Chapter 808 Yokohama

The Gala Cult is a small cult of armed refugees.This cult organization is currently controlled by a person named "Akun Luo Numing", who claims to be the founder of the sect.

The base of the Kara Sect is in the Yokohama area.This cult organization expanded quite rapidly in the first period of time, and its activities became extremely rampant.

The main sources of funds and materials for the Gala Sect are food and drugs in their hands.The Gala Sect relied on these two points to attract many armed refugees. In the end, the more it developed, the more the organization swelled, and it finally formed the present. Compared with the power of the government, for the provisional government with strong troops and abundant supplies, the wealth of the Jialuo Sect is nothing more than the level of small troubles in the local area, and it is not worth mentioning at all. Groups, coupled with the blessing of cult beliefs, have become more unscrupulous, and have caused a lot of public dissatisfaction.It is also for this reason that the Gala Sect has been directly targeted by the government's intelligence agencies. However, in the Honshu area of ​​Japan, there are countless small forces like this occupying a small area, and they would not enter the government under normal circumstances. Aspects of the eye.The leader of the Gala Sect, Akun Luo Nvming, used this manuscript to control more than a dozen evil spirits. Using this group of evil ghosts and monsters, the Gala Sect developed so rapidly.

Even if the handwritten copy of the magic book is not as powerful as the real magic book held by the five major clans, it is still a miraculous power that cannot be underestimated. bad thing.

It is precisely because of this factor that the government's intelligence agencies are extremely concerned about the dynamics of the Galo Sect.

In the near future, the government will send an armed force to Yokohama along Ruohai Road to eradicate the malignant tumor of the separatist party, the Jialuo Sect, and by the way, seize the "Manuscript of the Proverbs of Two Snakes". This calculation can be regarded as very good.

However, this time, Fang Jing also intends to intervene, because he has also developed a strong interest in this manuscript volume of the Proverbs of Two Snakes.At night, the sea is dark and deep, and the sky is so gloomy that even the moon cannot be seen.This is a headland very close to a beach bath in Yokohama.The surrounding area is full of chaotic reefs, and the sound of waves crashing against the reefs can be vaguely heard from many places.Some are big and some are small.Many large pieces are piled up in a row, with large gaps between them. Sea water rushes in through these gaps, and the shellfish and barnacles washed up by these sea waters are left here as if they have settled down.At this time, a group of black-clothed figures in diving suits were quickly unloading their equipment in the gap between the big reefs, putting the large-capacity oxygen cylinder aside, and quickly changing into land combat equipment. armed.

"Move faster, don't waste time.

One of the captains, the man in black, urged in a low voice.The group of people present did not exceed ten people, and none of them spoke in silence. They just moved swiftly and equipped with all kinds of tools, obviously they came prepared.After saying this, the man in black held up a rectangular metal box and handed it to Fang Jing who had changed into a suit of clothes very respectfully.

"Master, Dr. Yichuan has undergone several adjustments, and the operating efficiency of this high-frequency vibrating knife has been greatly improved, and its power has improved compared to before. It's a pity that the battery performance has not changed much. It can last for ten minutes at most.. The captain is tall and speaks in fluent Japanese. After a closer look, he turns out to be the Caucasian Draco.

Draco was the first person to accept the "catalyst", and he was also one of the few members of the Liukong Fist Sect whose strength has improved the fastest.For Fang Jing, his admiration and awe are at the peak, and he is the true loyalist of his subordinates.

"I see, Dr. Antchuan is bothering you.

Fang Jing's body is now covered with a layer of jet-black armor, which is a nano-suit designed by a government research institution, but instead of wearing the headband, he chooses to put on a long windbreaker before Dr. Yichuan - For a period of time, he also secretly swallowed the "catalyst" under his bewitching, and became his subordinate completely.The high-frequency vibrating knife and the nano-suit are new equipment that are still in the experimental state. He was able to bring them out this time because Dr. Anchuan used his high-level authority to secretly take them out.

From this point alone, it can be seen how much Fang Jing himself attaches importance to this matter. He summoned a group of his most trusted disciples. This trip to Yokohama is to seize the "Two Snake Proverbs" in the hands of the Jialuo Sect. manuscript.

"The recuperation center next to the beach bathing beach in front is a stronghold of the Jialuo religion. This stronghold is also a place where the Jialuo religion has spent a lot of energy and heavily guarded. About four minutes ago, the armed personnel sent by the government broke through. The first line of defense of the stronghold. Draco put down the binoculars in his hand and licked his dry lips.

Moving out of the tidal flats full of reefs, everyone lurks in the woods beside the beach.At the end of this lush woodland is a cliff with a manor-like building on the top of the cliff.

This place used to be a recuperation center, but now it has become an important stronghold at the level of the Jialuo religion's base camp.Even the holy driver of the leader "Akunluo Girl's Life" has also been transferred to this base camp.

(Speaking of which, the movements of Akunluo Nvming and those of the Jialuo Sect are also a bit strange. It seems that during this period of time, my own stronghold has also changed several times in a row. If Cui and Masuda had no secret information, I would not be able to do it today. They all rushed to the wrong place. Could it be that the government has an inner ghost who has an affair with this Jialuo sect..)

"Master, what if we meet someone sent by the government?"

"Kill them all, don't leave anyone alive, and the garbage taught by Jialuo is also...

Fang Jing slowly held the vibrating knife in his hand. There was also a hint of evil calmness on his face. He took a step forward, bringing out a black afterimage, which instantly shot into the distance like lightning.

Let's go!" Draco snorted. These empty disciples also ran at top speed.

Suddenly. There is no slightest sign.The sanatorium on the cliff in the distance suddenly burst into orange-red flames.In the blink of an eye, a violent explosion roared in the white building.

A large fireball rose into the air accompanied by billowing smoke.

Chapter 809

The explosion came suddenly.Under the influence of the red lotus-colored fire, almost half of the sky appeared to be burned red by the flames.Oh! Didn't expect it to have already started? Seeing the explosion in the distance, Fang Jing and many of his soldiers knew that the battle on the other side had officially broken out.Armed personnel sent by the government are fortifying the headquarters of the Jialuo Sect.

Thinking with your toes, you also know that this + nine times will turn into a fierce battle.

After the violent explosion, there were intermittent gunshots one after another, and then sporadic shooting sounds turned into intensive firefighting sounds. Even without explaining, one can imagine how fierce conflicts took place in the Jialuo Cult stronghold.A believer who stayed at the stronghold yelled.A small grenade exploded in the middle of the square, and in a blink of an eye, white smoke spread around with the shock wave.This was the first wave of the offensive. Not surprisingly, it shattered the solid resistance.

At this time, the second round of grenade was fired.

In the blink of an eye, the explosion blasted away the piled-up bunker obstacles.Bang bang bang bang! Someone fired one after another, and the gunfire gradually became denser from sparse.The armed personnel sent by the government are very professional. In terms of actual combat effectiveness, they are far superior to the armed refugees gathered by the Gala Sect, not to mention their superior equipment. The firepower is beyond imagination. There is no way to move by land, and it won't take much time to defeat the entire Jialuo Cult.Compared with this group of killing machines led by rationality, the manpower of the Gala Sect is nothing more than a group of disorderly violent groups.

When the two conflict at this time, the gap between the two levels will be reflected immediately.

Luojiao's Stronghold - There was a shrill siren from below.

Holding guns, lying all over with live ammunition, and wearing night vision goggles on their heads, the armed natives fished under the cover of firepower, and quickly rushed towards the main building of the Jialuo Sect.

"court death!

Accompanied by this roar.A huge lion the size of a truck, red eyes flashed, and the huge body rushed forward all the way without the slightest speed. It went straight to Qiantong.Before most of the armed men approached, they were knocked down to the ground by the huge truck-like body, their muscles and bones were broken, and they suffered unspeakably; and those who were even more unlucky would be like a ball, bounced more than ten meters away and then hit hard. He slammed into the concrete wall and stood on the wall like a pancake, blood splashing everywhere.

"Hahaha! Stupid idiots, you dare to be an enemy of Jia Luomin, this is what will happen to you.

There is a figure sitting on the back of the giant black lion. His age seems to be about fifteen years old, and his appearance looks like a boy who has just grown into an adult. He is wearing a patterned T-shirt and short Anku, and his head wearing a peaked cap

"Come out! Don't let these garbage go, kill them all..

As he called out, three black lions rushed into the battlefield, replacing the Jialuo believers who had lost their defenses in the past, and tried their best to stop the armed men who rushed here.Although the armed personnel from the provisional government are not weak, it is a pity that they are still powerless in the face of the evil spirits summoned by the Gala Sect.Another group of armed men came out and shot forward like guns.This time, in order to confront the evil spirit in the form of a black lion, three light tanks were dispatched.

As the tank's artillery roared, an armor-piercing shell knocked the black lion to the ground. Its fur was bloody and bloody, and it lay on the ground whining endlessly.

"Don't stop, change to a special warhead, fire at full speed

On the side of the government, the main force among the forcefully armed men sent was a tall man with a calm complexion, wearing a long windbreaker, and holding two enlarged silver pistols, which were constantly moving at high speed, and the power of the pistols was terrifying , The warhead has been magically processed and transformed into a special bullet for evil electricity and large mammals.

During this period, the armed personnel opened fire collectively, and the reloading of special ammunition was like rainwater pouring down, more and more intensely.Even though those black lions had strong skin and thick flesh, they couldn't withstand such a blow. The internal pieces kept flying off from their bodies, their shoulders were cut off, their bones were exposed, and their internal organs were shattered. People hid in the dark, silently observing the battle.

(Compared to this level of confrontation, the morning training of the 'Sword Demon' Zaowu tribe is much more interesting.

As a member of the Hayaki family who relied on the inner body to fight the most among the five great envoy families, it is hard to understand why he would sneer at this scene.Suddenly at this time, a sudden change occurred.

I only heard a heavy sound of "tom"

It flew out from the side window of the sanatorium.Suddenly, a large amount of broken glass scattered all over the place.

, A voice sounded from somewhere, it was the sound of roaring and roaring released from the lungs through the mouth.In an instant, a black-skinned man followed closely from behind. His body was surprisingly huge. He had a huge body reminiscent of a giant bear, and his body was full of unusually developed muscles. He smashed the wall with a few punches. From a big hole, he jumped up in a fit of despair, chasing after the fugitive.The blood-stained "runaway" was a young girl with a long ponytail and an anxious face, running forward desperately.If Fang Jing rushed here at this time, he would probably be able to recognize the identity of this girl, it was Yan Chuan Zhu Bixiang who escaped from the school that day.

At the same time, the dark-skinned man who fell from the big hole on the ground let out an angry snort, stretched out his hand and swept it horizontally, Yan Chuan stopped immediately, a sense of danger emerged from her back, and she lowered her body instinctively.At this moment, a certain transparent object swept over her head, and when she turned her head, that object disappeared in the distance! Intense! In the center of the firefight, in the next instant, blood rained down on a large area.

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