The team has six places, Mu Xiaoxiao's team currently has three people, and there are still three vacancies, but if it is Yae Sakura sisters, the vacancies are not enough at all, but if Xing wants to join the team, he will still agree. As for what to do in the future, I can only find a way to get a guild scroll.

Arturia was full of resentment, and she couldn't really refuse, so she had no choice but to agree.

"Little? Aren't you going?"

"I'm going to participate in a solo mission."

Mu Xiaoxiao shrugged, "I can't go with you guys, but I have given Liya the title and authority of vice-captain, so she can just take you there."

"Single missions, we've already formed a team, so there's no need to participate in this kind of mission, right?" Xing looked at Mu Xiaoxiao in confusion.

"Well, try to participate as much as you can, after all, I'm different from other reincarnations, and I need to use my super fusion, so..." Mu Xiaoxiao scratched her head and smiled, "It's okay, I'm very tired now. It's strong."

Not to mention the continuation of the battle, the Blinding Dog Eye buff has improved him more than a little.

For solo tasks, Mu Xiaoxiao is still very confident.

"Well then, be careful, when we come back, we will all gather here."

What you said is very dangerous, Mu Xiaoxiao smiled embarrassingly.

After the three left, he sorted out his props, and then teleported to the mission space.

This week's single-player mission, let's start!

In the mission space, Mu Xiaoxiao was teleported over.

Now the first batch of reincarnated recruits in the main god space has ended, and the new reincarnators are gradually being eliminated.

But now that the Lord God Space has just opened, the reincarnators are generally of a relatively low level, and the number of senior senior reincarnators is very rare, and among the first batch of reincarnators, as long as they can grow up, they will definitely be a giant in the future.

Mu Xiaoxiao, who had just become a junior samsara, was teleported to the mission space, and she didn't know what level the samsara participated in this time.

Then Mu Xiaoxiao heard a surprised voice.


Turning his head, a somewhat familiar long-haired girl came into view.

"Little buried?"

Chapter 150: Single Mission, Acquaintances

That cute girl with long hair is undoubtedly buried in the soil. The newcomer reincarnation I met in the giant world back then has a lot of friendship.

After not seeing each other for a while, Mu Xiaoxiao felt that the girl's temperament had undergone some changes. If she was a pure high school girl at the beginning, now Doma Buried has a trace of earthly aura on her body, but it is also Just a little bit, basically nothing changed.

But being able to see the soil buried here means that she has survived the following tasks?

For a high school girl, this is not an easy task. After all, she has nothing else to rely on except the reincarnation treasure box that Mu Xiaoxiao gave her...

"Xiao Xiao? I actually met you here," Doma Buried was also surprised, and hurried over, "We actually met together, isn't this luck?"

For Mu Xiaoxiao's strength, Tu Jianbu is still very clear. Although he is not as good as Blue Rabbit, he is much stronger than himself. This time the task may be able to hold his thighs. Tu Jianbu is a little excited.

"It's a bit of a coincidence," Mu Xiaoxiao sized up the girl in front of her, "I haven't seen you for a while, and you have become stronger, Xiaobu. It seems that you are doing well here?"

"It's okay." Speaking of this, Doma buried a wry smile, "I stayed in the main god's space for a while... I almost forgot what it was like to live a peaceful life before..."

Sure enough, for ordinary people, the pressure here is still too much, Mu Xiaoxiao thought, wondering if Chino and the others could bear it.

Well, after forming a team, it should be much better.

"But you don't have to worry about me, you know I'm a genius!"


"Yes, you don't know, I'm a game genius!"


Mu Xiaoxiao was speechless for a while.

"Actually, if you think about it from another angle, it's enough to treat this main god's space as a game." Doma buried his fists, "I won't lose to anyone in playing games! That's why I persisted until now."

I have to say, you won, and you treated this Lord God Dimension as a game... In fact, you are right, the only difference is that compared to the game, there is no infinite resurrection here.

"Besides, since I'm participating in the same mission as you, Xiaoxiao, then I can hug my thighs!" Buried Tuma laughed, and said without any hesitation, "Xiaoxiao, let me hug my thighs, how about it?"


Seeing the words that Tu Jianbu didn't want a little bit of integrity, he gave her a faint look, "You are so shameless, what else can I say."

"What shamelessness? Taking care of each other is a matter of course in our relationship," Doma said, suddenly a pair of eyes looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, "Speaking of which, Xiaoxiao, how old are you this year?"

"Why do you ask this suddenly? Fifteen years old?"

"Smaller than me!" Tumabu didn't expect it, looked at him in surprise, and then looked smug, "In this case, you should listen to my sister's words even more!"


When these two people were whispering, the reincarnated people around were looking at Mu Xiaoxiao and Tu Jianbu. It was mainly because these two people seemed to know each other that they attracted their idea, and Tu Jianbu's cute face was also very attractive. Sight, as for Mu looks quite ordinary, there is nothing to pay attention to.

But a few of those reincarnations were secretly vigilant, always feeling that the young reincarnation was unusual.

After finally calming down Xiao Bu, Mu Xiaoxiao turned her attention to the surrounding reincarnations, including her own total of eight reincarnations. To be more concerned, the aura of those reincarnated people is not simple.

"That person... seems a little familiar," Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly focused on one of the women and frowned.

Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes kept on the beautiful woman, Tu Jianbu looked at him with some contempt, "I said you, why are you staring at others? Did you fall in love with her?"

"No, it's just a little familiar..."

"Tch, as long as it is a beautiful woman, you are familiar with it, right?"


Although he was a little speechless about the ridicule buried in the earth, Mu Xiaoxiao still looked away, it was impolite to keep staring at him, um... he was also a little embarrassed to see the other party looking over.

Xiaobu is still at the level of a newcomer reincarnation. It is estimated that there are many newcomers among these reincarnations, but even the newcomers should have experienced one or two missions. After it's over, it shouldn't exist anymore.

"Haha, the reincarnators who participated in this mission seem to be quite weak." Among the reincarnators, a dark man laughed. "I don't know how many are newcomers, but it seems that there are quite a few."

The haughty expression on this dark man's face is clear at a glance. This kind of naked contempt makes the faces of the reincarnations very ugly. It seems that the reincarnations with ugly faces are probably newcomers, but they are not happy, but No one dared to speak back.

At least those newcomers to reincarnation are not too brave.

"I hope you don't disturb me during the mission, otherwise I don't mind saving a few more reincarnation treasure chests." It was a cold threat at first, but this kind of threat based on strength is very effective. Looking at those few The reincarnated person who was silent like a cicada seemed to be frightened.

Of course, there are also a few reincarnations who don't care.

On the one hand, his own strength is not weak, on the other hand, so what if he shouted fiercely here?Combat is forbidden in the mission space, and now he can only yell.

"Boy, it seems that your strength is not weak." The dark man looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, "Would you like to cooperate later?"

Although Mu Xiaoxiao doesn't look like a mountain, but seeing his calm appearance, it is not easy to guess that he is not easy. What's more, there is a beautiful girl beside him!

Pretty girls will attract attention, and even Mu Xiaoxiao is noticed by others, which is normal.

"Not interested," but Mu Xiaoxiao refused, glanced at him, and said lightly.

Tu Jianbu knew a little about Mu Xiaoxiao, and knew that he was very cold in front of outsiders, so it was not surprising.

But the dark man felt uncomfortable for a while, "Could it be possible that I have been underestimated? Boy, if you can get the favor of my uncle Heilang, don't toast or eat fine wine."

Although the tone is also very flat, the threat in it is self-evident.

Although Mu Xiaoxiao is cold and taciturn in front of outsiders, and hates trouble even more, it doesn't mean that he is afraid of trouble. At this time, he can't keep silent when he is threatened by pointing his nose. He glanced at this dark man named Hei Lang, faintly He spit out two words, "Stupid."


In an instant, Hei Lang's face turned into a pig liver color, and his eyes were completely gloomy, "Hehe, very good... Arrogant boy, I remember..."

This idiot, is he too self-aware? Mu Xiaoxiao ignored him, thinking to himself, there are so many reincarnations in the main god space, and it is not uncommon for those reincarnations who have gained great power to have too much self-awareness.

But Mu Xiaoxiao was never afraid of finding fault.

Tu Jianbu on the side looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, and laughed for a while, which made Hei Lang's face even uglier.

"Xiao Xiao, you are so interesting, you actually swear."

"No one swears a word these days, although I seldom say it." It's not because Mu Xiaoxiao doesn't like swearing, but because he rarely communicates with outsiders, so naturally he doesn't have the opportunity to swear. He won't swear when girls are together.

"I know, it's just that it's so interesting, idiot... ah ha ha ha! It's so fun to see that guy getting mad at you."


This is just a small episode, although the black wolf's gaze has been on him vaguely, probably staring at him, Mu Xiaoxiao doesn't care, but... he actually revealed his name, could it be said that he is very famous ?

The name Hei Lang is not very famous, but it is also well-known in the ears of some reincarnations, and its strength is not bad.

A young man among these reincarnators seemed to have heard of Hei Lang's name before, and glanced at him a few times.

"Xiao Bu, be careful..." Mu Xiaoxiao was not afraid, only afraid that Xiao Bu would suffer heavy blows in his hands.

"I'll be careful, it's not the first time I came in." Xiaobu gave Mu Xiaoxiao a blank look, thinking of when he just came in, the corner of his mouth twitched, "Anyway, Xiaoxiao, you will protect me, I'm at ease Just hug your thighs."


"Starting to publish the mission of the main god, please check it in the mission interface..."

"World Type: [Fairy Tale World]

Mission Mode: [Peace Mode] (Reincarnators die without dropping any items)


——Main task: [Fulfill the wish of a fairy tale character] ——Sub-task: [Look for fairy tales, the number is not limited]

Completion Reward: [Distribute rewards based on evaluation]

Task time limit: [100 days]

Failure penalty: [Eradicate! 】

Difficulty: [C]

Tip: [Fairy tales are not necessarily deceptive]


Seeing this task, everyone froze for a moment.

fairy tale?

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