Several of these corpses were wearing heavy silver armor, which looked like medieval knights. Henry knelt down and inspected these corpses.

"There was a wound on the neck of the corpse, there should be a hole in the waist, and the internal organs were severely damaged. In addition, his right hand was extremely twisted, as if it had been broken into a fracture by an external force.

"I don't know about this question, but one thing I know very well. I am afraid that besides our group of people, there are these dead people who came here. There should be another force. Arai Shi and these people finally understand This point. At this moment, danger also approached Henry and Arai-Pedestrian. Almost at this moment, a cold murderous intent slowly emerged from around the stone room.

Kalps, the tallest snow-capped peak.

The sharp snow peaks are like bamboo shoots protruding from the snow, piercing straight into the sky.

A white eagle hovers at the apex of the sky above the snow peak.Fang Jing was sitting cross-legged on the top of the snow mountain.

"It's almost there." Little by little, he stabilized his body, heartbeat, and breathing.

Gradually close your eyes, and slowly start to concentrate and hold your breath.

Seven Mises pocket watches. He has collected them all.

This means that he has collected all the "Light of Imprint".Next, Fang Jing decided to make a final retreat.He will choose to open the "Key of the False God" and subdue the Void sealed in the key of the False God.

The amount was guided by him, and thus reshaped by him. Reforged a more powerful strange martial arts! This unparalleled martial arts can surpass the Black Void Fist he had learned to hold.

Chapter 879 The Approaching Crisis

For Fang Jing, time is becoming more and more urgent. ÷san∫ bar ∫ read ∫ book ÷

Since the last "Cave of Tartarus" fight, the black void on the other side can be said to be much more honest.

But this is not a good sign. Black Void also became more and more cunning in the fight with him.This is the learning ability of the seven-headed and ten-horned dragon. As an ultimate life form, its ability to learn and grow is also very terrifying, and this terrifying growth ability is completely comparable to the function of biological evolution.As long as this monster is given enough time, it will eventually metamorphose to a terrifying level.Even, it will surpass the current self.

"If you don't move forward, you will be eliminated by time!"

He breathed out a sigh of relief, and said these words with a trace of dignity.He baptizes the spirit, immerses his will in the depths of his mind, and communicates with the key of the virtual god in his body.At this time, the seven Misers pocket watches were all fused together, returning to the form of the False God Key.

The shape of this False God Key is also somewhat unexpected. The entire key is composed of numerous clock dials and brass gears.

As soon as his thoughts shuttled, he merged into the depths of the False God's Key, and also saw the False God's Beast crouching in the False God's Key.The False God beast in this False God key condensed by the clock dial and brass gears was even bigger than the False God beast he had seen in the past.When Fang Jing saw this False God Beast for the first time, there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

The imaginary beast in front of me straddles a desolate and lonely time and space, emitting red light all over its body. This imaginary beast is huge and boundless, like a giant meteorite floating in the depths of the universe. ≒Three﹤Eight﹤Reading﹤Book≒This huge blood-red "moon" floating in mid-air. There are countless holes like craters all over the body. The "moon" itself is like a huge piece of red cheese, and these holes are densely packed. The distribution around the blood red moon also makes this huge red moon look like a huge blood red nest.In the crimson faint light, there are countless fluffy claws like tentacles spreading out from the whole body of the blood red moon, slowly wriggling in the void, if you don't look carefully, you will mistakenly think that these are scattered in the " The red filaments of light on the outer side of the Moon.Although it has an indescribable and strange shape, it does not detract from the image of this image, which is like a blood-red moon and exudes a fierce and evil posture.

An indescribable evil aura is permeating from the depths of the blood-red light thread, and even more light red ripples are lit up in the void.This "false god beast" seemed to sense the appearance of the square mirror, emitting evil information fluctuations in the void, disturbing the entire void, making every inch of this space full of provocative emotions

"It's really strong and unbelievably hostile!

Fang Jing chuckled. After all, Fang Jing is not a "printer" in the true sense. To put it bluntly, he is a guy who specializes in stealing accounts with his own technology. What is this "intruder" polite about?

Almost at the same time that the fighting intent was spreading, the blood-red moon "moved", and in the densely packed holes like a locust nest, there were some dark shadows that were about to move, which disturbed the balance of the void.Fang Jing sensed at this moment that the blood-red moon was ready to attack at any time, using the huge turbulent power from his whole body to sweep away everything in front of him.

Very good! At the same time, the fighting spirit deep in his heart was also ignited.The whole body shook violently, and the terrifying force tore through the void, rushing towards the terrifying blood-red moon.

"Come on, life and death, find your own way!" There seemed to be moisture in the air, forming a faint white mist.

Around the surface, the wall meets the rock wall, and some gray moss grows faintly.

Rui opened the rusted iron gate with one kick, and Arai, Henry and others rushed out of the gloomy cave.

A group of five people all had stippling, but luckily there was no danger, and no one was lost in the fierce chase.

"The ones just now are the Deathstroke Legion of the Ancestor of Mystery, they are really troublesome!"

Celie's beautiful long hair was covered with dust from the fierce battle, she shook her head desperately, remembering the battle just now, she couldn't help clenching her teeth.She shouldn't be very old at first, but during this period of time, her body has grown extremely fast, her breasts have become undulating, and her personality has also matured a lot during the tempering.

"Those damned monsters, even if they can't be killed... they are still so difficult to deal with. She walked forward and cursed at the same time.

"Don't talk about this. Still pay attention to whether there are other ambushes around.

Yanchuan Zhu Bixiang vigilantly inspected left and right, this place should be a canyon.Arai Shiwa picked up a piece of parchment and looked it over: "Did we really reach the imprinted world, or were we transported to some other weird place.

"According to common sense... Encounter is the closest point of communication with the imprinted world, and the information given by Master Azraiya will not be wrong!

"I hope so." Celie said angrily, "The problem is that last time someone took the map and pointed us in the wrong direction, and almost sent us to the mouths of those cod demons, who became their dinner."Henry raised his eyebrows.

"If I hadn't acted at that time, a certain silly girl would have turned into the excrement of the cod demon!" Cyril's personality is not very good, and Henry said this to Xiang, and she immediately nodded.Just when she was about to start a fiery battle with Henry, Arai Shikazu, who had been silent all the time, suddenly said: "Okay, don't talk, someone is here."

The other four were all shocked. They turned their eyes to Arai, and even Henry and Celie stopped talking.During this period of time, Arai's strength has also grown rapidly. He broke his own limit in the last confrontation with the blood-sucking giant race among the evil spirits, officially breaking through to the double-month level, and it seems that every once in a while, Growing at a high speed, he gradually became the strongest person in the group.

After Arai grew up, his own sensing ability became more and more outstanding.

He suddenly said this sentence at this time, and everyone immediately fell silent.

"Arai, what's coming

Henry didn't finish his sentence.Suddenly, there was a burst of wild laughter from far to near, approaching here rapidly.

Accompanied by this burst of laughter from a distance, there was a sudden bang in front of him, like a high-explosive bomb exploding instantly, a large area of ​​trees was smashed, and a huge figure approached the small gorge.

Chapter 880 I, Invincible

"Are you kidding! What the hell is this?" Henry and the others changed their expressions slightly, and all of them showed a look of fear. ≒Three﹤Eight﹤Looking﹤Book≒What appeared in front of everyone was a Japanese-style evil spirit. This evil spirit was in the form of a giant white wolf fifty to sixty meters high.

This giant wolf has horns on its forehead and is covered with long white hair, some of which are overgrown and knotted.

What is even more puzzling is that the jaws of this giant white wolf are covered with beard-like long tentacles. These long tentacles are constantly wriggling like creatures.

Just the huge figure of fifty or sixty meters high made Celie feel as if she was frightened, and she took a few steps back.She held a dirty rabbit doll in her arms, and at the same time that Celie was frightened, the eyes of the rabbit doll's buttons lit up with a fierce light.

"Compared to Su Diya's real body, it is still a lot worse, but this aura is definitely not inferior to that ancestor at that time...

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