Chapter 860 Lindsay Town

"Is this the Pyrenees?"

Fang Jing narrowed his eyes. Below the helicopter, the light green mixed with yellow and reddish-brown mountains are undulating, naturally revealing a sense of majesty and majesty. ζ reference ↑ Ba ↑ read ↑ book ζ

This is the Pyrenees. The Garonne, one of the six largest rivers in France, originates from the southwestern part of the Pyrenees in Spain.

And the Pyrenees is also the westward extension of the famous trunk of the Alps. Between the vast green mountains and the sea of ​​trees, the mountains are undulating. Along the way, you can see many Western European houses and settlement towns. You can see the smoke in these places. , and cultivated land.

At this time, as the helicopter moved forward, the smell of smoke became less and less, and all that could be seen were emerald green ridges and endless green seas.At this moment, the pilot of the helicopter gestured with his hand.It's a motion that makes him look down.This also caught Fang Jing's attention, and he tilted his gaze down a little.

"Maybe it's there...

Looking from above, there is a small town that looks like irregular yellow mottled cheese in the dense sea of ​​trees that looks like a green ocean.

"Is this the town of Lindsay?" This lonely town, rarely visited by people, is hidden in the depths of a large dense forest.Fang Jing set his sights on this small town, and faintly felt something in his heart.

"This is where the second Mises timepiece is hidden. I hope it can be found as soon as possible..

News of the assassination of the former doctor Melchior came.And when the old nun and nanny died, the situation in the stagnant water changed chemically.There is a saying that "If you lose a nail, you will break a shoe; if you lose a shoe, you will break your shoe."

A horse: Lost a horse, wounded a cavalry; wounded a cavalry, lost a battle; lost a battle, lost an empire.This also means that there are countless causal relationships between things, just like countless meshing gears, destroying one of the gears will inevitably cause some unpredictable consequences.

If it was before, he might have a little doubt in his heart, but after contacting the sixth ancestor of the demon world, he knew that this was part of the script driven by some forces.Fang Jing is not a conspiracy theorist, but this time he must admit that this is indeed a part of a huge conspiracy.The promoters of the plan are definitely the "Returners" from the Demon Realm, while the "gamblers" who participated in it are mixed, it can be said that there are all kinds of forces.

Currently on the table, in addition to the more active eight patriarchs of the Demon Realm, there are also the Secretary of the Royal Secretary of the Library of Babel, the Hermes Secret Society and the Crown of the Wisdom Crown. This huge poker game. -Dr. Casper's forces will naturally gain benefits. There is a saying that when a conspiracy is launched, it is necessary to judge who is behind the scenes. The truth can be obtained only by looking at who benefits in the end.Of course, this statement is not very correct. But it can also reflect some problems from the side.

"There is also Celia, who was sent by the old woman Melchior at the end. She should be one of the seven star emissaries, and she is one of the important people who are missing in the end of the savior. But why did Melchior send This little girl, one of the Seven Star Envoys, sent me to me. While thinking, the helicopter also slowly descended from mid-air to the ground. I chose an open terrain as a temporary landing pad.

"Lin Saishen, that's a very nice little town. It's in the Basque autonomous region. There's an alpine pasture at the foot of the town outside the town. The people in the town are also very hospitable. You can try it when you arrive. Shen Shang’s fine wine and sheep’s cheese. Arai Shikazu, Henry and others were sitting in a minivan. The owner was an elderly Spaniard, and the town he lived in belonged to the Basque autonomous town. The minivan was swaying Climb up the winding narrow road between the mountains, and see the small houses from centuries ago shining in the sun, the sheep grazing on the grid-like green grass, and the fence in the distance And the barn, giving people the illusion that time has not fermented here. Arai took an opportunity to elbow Henry.

"How does Lindsay Town feel like a very ordinary town? Could it be that there really is a Cave of Tartarus in this place.

"Of course." Henry nodded slowly, and said quite seriously: "Since Old Gard said so, this must be the legendary 'Cave of Tartarus'. Although Old Gard is not an envoy, he is a witch like him. Doctors also have their own set of urgent secret inheritance, and the gypsies are wandering around. The witch doctors in their family can communicate with the ancestors and know some extremely rare information. Suddenly at this moment, - has been silent Esen's body trembled suddenly, red blood tears flowed from his eyes, and his whole body fell forward.

"What's the matter, Eisen? Arai also realized the changes in Eisen's body, and he quickly supported Eisen. He found that her eyes were tightly closed, and she fell into a state of insanity.

He jerked open the cuff of Eisen's right hand, and found the red scorpion tattoo on the girl's arm.

"Beast nature!" Arai Shihe immediately burst into anger.

"The crimson death tattoo of the Grandot family? That bastard Giles is catching up again... Henry also noticed something, he turned his head and looked out the car window. The originally blue sky became crimson, the size of a cloud The crimson scorpion floated in the void. It was composed of countless dense ring spells, which were arranged in an orderly manner to form a terrifying formation full of deterrence. This huge crimson scorpion was just suspended in the sky, and it was formed- A huge and terrifying energy fluctuation like the deep sea.

A blazing red halo gradually formed at the end of the crimson scorpion. Accompanied by this momentum, a crimson thunder light quickly shot towards the ground.

With a bang, the minivan was hit on the spot, disintegrated in the explosion, and the remaining parts of the entire truck disappeared like melting ice

"Master Giles, have you succeeded?" the man in armor, whose head was covered by a military force, asked in a low voice.

"No, it's a pity. It's still a little short. The man has soft short silver hair and is wearing a casual silver-white suit. He sneered and said: "But they were hit by my death stab, and they probably escaped too. Don't let me learn from my heart, send people to catch up, don't kill them, the savior is fine. There are a few others, they must be in our hands,

Chapter 861 The Cave of Tartarus

Lindsay Town is really an ordinary town. Fang Jing Pedestrian pretends to be a rich foreign tourist and stays in the best "hotel" in the town. Ψ弎&八&read&bookΨ

The hotels in this place are actually local homestays, which usually attract some young tourists. In this season, it happens to be in the extremely off-season of tourism, and there are not many guests. Fang Jing and his group will plan to stay at that time, which is a group of surprises for this local hotel guest.After Fang Jing came here, he decided to take a rest for a day.He didn't consider that the group of people accompanying him were exhausted, but that the supplies from the consortium hadn't arrived yet.He took out a large envelope. He took out a few photos from it and looked at it.The photos in the envelope are pictures taken by professional cave explorers.Judging from the picture of this photo, it is a huge cave in the picture.The cave explorer took many strange empty paintings in the cave.

The murals are huge. They are all carved out with black and red stones. These strange lines depict strange scenes one after another.

A thin black shadow.

A tall female with a spiked snake tail.

Yi and the elder's densely packed white arms are like two pairs of strange monsters with wings spread out behind them.

"Interesting, these should be the classic paintings of the ancient aborigines!"

Just then, a voice sounded from behind him.Fang Jing turned his head slightly, and before the other party made a sound, he found this person.

The person who spoke was a man with a ponytail and a shoulder bag. His face was well-defined and he was obviously from Western Europe. Looking at his attire, one could tell that he was a backpacker. Peter Huber was drinking coffee, and at this time he also cast a sharp look at the backpacker. ≒Three﹤Eight﹤Reading﹤Book≒This makes the backpacker man obviously feel stressed and feel a little uncomfortable.

..excuse me

He scratched his chin and smiled wryly: "I want to say that I have seen this kind of mural, and I think I should have an impression of the symbol on the last photo. Fang Jing raised his eyebrows, and a strange expression appeared on his side face look.

"You mean the picture

"Oh! It's the last picture on your left hand, that's the one: the up and down slash symbol, I've seen similar symbols in my friend's place.

He pointed forward.The photo is a camera focusing on the corner of the stone wall with a weird symbol on it.This symbol is distorted and twisted, and is composed of several lines. When the square mirror glances at it, one can vaguely feel that this symbol is not simple.

"Your friend?"

Yes, like me, a friend who likes to travel around, every two years, we will meet here to explore the same cave, but he committed suicide last year. "

The man with the ponytail said the matter unhurriedly.This backpacker ponytail man is named Foddy, and his interests are all kinds of interesting location exploration and rock climbing.He used to have a close friend who had the same interests and hobbies as him. The two were keen to travel around.A few years ago, Foddy's close friend got the news of a strange cave in Lindsay Town from nowhere.

It is said that this cave is extremely deep, with dark plains and various forks, people often get lost in it, and it takes a long time to escape from the cave.

For cave lovers, it is extremely difficult to find such unknown and hidden cave exploration sites.

His friend was delighted to see Lie Xin. Soon he came to Lin Saishen alone, and carried out cave exploration activities alone.

"He made a very good discovery in the cave. Foddy the ponytail shrugged.

"Chris called me at the time and said he had made an amazing discovery.

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