Shimada yelled in tears: "If you don't leave, I will call the police." Suddenly, half a bloodless face like a plastic man was inserted into the crack of the door.

A ninja grin appeared on that weird face.

"It" asked Shimada such a question.Click! Click! Click!

"Has the identity of the deceased been found out?"

"His name is Shinobu Shimada, a vagrant.

The criminal under him quickly came over and said: "There is also the driver, we are already recording his mouth control, but his mood is a little unstable, as if he has been greatly stimulated.

"Did the driver say anything?"

"He's said it all, he's right

The young criminal continued: "We checked the surveillance and found that what the driver said was correct, Shinobu Shimada rushed into the road without authorization and was hit by a car.

The man wearing the glasses didn't speak. He lowered his head and looked at the corpse on the ground in front of him.

"The problem is not this, but the real cause of Shimada Shinobu's death. How did a person with his head twisted [-] degrees run all the way from the rented house to the road three kilometers away, and was hit by a car?" It's on.

Chapter 921 Usami

The black glass curtain building standing in the dark night is the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department building that is in charge of public security work in the world-renowned metropolitan city, that is, Tokyo.Through the glass door of the front entrance, you can see the entrance hall with a height of about several floors.

At this time, it was summer time, and the temperature and humidity outside would make people sweat profusely just by walking a little. Despite the weather outside, Usami was still wearing a formal suit, with a trace of unfashionable atmosphere from head to toe.

Then again, Yu Zuojian himself is indeed exceptional. At a young age, he has almost made his way to the sky. Now he is the youngest police department of the Metropolitan Police Department, a genuine senior superintendent.

Right now, Usami is alone. Holding a leather briefcase, he presses the elevator button on the fifth floor, and is taking the elevator to his office on the fifth floor.Ding dong! The elevator made a soft sound.

The door opened automatically.

After stepping out of the elevator, you can see a white corridor extending to the left and right. The heavy doors are arranged in an orderly manner, and the name of the department is displayed on each door.

There is no window between the door and the wall that allows people to peek into the interior of each compartment, but even if you don't look carefully, you can conclude that there is no one inside.This floor exudes a strange atmosphere, which is almost incompatible with the environment of the Metropolitan Police Department building.The entire space is lifeless and extremely cold, as if this place is a prison sealed deep in the earth.It's not the first time for Usami to come to this place, but every time he comes here, he will secretly be surprised that this place is more deserted than what he saw anywhere in the Metropolitan Police Department building.

In fact... there are several departments on the fifth basement floor of the Metropolitan Police Department building. They will be arranged in such a deep fifth basement floor. It is conceivable that these departments] themselves are typical bench departments. What Zuo Jian is going to next is the cold bench among the cold-blooded party, the police data history compilation room dubbed "Qingshui Yamen" by all parties.

As soon as the door is opened, what comes to us is the smell of documents and files that have been stored for many years.

A large amount of information and documents are lined up on the gray shelves one after another.

In this "police history compilation room".Half of the records are privately referred to as "crap"

The official also has a vague rhetoric. That is "non-recognized incident records".

Although the police will also record these cases separately, they will not deal with them as formal cases. In most cases, they will become a football game between various departments.In the end, these "unrecognized event records" will all be gathered here and become part of countless abandoned files.

For example, on the highway at midnight. The confession of the bosozoku who was overtaken by a man riding a heavy motorcycle without a head: The police who received the report would report the above incident, but no one would believe it even if it was recorded , and no one will specialize in forensic investigations.

However, who can say that those records are really "non-existent things", and most of the police who made the transcripts and audio recordings were just based on common sense and classified it as a useless case without any meaning. What is the real situation?

I remember asking this question myself.

"Maybe it's just that we're ignoring the facts, maybe the old woman running around, maybe the victim who got run over and got tangled up in the body of the car

At that time, Kotaro Torikai, the senior who was eating ramen, said this casually.

"Confirming the various possibilities of the above-mentioned incidents, and properly classifying the huge number of files may become the key to solving the case in the future. The purpose of the existence of that weird police history compilation room is also for this. Once, Yu Zuo Jianhui chose to come here to straighten out a recent "case".

This case is currently only classified as a traffic incident.Judging from the files uploaded to the computer and the recorded statements, there is nothing particularly complicated about the whole case. The whole process of the case is just that someone ignored the traffic lights in the middle of the night and was hit by a moving car.The question is, is that really the case? At least he doesn't think so after seeing the dead body.

What's more, the horrifying pictures seen from the surveillance video made Usami even more suspicious of this case.

He originally planned to continue straight, but was warned by his boss at this time.

"See you, Yuzuo. That's the end of this case, don't keep straightening it up.

Usami was very surprised to hear what his immediate boss said.

He knows his boss very well. He knows that the other party is a workaholic and has a strong sense of responsibility for the case.

How could such a person give up a case full of doubts so easily.

"About this case, it can basically be determined that it is a traffic accident. Someone from above has spoken, let us not continue the investigation. You will sort out the relevant files in the near future and hand them over to the 'police records compilation office!'" What ?!

Submitting it to the "Police History Compilation Office", isn't this equivalent to being a cold official?

Hearing his boss's words, Yu Zuojian frowned involuntarily, but next, he wanted to say something, he noticed an ashtray that looked like a sea urchin thorn on his boss's desk

(With this person's personality, how could he compromise with the rude request from above? After all, he is from the Miaojian Academy family. Although it seems that many years ago, he severed ties with that family, but when he was young, he was a famous scholar Hot.....) A place like the police world also hides all kinds of power struggles, and also hides some political and interest darkness, but my boss is by no means the kind of person who will easily compromise.

He would let himself abandon the case, there must be other intentions.Usami nodded bluntly and exited the room.

Just after Yu Zuojian left, the boss seemed to be talking to himself.

"I've done what you said, so there's nothing wrong with that?"


A woman's voice sounded strangely in the office where there was only one person.

"That's exactly what we need.

Chapter 922 It is forbidden to take out

Of course Yu Zuojian didn't know about his boss's strange behavior.His main purpose of coming to the police records compilation office was to straighten out the files that had been collected before. Besides that, he also wanted to find some files that had been collected in the past.

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