In other words... as long as he wants, he can use the light of the imprint to return to Earth at any time after three months.

"Actually coming into this world, my main goal has already been achieved.

You must know that Fang Jing has only one goal in the early stage, and that is to recover the bloodline ability.

He has already accomplished this goal ahead of schedule, and he has also figured out a way to complete the cracking of Nayuta's virus. After only three months, he will be able to leave this world smoothly after absorbing the light of the imprint.It's a pity that Fang Jing doesn't plan to leave immediately at this stage. After discovering the existence of Black Void, he has greater ambitions. ≒Three﹤Eight﹤Reading﹤Book≒His ambition is to completely subdue the revived will of Black Void, this powerful ultimate life form born on this planet, its "soul" revived from the river of time is deep Chu Bicheng Fangjing wants to make more progress in the eclipse level, so hunting this black void is a shortcut for him, which is enough for him to reach the sky in one step and officially enter the eclipse realm.

One must know that when he returned to the earth, his situation would not be so good. The conflict between him and the Lun-clan became more and more serious. Sooner or later, there would be a war between him and the 3-wheel-clan.In order to cope with this battle, Fang Jing had already made preparations in advance, but unfortunately his physical strength has not yet reached the real "eclipse" level.

"To completely subdue the black void and devour the spirit of existence of this ultimate life form, I will have the opportunity to break through the limit in one leap, break through the last level, and become a powerhouse in the true sense!" After several days of penance and retreat, All for this purpose.For this reason, he even took the initiative to disperse the black void fist in his body.

That tyrannical force dissipated from his body bit by bit, gradually dissolving silently.He is taking the initiative to dissipate the power of the black void, which is also an advance plan for the next battle with the black void.The reason why he made the choice of "San Gong" is because he knows that if he wants to fight against the black void in the future, he can no longer use the power of the black void.Delusion to use Black Void's ability to defeat Black Void is obviously taken for granted.At this time, he lowered the corners of his eyes, and a line of text was slowly appearing under his vision.

"Empty Disaster Luo Yin!"

He said the name silently.

This is because he has absorbed the power of the virtual god beast, combined with the world's unique magical magic system, supplemented by the framework of the black void fist, several kinds of power from different sources are fused together, constantly fused and interlaced, condensed into one A new force.The newly born "Empty Disaster Luo Yin" completely surpassed the power of the black void.He stretched out one of his hands and secretly activated the power of "Empty Disaster Luo Yin".click click click!

There was a sound of glass shattering, and in an instant, silver cracks appeared on his right arm.

Cracks like spider webs extended downward from his palm, and each silver crack showed the pattern of a cracked mirror.If you observe carefully, you will find that almost every trace of these cracks is the lines after the space is broken.

He closed his eyes again, calmed down, and slowly withdrew the strange force that was circulating in the "Mixing Kong Calamity Luo Yin", and the vision on his arm was slowly released.

(Luo Yin, Miekong Calamity: Absorbing the power of virtual gods and beasts, and integrating the great skills of the magical magic system, this different martial art is specially designed for hunting and killing the ultimate life form, and has great restraint and scalability against the black void!

. finally done!"

A sense of excitement about his real name kept surging from his heart, and Fang Jing couldn't help laughing wildly.

The laughter shook the entire sky and the ground trembling slightly, and even this Fragrant Peak was affected. It seemed that it would cause the first big avalanche.

Fortunately, Fang Jing finally suppressed his emotions.

He continued to browse the information of the "Empty Disaster Luo Yin" door under his field of vision.

The meaning of "Miekong" is supposed to be a metaphor for the special nature of this skill. It is prepared to fight against the black void. There are only three stages in this martial arts body of Miekong Calamity Luo Yin. They are elementary, intermediate, and later stages. Three levels. This technique does not have any complicated derivative skills or talents. It looks very simple, but Fang Jing can understand the horror of Luo Yin, the disaster of the sky.

"Any kind of skill that involves the space field will be an extremely terrifying move. Luo Yin, the space disaster disaster, is itself a power to control the space structure!"

Fang Jing smiled hesitantly.

In the next second, countless cracks appeared on his skin, and with a bang, his whole body disintegrated into countless glass-like fragments.

The space where he sat cross-legged was also cracked with silver cracks.

Boom! Boom, the space is like a grid, distorted by an invisible force, the sound of crystal cracking, the next second the space-time structure collapses, and the entire void is like a peeling wallpaper, constantly shattering and falling, until A pitch-black nothingness was revealed.Fang Jing's body was sucked into nothingness like countless shattered glasses. In a blink of an eye, the pattern of spider webs was cracked in the space tens of meters away, and he was reassembled from countless fragments as if teleported instantly.

The three major skills of cataclysm. Just these three moves. I can stand at the pinnacle level of this world, not to mention the final fusion of these three moves. It will show even more powerful and incomparable power!

After completing the "Luo Yin of the Disaster in the Sky", Fang Jing finally has the mentality of determining the universe. Now, even in the face of the black void that is coming in its heyday, he is sure to win.

However, due to Fang Jing's personality, he would not rush to challenge the black void right now.

"The black void that wanders outside the long river of time has almost accumulated vitality. It is not in a hurry to come now. There must be some plots in mind. I might as well wait a little longer. After all, there is still a good show to watch recently. Fang Jing didn't talk too much. Luo Yin's power to destroy the space disaster was activated, and the space showed a fine grid. His whole body smashed towards Ruo Void, and the whole world seemed to vibrate slightly. The next second, he split open. Breaking into countless fragments, using space movement to disappear on the top of the snow mountain.

Chapter 882

Clouds of battle loom!

A silver lightning flashed across the sky.

The library of Babel was engulfed in flames.Suddenly there was a huge roar, and several thousand magic electric monitor lizards with spikes on their heads and backs rushed into the battlefield.These came to this battlefield from the fourth floor of the demon world.The devil monitor lizard on the ground opened its mouth and spit out fire, causing emerald green demon fire to appear in all directions.

A large number of angelic servants and winged monsters entangled each other, and corpses fell from high altitude from time to time, hitting heavily on the light-colored transparent shield full of runes, and then rolled down.

Strange howls and crashes continued to be heard from the building staff in the library's headquarters.

In the blink of an eye, clusters of black smoke exploded rapidly in various areas, and all kinds of ferocious ghosts and monsters rushed out of them.

Long! The lavender light circle exploded on the top of the ruined tower in an instant, and it took time to blow up a large amount of rubble and residual walls into countless white ash.

A huge claw covered with pale silver scales protruded from the sky, and with one blow, the scribes on the ground were blasted into pieces.

"Humans, go to hell and regret being our enemy... The power fluctuations of the ancestor king level are shining in the air. How can everything block this fierce energy tide, and everything that tries to hinder this purple light fluctuation is destroyed Destroyed! On the other side of the battlefield, a huge beam of light rose into the sky. The earth-shaking energy impacted in all directions. The dazzling beam lingered for a long time, and the strong wind raged around the surroundings.≒三﹤Eight﹤Looking﹤Book≒

Obviously, another mythical existence erupted with its own power.

The sky was suddenly plunged into a flame explosion, and the tall buildings in the distance all turned into a huge red fireball.

"Useless resistance can't change your fate, Azraiya, you continue to hide in the Tianzhi Palace. You hide and don't fight with me. It will only make your subordinates die in vain!" The triangular runes floating in the sky flickered Three rolling eyes.That is the burning pupil projected from the seam yard in another world by the ancestor king who has the nickname of "crooked".

"Wait! The triangular rune condensed into a ball, turning into a ball of light and piercing through the ground. The strata hundreds of meters deep seemed to pass through a layer of tofu, and the barriers and defenses arranged in the stratum were like paper paste Torn apart.

"It's..Damn it!"

The patriarch Laches who penetrated deep into the stratum immediately felt a great threat.In the depths of the earth is a golden hall, and an energy beam of light is floating on the altar in the center.

The secretary of the censor, that is, the current commander-in-chief of the library of Babel, Azraiya, was suspended on the ground, with a strange seal formed on her hands, and her skin was covered with a layer of light blue frost.

The Eternal Secret Mantra, Brilliant Ice Sky Canglianhua!! The cyan extremely freezing low temperature opened its ferocious mandibles outward like the tentacles of cnidarians, and icy spikes emerged from the ground, creating desperate low temperature waves like poison The jaws opened, and the giant pillars, floors, walls, and altars of the entire golden hall, and even the "Golden Princess" Azria herself, were completely blocked by the freezing power bred by this blue light wave .All of a sudden, even the crooked Laches was completely moved! From the cyan chaotic light waves, there was an aura of order freezing and everything returning to silence.These are the rules of the world that can only be comprehended by the powerful mythologists. Only a deeply hidden mythical level like Azraiya can drive this terrifying power of rules and order to be revealed through magic formulas.

There is almost nothing that can resist the freezing power of the cyan chaotic light, and the only thing that can be used to resist is to suppress it with absolute power.There was no hesitation for a long time. The crooked Laches roared violently, and countless golden-red flames turned into barriers, continuously rushing toward the blue frozen light! boom!

Two forces with different rules and regulations fought a war of attrition.Different rule fields erupted in an instant, and the cyan chaos and the burning golden red collided, squeezed, and oscillated.I don't know how long it took before the crooked Laches took a breath of air, and quickly backed away.

The "Lin Lie Ice Sky Cang Lianhua" was fully released, and even Azlaiya, who understood the power of order, couldn't resist it. Her whole body froze into a lump of eternal ice.

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