Five cuts! ?

Brush brush brush brush!

Gui Yanye's sword light was sharp and threatening, and it collided with Leksard's protective shield, making a rapid collision sound.

"Bo missiles!"


Continuous waves of missiles blasted out from the opponent's palm, and bombarded Gui Yanye densely. The girl had to give up the attack and began to avoid these threatening wave missiles. She was different from Rexxar. , If you don't die, you have to peel off your skin. It is very dangerous to be hit several times in a row.


One didn't pay attention, and a wave of missiles came in front of him.

Gui Yanye's pupils shrank.

"Cross Slash!?"


However, before she could breathe a sigh of relief, she suddenly saw several waves of missiles from that guy blasting towards the world.

"not good!"

"Boom boom boom boom!?"

The sound of the explosion enveloped the Xiyuan Temple world, but before Rexxar could laugh, the smoke cleared, and the peaceful and speechless Xiyuan Temple world appeared in front of the two of them, protected by the same protective shield as him. her.

It's fine, Yan Ye heaved a sigh of relief, while Rexxar's face darkened.


The world of Xiyuan Temple noticed the flaw of Rexxar for a moment, and the three hook jades spun, illusion!

Sangouyu can use illusion, but it is much worse than Yuedu, not so aggressive, and illusion itself is not strong, but interference can still be done, as long as it can interfere with the other party, let Yan Ye launch a fatal attack hit……

So now is the time!

Gui Yanye seems to have a connection with the world of Xiyuan Temple, and she shines brightly.

The Raptor Severed the Air! ?


The whole person turned into an extremely fast afterimage, and the fast Rexxar had no chance to react, so he was bumped up by Gui Yanye, and the long sword in his hand cut him into the air.

"Boom boom boom!?"


Gruesome wounds appeared on the body, and blood spattered. With the cooperation of the two women, it finally succeeded!


The world jumped up excitedly, but Yan Ye did not relax, "No, he is still alive!"


Rexxar, covered in blood, stood up with a smile on his face. Even though his body was completely pierced, he was still alive. With a flash of green light energy on his body, most of his injuries healed in an instant.

"It's really dangerous. If I hadn't used Hold Up first, I might have died..."

【Hold on】: Even if attacked, it will leave at least 1HP, and if it is used continuously, it will easily fail.

This skill is also a magical skill, and it can hold his life every time at a critical moment.

The most important thing is that he noticed the plan of those two people. Now that he knew that she had Sharingan, how could he not take precautions?

But then again, illusions are really dangerous, if you get tricked again... It's impossible for you to use your hold skill every time, if you fail...

Therefore, there must be a way to deal with it, and the easiest way is to.

"Mysterious guardian!"

Rexxar smiled sinisterly, a translucent mirror flickered on his body, mysteriously guarding this ability, which can be immune to all abnormal states, illusions, of course, are included!

Standing firm and being guarded mysteriously, after seeing Rexxar's preparations, Gui Yanye and Xiyuan Temple World were a little desperate.

Is it too rambunctious?

The skills of these elves are really...

It was so comprehensive that they were at a loss for a while.

Illusion is useless, now what to do?

Just when Yan Ye was at a loss, Rexxar launched an attack.

"Die! Water cannon!"

A huge water polo was condensed in his hand, and he pushed it out with a 'boom', and with a huge pressure and momentum, he came to Gui Yanye.


At this moment, the world of Xiyuan Temple used exactly the same water cannon, which bombarded with the opponent's water cannon and canceled it out.

"Yan Ye, back off, let me come next!"

The world came up and said.

Chapter 472: The moving humanoid aphrodisiac

Gui Yanye recovered from the sluggishness, "I can still fight, the world..."

"Then let's go together." This time, they were really forced into a desperate situation. Xiyuan Temple World and Gui Yanye knew this very well, but the two women did not regret it, but a little regret. This may be the last battle. Perhaps, he will die here, and even Xiao Xiao will never be seen again.

But, no matter what, you can only fight!

"It's such an amazing courage, even I can't help admiring it," Rexxar narrowed his eyes, and focused his gaze on Xiyuanji World, "I almost forgot that Sharingan has the ability to copy, It seems that the biggest threat is still you."

The world of Xiyuan Temple smiled wryly. It’s not as simple as it is said. Although Sharingan can be copied, it requires a lot of pupil power and energy, and the copy is only temporary, and it cannot be learned permanently at all, but this ability It is also very strong.

"But it's a pity that the person you met was me."

Rexxar stretched out his hand, "One hundred thousand volts!?"

"One hundred thousand volts!"

The Sharingan of the world was spinning, and the same thunder and lightning blasted out of his hand.

"Hmph, water cannon!"


Another offset, Rexxar was not angry, but laughed instead.

"The next step is the highlight, destroying the death light!?"

"Destruction of Death Light!"

boom--! ?

Xiyuan Temple World suddenly froze, and her body froze.

"Ahahaha, destroying the death light has side effects, idiot," he laughed, "Now, go to hell! Bo missile!"

"Cross Slash!"

Gui Yanye's cross cut came in response, and helped her block the blow, making Rexxar snort, with an unhappy expression on his face.

"You... why don't you... freeze?"

Xiyuan Temple World asked in disbelief.

"Hmph, have you forgotten something? As a reincarnation, do I only have this ability?"

Rexxar sneered, his other two abilities, title and talent to be precise, are not weaker than Pokémon skills!

[Overlord]: A-level title, greatly enhances strength, suppresses the opponent's certain strength attributes during battle, and can recover a small amount of physical strength [Hero's Asylum]: SS-level talent, reduces all damage received by half, has a high chance Immune to negative effects, and at the same time nullify the side effects of all his abilities. The hero's protection allows him to reduce damage by 50%, and at the same time, all the side effects of his own skills are nullified. This talent is quite powerful. It makes many elves' skills have no side effects. very big.

Needless to say, the damage reduction, if it wasn't for the damage reduction, he might have been cut in half by Gui Yanye's raptor.

And that title of Overlord is also Rexxar's trump card.

Compared with using special moves, Rexxar is best at physical moves, melee combat, because of the effect of the title of Overlord, it can also restore physical strength, which is perfect.

Your Sharingan can be copied, so copy my attributes?

"Move at high speed!"

"Sword Dance!"

"Shadow Clone!"

Rexxar is going to crush the past with his own strength, using his best melee combat, since you are so good at copying, then come and melee melee.

With the melee combat that I am good at, plus the blessing of these changing moves, crush the past!

Seeing Rexxar using a few skills, Shiji Yanye's face turned green.

"Stop him now!"

But it was already too late, Rexxar used these skills almost instantly, and Rexxar grinned, "Next... get ready to meet my stormy attack! Bullet Punch!"

The fist that was as fast as the wind blasted like a bullet, Xiyuan Temple World also copied this move, but her bullet fist was completely defeated by Rexxar, and the severe pain came from the arm, Xiyuan Temple Shi Shi's body flew out and smashed hard on a big tree.


"Cough cough..."


World coughed bloodshot, with a wry smile on her face, this power was not something she could resist at all, her own strength was not as good as the opponent's, plus the blessing of those changing moves, no, the most important thing was the opponent's unknown talent ability, which got them into trouble.

Now I and Yan Ye are in a hard fight, no, even my life...

Give up the task?But the task punishment... The world shook its head, this Rexxar is indeed a high-level reincarnation, with so many powerful abilities, they are powerless, if their eyes can evolve...

Evolve into a kaleidoscope!

The only opportunity now is the kaleidoscope, as long as it evolves to the kaleidoscope Sharingan, then there will be a qualitative leap, and it will definitely be able to deal with him!

Looking forward, Yan Ye and Rexxar were already fighting together. However, that Rexxar had completely suppressed Yan Ye before he could use teleportation. If he used teleportation, the two of them would almost certainly die.

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