"This hateful human being!" Siqina was furious, but she had no intention of confronting Fang Jing from the beginning to the end.After all, this damned human being is an existence composed of myths, and even in the devil world, he is also the top type of powerful individual.

"Hateful! This matter must be reported to Mr. Apepu, this market leader is a guy who can't be trusted at all. Boom!!

There was a deafening explosion, and the whole bank building turned into a sea of ​​flames.

The building broke from the first floor, and fell sideways with a bang.The huge reinforced concrete turned into a mass monster. It fell down with a huge shadow, and hit a huge lizard dragon from top to bottom.Even if it is a powerful evil spirit, it can't resist the impact of this mass.The giant dragon moaned, and it was completely buried by an avalanche of rubble and cement.

On the streets outside the building, chaos is also starting.That is the resistance force of the human organization fighting against the invading army of the demon world.In the outer area of ​​the city, the teleportation array of spells trembled slightly, and the steaming black mist continued to condense into unidentifiable symbols.

Dense runes gathered in the center of the teleportation technique, and soon a blood-red portal tens of meters high was condensed.

"According to the covenant of the ancients, the end of the day has come, and the power of our ancestors will cover the earth!!

A loud roaring sound with a long tail came out from the wooden teleportation all at once.

A race of giants with a height of [-] to [-] meters stepped out a hand from the teleportation portal, and Baxue threw a self-explosive car rushing up from a distance into the air.The self-explosive chariot flew in the air. It fell to the end of the street, and the loud explosion came from a distance! The giant with its mouth full of fangs smashed the rock plate with five fingers.The other three gray giant arms stretched out from behind, maintaining the posture of stretching out the hands from the cave, while opening their bloody mouths.

Then the giant race participating in the battle let out a long roar, turning into sound waves that shook the void wave after wave.

The old man who sat on the opposite chair and let the purple smoke rise from his cigarette laughed wryly.

"Although I don't want to admit it, this future that I most want to avoid has finally happened..

"Unfortunately, this space-time line can't avoid this embarrassment. This time the event rate changes to one in a trillion. The end game is almost inevitable!" The figure hidden in the dark depths wore a black robe .like a shadow leaning against the wall.The man in black shook his head at this moment: "The first doctor, Casper, you believe too much in your future, and it is precisely because you are too confident that this situation occurs."

The old man refused to admit this reality, secretly clenched his fists.

"The Knights still have a chance to win, the thing I prepared, in this decisive battle, there is still a chance to win a round...

"Secret weapon?"

The man in black smiled softly, and cast his gaze out of the window.

There was a loud bang on the ground of the city. The ground cracked, and an explosion sounded. A huge propulsion came out from the ground, and a hexagonal prism crystal was pushed out from the depths of the formation. This thing was as large as the height of the El Tower, through The body emits a purple light.This huge obelisk-like crystal, at the same time as it appeared, emitted an indescribably destructive wave.

"Casper, is this your trump card? You spent so much time, even killing the second master Melchior, just to get this dimension breaking device?" "Yes. The old man grinned up.

Chapter 886

"Its power should not be underestimated. Even if it is mythical, it can't resist the destructive device created by this ancient Yuzu." Dr. Casper, one of the three chiefs of the Crown of Wisdom, spoke confidently.


The hexagonal prism-shaped crystal tower began to emit light, and the symbols of Taoism emerged densely on the crystal tower, emitting a strange blue light.

"It's true, after all, it was the trigger that destroyed the Lemuria continent." The man in black also nodded slowly, agreeing with the words of the First Boss Casper.

"It's a pity...you underestimate the power of those guys on that side.

"What's the meaning?"

"That's what the words mean."

The man in black said unhurriedly: "Casper, although your future vision is very powerful, it also has obvious weaknesses. The future vision cannot effectively observe the movement of mythical existences, and you did not predict Azrael's death." Because she is a powerhouse of this series. The flow of fate is too huge, and your vision of the future is too narrow. When the flow of cause and effect is too complicated, your observation is on the city battlefield outside the window. The coalition army should be aware of the terrifying fluctuations emanating from this crystal tower. A large number of flying evil spirits attacked this crystal tower from the sky. At this moment, the Dimensional Shattered Tower emitted a series of purple waves that made the sound of birdsong Lightning. The lightning burst and exploded, and those flying evil lightning units were collectively vaporized in an instant.

it's not true.

The first doctor, Kaspar, blurted out his denial.

"I did predict the fall of Master Azraiya, and I suggested to her in advance, but the letter did not end up in her hands. The old man sat in a chair and smoked every day, and continued to exhale the purple smoke of cigarettes.

"This is the biggest problem with the future. The observed future is sometimes wobbly. Those are just tributaries of the torrent of fate. Your interference did not cause the final change of this torrent. The man in black stretched out a finger, Shake a bit.

"Azleaya's fate is huge, because she is at the myth level, which makes her causal variables extremely complicated, Casper. Depending on your understanding of fate, it is irreversible for Azleiya's death... What's worse is that it's not just Azraiya, other mythical existences, your future vision can't observe their fate variables, which makes the interference value of the future vision larger, and you repeatedly miss and judge The main reason for the mistake is here. You believe too much in your future vision, thinking that omniscience is omnipotence. But you don’t know that this will bring you the first doctor Casper’s indifferent negation.

"Fate will indeed show different branches in front of me. But since I have this ability, fate has never jumped out of these branches. When I was determined to solve the assassination of Botu Melchior At the beginning, the dimension breaking device' and the future of the inevitable victory of this decisive battle appeared in front of me. The old man stretched out a hand, pointed to his own eyes, and said calmly: "Even now, I can still see this constant The future', I can be sure. This will not change.


The black-robed man smiled without saying a word, and said, "Then it must be next. You will regret what you just said." The first doctor, Casper, was inexplicably stunned for a moment.Bang bang bang, bang bang! The giant race summoned by the Abyssal Army. Swinging both fists of the four nights, they are struggling to attack the energy crystal tower.

The crystal tower towering into the clouds reacted quickly, emitting a beam of light horizontally.

The beam of light entering and exiting horizontally pierced through the four-armed giant. It shattered the defensive spells wrapped around it. The beam swept across the ruins of the overturned city and pierced through several tall buildings. Then it exploded four times on the river bank of the city, and the aftermath still persisted. The ray continued to move forward, and a lot of steam came out of the water. Then there was an explosion on the opposite bank-a loud noise came.This astonishing Doctor Casper cast a puzzled look at the man in black.The black-robed man smiled and said nothing at this moment.


- A dark red halo slowly centered on the portal. Numerous runes flickered, scattered in all directions.

The iridescent distortion appears in the quadrangular space, and a continuous

A long sigh came from the temporarily opened teleportation portal.The purple smoke from First Doctor Casper's mouth almost fell to the ground.

"The ancestor of the mystery, Jilu_.. Impossible, why does the second ancestor king appear here

His tone became sloppy.

This is beyond the result observed by the first doctor Casper's future vision, and it is a scene that would not appear in the future vision.

(This is impossible. Why did this happen, the second patriarch, the mysterious patriarch Jiluli, it is impossible for her to come here at this time? )

This is an impossible future! Observe according to your own future perspective. At this point in time, Ji Luli is still sitting in the dog garden...My future perspective, my own observation has been distorted by external forces.This graceful woman's hair is hundreds of meters long, like a blue waterfall and river.This strange figure just appeared in the spell transmission portal in the sky.

This is the appearance of the Second Patriarch King in the human world.

On the long light blue hair, there is a crown made of blue gold and a hairpin of the same color. Below is a beautiful face, with four eyes and lips as long as light blue, and snow-white skin. Tukaspar couldn't help standing up straight from his chair.Even if he is as conceited as he is, he is very clear about what the arrival of the second patriarch will represent. My prediction failed.

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