Mai Sakurajima, Shoko Makinohara, Rokka Takata and Alice the match seller, these four ordinary girls are about to usher in their first mission.

No, they have already ushered in their first mission.

In the dim mission space, four girls were teleported here. Except Mai Sakurajima and Shoko Makinohara, who they knew, the other two did not know each other. Baota Liuhua was very nervous now, and was suddenly teleported here , Lord God Space or something...

Who knew that game could be so dangerous!It's a life-threatening game!

If I knew this earlier, why would I be so cheap? !

However, could it be said that Xiaoxiao is here?Otherwise, he wouldn't have appeared in the promotional video...

While Takata Rokka was thinking, Shoko and Mai looked at them, um, strangers, not reborn.

But it's all girls, which is a bit unexpected.

Alice was equally surprised, they were all beautiful girls, and they didn't look fierce, so they shouldn't be very dangerous, right?

"Everyone should be aware of our current situation, right?" Mai Sakurajima spoke first, "We should all be reincarnations who have just entered here, so maybe we can help each other in the first mission."

The main reason was that the two girls didn't look very dangerous. Mai and Xiangzi's expressions eased a lot, but for the sake of safety, they didn't say their names.

"Hello, my name is Alice..."

Alice lowered her head and said in a low voice.

Such a small little girl actually came in, and she didn't seem to have a sense of crisis at all, so she said her name just like that.

It's just a name, even if you know it, you can't do anything, at most you can remember it in your heart.

"My name is...cough," Baoduo Liuhua still maintained a semblance of reason, and did not say his name, "Please give me more advice."

The four girls met under such circumstances.

Sitting in the space of her own home, Mu Xiaoxiao had several virtual interfaces in front of her, showing Baoduo Liuhua and other four girls, like a live broadcast, broadcasting their every move in real time, one girl in each window , Everyone's every move is under control.

What about Mu Xiaoxiao?

Lying on the grass while eating snacks, while peeping at them.

"Master, you can release the mission now."

"Well, I have already decided on the mission world this time. As for the world of Touma Kazusa, the mission..."

Stretch out your hand a little, a virtual interface pops up, and then zoom in, Mu Xiaoxiao taps a few times in the void, and the task is set.


Mu Xiaoxiao stood up and raised the corner of her mouth, "Let Xiangzi Liuhua and the others experience what I went through back then!"

Four lovely girls are about to become murderous wanted criminals.

The new Battle Royale, open again!

Chapter 653: Beautiful wanted criminal

In the ordinary world, if you want to increase the difficulty of the task, you must suppress the strength of the reincarnation, but Xiangzi and the others are basically ordinary girls without any strength.

Shoko Makinohara's little anger is almost useless, mainly relying on the rewards of the novice lottery.

These rewards were specially provided by Mu Xiaoxiao, so the help was not small, and the difficulty of the task was not so exaggerated, but it was not low.

If something unexpected happens, I can protect them. After all, I will go to that world later. On the one hand, I am optimistic about their mission, and on the other hand, I want to see Touma and Sa.

After the task was set, Mu Xiaoxiao checked it.

World type: [? ? ? 】

Mission Mode: [Free Mode]


——Main task: [As a wanted criminal, escape from the police and survive for ten days! ]——Sub-quests: [None]

Completion reward: [? ? ? 】

Task time limit: [ten days]

Failure penalty: [Eradicate! 】

Difficulty: [B]

Reminder: [Poor ants, struggle! 】

Except for the difficulty, he can set this task at will, and the main task that Mu Xiaoxiao deliberately set is similar to the one he had originally.

"I didn't expect that there is a difficulty of B... not a lot," Mu Xiaoxiao muttered, "Although I really hope it is a difficulty of A... Do you want to find a way to increase the difficulty?"

Forget it, so be it, increasing the difficulty may really be dangerous.

As for the punishment for failure, Alice Liuhua and the others were frightened, but Mu Xiaoxiao didn't take it seriously. Although it showed obliteration, could she really obliterate them?Of course it's impossible, since I'm here, I'll protect them when I'm in danger.

Of course, it's best not to have this happen too often, because the evaluation will drop.

"Wanted...have we become wanted..."

Xiangzi and Mai are okay, they have experienced various missions in their previous lives, but Liuhua and Alice are embarrassed, they are so nervous by such missions, they become wanted criminals, and they have to be chased by the police. Is it too miserable?

For a girl, it is indeed a bit miserable.

"This kind of task, there is no conflict between us, perhaps, we can help each other."

"Help each other..."

Baoduo Liuhua nodded. Indeed, he suddenly became a wanted criminal and was chased by the police. If he didn't cooperate, even if he had lucky draw props, it would be difficult to survive these ten days.

Alice had no objection either, she nodded timidly, seeing this cute little loli, Xiangzi and the others had a lot of affection, the four girls got along surprisingly harmoniously, that's right, after all, they were chosen by themselves It was selected carefully, Mu Xiaoxiao raised the corner of her mouth and smiled, and the task reminder was actually just a simple evil.

Well, the mission begins!

Looking forward to your performance.

Mu Xiaoxiao snapped his fingers, watched the four girls slowly disappear, and after being teleported to the world of Dongma and Sha, he stood up and patted the dust on his body, "Then, I should go too, Come and see Hesha by the way."

He also disappeared into the home space.


The main god task, the reward does not need to be paid by Mu Xiaoxiao, the task can also be set by oneself, and she can also obtain the power of the world. No matter how you look at it, it is a free whoring, but it is not.

Allowing the girls to travel through time and space to another world requires the consumption of fantasy power.

For example, Baoduo Liuhua does not need any consumption to travel to the space of the main god, or to travel back to his own world, but to travel to the world of Touma and Sha, it needs to consume a certain amount of fantasy power.

There is also Hesha, traveling to other worlds requires the consumption of fantasy power, but returning to one's own world does not require any consumption.

Moreover, the stronger the strength, the greater the consumption.

Of course, as the host of the main god system, Mu Xiaoxiao does not need any consumption.

Now the four girls of Liuhua and the others travel to the world of Hesha, and each of them only needs 50 fantasy power.

However, if this mission fails, it will be tantamount to wasting 200 fantasy power, so at least you can't make ends meet, this mission must be completed!

"This is the Asahi Shimbun. Now we are releasing an urgent message. Just ten minutes ago, the police had locked the identities of the four suspects. Now that we are officially releasing the arrest warrants, we have to identify the arrest suspects as soon as possible. Unexpectedly, these four cruel wanted criminals turned out to be four seemingly innocent and harmless girls..."

Touma Hesha, who was sitting on the sofa at home, looked a little surprised while watching TV.

"A wanted criminal again... a girl? She can't be a reincarnation?"

She has just returned to her own world, and this world has passed for more than a month, but she has disappeared for more than a month, which caused a lot of commotion. Pulled back to reality.

Looking at the number of the caller, his face changed, and he couldn't even care about the news.

Still, she picked up the call.

"Hello? Mom?"

"Hesha! What's going on..."

In a small hotel, four girls, Baota Liuhua, Sakurajima Mai, Makinohara Shoko and Alice, were teleported here.

They are lucky to be surrounded by Mu Xiaoxiao, which is different from Mu Xiaoxiao and others who were thrown on the street. In this small hotel, at least they don't have to worry about being chased all over the map at the beginning of the game, but they have no money , this is a big problem, and the small hotel will not last long.

In addition, compared to the money issue, there is now a more serious issue facing the four girls.

In front of them was an old TV, which showed the Asahi Shimbun just now...

Except for Alice who didn't know what the TV was, the other three girls were all staring at the TV screen.

"The identities of the four wanted criminals have been confirmed. If the general public finds the traces of these four wanted criminals, please notify the public security department immediately. These four wanted criminals have acted viciously and cruelly. For the sake of everyone's safety... Now, Release the identity of the wanted criminal."

"Sakurajima Mai, eighteen years old, killed twelve innocent citizens within a week, and dismembered the corpses, resulting in a sensational Tokyo dismemberment murder case."

A photo of Mai Sakurajima appeared on the screen, and there was an explanation below. Seeing this scene... Mai Sakurajima's face turned green, Tokyo Corpse Murder?Kill your sister!I didn't kill anyone, let alone mutilate a corpse!

However, she had no choice but to acquiesce in the identity of the main god's space.

Secretly gnashing their teeth, though, for sure.

Looking at Xiangzi beside him, he was already suppressing a smile.

"Shoko Makinohara, fifteen years old," and then the second photo appeared on it, it was Shoko Makinohara, "The boss of the Kawaguchi-gumi in Tokyo, and the younger brother of the Kawaguchi-gumi under him hacked up Neek Corporation overnight, He also hunted down Mr. Fukuda, the president of the company, for eight streets, and the reason for the pursuit is unknown, but Mr. Fukuda died tragically at the hands of Shoko Makinohara in the end."

"All the employees of neek Co., Ltd. died tragically. Hundreds of people were not spared, which caused great social panic. Afterwards, the police and the whole city surrounded the Kawaguchi-gumi, but unfortunately the boss of the Kawaguchi-gumi escaped..."

Looking at the dense introduction, Shoko Makinohara opened his mouth wide.


Kawaguchi-gumi boss?I?

Nima, don't play like this, I'm just an ordinary junior high school student, not the boss of the Kawaguchi-gumi!

This time, it was Mai Sakurajima's turn to laugh at Shoko.

"Liuhua Baoduo, sixteen years old, the largest drug lord in the underground organization in Japan. The amount of drugs sold in Japan in the past few years has exceeded [-] tons. Now this big drug lord has been trapped in Tokyo..."

It was Baoduo Liuhua's turn to show Sima's face.

Drug lord?I actually became a drug lord?

She couldn't speak, but felt a strong malice rushing towards her, it must be scary, this world is so scary.

Mai Sakurajima and Mou Zhiyuan looked at Baota Rikka speechlessly after thinking about it, even though they knew it was fake, still hurts.

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