of the family. Since the family has such a decision, it proves that this man really has such value, and you just need to do it like this." .The cold, inorganic words came from the mouth of the dove-shaped evoker.

"Namie Higashikusene, what you have done should have sent you into the dungeon of the family. As an envoy, you are a failure in itself. If it were not for the mercy of the head of the family, you would not be allowed to live until the end of your life." Now. You'd better think clearly and try your best to do your part, so that we can continue to tolerate you, an eyesore."

Higashikusena Mie bit her lips when she heard these words, her face was also ashen.Although deep in her heart she wanted to refute, she had nothing to say right now.

She is also very clear that in front of the "messenger" of her family, her own role is just like this.

"But, what do you mean by wooing that man?"

Right now, she was a little confused, shook her head, and asked, "Even if you say so, I don't know what to do?"

"What a stupid guy," the emissary from my family laughed sarcastically: Of course it is to use your weapon as a woman, you can't even do this kind of thing, right?

Chapter 798 Antibodies

After parting with Dong Jiuze, Fang Jing quickly walked through a metal corridor.This is a base belonging to the former U.S. military. I don’t know what the base was originally used for. The internal structure of the base itself is very complicated, although it looks very ordinary from the outside.The doors and doors of the access base are all electronically locked. After walking in, I found that the entire base was completely black, with pitch-black walls.The black floor, the black gold display racks, everything is black.

Why did you design the base like this?" He asked this question to an officer who brought him here, but the serious officer didn't say a word, and didn't respond to his plan. At this time, Fang Jing couldn't bear to He couldn't help smiling slightly. He shook the windbreaker on his body and put his hands into his pockets. He felt that things became more interesting. Not long after, he followed the officer to a place similar to an experimental base. This It is a relatively wide space, and there are nearly hundreds of strange containers like glass columns, which are full of strange blue liquid. In almost every glass column-like container, a strange-shaped creature can be seen, Some of these creatures have a human form, and some have no idea what form they are. They look like pieces of meat put together by several animals, and some are immature fetuses. If ordinary people come to this underground laboratory, they will see these These strange creatures in strange containers like glass pillars probably feel that they are having a nightmare, and the bizarre scenes in front of them are part of this bizarre nightmare. But these are not dreams, these strange creatures in glass containers, I'm afraid it's an ongoing experimental study by the military.

"Hello, you must be Mr. City Road!"

But when he asked for this laboratory, two people received him together, one of them was an old man with white hair, and the other was a man in a black suit.

"I didn't expect to meet you so soon. I thought that you would come to this base after a while. This old man is called Antekawa Jinsuke. He is a top domestic talent in the field of biological encounters. The old man has German nationality. , who has worked in a research institution in Germany for many years, and he returned to China after the outbreak of the virus.

"Hi, Dr. Antgawa, nice to meet you.

He turned his gaze to the other person behind Dr. Sheng Anchuan, a middle-aged man wearing a black hat and a black suit.

"My name is Watanabe, Watanabe Yuki. I was sent by the government to serve as the assistant officer of the doctor." The middle-aged man said blankly: "Mr. Shidao don't care about me too much, because my job is Do something trivial. A spy from the government?

Almost at a glance, Fang Jing guessed the identity of the middle-aged man.He is very likely to be someone sent by the government, and his main task in the future is to monitor Dr. Antchuan face to face and make contact with him.

"I've heard about you before. Mr. Shidao. I heard that although you have not detected the nayuta virus, you have inhuman strength. I have a bold guess here, It is very likely that you have developed a special antibody against the nayuta virus. This antibody also makes you have superhuman physical strength. For a while. I have been studying the data of the evil ghost test subjects. Are you trying Crack it, there is the Nayuta virus, but unfortunately there has not been much progress. I guess your arrival will change the progress of my research. This Dr. Yichuan-he gave a long speech when he saw Fang Jing, and he-faced excitedly. Zhu Fang Jing told him about his own research project. At this time, Fang Jing also knew why the authorities wanted him here. It turned out that they thought that their body had produced antibodies against the nayuta virus, because of this Some kind of antibody factor. Some kind of extraordinary change that I have produced... Of course, this kind of speculation may really exist. Because Fang Jing himself is also suspecting that there is something similar in the blood of the market leader. There are things similar to evil spirits in the "devil world". Moreover, during the time when I descended into the body of Shi Dao Kairen, that is, during the critical time when the nayuta virus broke out, something similar happened to his body Because of the symptoms of a cold and fever. At the beginning, Fang Jing thought that it was some rejection reaction that he would have with this body, that is, his soul and the body of the host had not been stabilized, but later he felt that this situation was a bit unusual During the period when he deduced the skill of "flowing air combat body", he discovered the huge potential hidden in this body. This extraordinary potential came from the ancient encounter factor in the blood. But another On the one hand, I didn't feel anything unusual about this body when I first arrived. Looking back now, I'm afraid it was because the market leader at that time was under the influence of the nayuta virus. This kind of special change is the weak antibody produced in the body, and it is because of this antibody that he will not be affected by the nayuta virus.

"Speaking of... During the process of virus infection, some people seem to have developed antibodies against the virus at the beginning. Could it be like this? Humans in this world have more or less a special bloodline in their bodies, Their ancestors may be a common existence, that is, evil spirits like nocturnal species or other powerful alien creatures."

"Although the nayuta virus caused many people to go berserk, and also caused some people to evaporate strangely and even transform into monsters like evil spirits, it eventually caused a small number of people to awaken the anti-virus components in their bodies, and What reacts in me is the revival of some ancient lineage. oml

"Is there such a possibility? The reason for this weird virus outbreak is actually a screening mechanism, which was born to artificially distinguish between infected people and non-infected people who can produce antibodies. The more you think about it this way , the more Fang Jing felt that her idea was very reasonable. Maybe the truth is as she guessed, the real purpose of this virus is to distinguish between infected and non-infected, and to screen out people with special characteristics. antibodies to humans.

"Mr. Shidao. May I ask if you can join my experimental project. I hope to check your body.

The gray-haired old man did not forget to emphasize.

"Of course, just to check and test the data. It won't do any damage to your body.

"Of course there is no problem. Not to mention that I am happy to cooperate with Dr. Anchuan in your experiment." Fang Jing replied with a smile.

Chapter 799 Inspection Results

... Rather than saying that he offered to help Dr. Anchuan conduct the test, it might be better to say that Fang Jing himself is more interested in this "research project". ≒Three﹤Eight﹤Reading﹤Book≒After guessing the screening mechanism, he began to pay more attention to this matter. If his guess is correct, then the outbreak of Nayuta virus is based on a certain conspiracy. born.

This conspiracy is not only aimed at Japan, because as far as Fang Jing knows, the Nayuta virus has spread to other countries. The outbreak of the epidemic in the country is also an unknown mystery.All in all, unknowingly, the whole world has been attacked by this terrible virus, a large area of ​​mental abnormalities has appeared in various countries, the crowd has fallen into inexplicable madness, and crazily launched attacks on normal people around them.This kind of situation is not uncommon in all countries. Many countries have even suffered severe blows. At present, most of the US troops stationed in Japan in the former US military base in Sasebo City have also withdrawn, and only a few personnel are still here.It is also because of this that this base has also become an important stronghold of the provisional government. The interior of the base has also been remodeled and changed into a special base purely for experiments.The glass containers with various living things that Fang Jing saw just now can also prove this point.

Soon, Dr. Yichuan welcomed him into a black research room, which was a big house. The whole big room was filled with instruments, and there was a bed like an operating table in the middle. There are various equipment for testing.Before entering this black research room, Dr. Fang Jing Anchuan and that Watanabe Xingding first carried out a series of disinfection measures before entering this research room.Yuki Watanabe should be a monitor sent by the government.It was difficult for Fang Jing to give a good impression of this man. When he saw this middle-aged man for the first time, he noticed that this man exuded a certain aura that he was familiar with. On the original earth, when he met The man who arrived, Nonomori, who called himself a "national civil servant", exuded the same aura as the man in the black suit.Nonomori and Yuki Watanabe in the black suit seem to be the same type of person, and they are both eagle dogs sent by the government. No wonder I feel that this guy is not very good.

"Mr. Shidao, next I will conduct a series of tests on your body, if there is any problem, you can tell me directly.

The gray-haired young doctor said this to him, and guided Fang Jing to the front of the dark laboratory, let him stand in front of some measuring instruments, and began to perform some tests, such as lung capacity and heart beat size and many more.In addition, he also conducted tests such as running, jumping, and left and right horizontal jumps that included basic physical fitness.

After measuring with the boat instrument and computer for a long time, Yuki Watanabe in a black suit saw Dr. Anchuan's face getting paler and more surprised, even he couldn't help it, and asked: "What's the matter?" , Dr. Anchuan, what is the result of the data test.

"Impossible, this is too incredible. The data of all aspects of the market is overflowing, and it is difficult to estimate. Dr. Yichuan rolled his eyes, and his mouth couldn't help talking: "I have never seen such a thing before." This kind of thing, his body seems to be built by the creator according to the golden ratio, simply speaking of his inner body. It is different from ordinary people in terms of function, and it is checked that his muscle cells contain powerful energy.

"You said his data has overflowed?" At this time, even Yuki Watanabe in the black suit almost cried out. He fell silent quickly, and focused his gaze on Fang Jing who was running slowly on the treadmill not far away. His eyes also became more and more gloomy.That's right.Speaking up.Among the users of the magic book, there are also people who have the ability to use supernatural power to enhance their potential and strengthen their physical bodies, but even so, they have never heard of the existence of reaching the current stage by simply strengthening their physical bodies.Who are the people in the market?Yuki Watanabe had also investigated his life history before.

Judging from the records, there is nothing unusual about this young man. His life is very ordinary, just an ordinary person.Even if I looked at the generations of Ichidao Kairen's grandfather, I didn't find out anything special about his family background. Ichidao Kairen's blood was very ordinary and he didn't inherit any special family lineage. Yuki Watanabe couldn't figure it out. Why did this ordinary man suddenly become like this after the Nayuta virus broke out.The man in the black suit frowned involuntarily.He also didn't know what the appearance of this man named "Martial Man" would bring.

Damn it! Just at this time, this guy suddenly appeared. I don't know what impact he will have on future plans.Let's observe for a while, and then make a judgment.With this in mind, Yuki Watanabe in the black suit came to this conclusion.After being tested by Dr. Anchuan, Fang Jing decided to live in this experimental base.In addition to Dr. Yichuan, there are many experimenters in the experimental base, as well as several research teams. The government set up this experimental base, not just for the purpose of researching the vaccine antibody against the card virus. The government is also conducting various researches in secret.There are also various research directions, and several projects have been set up. The strange-shaped experimental creatures in the cylindrical containers in the laboratory of the base are for the classification and research of the existence of "evil ghosts".Researchers use cloning methods to transplant the cells of monsters such as evil spirits into human cells to restore and analyze how "evil ghosts" are born in human bodies and occupy human consciousness, turning human beings into human beings. Alienated monster.

However, this is just one of the research projects. The experimental base is still conducting research on weapons and equipment, as well as targeted research on magic books and users. After the establishment of the provisional government, one of the most important responsibilities is Recovering the city and homeland, even if the city is confined to the city, it is only a corner. If the interim government itself cannot perform its main functions as a government, cannot regain the lost land, and regain the leading position of the country, then the authority of the interim government Once this happens, the leadership of the new government will also be questioned, and the people will doubt whether it has the ability to regain strength and quell the turmoil in the country.

It is also because of this environment that the provisional government conducts various experiments so radically, with the purpose of finding out a strategy against the status quo as soon as possible.

Chapter 800 Guidance Begins

"This lightweight nano-armor suit is like a black technology product that can only be produced in science fiction movies... Fang Jing is now wearing a layer of black armor with a light shell. This is a piece full of mechanical style. Special battle suit. This very special armor-shaped battle suit, I don't know what material it is made of, but it doesn't have the cumbersome feeling of mechanical creations.Ψ弎&八&看&书Ψ

"The one in your hand is the prototype of our latest nano-armor suit. After wearing it, on the one hand, it can greatly enhance the wearer's muscle endurance and sensitivity. On the other hand, the nano-suit also has amazing defense Anti-bullet, anti-magnetic and anti-explosion, it can effectively resist high temperature, low temperature and strong acid.

"Indeed, I feel quite comfortable after wearing it. Fang Jing tilted his neck, got up and jumped twice, and moved his body a little bit. He didn't take the statements of these researchers too seriously.

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