"Come out, don't hide anymore." He suddenly turned around at this moment and shouted to a corner behind him.

Behind a huge dark brown rock, a red figure emerges flexibly.Click! It was the light sound of the weight crushing the stones on the ground.A figure in crimson armor stepped forward.Zhan Qi in the crimson armor spoke slowly from under the covering helmet: "Henry Edpoe, the smell of blood on your body is not small. It seems that even if you used the scribe's defensive spell just now, it still failed to block Lord Giles. s attack.

"As expected of a dog raised by Red Scorpion, it has such a keen sense of smell that it was able to chase it all the way here.

Henry held the gun, with an unusually dignified expression,

"Stop talking nonsense, if you...

This mighty soldier covered in crimson was just about to speak when his expression suddenly changed and he backed up involuntarily.With a sneer, the situation in the cave suddenly changed. Countless black tree roots and vines pierced abruptly from all directions like tentacles, rushing towards the three people densely.Henry didn't have time to talk nonsense, and quickly retreated with Arai Shihe behind him.Fang Jing pedestrian came to the end of a dark passage.

In front of it is a dead passage wall with a closed wall, and there are no other forks around.

"This, this is impossible!"

The cave guide was also panicked at this time, who would have thought that the road he had come here for more than a dozen times would suddenly change.

Peter and others carefully checked the surrounding environment, and there was no passage for entering or exiting.

"Master, this is a dead end.

Hearing this, Fang Jing turned around and glanced at the blond young man who was traveling with him.

"Okay, back off!"

The blond young man frowned, waved his hand backwards, and the cave guide who was leading the way retreated luckily.

"Esbeck, you three come here.

Three servants in black robes stepped forward.

"My lord, do you have any orders.

One of the three servants gladly lifted his hood,

Showing a woman's face. This is a woman of extremely high stature.

"Find a way for me to find a way out.

Her voice was hoarse, as if smoke had smoked her throat.The blond young man indifferently ordered, the woman nodded, and stood at the end of the corridor with the other two men in black.As soon as the three envoys appeared on the stage, they began to chant strange spells.Standing in front of the fight was the woman with a smoky voice, holding a purple-red crystal statue in her hand, shaped like a monster with a griffin's head and wings.With the sound of low-pitched incantations, the light from the crystal statue with two wings sprouting from the head of a griffin fluctuated frequently.The cave vibrated slightly, and a hidden force came from nowhere, spreading along the ground, the cave, and the stone wall, like a wave of water.


The hard stone wall that blocked the way ahead disappeared without a sound, and another road was opened directly in front of everyone's eyes.

Chapter 863 The Gate of the Secret Realm

Look at this newly opened road.

The blond young man breathed a sigh of relief, and he turned his gaze to the square mirror beside him.

"Mr. Shi Dao, fortunately, the entrance to the passage has been found. Fang Jing nodded, and he didn't care about what to say, and stepped directly into the dark tunnel.

Others also hurriedly followed, following his steps - entering into it together.

As soon as a group of people walked in, a few tentacles-like vines hung down from the top of the cave.These vines squirmed and twisted, and there was a sharp neighing sound.

...hiss, invade...human race, must be killed

.Ta... Talos, must not be known to outsiders... Tell the elders.

After uttering some words that ordinary people couldn't understand, the black vine shrank back like a flexible poisonous snake, and disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye.In an instant, the blazing yellow light brought by the explosion of the spell lit up from the ground.Boom!! While the cave made a huge noise, it also disturbed the environment here. From time to time, there were bursts of sharp squawking sounds from the depths of the dark cave.

"It's the resonance vine of the Jiama tribe. Run away!"

Henry and Arai fled forward with all their strength, and both had extraordinary power. Unfortunately, in this environment, no matter how powerful their own family was, they could not compare with those seemingly endless black vines.

The rocks blocking the way on the ground were smashed by a strange force one after another, whoosh! Several black vines that looked like spirit snakes shot towards them.These black rattans have a faint golden texture, and are extremely powerful, and they are not afraid of attacks from most spells.Arai's movements were a little slower, and his thigh and arm were pierced by black vines. He shook his hand, and a pale golden flame spewed out from his heart. Flame wings spread out, rolling towards the black vine behind.Buzz! This strange bird-shaped flame is so powerful that even the black vines screamed piercingly in the flames, like the sounds of wounded animals, but despite this, the black vines were not burned Instead, it struggled in the flames as if wriggling outwards.

"The flames of the pure world are also ineffective against these resonance vines, let's go! Henry shouted - and dragged Arai to continue running forward.

The two stumbled and fled in a hurry. The two ran all the way, running fast in the huge cave, and they didn't know how long they ran. They came to a weird place.

"Henry, there is a stone step here. Going down seems to be a passage. The two continue to move down, and the surrounding environment becomes darker and darker. At the bottom of the stone step passage... there is a stone chamber hall This stone chamber hall is actually a large oval-shaped hole, and there is a narrow hole directly above the hole, and a glimmer of light can be vaguely seen.

"Wait? Could it be that this is the gate to the secret realm of the Tartarus Cave?"

Arai came to the hall and looked around. He quickly discovered that there was a black metal gate in the stone hall.Henry took a deep breath, and said slowly: "The gate of the secret realm has been learned by the Jiama tribe. The most powerful feature of the gate of the secret realm is that it is a natural portal, and it falls into the hands of the envoy. It can be turned into a powerful teleportation device, just like the world-invading gates mastered by several major forces.

"The Cave of Tartarus" is a hidden place, which is essentially equivalent to another extension plane. The cave in Lindsay Town is one of the entrances. Of course, this is a much smaller extension than the "Demon Realm". The secret space, and the biggest advantage of this dimensional secret realm is that it has multiple entrances. Whoever can master the gate of the secret realm can master the convenient teleportation device. "Boom!"

A crimson shadow rushed towards them like a cannonball, and a violent force suddenly rushed in, bursting out a circle of water-like red light, knocking Henry and Arai into the air.

"Hahaha, I really didn't expect that you could really find the gate of the secret realm of the Cave of Tartarus."

The warrior in the red armor - stepped on Arai's head.

"Good job. It's not in vain for me to follow you and waste so much time.

You... bastard, you're mean!"

Henry was severely injured just now, and after tossing all the way, his strength was almost exhausted.Who knew that this crimson armored guy would show up at this time.

"Knowing that you two were captured, I found the gate of the secret realm of the Tartarus Cave. I think that adult will be happy too!"

At the same time as he spoke, the crimson armor's whole body showed a pattern of spells.Boom! Buzz!

Suddenly, the words of the spells emanating from the body of the crimson armor combined together and turned into infinite series, from the inside to the outside, condensing into a door of light.On the piece of paper ignited by the fire, countless crimson light spots burned and spread from the center to the surroundings, and the crimson flames danced and danced.

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